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Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
03-20-2013, 11:45 AM
Post: #1
Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
Genre : Action
Region : US
Format : ISO
Version : v0.7-174-g04d4022
Game ID : ULUS10292
OS : Win
Compatability : Nothing
Notes : -

42:24:578 EmuThread.cpp:74 I[BOOT]: Starting up hardware.
42:24:579 System.cpp:51 I[HLE]: PPSSPP v0.7-174-g04d4022
42:24:579 MemArena.cpp:366 I[MM]: Found valid memory base at 09400000 after 34 tries.
42:24:579 MemMap.cpp:82 I[MM]: Memory system initialized. RAM at 09C80000 (mirror at 0 @ 11400000, uncached @ 11400000)
42:24:639 Loaders.cpp:89 I[LOAD]: Identifying file...
42:24:639 FileSystems\ISOFileSystem.cpp:152 I[FileSys]: Looks like a valid ISO!
42:24:640 PSPLoaders.cpp:80 I[LOAD]: ULUS10292 : Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
42:24:640 PSPLoaders.cpp:136 I[LOAD]: Loading disc0:/PSP_GAME/SYSDIR/EBOOT.BIN...
42:24:640 HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:158 I[HLE]: Kernel and user memory pools initialized
42:24:640 HLE\sceIo.cpp:241 I[HLE]: Starting up I/O...
42:24:640 FileUtil.cpp:200 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path C:\psp\ppsspp\memstick\
42:24:640 FileUtil.cpp:204 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path exists C:\psp\ppsspp\memstick\
42:24:640 FileUtil.cpp:200 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path C:\psp\ppsspp\flash0\
42:24:640 FileUtil.cpp:204 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path exists C:\psp\ppsspp\flash0\
42:24:641 FileUtil.cpp:200 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path C:\psp\ppsspp\memstick\PSP\PPSSPP_STATE
42:24:641 FileUtil.cpp:204 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path exists C:\psp\ppsspp\memstick\PSP\PPSSPP_STATE
42:24:642 HLE\sceKernel.cpp:119 I[HLE]: Kernel initialized.
42:24:654 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:264 I[HLE]: Decrypting ~PSP file
42:24:738 c:\buildagent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\core\hle\../ELF/ElfReader.h:42 I[LOAD]: ElfReader: 0F40B020
42:24:742 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:310 I[HLE]: -----------
42:24:742 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 I[HLE]: Block: 08800000 - 08804000 size 00004000 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
42:24:742 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 I[HLE]: Block: 08804000 - 08c38c00 size 00434c00 taken=1 tag=ELF
42:24:742 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 I[HLE]: Block: 08c38c00 - 0a000000 size 013c7400 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
42:24:744 ELF\ElfReader.cpp:349 N[LOAD]: ELF loading completed successfully.
42:24:839 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:393 I[LOAD]: Module Asura: 00000000 08ad2e9c 08ad2eb4
42:24:839 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:482 I[HLE]: Exporting ent 0 named Asura, 2 funcs, 4 vars, resident 08ad330c
42:24:839 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:704 I[LOAD]: Module entry: 08a85ab0
42:24:840 root         I[BOOT]: EmuThread.cpp:99 Done.
42:26:138 root         I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1501 276 = sceKernelCreateThread(name="user_main", entry=08a85b84, prio=20, stacksize=262144)
42:26:138 root         I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1537 sceKernelStartThread(thread=276, argSize=33, argPtr= 09fffd00 )
42:26:138 root         I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1618 __KernelReturnFromThread : root
42:26:138 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:310 -----------
42:26:138 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 Block: 08800000 - 08804000 size 00004000 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
42:26:138 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 Block: 08804000 - 08c38c00 size 00434c00 taken=1 tag=ELF
42:26:138 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 Block: 08c38c00 - 08c49000 size 00010400 taken=1 tag=UserSbrk
42:26:138 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 Block: 08c49000 - 09fbfc00 size 01376c00 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
42:26:138 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 Block: 09fbfc00 - 09fffc00 size 00040000 taken=1 tag=stack/user_main
42:26:138 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 Block: 09fffc00 - 0a000000 size 00000400 taken=0 tag=stack/root
42:26:138 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:900 HACKIMPL sceKernelGetModuleIdByAddress(08a85ab0)
42:26:141 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8a64, 0136ec00, 00040000, fffff000)
42:26:141 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 sceKernelTotalFreeMemSize: %u bytes

42:26:141 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8a8c, 01336c00, 00040000, fffff000)
42:26:141 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 sceKernelMaxFreeMemSize: %u bytes

42:26:141 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ab0, 0122ec00, 00040000, fffff000)
42:26:141 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 Heap size: %i bytes

42:26:160 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1501 290 = sceKernelCreateThread(name="Callbacks", entry=088f947c, prio=10, stacksize=4096)
42:26:160 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1537 sceKernelStartThread(thread=290, argSize=0, argPtr= 00000000 )
42:26:163 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:192 sceKernelVolatileMemTryLock(0, 09fff5b0, 146038452) - success
42:26:334 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff460, 6508143a, 00530000)
42:26:334 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:335 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff460, 6508143a, 00530000)
42:26:335 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:335 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff460, 00530000)
42:26:335 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:338 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff460, 877066b9, 00530000)
42:26:338 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:338 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff460, 877066b9, 00530000)
42:26:338 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:338 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff460, 00530000)
42:26:338 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:339 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, e14df08f, 00440000)
42:26:339 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:339 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, e14df08f, 00440000)
42:26:339 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:348 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff440, 00440000)
42:26:348 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:350 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, f368a649, 004e0000)
42:26:350 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:350 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, f368a649, 004e0000)
42:26:350 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:350 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff440, 004e0000)
42:26:350 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:350 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, 4f614606, 00530000)
42:26:350 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:350 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, 4f614606, 00530000)
42:26:350 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:350 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff440, 00530000)
42:26:350 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:351 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, f68cfb45, 004a0000)
42:26:351 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:351 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, f68cfb45, 004a0000)
42:26:351 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:351 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff440, 004a0000)
42:26:351 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:351 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, efab1e96, 00560000)
42:26:351 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:351 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, efab1e96, 00560000)
42:26:351 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:351 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff440, 00560000)
42:26:351 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:351 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, f4b35c6b, 00480000)
42:26:351 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:351 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, f4b35c6b, 00480000)
42:26:351 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:351 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff440, 00480000)
42:26:351 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:351 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, 557c32e5, 00410000)
42:26:351 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:352 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, 557c32e5, 00410000)
42:26:352 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:352 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff440, 00410000)
42:26:352 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:352 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, 1f1b8a76, 00430000)
42:26:352 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:352 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, 1f1b8a76, 00430000)
42:26:352 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:352 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff440, 00430000)
42:26:352 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:352 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, 2c1c9ec7, 00440000)
42:26:352 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:352 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, 2c1c9ec7, 00440000)
42:26:352 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:352 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff440, 00440000)
42:26:352 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:352 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, 3cfe1cef, 004f0000)
42:26:352 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:365 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, 3cfe1cef, 004f0000)
42:26:365 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:365 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff440, 004f0000)
42:26:365 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:365 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, 1df63245, 004f0000)
42:26:365 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:365 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, 1df63245, 004f0000)
42:26:365 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:365 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff440, 004f0000)
42:26:365 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:365 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, 6fe382af, 00540000)
42:26:365 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:366 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, 6fe382af, 00540000)
42:26:366 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:366 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff440, 00540000)
42:26:366 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:366 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, 9395fa67, 00410000)
42:26:366 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:366 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff440, 9395fa67, 00410000)
42:26:366 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:366 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff440, 00410000)
42:26:366 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:366 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff450, c4ab175e, 00450000)
42:26:366 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:366 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff450, c4ab175e, 00450000)
42:26:366 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:366 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff450, 00450000)
42:26:366 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:368 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff430, 92a44a03, 004e0000)
42:26:368 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:368 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff430, 92a44a03, 004e0000)
42:26:368 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:368 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff430, 004e0000)
42:26:368 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:369 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff370, 3b93ae6a, 002f0000)
42:26:369 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:369 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff370, 3b93ae6a, 002f0000)
42:26:369 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:369 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff370, 002f0000)
42:26:369 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:370 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceSas.cpp:66 sceSasInit(08c36e80, 256, 32, 0, 44100)
42:26:371 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1501 298 = sceKernelCreateThread(name="Atrac File-Cache[0]", entry=088f8ab0, prio=20, stacksize=40960)
42:26:371 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1537 sceKernelStartThread(thread=298, argSize=8, argPtr= 09fff500 )
42:26:371 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1501 301 = sceKernelCreateThread(name="Atrac File-Cache[1]", entry=088f8ab0, prio=20, stacksize=40960)
42:26:371 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1537 sceKernelStartThread(thread=301, argSize=8, argPtr= 09fff500 )
42:26:371 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1501 302 = sceKernelCreateThread(name="Simple-audio thread", entry=089128e4, prio=14, stacksize=32768)
42:26:371 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1537 sceKernelStartThread(thread=302, argSize=0, argPtr= 00000000 )
42:26:381 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff430, f6f1fd34, 00470000)
42:26:381 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:381 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff430, f6f1fd34, 00470000)
42:26:381 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:382 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff430, 00470000)
42:26:382 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:382 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff060, 23655c53, 00470000)
42:26:382 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:382 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff060, 23655c53, 00470000)
42:26:382 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:382 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff060, 00470000)
42:26:382 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:520 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff430, c609155b, 00530000)
42:26:520 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:520 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff430, c609155b, 00530000)
42:26:520 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:520 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff430, 00530000)
42:26:520 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:521 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff460, f139bbf2, 00530000)
42:26:521 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:521 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff460, f139bbf2, 00530000)
42:26:521 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:521 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff460, 00530000)
42:26:521 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:522 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1501 304 = sceKernelCreateThread(name="loading thread", entry=088f8ab0, prio=20, stacksize=40960)
42:26:522 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1537 sceKernelStartThread(thread=304, argSize=8, argPtr= 09fff5c0 )
42:26:522 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff450, c609155b, 00530000)
42:26:522 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:522 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff450, c609155b, 00530000)
42:26:522 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:522 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff450, 00530000)
42:26:522 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:522 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff450, 53fd94b9, 00530000)
42:26:522 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:522 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff450, 53fd94b9, 00530000)
42:26:522 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:523 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff450, 00530000)
42:26:523 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:523 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff450, 0e19dcff, 004d0000)
42:26:523 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:523 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff450, 0e19dcff, 004d0000)
42:26:523 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:523 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff450, 004d0000)
42:26:523 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:619 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff420, af8888b4, 00530000)
42:26:619 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:619 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff420, ffb9bea2, 00530000)
42:26:619 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:619 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff480, d14b5765, 00530000)
42:26:619 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:619 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff480, d14b5765, 00530000)
42:26:619 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:619 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff480, 00530000)
42:26:619 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:620 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff480, 212b628d, 00530000)
42:26:620 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:620 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8ee0, 09fff480, 212b628d, 00530000)
42:26:620 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***WARNING: tgIoOpen() couldn't find file %s (%p) in cache!

42:26:630 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:551 UNIMPL sceKernelPrintf(08ad8f64, 00000000, 09fff480, 00530000)
42:26:630 user_main    E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:552 ***ERROR: sceIoGetstat() returned error code (%x) for file %s!

42:26:750 user_main    I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:386 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
42:26:782 user_main    I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:386 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
42:54:280 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:581 Destroying FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
42:54:280 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:581 Destroying FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
42:54:304 user_main    I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:386 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
42:54:305 user_main    I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:386 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
44:32:897 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:581 Destroying FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
44:32:897 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:581 Destroying FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
44:32:913 user_main    I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:386 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
44:32:917 user_main    I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:386 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
44:34:347 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:581 Destroying FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
44:34:347 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:581 Destroying FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
44:34:369 user_main    I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:386 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
44:34:371 user_main    I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:386 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
44:44:064 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:581 Destroying FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
44:44:064 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:581 Destroying FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
44:44:080 user_main    I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:386 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
44:44:083 user_main    I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:386 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
44:45:896 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:581 Destroying FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
44:45:896 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:581 Destroying FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
44:45:916 user_main    I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:386 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
44:45:918 user_main    I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:386 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
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05-21-2013, 12:17 PM
Post: #2
RE: Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
Updated Log :

14:49:568 EmuThread.cpp:75 I[BOOT]: Done.
14:49:760 FileSystems\ISOFileSystem.cpp:166 I[FileSys]: Looks like a valid ISO!
14:49:765 FileSystems\ISOFileSystem.cpp:166 I[FileSys]: Looks like a valid ISO!
14:49:784 FileSystems\ISOFileSystem.cpp:166 I[FileSys]: Looks like a valid ISO!
14:51:262 EmuScreen.cpp:52 I[BOOT]: Starting up hardware.
14:51:263 System.cpp:70 I[HLE]: PPSSPP v0.7.6-739-gb2701f4
14:51:263 MemArena.cpp:370 I[MM]: Found valid memory base at 07000000 after 25 tries.
14:51:263 MemMap.cpp:82 I[MM]: Memory system initialized. RAM at 07820000 (mirror at 0 @ 0F000000, uncached @ 0F000000)
14:51:300 Loaders.cpp:100 I[LOAD]: Identifying file...
14:51:303 FileSystems\ISOFileSystem.cpp:166 I[FileSys]: Looks like a valid ISO!
14:51:304 PSPLoaders.cpp:67 I[LOAD]: ULUS10292 : Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
14:51:309 PSPLoaders.cpp:129 I[LOAD]: Loading disc0:/PSP_GAME/SYSDIR/EBOOT.BIN...
14:51:309 HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:162 I[HLE]: Kernel and user memory pools initialized
14:51:309 HLE\sceIo.cpp:246 I[HLE]: Starting up I/O...
14:51:309 FileUtil.cpp:204 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\ppsspp1\memstick\
14:51:310 FileUtil.cpp:208 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path exists C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\ppsspp1\memstick\
14:51:310 FileUtil.cpp:204 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\ppsspp1\flash0\
14:51:310 FileUtil.cpp:208 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path exists C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\ppsspp1\flash0\
14:51:313 FileUtil.cpp:204 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\ppsspp1\memstick\PSP\PPSSPP_STATE
14:51:313 FileUtil.cpp:208 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path exists C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\ppsspp1\memstick\PSP\PPSSPP_STATE
14:51:373 HLE\sceKernel.cpp:129 I[HLE]: Kernel initialized.
14:51:411 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:267 I[HLE]: Decrypting ~PSP file
14:51:557 C:\BuildAgent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\Core/ELF/ElfReader.h:42 I[LOAD]: ElfReader: 0D450020
14:51:567 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:310 I[HLE]: -----------
14:51:567 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 I[HLE]: Block: 08800000 - 08804000 size 00004000 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
14:51:567 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 I[HLE]: Block: 08804000 - 08c38c00 size 00434c00 taken=1 tag=ELF
14:51:567 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 I[HLE]: Block: 08c38c00 - 0a000000 size 013c7400 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
14:51:571 ELF\ElfReader.cpp:363 N[LOAD]: ELF loading completed successfully.
14:51:664 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:402 I[LOAD]: Module Asura: 00000000 08ad2e9c 08ad2eb4
14:51:665 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:544 I[HLE]: Exporting ent 0 named Asura, 2 funcs, 4 vars, resident 08ad330c
14:51:666 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:755 I[LOAD]: Module entry: 08a85ab0
14:53:808 root         N[BOOT]: EmuScreen.cpp:97 Loading \\Sfageas\c\psp\Star_Wars_Battlefront_Renegade_Squadron\renegade.iso...
14:53:810 root         I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1839 276=sceKernelCreateThread(name=user_main, entry=08a85b84, prio=20, stacksize=262144)
14:53:811 root         I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1882 sceKernelStartThread(thread=276, argSize=33, argPtr=09fffe00)
14:53:811 root         I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1968 __KernelReturnFromThread: 0
14:53:811 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:310 -----------
14:53:811 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 Block: 08800000 - 08804000 size 00004000 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
14:53:812 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 Block: 08804000 - 08c38c00 size 00434c00 taken=1 tag=ELF
14:53:812 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 Block: 08c38c00 - 08c49000 size 00010400 taken=1 tag=UserSbrk
14:53:812 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 Block: 08c49000 - 09fbfc00 size 01376c00 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
14:53:812 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 Block: 09fbfc00 - 09fffc00 size 00040000 taken=1 tag=stack/user_main
14:53:812 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 Block: 09fffc00 - 0a000000 size 00000400 taken=0 tag=stack/root
14:53:816 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:642 sceKernelPrintf: sceKernelTotalFreeMemSize: 20376576 bytes
14:53:817 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:642 sceKernelPrintf: sceKernelMaxFreeMemSize: 20147200 bytes
14:53:817 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:642 sceKernelPrintf: Heap size: 19065856 bytes
14:53:854 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1839 290=sceKernelCreateThread(name=Callbacks, entry=088f947c, prio=10, stacksize=4096)
14:53:854 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1882 sceKernelStartThread(thread=290, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
14:53:916 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:191 sceKernelVolatileMemTryLock(0, 09fff640, 146038452) - success
14:54:131 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceSas.cpp:66 sceSasInit(08c36e80, 256, 32, 0, 44100)
14:54:133 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1839 364=sceKernelCreateThread(name=Atrac File-Cache[0], entry=088f8ab0, prio=20, stacksize=40960)
14:54:133 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1882 sceKernelStartThread(thread=364, argSize=8, argPtr=09fff590)
14:54:133 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1839 367=sceKernelCreateThread(name=Atrac File-Cache[1], entry=088f8ab0, prio=20, stacksize=40960)
14:54:133 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1882 sceKernelStartThread(thread=367, argSize=8, argPtr=09fff590)
14:54:133 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1839 368=sceKernelCreateThread(name=Simple-audio thread, entry=089128e4, prio=14, stacksize=32768)
14:54:133 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1882 sceKernelStartThread(thread=368, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
14:54:275 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1839 374=sceKernelCreateThread(name=loading thread, entry=088f8ab0, prio=20, stacksize=40960)
14:54:275 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1882 sceKernelStartThread(thread=374, argSize=8, argPtr=09fff650)
14:54:484 user_main    I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:411 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
14:54:515 user_main    I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:411 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
15:09:177 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 272: Thread "idle0": pc= 08000000 sp= 083fff00  READY     (wt=0 wid=0 wv= 00000000 )
15:09:177 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 273: Thread "idle1": pc= 08000000 sp= 083fef00  READY     (wt=0 wid=0 wv= 00000000 )
15:09:177 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 274: Module "Asura": name=Asura gp=00000000 entry=08a85ab0
15:09:177 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 275: Thread "root": pc= 08000014 sp= 09fffe00     DORMANT  (wt=0 wid=0 wv= 00000000 )
15:09:177 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 276: Thread "user_main": pc= 089041c4 sp= 09fff3c0 RUN      (wt=0 wid=0 wv= 00000000 )
15:09:177 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 277: MemoryPart "UserSbrk": MemPart: 08c39000 - 08c49400    size: 00010400
15:09:177 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 278: Semaphore "Asura mutex": -
15:09:177 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 279: FPL "Asura": -
15:09:177 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 280: Semaphore "Asura mutex": -
15:09:177 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 281: Semaphore "Asura mutex": -
15:09:177 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 282: EventFlag "Atrac0 finish playing": init=00000000 cur=00000000 numwait=0
15:09:177 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 283: EventFlag "Atrac1 finish playing": init=00000000 cur=00000000 numwait=0
15:09:177 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 284: Semaphore "Asura mutex": -
15:09:177 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 285: Semaphore "Asura mutex": -
15:09:177 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 286: Semaphore "Asura mutex": -
15:09:177 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 287: Semaphore "Asura mutex": -
15:09:177 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 288: EventFlag "Power Ready Event": init=00000000 cur=00000001 numwait=0
15:09:177 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 289: Semaphore "Asura mutex": -
15:09:177 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 290: Thread "Callbacks": pc= 088f95bc sp= 09fbfa90   WAIT    (wt=2 wid=290 wv= 00000000 )
15:09:178 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 291: CallBack "ASURA_POWER_CB": thread=290, argument= 00000000
15:09:178 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 292: CallBack "ASURA_UMD_CB": thread=290, argument= 00000000
15:09:178 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 293: CallBack "ASURA_MEMORYSTICK_CB": thread=290, argument= 00000000
15:09:178 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 294: CallBack "ASURA_EXIT_CB": thread=290, argument= 00000000
15:09:178 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 295: Semaphore "ASURA_IO_SEMA": -
15:09:178 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 362: Semaphore "Asura mutex": -
15:09:178 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 363: EventFlag "File-cache Update Ready": init=00000000 cur=00000000 numwait=1
15:09:178 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 364: Thread "Atrac File-Cache[0]": pc= 088f8c84 sp= 09fbea70   WAIT    (wt=4 wid=363 wv= 00000000 )
15:09:178 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 365: Semaphore "Asura mutex": -
15:09:178 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 366: EventFlag "File-cache Update Ready": init=00000000 cur=00000000 numwait=1
15:09:178 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 367: Thread "Atrac File-Cache[1]": pc= 088f8c84 sp= 09fb4a70   WAIT    (wt=4 wid=366 wv= 00000000 )
15:09:178 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 368: Thread "Simple-audio thread": pc= 08912a60 sp= 09faaa80   WAIT    (wt=10 wid=9 wv= 00000800 )
15:09:178 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 373: EventFlag "loading event": init=00000000 cur=00000000 numwait=1
15:09:178 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 374: Thread "loading thread": pc= 088f8c84 sp= 09fa2a50   WAIT    (wt=4 wid=373 wv= 00000000 )
15:09:178 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:457 KO 390: Semaphore "Asura mutex": -
15:09:178 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:140 Shutting down kernel - 34 kernel objects alive
15:09:178 GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:625 I[HLE]: Destroying FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
15:09:180 GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:625 I[HLE]: Destroying FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
15:09:183 HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:188 I[HLE]: Shutting down user memory pool:
15:09:183 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:310 I[HLE]: -----------
15:09:183 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 I[HLE]: Block: 08800000 - 08c49000 size 00449000 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
15:09:183 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 I[HLE]: Block: 08c49000 - 09e77c00 size 0122ec00 taken=1 tag=FPL
15:09:183 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 I[HLE]: Block: 09e77c00 - 0a000000 size 00188400 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
15:09:183 HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:191 I[HLE]: Shutting down "kernel" memory pool:
15:09:183 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:310 I[HLE]: -----------
15:09:183 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 I[HLE]: Block: 08000000 - 08400000 size 00400000 taken=0 tag=threadrethack
15:09:190 MemMap.cpp:101 I[MM]: Memory system shut down.
15:09:209 Config.cpp:245 I[LOAD]: Config saved: ppsspp.ini
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02-15-2014, 08:32 PM
Post: #3
RE: Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
tested on, looks playable, need more tests
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02-16-2014, 10:42 AM
Post: #4
RE: Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
Moved to In-Game for the moment.

♦ Intel Core i7-6700HQ | 16 GB RAM | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M | Debian Testing
♦ Intel Core i7-2630QM | 4 GB RAM | NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M | Debian Testing
♦ PSP-3004 | 6.60 PRO-C2
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02-19-2014, 10:16 AM (This post was last modified: 02-19-2014 05:37 PM by vnctdj.)
Post: #5
RE: Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
How to download?

Edit by vnctdj : Piracy is not allowed on our forum, please respect the rules.
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02-19-2014, 12:11 PM
Post: #6
Exclamation RE: Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
(02-19-2014 10:16 AM)wufeng9x Wrote:  How to download?
Please read this first

Second DON'T ask again. Dodgy
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09-09-2014, 04:05 AM
Post: #7
RE: Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
Renegade Squadron works on v0.9.7.2 almost perfectly.

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09-17-2014, 06:10 AM
Post: #8
RE: Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
Works perfectly for me on v0.9.9.1
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10-15-2014, 11:08 PM
Post: #9
RE: Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron

♦ Intel Core i7-6700HQ | 16 GB RAM | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M | Debian Testing
♦ Intel Core i7-2630QM | 4 GB RAM | NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M | Debian Testing
♦ PSP-3004 | 6.60 PRO-C2
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11-11-2014, 01:42 AM
Post: #10
RE: Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
(09-17-2014 06:10 AM)MrX4353 Wrote:  Works perfectly for me on v0.9.9.1

yeah i should probably upgradeSmile
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12-27-2014, 06:51 PM
Post: #11
RE: Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
It doesn't work on v0.9.9.1 on Android 4.4.2 (Doesn't start, only a dark screen)
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02-08-2015, 08:16 PM
Post: #12
RE: Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
Hello everyone !
So, with my Xperia Z1, when I was on 9.9.1 version , the game worked perfectly, now I am on 1.0 version and the game works well but crash randomly. Many news settings appreared and I'm a little lost ^^.
I tried to set on default parameters but it is still crashing ...

If someone know how to solve thos problem =p.
(Sorry for my bad english ^^)
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05-21-2015, 11:55 PM
Post: #13
weird thing with renegade squadron
Playing on the shield tablet and it plays great but sometimes it freezes for a second thefps drops to 0 than goes back to normal
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05-22-2015, 11:19 AM
Post: #14
RE: Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron

♦ Intel Core i7-6700HQ | 16 GB RAM | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M | Debian Testing
♦ Intel Core i7-2630QM | 4 GB RAM | NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M | Debian Testing
♦ PSP-3004 | 6.60 PRO-C2
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08-17-2015, 12:04 AM
Post: #15
RE: Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
For some reason, my game crashes consistently when the robot flies in to the training area at the beginning of campaign. Any settings that can fix this?
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