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Dissidia 012: Duodecim Final Fantasy
12-15-2014, 01:14 AM
Post: #973
Used to play normally, now it crashes randomly
Yup, i tried search and didn't find anything
Anyways, i used to play dissidia 012 no prob, over 20hrs of gameplay on ppsspp windows but now it randomly crashes all day long wtf

The only part i don't have to worry about those damn crashes is when i'm fighting, and the crashes take around 10~15 secs do occur ANYWHERE ingame

btw, i tried over and over to make at least 1 log, but nothing appears at ./ppsspp/USER/Logs
maybe i'm missing something?

ppsspp.ini is as follows
FirstRun = False
RunCount = 7
Enable Logging = True
AutoRun = True
Browse = False
IgnoreBadMemAccess = True
CurrentDirectory = C:/Users/Dan/Desktop/Games/ppsspp/ISO/
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VolumeSFX = 7
AudioLatency = 1
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HapticFeedback = True
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ShowTouchCircle = True
ShowTouchSquare = True
ShowTouchTriangle = True
ShowTouchStart = True
ShowTouchSelect = True
ShowTouchLTrigger = True
ShowTouchRTrigger = True
ShowAnalogStick = True
ShowTouchDpad = True
ShowTouchUnthrottle = True
ShowTouchPause = True
IgnoreWindowsKey = False
ShowTouchControls = False
DisableDpadDiagonals = False
TouchButtonStyle = 1
TouchButtonOpacity = 65
ActionButtonSpacing2 = 1.000000
ActionButtonCenterX = 0.875000
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DPadX = 0.148958
DPadY = 0.470588
DPadScale = 1.150000
DPadSpacing = 1.000000
StartKeyX = 0.619792
StartKeyY = 0.873162
StartKeyScale = 1.150000
SelectKeyX = 0.500000
SelectKeyY = 0.873162
SelectKeyScale = 1.150000
UnthrottleKeyX = 0.380208
UnthrottleKeyY = 0.873162
UnthrottleKeyScale = 1.150000
LKeyX = 0.083333
LKeyY = 0.084559
LKeyScale = 1.150000
RKeyX = 0.928125
RKeyY = 0.084559
RKeyScale = 1.150000
AnalogStickX = 0.148958
AnalogStickY = 0.830882
AnalogStickScale = 1.150000
AnalogLimiterDeadzone = 0.600000
EnableWlan = True
PSPModel = 1
PSPFirmwareVersion = 150
NickName = YuutoD
proAdhocServer = localhost
MacAddress = 21:98:92:b8:79:4d
Language = 1
TimeFormat = 2
DateFormat = 1
TimeZone = 0
DayLightSavings = True
ButtonPreference = 0
LockParentalLevel = 0
WlanAdhocChannel = 0
BypassOSKWithKeyboard = False
WlanPowerSave = False
EncryptSave = True
DisasmWindowX = 160
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GEWindowX = 160
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GEWindowW = 776
GEWindowH = 694
ConsoleWindowX = -1
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FontWidth = 8
FontHeight = 12
DisplayStatusBar = True
ShowBottomTabTitles = True
ShowDeveloperMenu = False
SkipDeadbeefFilling = False
FuncHashMap = False
PrescaleUV = False
DisableAlphaTest = True
UpgradeMessage =
UpgradeVersion =
DismissedVersion =
MaxRecent = 30
FileName0 = C:/Users/Dan/Desktop/Games/ppsspp/ISO/pspking-d012dff.ISO
FileName1 = C:/Users/Dan/Desktop/Games/ppsspp/ISO/persona3-memorypsp.ISO
FileName2 = C:/Users/Dan/Desktop/Games/ppsspp/ISO/DJ Max Portable 3.iso
FileName3 = C:/Users/Dan/Desktop/Games/ppsspp/ISO/FateExtraGLOBE.iso
FileName4 = C:/Users/Dan/Desktop/Games/ppsspp/ISO/Hatsune Miku Project Diva.ISO
FileName5 = C:/Users/Dan/Desktop/Games/ppsspp/ISO/Tales of the World Radiant Mythology-memorypsp.iso
FileName6 = C:/Users/Dan/Desktop/Games/ppsspp/ISO/The Legend Of Heroes - Trails In The Sky.iso

Here's a SS:
this one in particular happened when i kept going to and back from story mode

I tried many things, including redumping the game, redownloading the emulator and downloading the game via torrent(I have the UMD anyways, so i don't see the problem)
Really, I give up trying it by myself, please help ;-;
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Used to play normally, now it crashes randomly - danbriito - 12-15-2014 01:14 AM
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