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Gladiator Begins (ULUS-10528)
01-19-2015, 11:51 AM (This post was last modified: 10-17-2016 01:28 PM by LunaMoo.)
Post: #1
Gladiator Begins (ULUS-10528)
I couldn't find any nice cheats for this game, and it was lots of fun to play, so made a few on my own:
_S ULUS-10528
_G Gladiator Begins
_C0 Unlock shops
_L 0xE001FFDE 0x00167370
_L 0x20167370 0x00000000
_C0 Unlock shops [Disable]
_L 0x20167370 0x5440FFDE
_C0 Refining Cheat(choose below)
_L 0xE02000D4 0x00150CE0
_L 0x20150E30 0x00000000
_L 0x20151210 0x00000000
_L 0x20150CF4 0x0A200800
_L 0x20002004 0x449B0000
_L 0x2000200C 0x449B1800
_L 0x20002014 0x0A254341
_L 0x20002018 0x449B2000
_L 0x20151020 0x00000000
_L 0x2015105C 0x00000000
_L 0x201510B0 0x00000000
_L 0x20150D88 0x0A200808
_L 0x20002024 0x0A254364
_L 0x20002028 0x449B0800
_L 0x20151230 0x00000000
_L 0x20150E44 0x00000000
_L 0x201644C8 0x1000011F
_L 0x201510AC 0x10000038
_L 0x201644B0 0x00000000
_L 0x201648E8 0x00000000
_L 0x20164728 0x34030000
_L 0x20164900 0x00000000
_L 0x201512E8 0x00000000
_L 0x201512F0 0x00000000
_L 0x201512F8 0x00000000
_L 0x201512B8 0x00000000
_L 0x201512C0 0x00000000
_L 0x201512C8 0x00000000
_L 0x201511D4 0x00000000
_L 0x201511E0 0x00000000
_L 0x20151120 0x00000000
_L 0x201511E8 0x00000000
_L 0x201511F8 0x00000000
//Requires one of the choosen ones below, also this allows refining any item(even white) with itself:)
_C0 Refining max VIT
_L 0xE0080001 0x10150CE0
_L 0x20150CE0 0x340C0001
_L 0x20150CE4 0x340D0001
_L 0x20150CE8 0x340E0001
_L 0x20150D08 0x340B0001
_L 0x20002000 0x3C1B42C6
_L 0x20002008 0x3C1B42C6
_L 0x20002010 0x3C1B40A0
_L 0x20002020 0x3C1B4248
_C0 Refining max END
_L 0xE0080002 0x10150CE0
_L 0x20150CE0 0x340C0002
_L 0x20150CE4 0x340D0002
_L 0x20150CE8 0x340E0002
_L 0x20150D08 0x340B0002
_L 0x20002000 0x3C1B42C6
_L 0x20002008 0x3C1B42C6
_L 0x20002010 0x3C1B40A0
_L 0x20002020 0x3C1B4248
_C0 Refining max STR
_L 0xE0080003 0x10150CE0
_L 0x20150CE0 0x340C0003
_L 0x20150CE4 0x340D0003
_L 0x20150CE8 0x340E0003
_L 0x20150D08 0x340B0003
_L 0x20002000 0x3C1B42C6
_L 0x20002008 0x3C1B42C6
_L 0x20002010 0x3C1B40A0
_L 0x20002020 0x3C1B4248
_C0 Refining Custom(edit first)
_L 0xE008000x 0x10150CE0 - set "x" to first greek letter: 1 = Sigma, 2 = Theta(or is that Phi?), 3 = Delta,
_L 0x20150CE0 0x340C000x -/
_L 0x20150CE4 0x340D000y - set "y" to second -||-,
_L 0x20150CE8 0x340E000z - set "z" to third -||-,
_L 0x20150D08 0x340B000w - set "w" to 1 - Vit, 2 - End, 3 - Str,
_L 0x20002000 0x3C1Bmmmm - set attack value as "mmmm", max is 99.0 = 0x42C60000, so put first 4 digits - 42C6
_L 0x20002008 0x3C1Bnnnn - set defense(durability) value as "nnnn" -||-,
_L 0x20002010 0x3C1Bvvvv - as above "vvvv" for weight, you want it small, smallest is probably 3.0(4040)
_L 0x20002020 0x3C1Bbbbb - analogically "bbbb" for stat boost, 50.0(4248) is max,
//you could try higher for stat boost since I probably disabled the check for it accidently, but 50.0 is max legit
_C0 Refining Cheat [Disable]
_L 0x20150CE0 0x8E2C00D4
_L 0x20150CE4 0x8E2D00D8
_L 0x20150CE8 0x8E2E00DC
_L 0x20150D08 0x8E2B00E0
_L 0x20150CF4 0xC62000AC
_L 0x20150D88 0xC62100E4
_L 0x20150E30 0xAD6200D4
_L 0x20151020 0xE60100AC
_L 0x2015105C 0xE60100B8
_L 0x201510B0 0xE60000C0
_L 0x20151210 0xAE0400E0
_L 0x20151230 0xE60000E4
_L 0x20150E44 0x5062010D
_L 0x201644C8 0x5440011F
_L 0x201510AC 0x10800038
_L 0x201644B0 0x108200B9
_L 0x201648E8 0x0E251106
_L 0x20164728 0x0064182A
_L 0x20164900 0x00A22823
_L 0x201512E8 0xAE0200E0
_L 0x201512F0 0xE60100E4
_L 0x201512F8 0xE60100E4
_L 0x201512B8 0xE60100E4
_L 0x201512C0 0xE60000E4
_L 0x201512C8 0xE60100E4
_L 0x201511D4 0xAE0200E0
_L 0x201511E0 0xAE0400E0
_L 0x20151120 0xE60000E4
_L 0x201511E8 0xE60100E4
_L 0x201511F8 0xE60100E4
_C0 Unlock Skill Reinforce
_L 0xE002001E 0x0016C324
_L 0x2016C324 0x2C42270F
_L 0x2016C34C 0x00000000
//I actually limit this to 9999(0x270F) to make it safe and because it's boring to set it higher anyway
//pool of points is still affected, but since game does not display negative values, they'll look as positive
//Important: Before disabling this cheat, just to be safe you might want to set your skills to valid levels, althrough this game doesn't seem to care much.
_C0 Unlock Skill Reinforce [Disable]
_L 0x2016C324 0x2C42001E
_L 0x2016C34C 0x0660FFE9
_C0 Free Ability Reinforce
_L 0xE0060020 0x00173898
_L 0x20173898 0x00000000
_L 0x201738B4 0x00000000
_L 0x201738DC 0x00601021
_L 0x20173968 0x34020001
_L 0x201739B8 0x34020001
_L 0x20173A10 0x34020001
//initially I thought max was 200, but apparently higher difficulty on which I tested it does not have such limit,
//so I now broke the difficulty check and while I was at it, also added ability to decrease it to 1 even if we started higher<3
_C0 Free Ability Reinforce [Disable]
_L 0x20173898 0x14400020
_L 0x201738B4 0x1440001C
_L 0x201738DC 0x00641023
_L 0x20173968 0x8C42000C
_L 0x201739B8 0x8C42001C
_L 0x20173A10 0x8C420014
_C0 Free Shop/Doctor
_L 0xE004A023 0x00163D90
_L 0x20163D90 0x0060A021
_L 0x2018611C 0x00000000
_L 0x201318A8 0x00001021
_L 0x20130C80 0x00000000
_C0 Free Shop/Doctor [Disable]
_L 0x20163D90 0x0073A023
_L 0x2018611C 0xAC85023C
_L 0x201318A8 0x8E220054
_L 0x20130C80 0x00431023
_C0 Rank multiplier
_L 0xE005003C 0x001691E0
_L 0x201691E0 0x0A200820
_L 0x201691E4 0xAE51003C
_L 0x20002080 0x00021xxx
_L 0x20002084 0x0A25A47A
_L 0x20002088 0x00621821
//xxx = multiplier:
//040 = x2
//080 = x4
//0C0 = x8
//100 = x16
//140 = x32 etc.
//I don't know if game will be happy if you earn more than one rank in a row,
//so if you don't want to break your save, do not use very high multiplier too early in the game
_C0 Rank multiplier [Disable]
_L 0x201691E0 0xAE51003C
_L 0x201691E4 0x00621821
_C0 Infinite Stamina
_L 0xE001460C 0x000D0FCA
_L 0x200D0FC8 0x460E0000
//Infinite stamina in this game is op, you can corner anyone with this so god mode isn't really needed
_C0 Infinite Stamina [Disable]
_L 0x200D0FC8 0x460C0000
_C0 Groundhog Day
_L 0xE0011821 0x001861C0
_L 0x201861C0 0x00000000
//for younger people that never watched the movie: ~ this stops days from advancing;p
//might be usefull for harder difficulty modes, but I did not actually checked if the game checks it by day or a separate counter yet:3
_C0 Groundhog Day [Disable]
_L 0x201861C0 0x00651821
_C0 Exp multiplier
_L 0xE002A502 0x000DD208
_L 0x200DD208 0x3C1Bxxxx
_L 0x200DD210 0x449BA000
//set xxxx:
//ie 4080 = x4.0
//   41A0 = x20.0
//   42C8 = x100.0
//   43FA = x500.0
//with x500 you can get max level(50) in every technique/stance during a single survival match
_C0 Exp multiplier [Disable]
_L 0x200DD208 0x4600A502
_L 0x200DD210 0x4601A500
_C0 Freeze Timer
_L 0xE0010300 0x0008D668
_L 0x2008D668 0x46000306
//this one is for survival or whatever gives infinite opponents in limited time
_C0 Freeze Timer [Disable]
_L 0x2008D668 0x46140300
_C0 Show must go on
_L 0xE0010000 0x0006184C
_L 0x2006184C 0x46001000
//doubles your rating each time it rises
_C0 Show must go on [Disable]
_L 0x2006184C 0x00000000
_C0 Instant Freedom
_L 0xE0010005 0x0018614C
_L 0x2018614C 0x00000000
//after 1 result screen when returning from the arena
//if you never did it normally ~ it will give you a choice to finish the game early or continue as a free gladiator
_C0 Instant Freedom [Disable]
_L 0x2018614C 0x10400005
_C0 Instant Nicknames
_L 0xE0060040 0x0012CFC4
_L 0x2012CFC4 0x24020023
_L 0x20185E2C 0x340200C8
_L 0x20185E30 0xA0620177
_L 0x2012D468 0x24020035
_L 0x20185E58 0x340200C8
_L 0x20185E5C 0xA08201B2
//if you want "Unknown" prefix change 24020023 to 24020024
//do not try any higher numbers, since other empty prefixes and nicknames are not named
_C0 Instant Nicknames [Disable]
_L 0x2012CFC4 0x24020040
_L 0x20185E2C 0x2C4200C8
_L 0x20185E30 0x38420001
_L 0x2012D468 0x24020040
_L 0x20185E58 0x2C4200C8
_L 0x20185E5C 0x38420001
_C0 X Retries left
_L 0xE0048821 0x0011AE60
_L 0x2011AE60 0x34020008
_L 0x2011AE64 0x00408821
_L 0x2011AE68 0xAC820310
_L 0x2011AE70 0x02002021
//change xx to any other number you want and next time it will be displayed, that new value will be saved
_C0 X Retries left [Disable]
_L 0x2011AE60 0x00408821
_L 0x2011AE64 0x0440FFF1
_L 0x2011AE68 0x02002021
_L 0x2011AE70 0x00000000
_C0 Let me see the item lol
_L 0xE002003C 0x001452E4
_L 0x201452E4 0x00000000
_L 0x201452EC 0x10000009
_C0 Let me see the item lol [Disable]
_L 0x201452E4 0x4604003C
_L 0x201452EC 0x45000009
With the refining cheat, just refine items with themselves even if they're white, as in example:
Max presets for vit, end and str are normally obtainable in game, it just takes ages of farming and luckTongue.
If anything doesn't work and you have same version of the game - after activating cheats, return to cheat menu and leave it again as leaving cheat menu sometimes doesn't activate asm cheats properly the first time.(edit: that should be fixed by now)
Quick Edit: Added a cheat to unlock skill levels, and modified one for free ability reinforce to also unlock it on lower difficulty levels and stuff;3.
Another quick edit: There is one thing I really hated in this game and so I fixed it with "Let me see the item lol", it simply stops the stupid spinning, which is useless since we can just use thumbstick to control it and view it at any angle.
Probably last edit: added unlock shop cheat which should show all items at armorer purchase new menu, actually I wanted to do this earlier, but throught it would be hard because of how this game manages items and did not tried instead increasing inventory slots. I gave it a try today just for the heck of it and it turned out even easier than in other games so here it isTongue.

Edit: This might be rather unsafe code, so I'll post it separately:
_C0 [Experimental] 999 inventory slots
_L 0xE00800D0 0x00163DA8
_L 0x20163DA8 0x340403E7
_L 0x20163DB4 0xAC6400D0
_L 0x20144E2C 0x0A200C00
_L 0x20003000 0x8E0600D0
_L 0x20003004 0x340603E7
_L 0x20003008 0x0A25138D
_L 0x2000300C 0xAE0600D0
_L 0x20077738 0x340803E7
//Godzilla warning: this code might break your game, especially on psp or ppsspp with psp-1000 setting since it potentially makes game use up more memory(not by much through).
_C0 [Experimental] 999 inventory slots [Disable]
_L 0x20163DA8 0x8C6400D0
_L 0x20163DB4 0x00000000
_L 0x20144E2C 0x8E0600D0
_L 0x20077738 0x240801F4
Would be nice if people tested this cheat and posted their results, the cheat could be easily edited to increase the limit even more, you can try and adjust the limit by changing 0x3E7 everywhere in the cheat to whatever you want. Reasons why I set it to 999 are simple - because 4 digits doesn't fit interface too nicely and even if I keep each item x2, it should still be more than enough.:]

As far as consequences go, increasing inventory slots in my limited testing did not caused any issues yet, but did double save size when comparing having 4xx items vs 999 items from around 35kb to 71kb:]. Seems completely safe as far as my testing on ppsspp goes, but still, I just made it right now when I ran out of inventory space trying to get all unique items with weapons and arm/leg-guards x2 and did not tested it too much yet.

^A small show off that the game can store soo many itemsSmile, it saves and loads correctly with it. Note, repeated weapon is not a bug, I just bought alot of it to fill my inventory for testing and as far as I managed to check, there are no issues with them, and I can use my newest and oldest items just fine.

X years later edit:
Turns out I forget about those cheats when mass producing 60fps codes and the one I made for this game broke at least one cheat here as I reused same location to store some code in memory, either way, here's a corrected version in case anyone cares:
_C0 60 fps
_L 0xE00708A6 0x00044B34
_L 0x2000FE68 0x00000000
_L 0x20044B34 0x3C023C89
_L 0x20044B3C 0x0A200400
_L 0x20001000 0x2442893B
_L 0x20001004 0x44821000
_L 0x20001008 0x0A2112D1
_L 0x2000100C 0xE4620774
_C0 60 fps [Disable]
_L 0x2000FE68 0x0E281A43
_L 0x20044B34 0x3C0208A6
_L 0x20044B3C 0xC4420774
_L 0x20260774 0x3D088889
For those that never used any of similar cheat - a warning - if there is one sure thing about fps hacks they can and usually will cause glitches, mostly timing related. Also to minimize the problems it's best to restart emulation and reload game from normal save after enabling/disabling any fps related hacks.

I don't think the problem was caused by exp multiplier, but if anyone will ever have a problem of not getting any exp in the future try this:
_C0 Fix exp
_L 0xE00A1821 0x000F6624
_L 0x200F6624 0x0E200884
_L 0x200F6628 0x02221821
_L 0x20002210 0xC4740000
_L 0x20002214 0x4412A000
_L 0x20002218 0x3C1B7000
_L 0x2000221C 0x0372D82B
_L 0x20002220 0x57600001
_L 0x20002224 0x4480A000
_L 0x20002228 0x03E00008
_L 0x2000222C 0x00000000
_C0 Fix exp [Disable]
_L 0x200F6624 0x02221821
_L 0x200F6628 0xC4740000
It will check exp when game calculates it, detect any unsigned int values of exp above 0x70000000 and reset it to 0 since exp is normally stored as floating point, this means insanely large/leading towards infinity as well as all negative values will be resetted. - Custom PPSSPP Shaders! - simple CE scripts to help creating CWCheats, - CWCheat workarounds.
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01-20-2015, 04:41 PM
Post: #2
RE: Gladiator Begins (ULUS-10528)
Thank you for adding codes for this game, I will update this thread Smile

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03-11-2016, 03:05 AM
Post: #3
RE: Gladiator Begins (ULUS-10528)
err the other cheat doesnt work only unlock shop work properly and do you have cheat for ap and money ?
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03-11-2016, 03:52 PM
Post: #4
RE: Gladiator Begins (ULUS-10528)
@Ravenclaw they definitely worked back when I posted them as I made them specially for PPSSPP, however it's pretty normal for different emulator versions requiring different cheats as emulation constantly improves changing things around. Don't have time to update them now, so if you really want to use any of those cheats that doesn't work in current PPSSPP, just use older emulator version from like a year ago. - Custom PPSSPP Shaders! - simple CE scripts to help creating CWCheats, - CWCheat workarounds.
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03-19-2016, 06:02 AM
Post: #5
RE: Gladiator Begins (ULUS-10528)
(03-11-2016 03:52 PM)LunaMoo Wrote:  @Ravenclaw they definitely worked back when I posted them as I made them specially for PPSSPP, however it's pretty normal for different emulator versions requiring different cheats as emulation constantly improves changing things around. Don't have time to update them now, so if you really want to use any of those cheats that doesn't work in current PPSSPP, just use older emulator version from like a year ago.

i using PPSSPP in my android device, can't you update it i really appreciate if you can because i stuck fight some tough gladiator and i always lose and keep trying and keep lose again and there is older version it ?
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03-21-2016, 03:49 AM
Post: #6
RE: Gladiator Begins (ULUS-10528)
You can always get older builds on android from buildbot, however as far as I checked just now, the cheats are still all working in latest ppsspp.

The only problem I found was related to 60fps cheat which I just updated in the edit above, but it only affected refining cheat as far as I can tell. If you never used it and those cheats just don't work for you then I would guess you're trying to use it in different game version and I can't really help with that.
Through I would say this game is pretty fair without cheats, if you can't handle your opponent just try different moves/skills, all opponents have weaknesses and finding those is huge part of the fun. - Custom PPSSPP Shaders! - simple CE scripts to help creating CWCheats, - CWCheat workarounds.
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03-24-2016, 04:55 AM (This post was last modified: 03-24-2016 07:32 PM by vnctdj.)
Post: #7
RE: Gladiator Begins (ULUS-10528)
(03-21-2016 03:49 AM)LunaMoo Wrote:  You can always get older builds on android from , however as far as I checked just now, the cheats are still all working in latest ppsspp.

The only problem I found was related to 60fps cheat which I just updated in the edit above, but it only affected refining cheat as far as I can tell. If you never used it and those cheats just don't work for you then I would guess you're trying to use it in different game version and I can't really help with that.
Through I would say this game is pretty fair without cheats, if you can't handle your opponent just try different moves/skills, all opponents have weaknesses and finding those is huge part of the fun.

hmm i download it from [Censored] how to check the game version and what version of yours. still stuck also i have low money and ap which is i realize after 32 day which is crowd meter effect how many ap i will received but kinda tired if must restart from beginning again anyway thanks for responds me. PS:i play USA version

Edit by vnctdj : Piracy is not allowed on our forum, please respect the rules.
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10-15-2016, 11:29 AM
Post: #8
RE: Gladiator Begins (ULUS-10528)
Hey guys. Got a question, i activated exp multiplier and it worked perfectly for the single sword and dual sword styles but i can seem to make it work for the other two styles. They're just stuck at lvl 1 . Tried everything but to no avail. Got any suggestions?
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10-15-2016, 01:09 PM
Post: #9
RE: Gladiator Begins (ULUS-10528)
All styles actually use same code for exp where the cheats hooks up so I don't think it could affect only half of them, you probably just don't get any exp for those styles.

Maybe make sure you use correct equipment, shield style requires tower shields(the big rectangle ones, bucklers/round shields does not go towards "shield" style), for pugilist you have to be unarmed meaning both hands have to be completely free. You could also check to have at least 1 skill that can be used for style you want to levelup equipped and use it while fighting.
Another thing probably obvious, but your hits have to connect to reward with exp, hitting opponent's equipement doesn't count, also you aren't rewarded any exp for training either, doesn't matter how much you spend there. - Custom PPSSPP Shaders! - simple CE scripts to help creating CWCheats, - CWCheat workarounds.
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10-16-2016, 06:08 AM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2016 06:21 AM by pervinjocson.)
Post: #10
RE: Gladiator Begins (ULUS-10528)
Yeah ive been doing that except dor the pugilist. I always equip cestus for both hands. But the i always equip tower shields for sheild type but it doesnt lvl up. Gonna try the pugilist right now haha. Dunno what im doing wrong with the shield type though.

Nope still not working for pugilist. The attack connects but no lvl up haha and im using all pugilist skills._S ULUS-10528
_G Gladiator Begins
_C1 Unlock shops
_L 0xE001FFDE 0x00167370
_L 0x20167370 0x00000000
_C0 Unlock shops [Disable]
_L 0x20167370 0x5440FFDE
_C1 Refining Cheat(choose below)
_L 0xE02000D4 0x00150CE0
_L 0x20150E30 0x00000000
_L 0x20151210 0x00000000
_L 0x20150CF4 0x0A200800
_L 0x20002004 0x449B0000
_L 0x2000200C 0x449B1800
_L 0x20002014 0x0A254341
_L 0x20002018 0x449B2000
_L 0x20151020 0x00000000
_L 0x2015105C 0x00000000
_L 0x201510B0 0x00000000
_L 0x20150D88 0x0A200808
_L 0x20002024 0x0A254364
_L 0x20002028 0x449B0800
_L 0x20151230 0x00000000
_L 0x20150E44 0x00000000
_L 0x201644C8 0x1000011F
_L 0x201510AC 0x10000038
_L 0x201644B0 0x00000000
_L 0x201648E8 0x00000000
_L 0x20164728 0x34030000
_L 0x20164900 0x00000000
_L 0x201512E8 0x00000000
_L 0x201512F0 0x00000000
_L 0x201512F8 0x00000000
_L 0x201512B8 0x00000000
_L 0x201512C0 0x00000000
_L 0x201512C8 0x00000000
_L 0x201511D4 0x00000000
_L 0x201511E0 0x00000000
_L 0x20151120 0x00000000
_L 0x201511E8 0x00000000
_L 0x201511F8 0x00000000
_C1 Refining max VIT
_L 0xE0080001 0x10150CE0
_L 0x20150CE0 0x340C0001
_L 0x20150CE4 0x340D0001
_L 0x20150CE8 0x340E0001
_L 0x20150D08 0x340B0001
_L 0x20002000 0x3C1B42C6
_L 0x20002008 0x3C1B42C6
_L 0x20002010 0x3C1B40A0
_L 0x20002020 0x3C1B4248
_C0 Refining max END
_L 0xE0080002 0x10150CE0
_L 0x20150CE0 0x340C0002
_L 0x20150CE4 0x340D0002
_L 0x20150CE8 0x340E0002
_L 0x20150D08 0x340B0002
_L 0x20002000 0x3C1B42C6
_L 0x20002008 0x3C1B42C6
_L 0x20002010 0x3C1B40A0
_L 0x20002020 0x3C1B4248
_C0 Refining max STR
_L 0xE0080003 0x10150CE0
_L 0x20150CE0 0x340C0003
_L 0x20150CE4 0x340D0003
_L 0x20150CE8 0x340E0003
_L 0x20150D08 0x340B0003
_L 0x20002000 0x3C1B42C6
_L 0x20002008 0x3C1B42C6
_L 0x20002010 0x3C1B40A0
_L 0x20002020 0x3C1B4248
_C0 Refining Custom(edit first)
_L 0xE008000x 0e10150VEr
_L 0x20150CE0 0x340C000x
_L 0x20150CE4 0x340D000y
_L 0x20150CE8 0x340E000z
_L 0x20150D08 0x340B000
_L 0x20002000 0x3C1Bmmmm
_L 0x20002008 0x3C1Bnnnn
_L 0x20002010 0x3C1Bvvvv
_C0 Refining Cheat [Disable]
_L 0x20150CE0 0x8E2C00D4
_L 0x20150CE4 0x8E2D00D8
_L 0x20150CE8 0x8E2E00DC
_L 0x20150D08 0x8E2B00E0
_L 0x20150CF4 0xC62000AC
_L 0x20150D88 0xC62100E4
_L 0x20150E30 0xAD6200D4
_L 0x20151020 0xE60100AC
_L 0x2015105C 0xE60100B8
_L 0x201510B0 0xE60000C0
_L 0x20151210 0xAE0400E0
_L 0x20151230 0xE60000E4
_L 0x20150E44 0x5062010D
_L 0x201644C8 0x5440011F
_L 0x201510AC 0x10800038
_L 0x201644B0 0x108200B9
_L 0x201648E8 0x0E251106
_L 0x20164728 0x0064182A
_L 0x20164900 0x00A22823
_L 0x201512E8 0xAE0200E0
_L 0x201512F0 0xE60100E4
_L 0x201512F8 0xE60100E4
_L 0x201512B8 0xE60100E4
_L 0x201512C0 0xE60000E4
_L 0x201512C8 0xE60100E4
_L 0x201511D4 0xAE0200E0
_L 0x201511E0 0xAE0400E0
_L 0x20151120 0xE60000E4
_L 0x201511E8 0xE60100E4
_L 0x201511F8 0xE60100E4
_C1 Unlock Skill Reinforce
_L 0xE002001E 0x0016C324
_L 0x2016C324 0x2C42270F
_L 0x2016C34C 0x00000000
_C0 Unlock Skill Reinforce [Disable]
_L 0x2016C324 0x2C42001E
_L 0x2016C34C 0x0660FFE9
_C1 Free Ability Reinforce
_L 0xE0060020 0x00173898
_L 0x20173898 0x00000000
_L 0x201738B4 0x00000000
_L 0x201738DC 0x00601021
_L 0x20173968 0x34020001
_L 0x201739B8 0x34020001
_L 0x20173A10 0x34020001
_C0 Free Ability Reinforce [Disable]
_L 0x20173898 0x14400020
_L 0x201738B4 0x1440001C
_L 0x201738DC 0x00641023
_L 0x20173968 0x8C42000C
_L 0x201739B8 0x8C42001C
_L 0x20173A10 0x8C420014
_C1 Free Shop/Doctor
_L 0xE004A023 0x00163D90
_L 0x20163D90 0x0060A021
_L 0x2018611C 0x00000000
_L 0x201318A8 0x00001021
_L 0x20130C80 0x00000000
_C0 Free Shop/Doctor [Disable]
_L 0x20163D90 0x0073A023
_L 0x2018611C 0xAC85023C
_L 0x201318A8 0x8E220054
_L 0x20130C80 0x00431023
_C0 Rank multiplier
_L 0xE005003C 0x001691E0
_L 0x201691E0 0x0A200820
_L 0x201691E4 0xAE51003C
_L 0x20002080 0x00021xxx
_L 0x20002084 0x0A25A47A
_L 0x20002088 0x00621821
_C0 Rank multiplier [Disable]
_L 0x201691E0 0xAE51003C
_L 0x201691E4 0x00621821
_C1 Infinite Stamina
_L 0xE001460C 0x000D0FCA
_L 0x200D0FC8 0x460E0000
_C0 Infinite Stamina [Disable]
_L 0x200D0FC8 0x460C0000
_C0 Groundhog Day
_L 0xE0011821 0x001861C0
_L 0x201861C0 0x00000000
_C0 Groundhog Day [Disable]
_L 0x201861C0 0x00651821
_C1 Exp multiplier
_L 0xE002A502 0x000DD208
_L 0x200DD208 0x3C1B43FA
_L 0x200DD210 0x449BA000
_C0 Exp multiplier [Disable]
_L 0x200DD208 0x4600A502
_L 0x200DD210 0x4601A500
_C0 Freeze Timer
_L 0xE0010300 0x0008D668
_L 0x2008D668 0x46000306
_C0 Freeze Timer [Disable]
_L 0x2008D668 0x46140300
_C0 Show must go on
_L 0xE0010000 0x0006184C
_L 0x2006184C 0x46001000
_C0 Show must go on [Disable]
_L 0x2006184C 0x00000000
_C0 Instant Freedom
_L 0xE0010005 0x0018614C
_L 0x2018614C 0x00000000
_C0 Instant Freedom [Disable]
_L 0x2018614C 0x10400005
_C0 Instant Nicknames
_L 0xE0060040 0x0012CFC4
_L 0x2012CFC4 0x24020023
_L 0x20185E2C 0x340200C8
_L 0x20185E30 0xA0620177
_L 0x2012D468 0x24020035
_L 0x20185E58 0x340200C8
_L 0x20185E5C 0xA08201B2
_C0 Instant Nicknames [Disable]
_L 0x2012CFC4 0x24020040
_L 0x20185E2C 0x2C4200C8
_L 0x20185E30 0x38420001
_L 0x2012D468 0x24020040
_L 0x20185E58 0x2C4200C8
_L 0x20185E5C 0x38420001
_C0 X Retries left
_L 0xE0048821 0x0011AE60
_L 0x2011AE60 0x34020008
_L 0x2011AE64 0x00408821
_L 0x2011AE68 0xAC820310
_L 0x2011AE70 0x02002021
_C0 X Retries left [Disable]
_L 0x2011AE60 0x00408821
_L 0x2011AE64 0x0440FFF1
_L 0x2011AE68 0x02002021
_L 0x2011AE70 0x00000000
_C1 Let me see the item lol
_L 0xE002003C 0x001452E4
_L 0x201452E4 0x00000000
_L 0x201452EC 0x10000009
_C0 Let me see the item lol [Disable]
_L 0x201452E4 0x4604003C
_L 0x201452EC 0x45000009

This is the codes im using from you. Maybe i deleted something important haha
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10-16-2016, 01:35 PM
Post: #11
RE: Gladiator Begins (ULUS-10528)
Cestus should probably work too, I just forgot about them;p was a while since I played.

Tried with normal char as well as dlc char, starting char that get's 1 exp per hit as well as end game one that get's 300 exp per hit, observed the code and saw no problems nor really any differences between those characters using different styles, there will also be no conflicts between those cheats, they all patch totally different functions except for the added choice of refining cheat.

Maybe you activated the cheat before editing it first? That would accidently cause you to not get any exp at all thanks to multiplying it by 0. And while it seems like nothing important, it would not get patched after editing it as all my cheats when possible have additional checks to stop them from running when they already did their job which also serves as a safety feature, but in case of cheats that has to be edited first, well yeah..;p. Need to use [disable] code before re-activating edited code or simply restart emulation and reload from normal save to deal with it.
In such case however all styles would be affected as again, they use the same function.

Unless there's something I never experienced in game with any char I tried, so if that wasn't it, maybe just upload your savedata somewhere and link it, or pm me with it. If some mechanics cause the game to use different function for adding exp, I will need to patch it separately. - Custom PPSSPP Shaders! - simple CE scripts to help creating CWCheats, - CWCheat workarounds.
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10-16-2016, 03:03 PM
Post: #12
RE: Gladiator Begins (ULUS-10528)
I editted the cheat before activating it in game. Really dont know why its not hooking the other styles. Trying everything really haha. By the way im using an android phone. Note 2. Im really frustrated because the other styles it works but for pugilist and shield it doesnt work. I really wanna unlock all those skills for pugilist. Looks fun haha. I'll try to tweak with it.
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10-16-2016, 04:29 PM (This post was last modified: 10-17-2016 01:18 PM by LunaMoo.)
Post: #13
RE: Gladiator Begins (ULUS-10528)
The only cases where the game even considers rewarding exp but doesn't is training and attacking dead opponents. I just made a cheat to give it for that as well, if that makes it work, then possibly your game got bugged somehow.

If you're still at stage in the game where you can train, just try. With this cheat, even first training session should reward with exp, including the part for learning controls.

Edit: Removed cheat since game wasn't saving exp after training anyway and it's not worth to bother fixing. - Custom PPSSPP Shaders! - simple CE scripts to help creating CWCheats, - CWCheat workarounds.
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10-16-2016, 04:38 PM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2016 05:06 PM by pervinjocson.)
Post: #14
RE: Gladiator Begins (ULUS-10528)
Thanks man. Gonna give it a try right now.

Nope. Tried but nothing. Where did you download your game? Maybe its possible that i have a different version? I dunno haha. Really bumming me out that i cant level up the other styles. And it wont even give me normal exp.

Downloading the European version of the game right now. Maybe it'll work on it haha
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10-16-2016, 06:37 PM
Post: #15
RE: Gladiator Begins (ULUS-10528)
Mine was made from US release UMD.

Those cheats all have safety checks and will not affect incompatible game versions in any way neither positive nor negative, so I don't think different game version will help here in any way, if their executable files differ the cheats will just not work, if different releases are same it will likely have same problems:].

Maybe you played using just savestates which over time is like asking for problems, restarting emulation and reloading from in-game save help with that, but really I don't understand the nature of your problem, maybe the game triggers some android specific bug. If you decide on uploading your savedata I will check it, but probably tomorrow, leaving now. - Custom PPSSPP Shaders! - simple CE scripts to help creating CWCheats, - CWCheat workarounds.
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