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[Discussion] 60FPS patches for PSP games that run at 30FPS
03-17-2015, 02:34 AM
Post: #330
RE: 60FPS patches for PSP games that run at 30FPS
(03-17-2015 02:10 AM)LunaMoo Wrote:  It's certainly not impossible, but and I would say that for all games which doesn't have 60fps yet, if you really want it done, try to learn a bit and do it yourself. Everyone is different, try different things, have different ideas and might succeed where others already gave up.

This is maybe a bit OT and not relev. for 60 fps patches but good to know for generally problems like this what Luna Said is right , im a nub at coding and unerstanding it right at all. But when i was working with my team on one of the old projects from me , we used a France tool that was certain not finished and as exampel it was for editing the textures in Monster Hunter some Monsters wasnt able and never able to edit. After some weeks we discovered ourselve a solution randomly and we was able to edit that unfinished monsters.
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