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Monster Hunter Freedom Unite [USA]
04-05-2022, 06:58 AM
Post: #121
RE: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite [USA]
is there a way to display the parts1~9 name in HPD 7.7? (head, left leg, etc...)
ULJM-05500 mhp2g
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01-17-2023, 11:33 PM
Post: #122
RE: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite [USA]
i figured out how to manually add skills to armor pieces. thought i'd share.

i've mapped out the codes for each armor piece, but you'll have to change the values to what skills you want.

here's an example
1 _C1 Head Skills
2 # Assign Skill 1 Type
3 _L 0x801633BA 0x01B30028
4 _L 0x0000003E 0x00000000
5 # Assign Skill 1 Amount
6 _L 0x801633BB 0x01B30028
7 _L 0x000000F 0x00000000

i want Evade +15 so on line 4 i replace those last two zeros of the first 0x000000 with 3E and on line 7 i replace the last zero of the first 0x000000 with F.

3E is the id of the skill and F is the number 15 in hexadecimal.

Say you wanted Guard +20 you'd do the same thing, just with 10 in the skill type line and 14 in the amount line. again, 10 is the id for Guard and 14 the amount of that skill we want. remember 14 is actually 20 in hexadecimal.

documented skill hex values
0: Nothing
1: Torso Inc
2: Paralysis
3: Sleep
4: Faint
5: Poisin
6: Antiseptic
7: Snow Res
8: Sneak
9: Health
A: Rec Speed
B: Sharpness
C: Artisan
D: Fencing
E: Expert
F: SwShrpner

10: Guard
11: Guard Up
12: Auto-Guard
13: Throw
14: Reload
15: Recoil
16: NormalS Up
17: PierceS Up
18: PelletS Up
19: NormalSAdd
1A: PierceSAdd
1B: PelletSAdd
1C: Crag S Add
1D: ClustS Add
1E: Spc Attack
1F: ElementAtk

20: BombStrUp
21: Hunger
22: Gluttony
23: Attack
24: Defense
25: Protection
26: HearProtct
27: Anti-Theft
28: Wide Area
29: Backpackng
2A: All Resist
2B: Fire Res
2C: Water Res
2D: Ice Res
2E: ThunderRes
2F: Dragon Res

30: Heat Res
31: Cold Res
32: WindPress
33: Map
34: Gathering
35: HiSpdGathering
36: Whim
37: Fate
38: Fishing
39: PsycicVis
3A: Recovery
3B: MixSucRate
3C: Shot Mix
3D: Alchemy
3E: Evade
3F: Potential

40: Everlasting
41: Stamina
42: Capacity
43: Precision
44: Cooking
45: Carving
46: Terrain
47: Quake Res
48: BBQ
49: Gunnery
4A: Horn
4B: Fatigue
4C: Evade Dist
4D: Sword Draw
4E: ComrdGuide
4F: ComradeAtk

50: ComradeDef
51: SpeedSetup
52: PoisonCAdd
53: ParalyCAdd
54: SleepCAdd
55: PowerCAdd
56: ClsRngCAdd
57: Guts
58: Constitutn
59: Tranguilzr
5A: Perceive
5B: ResistSts
5C: Edgemaster
5D: Fury
5E: AntiFirDrg
5F: AntiDoara

60: AntiChamel
61: ShortCharg
62: AutoReload

see code below
_C1 Head Skills
# Assign Skill 1 Type
_L 0x801633BA 0x01B30028
_L 0x00000000 0x00000000
# Assign Skill 1 Amount
_L 0x801633BB 0x01B30028
_L 0x0000000F 0x00000000

# Assign Skill 2 Type
_L 0x801633BC 0x01B30028
_L 0x00000000 0x00000000
# Assign Skill 2 Amount
_L 0x801633BD 0x01B30028
_L 0x0000000F 0x00000000

# Assign Skill 3 Type
_L 0x801633BE 0x01B30028
_L 0x00000000 0x00000000
# Assign Skill 3 Amount
_L 0x801633BF 0x01B30028
_L 0x0000000F 0x00000000

# Assign Skill 4 Type
_L 0x801633C0 0x01B30028
_L 0x00000000 0x00000000
# Assign Skill 4 Amount
_L 0x801633C1 0x01B30028
_L 0x0000000F 0x00000000

# Assign Skill 5 Type
_L 0x801633C2 0x01B30028
_L 0x00000000 0x00000000
# Assign Skill 5 Amount
_L 0x801633C3 0x01B30028
_L 0x0000000F 0x00000000

_C1 Body Skills
# Assign Skill 1 Type
_L 0x801677DA 0x01A30028
_L 0x00000000 0x00000000
# Assign Skill 1 Amount
_L 0x801677DB 0x01A30028
_L 0x0000000F 0x00000000

# Assign Skill 2 Type
_L 0x801677DC 0x01A30028
_L 0x00000000 0x00000000
# Assign Skill 2 Amount
_L 0x801677DD 0x01A30028
_L 0x0000000F 0x00000000

# Assign Skill 3 Type
_L 0x801677DE 0x01A30028
_L 0x00000000 0x00000000
# Assign Skill 3 Amount
_L 0x801677DF 0x01A30028
_L 0x0000000F 0x00000000

# Assign Skill 4 Type
_L 0x801677E0 0x01A30028
_L 0x00000000 0x00000000
# Assign Skill 4 Amount
_L 0x801677E1 0x01A30028
_L 0x0000000F 0x00000000

# Assign Skill 5 Type
_L 0x801677E2 0x01A30028
_L 0x00000000 0x00000000
# Assign Skill 5 Amount
_L 0x801677E3 0x01A30028
_L 0x0000000F 0x00000000

_C1 Wrist Skills
# Assign Skill 1 Type
_L 0x8016B97A 0x019A0028
_L 0x00000000 0x00000000
# Assign Skill 1 Amount
_L 0x8016B97B 0x019A0028
_L 0x00000001 0x00000000

# Assign Skill 2 Type
_L 0x8016B97C 0x019A0028
_L 0x00000000 0x00000000
# Assign Skill 2 Amount
_L 0x8016B97D 0x019A0028
_L 0x00000001 0x00000000

# Assign Skill 3 Type
_L 0x8016B97E 0x019A0028
_L 0x00000000 0x00000000
# Assign Skill 3 Amount
_L 0x8016B97F 0x019A0028
_L 0x00000001 0x00000000

# Assign Skill 4 Type
_L 0x8016B980 0x019A0028
_L 0x00000000 0x00000000
# Assign Skill 4 Amount
_L 0x8016B981 0x019A0028
_L 0x00000001 0x00000000

# Assign Skill 5 Type
_L 0x8016B982 0x019A0028
_L 0x00000000 0x00000000
# Assign Skill 5 Amount
_L 0x8016B983 0x019A0028
_L 0x00000001 0x00000000

_C1 Waist Skills
# Assign Skill 1 Type
_L 0x8016F9B2 0x01980028
_L 0x00000000 0x0000000
# Assign Skill 1 Amount
_L 0x8016F9B3 0x01980028
_L 0x0000000F 0x0000000

# Assign Skill 2 Type
_L 0x8016F9B4 0x01980028
_L 0x00000000 0x0000000
# Assign Skill 2 Amount
_L 0x8016F9B5 0x01980028
_L 0x0000000F 0x0000000

# Assign Skill 3 Type
_L 0x8016F9B6 0x01980028
_L 0x00000000 0x0000000
# Assign Skill 3 Amount
_L 0x8016F9B7 0x01980028
_L 0x0000000F 0x0000000

# Assign Skill 4 Type
_L 0x8016F9B8 0x01980028
_L 0x00000000 0x0000000
# Assign Skill 4 Amount
_L 0x8016F9B9 0x01980028
_L 0x0000000F 0x0000000

# Assign Skill 5 Type
_L 0x8016F9BA 0x01980028
_L 0x00000000 0x0000000
# Assign Skill 5 Amount
_L 0x8016F9BB 0x01980028
_L 0x0000000F 0x0000000

_C1 Feet Skills
# Assign Skill 1 Type
_L 0x8017399A 0x01A30028
_L 0x00000000 0x00000000
# Assign Skill 1 Amount
_L 0x8017399B 0x01A30028
_L 0x0000000F 0x00000000

# Assign Skill 2 Type
_L 0x8017399C 0x01A30028
_L 0x00000000 0x00000000
# Assign Skill 2 Amount
_L 0x8017399D 0x01A30028
_L 0x0000000F 0x00000000

# Assign Skill 3 Type
_L 0x8017399E 0x01A30028
_L 0x00000000 0x00000000
# Assign Skill 3 Amount
_L 0x8017399F 0x01A30028
_L 0x0000000F 0x00000000

# Assign Skill 4 Type
_L 0x801739A0 0x01A30028
_L 0x00000000 0x00000000
# Assign Skill 4 Amount
_L 0x801739A1 0x01A30028
_L 0x0000000F 0x00000000

# Assign Skill 5 Type
_L 0x801739A2 0x01A30028
_L 0x00000000 0x00000000
# Assign Skill 5 Amount
_L 0x801739A3 0x01A30028
_L 0x0000000F 0x00000000

i haven't tested these extensively, so hopefully everything's correct!
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04-20-2023, 02:32 AM
Post: #123
RE: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite [USA]
Is it possible to make it so an equipment skill activates with a cheat code without it being actually linked to the equipment skill in the game? Like activating the fast sharpening skill without it popping up in the status menu next to actual Equipment skills.
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07-15-2023, 09:32 AM
Post: #124
RE: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite [USA]
Does anyone have a set of the "Synchronize Save" and "Synchronize Save [Disable]" codes for the Japanese version of Monster Hunter Freedom 2 (called "Monster Hunter Portable 2nd") with the ID: ULJM-05156. I have found the code for all three regions of Freedom 1, Freedom Unite, and even one for both releases of Portable 3rd, but I've had no luck for the Japanese region of Freedom 2.

Thanks for your time.
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01-16-2024, 11:06 AM
Post: #125
RE: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite [USA]
Felt a bit nostalgic and decided to play again from scratch. Ran out of patience real quick. LMAO
So here I am looking to make the early stages a breeze and stumbled upon this gem.

First, thank zach for digging this up. Second, here are corrections to the documented skill hex values that I tested:
5D: Fury (Confirmed: SteadyHand)
5E: AntiFirDrg (Confirmed: Fury)
5F: AntiDoara (Confirmed: AntiFirDrg)

60: AntiChamel (Confirmed: AntiDoara)
61: ShortCharg (Confirmed: AntiChamel)
62: AutoReload (Confirmed: ShortCharg)
63: AutoReload

Just giving back
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02-06-2024, 07:03 AM
Post: #126
RE: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite [USA]
Anyone knows how to return the max crit to normal again
_C0 Max all weapons Critical
_L 0x8015A111 0x047D0018
_L 0x00000064 0x00000000
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09-14-2024, 05:03 PM
Post: #127
RE: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite [USA]

Thanks for taking the time to even view this if it catches you.

Before I go deep into explanation I just wanted to state that this is in reference to an old (10+ years at this point) conversation - this thread (page 2) - on allowing times 1.X/2.X/3.X...etc multiplication of the player's attack instead of x2/x4/x6/etc. (There's also a similar code discussed later in the thread in relation to defense values, but I am mainly focused on the xAttack versions).

Here are the codes in reference:
_C0 Attack x XXXX / YYYYY
_L 0xE0080CCC 0x100D9298 (this line is optional)
_L 0x200D9298 0x0A200CCC
_L 0x20003330 0x2416XXXX
_L 0x20003334 0x2417YYYY
_L 0x20003338 0x02160018
_L 0x2000333C 0x00008012
_L 0x20003340 0x0217001A
_L 0x20003344 0x00008012
_L 0x20003348 0x0A2364A9
//XXXX and YYYY has to be in hex`

So for example for 1.2 substitute 000C (12) for XXXX and 000A (10) for YYYY

_C0 Attack x1.2
_L 0x200D9298 0x0A200CCC
_L 0x20003330 0x2416000C
_L 0x20003334 0x2417000A
_L 0x20003338 0x02160018
_L 0x2000333C 0x00008012
_L 0x20003340 0x0217001A
_L 0x20003344 0x00008012
_L 0x20003348 0x0A2364A9`

Additionally, this is the standard x2 attack code that was referenced initially in the thread that was requested to be changed to x1.2/x1.3/etc

_C0 Attack x 2
_L 0x200D9298 0x00000000
_L 0x200D92A0 0x00108040


I'm interested in using these codes with the JPN version of the game (P2ndG) for compatibility with another project/mod so I was looking to simply translate these over to that version. If I understood the process well enough, I was also looking to make similar codes for the other PSP games in the series. I have a slight level of knowledge of assembly and reading hex values so I took a look at the CwCheat "documentation' over at to get an understanding of the process for making these cheats. From what I understand, this is what's happening in the cheat:

_L 0xE0080CCC 0x100D9298 (this line is optional)
This line above is checking at address 0x100D9298 and seeing if its halfword is not equal to the value of 0CCC. If that condition checks out, it executes the following 8 lines of the cheat (essentially the rest of the cheat). So essentially, every frame this check is done to continuously perform the address value assignments if needed.

_L 0x200D9298 0x0A200CCC
This line is doing the assignment of the halfword 0CCC to the address of 0x200D9298 that is referenced in the conditional above. This address is also the same value used in the base x2/x4/etc codes.

_L 0x20003330 0x2416XXXX
_L 0x20003334 0x2417YYYY
These lines are essentially assigning the values XXXX and YYYY in hex to two address locations to be used later in for the multiplication. So XXXX/YYYY -> 000C/000A -> 12/10 -> x.12

The following is where I am roadblocked, I am assuming the remainder if the actual multiplication process, but I have no understanding of it:
_L 0x20003338 0x02160018
_L 0x2000333C 0x00008012
_L 0x20003340 0x0217001A
_L 0x20003344 0x00008012
_L 0x20003348 0x0A2364A9


This is the Attack x2 code for the JPN version of the game, which uses a different address value than FU:
_C0 Attack x2
_L 0x200DBBE0 0x00000000
_L 0x200DBBE8 0x00108040

I thought I could simply convert the above process to the times 1.X variants by simply swapping out the Attack Values address and came up with the following, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

My Attempt/"Conversion":
_C0 Attack x 000C(12)/000A(10) (x1.2)
_L 0xE0080CCC 0x100D9298 (this line is optional)
_L 0x200DBBE0 0x0A200CCC
_L 0x217FFF50 0x2416000C
_L 0x217FFF54 0x2417000A
_L 0x217FFF58 0x02160018
_L 0x217FF000 0x00008012
_L 0x217FF004 0x0217001A
_L 0x217FF008 0x00008012
_L 0x217FF00C 0x0A2364A9

For the address values in lines 2-9 (0x217FFF50 - 0x217FF00C) I used the address locations of an existing HP Display code since I thought this would be a "free space" in memory where I could store the address values used for the multiplication. This code causes a freeze when accessing the Status Page in game when enabled.

If you could help me out or guide me in the right direction on this it would be greatly appreciated.
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09-14-2024, 05:06 PM
Post: #128
RE: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite [USA]
Thanks for taking the time to even view this if it catches you.

Before I go deep into explanation I just wanted to state that this is in reference to the conversation you had with another user in this thread (page 2) allowing times 1.X/2.X/3.X...etc multiplication of the player's attack instead of x2/x4/x6/etc. (There's also a similar code discussed later in the thread in relation to defense values, but I am mainly focused on the xAttack versions).

Here are the codes in reference:
_C0 Attack x XXXX / YYYYY
_L 0xE0080CCC 0x100D9298 (this line is optional)
_L 0x200D9298 0x0A200CCC
_L 0x20003330 0x2416XXXX
_L 0x20003334 0x2417YYYY
_L 0x20003338 0x02160018
_L 0x2000333C 0x00008012
_L 0x20003340 0x0217001A
_L 0x20003344 0x00008012
_L 0x20003348 0x0A2364A9
//XXXX and YYYY has to be in hex`

So for example for 1.2 substitute 000C (12) for XXXX and 000A (10) for YYYY

_C0 Attack x1.2
_L 0x200D9298 0x0A200CCC
_L 0x20003330 0x2416000C
_L 0x20003334 0x2417000A
_L 0x20003338 0x02160018
_L 0x2000333C 0x00008012
_L 0x20003340 0x0217001A
_L 0x20003344 0x00008012
_L 0x20003348 0x0A2364A9`

Additionally, this is the standard x2 attack code that was referenced initially in the thread that was requested to be changed to x1.2/x1.3/etc

_C0 Attack x 2
_L 0x200D9298 0x00000000
_L 0x200D92A0 0x00108040


I'm interested in using these codes with the JPN version of the game (P2ndG) for compatibility with another project/mod so I was looking to simply translate these over to that version. If I understood the process well enough, I was also looking to make similar codes for the other PSP games in the series. I have a slight level of knowledge of assembly and reading hex values so I took a look at the CwCheat "documentation' over at to get an understanding of the process for making these cheats. From what I understand, this is what's happening in the cheat:

_L 0xE0080CCC 0x100D9298 (this line is optional)
This line above is checking at address 0x100D9298 and seeing if its halfword is not equal to the value of 0CCC. If that condition checks out, it executes the following 8 lines of the cheat (essentially the rest of the cheat). So essentially, every frame this check is done to continuously perform the address value assignments if needed.

_L 0x200D9298 0x0A200CCC
This line is doing the assignment of the halfword 0CCC to the address of 0x200D9298 that is referenced in the conditional above. This address is also the same value used in the base x2/x4/etc codes.

_L 0x20003330 0x2416XXXX
_L 0x20003334 0x2417YYYY
These lines are essentially assigning the values XXXX and YYYY in hex to two address locations to be used later in for the multiplication. So XXXX/YYYY -> 000C/000A -> 12/10 -> x.12

The following is where I am roadblocked, I am assuming the remainder if the actual multiplication process, but I have no understanding of it:
_L 0x20003338 0x02160018
_L 0x2000333C 0x00008012
_L 0x20003340 0x0217001A
_L 0x20003344 0x00008012
_L 0x20003348 0x0A2364A9


This is the Attack x2 code for the JPN version of the game, which uses a different address value than FU:
_C0 Attack x2
_L 0x200DBBE0 0x00000000
_L 0x200DBBE8 0x00108040

I thought I could simply convert the above process to the times 1.X variants by simply swapping out the Attack Values address and came up with the following, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

My Attempt/"Conversion":
_C0 Attack x 000C(12)/000A(10) (x1.2)
_L 0xE0080CCC 0x100D9298 (this line is optional)
_L 0x200DBBE0 0x0A200CCC
_L 0x217FFF50 0x2416000C
_L 0x217FFF54 0x2417000A
_L 0x217FFF58 0x02160018
_L 0x217FF000 0x00008012
_L 0x217FF004 0x0217001A
_L 0x217FF008 0x00008012
_L 0x217FF00C 0x0A2364A9

For the address values in lines 2-9 (0x217FFF50 - 0x217FF00C) I used the address locations of an existing HP Display code since I thought this would be a "free space" in memory where I could store the address values used for the multiplication. This code causes a freeze when accessing the Status Page in game when enabled.

If you could help me out or guide me in the right direction on this it would be greatly appreciated.
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