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Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
07-28-2013, 07:19 AM (This post was last modified: 07-28-2013 07:21 AM by ufdada.)
Post: #16
RE: Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Title: GTA Chinatown Wars
Genre: Action
Region: EUR
Format: ISO
Version: ppsspp-v0.8.1-861
Game ID: ULUS-10490L1
OS: Windows 7 64bit
Compatability: Minor graphical Glitches (flickering Minimap), some Crashes (like when pausing)

played with savegame (start from beginning may not work, sometimes it crashes after "going to the fishes", sometimes you get stuck on the pier)

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07-28-2013, 10:07 PM (This post was last modified: 07-30-2013 09:40 AM by Maverick.)
Post: #17
RE: Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
EUR / 0.8.1-907 / Win7 / CSO / Ati 4870 (13.1) / Phenom 2 X4 955

same here, without savegame. Crashes when going to the fishes. The start of the game with intro video and plane cutscene works well so far. I noted when i switch "rendering resolution" to 3 or above or even fullscreen, i got the same picture as post #4 but np, if i switch back to number 2 i have the game running normal until the mentioned "going to the fishes" scene. Just crashes.

Heres the Crash log from Win7:

  Problemereignisname:    APPCRASH
  Anwendungsname:    PPSSPPWindows64.exe
  Anwendungszeitstempel:    51f58d18
  Fehlermodulname:    StackHash_2264
  Fehlermodulzeitstempel:    00000000
  Ausnahmecode:    c0000005
  Ausnahmeoffset:    0000000005e00096
  Betriebsystemversion:    6.1.7601.
  Gebietsschema-ID:    1031
  Zusatzinformation 1:    2264
  Zusatzinformation 2:    2264db07e74365624c50317d7b856ae9
  Zusatzinformation 3:    875f
  Zusatzinformation 4:    875fa2ef9d2bdca96466e8af55d1ae6e

Heres the PPSSPP Log:

59:46:191 EmuThread.cpp:122 I[BOOT]: Done.
59:51:294 EmuScreen.cpp:64 I[BOOT]: Starting up hardware.
59:51:294 System.cpp:71 I[HLE]: PPSSPP v0.8.1-907-g4879187
59:51:296 MemMap.cpp:93 I[MM]: Memory system initialized. RAM at 000000000E5E0000 (mirror at 0 @ 0000000088730000, uncached @ 00000000C8730000)
59:51:342 Loaders.cpp:136 I[LOAD]: Identifying file...
59:51:342 PSPLoaders.cpp:121 I[LOAD]: ULES01347 : Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
59:51:342 PSPLoaders.cpp:192 I[LOAD]: Loading disc0:/PSP_GAME/SYSDIR/EBOOT.BIN...
59:51:342 HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:164 I[HLE]: Kernel and user memory pools initialized
59:51:343 HLE\sceIo.cpp:298 I[HLE]: Starting up I/O...
59:51:343 FileUtil.cpp:214 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp-v0.8.1-907 x64\memstick\
59:51:343 FileUtil.cpp:218 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path exists C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp-v0.8.1-907 x64\memstick\
59:51:343 FileUtil.cpp:214 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp-v0.8.1-907 x64\flash0\
59:51:343 FileUtil.cpp:218 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path exists C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp-v0.8.1-907 x64\flash0\
59:51:389 GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:205 N[HLE]: GPU Vendor : ATI Technologies Inc.
59:51:389 FileUtil.cpp:214 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path cheats
59:51:389 FileUtil.cpp:218 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path exists cheats
59:51:389 FileUtil.cpp:214 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp-v0.8.1-907 x64\memstick\PSP\PPSSPP_STATE
59:51:389 FileUtil.cpp:218 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path exists C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp-v0.8.1-907 x64\memstick\PSP\PPSSPP_STATE
59:51:419 HLE\sceKernel.cpp:135 I[HLE]: Kernel initialized.
59:51:427 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:454 I[HLE]: Decrypting ~PSP file
59:51:477 C:\BuildAgent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\Core/ELF/ElfReader.h:58 I[LOAD]: ElfReader: 0000000014ED0040
59:51:477 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:154 E[HLE]: Position 08804040 does not align to grain. Grain will be off.
59:51:480 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:359 I[HLE]: -----------
59:51:480 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 I[HLE]: Block: 08800000 - 08804040 size 00004040 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
59:51:480 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 I[HLE]: Block: 08804040 - 08da3d40 size 0059fd00 taken=1 tag=ELF
59:51:480 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 I[HLE]: Block: 08da3d40 - 0a000000 size 0125c2c0 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
59:51:480 ELF\ElfReader.cpp:516 N[LOAD]: ELF loading completed successfully.
59:51:535 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:557 I[LOAD]: Module CTW: 08bd0190 08b34ed4 08b34edc
59:51:535 HLE\HLE.cpp:199 I[HLE]: Syscall (IoFileMgrForUser, 05572a5f) unknown
59:51:535 HLE\HLE.cpp:199 I[HLE]: Syscall (ThreadManForUser, 71ec4271) unknown
59:51:535 HLE\HLE.cpp:199 I[HLE]: Syscall (sceAudio, 20628e6f) unknown
59:51:535 HLE\HLE.cpp:199 I[HLE]: Syscall (sceAudio, 46ebb729) unknown
59:51:536 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:975 I[LOAD]: Module entry: 08804040
59:51:848 root         N[BOOT]: EmuScreen.cpp:106 Loading E:\Grand Theft Auto - Chinatown Wars (E).cso...
59:51:849 root         I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1940 276=sceKernelCreateThread(name=user_main, entry=08804154, prio=20, stacksize=262144)
59:51:849 root         I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1983 sceKernelStartThread(thread=276, argSize=33, argPtr=09fffe00)
59:51:849 root         I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2069 __KernelReturnFromThread: 0
59:51:849 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:359 -----------
59:51:849 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 Block: 08800000 - 08804040 size 00004040 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
59:51:849 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 Block: 08804040 - 08da3d40 size 0059fd00 taken=1 tag=ELF
59:51:849 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 Block: 08da3d40 - 08db4000 size 000102c0 taken=1 tag=UserSbrk
59:51:849 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 Block: 08db4000 - 09f80000 size 011cc000 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
59:51:849 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 Block: 09f80000 - 09fc0000 size 00040000 taken=1 tag=stack/user_main
59:51:849 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 Block: 09fc0000 - 0a000000 size 00040000 taken=0 tag=stack/root
59:51:849 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1940 278=sceKernelCreateThread(name=stupidthread, entry=08932c78, prio=38, stacksize=2048)
59:51:849 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1983 sceKernelStartThread(thread=278, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
59:51:849 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2120 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(276)
59:51:849 stupidthread E[HLE]: c:\buildagent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\core\hle\sceKernel.h:454 Kernel: Bad object handle 276 (00000114)
59:51:849 stupidthread E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2563 sceKernelWaitThreadEnd - bad thread 276
59:51:849 stupidthread I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1940 279=sceKernelCreateThread(name=threadmain, entry=08932930, prio=38, stacksize=65536)
59:51:849 stupidthread I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1983 sceKernelStartThread(thread=279, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
59:51:849 stupidthread I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2120 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
59:51:849 threadmain   E[HLE]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:1251 UNIMPL sceIoChangeAsyncPriority(-1, 64)
59:51:862 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:204 sceKernelVolatileMemTryLock(0, 09fff650, 167769684) - success
59:51:886 threadmain   E[HLE]: c:\buildagent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\core\hle\sceKernel.h:454 Kernel: Bad object handle -1 (ffffffff)
59:51:886 threadmain   E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelSemaphore.cpp:470 sceKernelWaitSema: Trying to wait for invalid semaphore -1
59:51:913 idle0        E[HLE]: c:\buildagent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\core\hle\sceKernel.h:454 Kernel: Bad object handle -1 (ffffffff)
59:51:913 idle0        E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelSemaphore.cpp:391 sceKernelSignalSema : Trying to signal invalid semaphore -1
59:51:930 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1940 285=sceKernelCreateThread(name=SysManager, entry=08a758d8, prio=6f, stacksize=4096)
59:51:930 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1983 sceKernelStartThread(thread=285, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
59:51:931 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:243 scePowerSetClockFrequency(333,333,166)
59:51:997 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceSas.cpp:89 sceSasInit(08bf2840, 512, 32, 0, 44100)
59:52:056 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1940 295=sceKernelCreateThread(name=Bink audio thread, entry=08ae92ec, prio=e, stacksize=32768)
59:52:056 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1983 sceKernelStartThread(thread=295, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
59:52:057 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1940 297=sceKernelCreateThread(name=bink, entry=08861414, prio=37, stacksize=65536)
59:52:057 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1983 sceKernelStartThread(thread=297, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
59:52:072 bink         I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:554 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
59:52:196 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1940 302=sceKernelCreateThread(name=ResourceManagerThread, entry=08b284f0, prio=13, stacksize=2048)
59:52:197 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1983 sceKernelStartThread(thread=302, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
59:52:199 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\scePspNpDrm_user.cpp:9 call sceNpDrmSetLicenseeKey(08b40770)
59:52:202 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1940 328=sceKernelCreateThread(name=overlayloader, entry=089727c4, prio=13, stacksize=1024)
59:52:202 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1983 sceKernelStartThread(thread=328, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
59:52:209 bink         I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:554 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
59:52:527 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:243 scePowerSetClockFrequency(333,333,166)
59:52:844 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1940 332=sceKernelCreateThread(name=sfx bank loading thread, entry=0884c640, prio=12, stacksize=2048)
00:07:142 bink         I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2069 __KernelReturnFromThread: 1
00:07:172 SysManager   I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:554 Creating FBO for 00154000 : 480 x 272 x 3
00:07:196 Bink audio t I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2120 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
00:07:196 threadmain   E[HLE]: c:\buildagent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\core\hle\sceKernel.h:454 Kernel: Bad object handle 295 (00000127)
00:07:196 threadmain   E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2563 sceKernelWaitThreadEnd - bad thread 295
00:07:197 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1940 335=sceKernelCreateThread(name=Bink audio thread, entry=08ae92ec, prio=e, stacksize=32768)
00:07:197 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1983 sceKernelStartThread(thread=335, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
00:07:197 Bink audio t I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2120 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
00:07:197 threadmain   E[HLE]: c:\buildagent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\core\hle\sceKernel.h:454 Kernel: Bad object handle 335 (0000014f)
00:07:197 threadmain   E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2563 sceKernelWaitThreadEnd - bad thread 335
00:07:289 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1983 sceKernelStartThread(thread=332, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
00:07:291 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1940 340=sceKernelCreateThread(name=mix sound thread, entry=08a6d8e0, prio=12, stacksize=32768)
00:07:291 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1983 sceKernelStartThread(thread=340, argSize=28, argPtr=08d5afb0)
00:07:307 overlayloade E[HLE]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:535 sceIoRead Reading into bad pointer 00000000
00:07:307 overlayloade E[HLE]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:535 sceIoRead Reading into bad pointer 00000000
00:07:308 overlayloade E[HLE]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:535 sceIoRead Reading into bad pointer 00000000
00:07:308 overlayloade E[HLE]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:535 sceIoRead Reading into bad pointer 00000000
00:07:308 overlayloade E[HLE]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:535 sceIoRead Reading into bad pointer 00000000
00:07:322 overlayloade E[HLE]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:535 sceIoRead Reading into bad pointer 00000000
00:07:322 overlayloade E[HLE]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:535 sceIoRead Reading into bad pointer 00000000
00:07:322 overlayloade E[HLE]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:535 sceIoRead Reading into bad pointer 00000000
00:07:322 overlayloade E[HLE]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:535 sceIoRead Reading into bad pointer 00000000
00:07:322 overlayloade E[HLE]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:535 sceIoRead Reading into bad pointer 00000000
00:07:322 overlayloade E[HLE]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:535 sceIoRead Reading into bad pointer 00000000
00:07:769 threadmain   I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:554 Creating FBO for 00110000 : 240 x 136 x 3
00:07:781 threadmain   I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:554 Creating FBO for 00132000 : 120 x 68 x 3
00:07:914 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1160 Decimating FBO for 00154000 (480 x 272 x 3), age 24
00:07:915 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1227 0=sceAtracSetHalfwayBufferAndGetID(08d63000, 00008000, 00040000)
00:07:915 mix sound th W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1118 This is an atrac3+ mono audio
00:07:915 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:719 sceAtracGetBufferInfoForReseting(0, 680240, 09fee648)
00:08:117 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(0, 680240, 32768, 0)
00:08:118 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1242 sceAtracSetLoopNum(0, -1)
00:08:298 threadmain   I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:554 Creating FBO for 00154000 : 480 x 272 x 3
00:08:542 threadmain   W[HLE]: FileSystems\MetaFileSystem.cpp:83 RealPath: inPath is all prefix and no path: "ms0:"
00:08:542 threadmain   W[HLE]: FileSystems\MetaFileSystem.cpp:83 RealPath: inPath is all prefix and no path: "ms0:"
00:08:574 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:222 sceKernelVolatileMemUnlock(0)
00:08:574 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1940 345=sceKernelCreateThread(name=memstick, entry=08a07b20, prio=14, stacksize=8192)
00:08:574 threadmain   I[HLE]: Dialog\PSPSaveDialog.cpp:58 sceUtilitySavedataInitStart(08bee468)
00:08:574 threadmain   I[HLE]: Dialog\PSPSaveDialog.cpp:59 Mode: 8
00:08:574 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1983 sceKernelStartThread(thread=345, argSize=1200, argPtr=08beefb0)
00:10:550 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1160 Decimating FBO for 00110000 (240 x 136 x 3), age 118
00:10:550 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1160 Decimating FBO for 00132000 (120 x 68 x 3), age 118
00:10:551 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1160 Decimating FBO for 00154000 (480 x 272 x 3), age 118
00:10:633 memstick     I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2120 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
00:10:634 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:204 sceKernelVolatileMemTryLock(0, 09fff5a0, 167769508) - success
00:10:727 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(0)
00:10:737 threadmain   I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:554 Creating FBO for 00110000 : 240 x 136 x 3
00:10:737 threadmain   I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:554 Creating FBO for 00132000 : 120 x 68 x 3
00:10:737 threadmain   I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:554 Creating FBO for 00154000 : 480 x 272 x 3
00:10:957 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1160 Decimating FBO for 00154000 (480 x 272 x 3), age 6
00:14:242 threadmain   W[HLE]: FileSystems\MetaFileSystem.cpp:83 RealPath: inPath is all prefix and no path: "ms0:"
00:14:242 threadmain   W[HLE]: FileSystems\MetaFileSystem.cpp:83 RealPath: inPath is all prefix and no path: "ms0:"
00:14:312 threadmain   I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:554 Creating FBO for 00154000 : 480 x 272 x 3
00:14:607 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1160 Decimating FBO for 00110000 (240 x 136 x 3), age 7
00:14:607 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1160 Decimating FBO for 00132000 (120 x 68 x 3), age 7
00:14:607 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1160 Decimating FBO for 00154000 (480 x 272 x 3), age 7
00:14:701 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1227 0=sceAtracSetHalfwayBufferAndGetID(08d63000, 00008000, 00040000)
00:14:701 mix sound th W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1118 This is an atrac3+ mono audio
00:14:713 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:719 sceAtracGetBufferInfoForReseting(0, 975040, 09fee648)
00:14:726 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(0, 975040, 32768, 0)
00:14:726 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1242 sceAtracSetLoopNum(0, -1)
00:15:008 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(0)
00:15:108 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1227 0=sceAtracSetHalfwayBufferAndGetID(08d63000, 00008000, 00040000)
00:15:108 mix sound th W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1118 This is an atrac3+ mono audio
00:15:108 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:719 sceAtracGetBufferInfoForReseting(0, 990484, 09fee648)
00:15:141 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(0, 990484, 32768, 0)
00:15:141 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1242 sceAtracSetLoopNum(0, -1)
00:18:845 threadmain   I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:554 Creating FBO for 00110000 : 240 x 136 x 3
00:18:852 threadmain   I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:554 Creating FBO for 00132000 : 120 x 68 x 3
00:19:130 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(0)
00:19:206 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1227 0=sceAtracSetHalfwayBufferAndGetID(08d63000, 00008000, 00040000)
00:19:206 mix sound th W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1120 This is an atrac3+ stereo audio
00:19:206 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:719 sceAtracGetBufferInfoForReseting(0, 0, 09fee648)
00:19:263 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(0, 0, 32768, 0)
00:19:263 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1242 sceAtracSetLoopNum(0, -1)
00:22:743 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(0)
00:22:819 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1227 0=sceAtracSetHalfwayBufferAndGetID(08d63000, 00008000, 00040000)
00:22:819 mix sound th W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1118 This is an atrac3+ mono audio
00:22:819 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:719 sceAtracGetBufferInfoForReseting(0, 1318988, 09fee648)
00:22:877 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(0, 1318988, 32768, 0)
00:22:877 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1242 sceAtracSetLoopNum(0, -1)
00:25:477 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1940 355=sceKernelCreateThread(name=Bink audio thread, entry=08ae92ec, prio=e, stacksize=32768)
00:25:477 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1983 sceKernelStartThread(thread=355, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
00:25:478 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1940 358=sceKernelCreateThread(name=Bink thread, entry=08afa1dc, prio=12, stacksize=32768)
00:25:478 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1983 sceKernelStartThread(thread=358, argSize=4, argPtr=09ffee00)
00:27:665 Bink thread  I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2120 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
00:27:665 threadmain   E[HLE]: c:\buildagent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\core\hle\sceKernel.h:454 Kernel: Bad object handle 358 (00000166)
00:27:665 threadmain   E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2563 sceKernelWaitThreadEnd - bad thread 358
00:27:710 Bink audio t I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2120 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
00:27:710 threadmain   E[HLE]: c:\buildagent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\core\hle\sceKernel.h:454 Kernel: Bad object handle 355 (00000163)
00:27:710 threadmain   E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2563 sceKernelWaitThreadEnd - bad thread 355
00:27:710 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1940 362=sceKernelCreateThread(name=Bink audio thread, entry=08ae92ec, prio=e, stacksize=32768)
00:27:710 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1983 sceKernelStartThread(thread=362, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
00:27:710 Bink audio t I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2120 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
00:27:710 threadmain   E[HLE]: c:\buildagent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\core\hle\sceKernel.h:454 Kernel: Bad object handle 362 (0000016a)
00:27:710 threadmain   E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2563 sceKernelWaitThreadEnd - bad thread 362
00:27:927 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1160 Decimating FBO for 00110000 (240 x 136 x 3), age 7
00:27:927 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1160 Decimating FBO for 00132000 (120 x 68 x 3), age 7
00:30:321 threadmain   I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:554 Creating FBO for 00110000 : 240 x 136 x 3
00:30:322 threadmain   I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:554 Creating FBO for 00132000 : 120 x 68 x 3
00:40:791 threadmain   E[HLE]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:535 sceIoRead Reading into bad pointer 00000000
00:40:791 threadmain   E[MM]: MemmapFunctions.cpp:54 Unknown GetPointer 00000000 PC 00000000 LR 0893905c

should be moved to menu/intro i guess. With savegame its not supposed to be ingame i think^^ i mean, ofc its ingame but its still the intro part.

CPU - AMD Phenom X4 955 BE 3,2 (Stock)
GPU - ATi XFX 4870 1 GB (11.11a)
RAM - 8 GB DDR3-1333
O S - Win7x64
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07-29-2013, 12:01 PM
Post: #18
RE: Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
I would definitly call that ingame, because there are a lot of games that are called "playable" that have much more bugs left Wink (like patapon 3). I tried it with several savegames and they all work pretty well, even the sound and music are working great as long as you don´t hit Start.
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08-03-2013, 10:08 AM
Post: #19
RE: Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Small update: on the latest revisions the minimap doesn´t flicker anymore. pause and beginning from the start still doesn´t work as expected. Even missions can´t be played (SceIoRead Reading into bad pointer 00000000)

Here is a Savegame directly from the start for testing.

Attached File(s)
.zip (Size: 553.47 KB / Downloads: 55683)
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08-18-2013, 11:04 AM
Post: #20
RE: Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Great News: with the latest build it´s completely playable! Tested directly from the beginning, played a few missions.

There are some minor graphical issues left:
  • No overlays on fullscreen (like mission briefing) [can be fixed by disabling antialiasing]
  • Flickering text/minimap/icons [can be fixed by disabling hardware transform]

@Mods: Please move to playable
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08-18-2013, 09:49 PM (This post was last modified: 08-18-2013 09:50 PM by Maverick.)
Post: #21
RE: Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
just tried out v0.8.1-1637-g6a109e3 x64 win7!

Indeed it passes the first scene where it crashed all the way. But it crashes for me later, was just driving around and then my ati driver set my card back. So sth's wrong there. First time just out of nowhere, 2nd time when i entered the yellow marker for the 1st mission. Also not possible with 3x 4x or fullscreen, still some strange screen then. Other than that great progress :]

Will post a log tomorrow. Tried with multithread and without and rest of the settings factory like. Only force 60 fps, EU version. Will do more testing.

CPU - AMD Phenom X4 955 BE 3,2 (Stock)
GPU - ATi XFX 4870 1 GB (11.11a)
RAM - 8 GB DDR3-1333
O S - Win7x64
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08-19-2013, 12:17 AM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2013 12:18 AM by N69_0.)
Post: #22
RE: Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Now game crashed after Cop Knock Out mini game.
PS. Interface is buggy only on Nvidia Card. On Intel Mobile hud and text not shaked.

11:47:912 EmuThread.cpp:114 I[BOOT]: Done.
11:49:217 EmuScreen.cpp:62 I[BOOT]: Starting up hardware.
11:49:218 System.cpp:256 I[HLE]: PPSSPP v0.8.1-1639-gad40ef6
11:49:219 MemMap.cpp:93 I[MM]: Memory system initialized. RAM at 000000000F010000 (mirror at 0 @ 0000000087FF0000, uncached @ 00000000C7FF0000)
11:49:251 Loaders.cpp:149 I[LOAD]: Identifying file...
11:49:251 PSPLoaders.cpp:121 I[LOAD]: ULES01347 : Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
11:49:252 PSPLoaders.cpp:192 I[LOAD]: Loading disc0:/PSP_GAME/SYSDIR/EBOOT.BIN...
11:49:252 HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:164 I[HLE]: Kernel and user memory pools initialized
11:49:252 HLE\sceIo.cpp:345 I[HLE]: Starting up I/O...
11:49:252 FileUtil.cpp:214 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path C:\Emulators\ppsspp\memstick\
11:49:252 FileUtil.cpp:218 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path exists C:\Emulators\ppsspp\memstick\
11:49:252 FileUtil.cpp:214 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path C:\Emulators\ppsspp\flash0\
11:49:253 FileUtil.cpp:218 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path exists C:\Emulators\ppsspp\flash0\
11:49:254 FileUtil.cpp:214 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path cheats
11:49:254 FileUtil.cpp:218 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path exists cheats
11:49:254 FileUtil.cpp:214 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path C:\Emulators\ppsspp\memstick\PSP\PPSSPP_STATE
11:49:254 FileUtil.cpp:218 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path exists C:\Emulators\ppsspp\memstick\PSP\PPSSPP_STATE
11:49:313 HLE\sceKernel.cpp:135 I[HLE]: Kernel initialized.
11:49:322 C:\BuildAgent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\Core/ELF/ElfReader.h:58 I[LOAD]: ElfReader: 0000000013020040
11:49:322 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:154 E[HLE]: Position 08804040 does not align to grain. Grain will be off.
11:49:327 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:359 I[HLE]: -----------
11:49:327 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 I[HLE]: Block: 08800000 - 08804040 size 00004040 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
11:49:327 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 I[HLE]: Block: 08804040 - 08da3d40 size 0059fd00 taken=1 tag=ELF
11:49:327 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 I[HLE]: Block: 08da3d40 - 0a000000 size 0125c2c0 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
11:49:327 ELF\ElfReader.cpp:524 N[LOAD]: ELF loading completed successfully.
11:49:399 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:557 I[LOAD]: Module CTW: 08bd0190 08b34ed4 08b34edc
11:49:399 HLE\HLE.cpp:199 I[HLE]: Syscall (IoFileMgrForUser, 05572a5f) unknown
11:49:400 HLE\HLE.cpp:199 I[HLE]: Syscall (ThreadManForUser, 71ec4271) unknown
11:49:400 HLE\HLE.cpp:199 I[HLE]: Syscall (sceAudio, 20628e6f) unknown
11:49:400 HLE\HLE.cpp:199 I[HLE]: Syscall (sceAudio, 46ebb729) unknown
11:49:400 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:988 I[LOAD]: Module entry: 08804040
11:49:403 root         N[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:217 GPU Vendor : Intel
11:49:633 root         N[BOOT]: EmuScreen.cpp:104 Loading C:\Users\1\Desktop\Новая папка (4)\GTACW_EUR.iso...
11:49:633 root         I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1932 276=sceKernelCreateThread(name=user_main, entry=08804154, prio=20, stacksize=262144)
11:49:633 root         I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1975 sceKernelStartThread(thread=276, argSize=33, argPtr=09fffe00)
11:49:633 root         I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2061 __KernelReturnFromThread: 0
11:49:634 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:359 -----------
11:49:634 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 Block: 08800000 - 08804040 size 00004040 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
11:49:634 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 Block: 08804040 - 08da3d40 size 0059fd00 taken=1 tag=ELF
11:49:634 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 Block: 08da3d40 - 08db4000 size 000102c0 taken=1 tag=UserSbrk
11:49:634 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 Block: 08db4000 - 09f80000 size 011cc000 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
11:49:634 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 Block: 09f80000 - 09fc0000 size 00040000 taken=1 tag=stack/user_main
11:49:634 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 Block: 09fc0000 - 0a000000 size 00040000 taken=0 tag=stack/root
11:49:634 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1932 278=sceKernelCreateThread(name=stupidthread, entry=08932c78, prio=38, stacksize=2048)
11:49:634 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1975 sceKernelStartThread(thread=278, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
11:49:634 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2112 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(276)
11:49:634 stupidthread W[HLE]: c:\buildagent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\core\hle\sceKernel.h:454 Kernel: Bad object handle 276 (00000114)
11:49:634 stupidthread E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2555 sceKernelWaitThreadEnd - bad thread 276
11:49:634 stupidthread I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1932 279=sceKernelCreateThread(name=threadmain, entry=08932930, prio=38, stacksize=65536)
11:49:635 stupidthread I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1975 sceKernelStartThread(thread=279, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
11:49:635 stupidthread I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2112 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
11:49:635 threadmain   E[HLE]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:1402 UNIMPL sceIoChangeAsyncPriority(-1, 64)
11:49:656 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:204 sceKernelVolatileMemTryLock(0, 09fff650, 167769684) - success
11:49:676 threadmain   W[HLE]: c:\buildagent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\core\hle\sceKernel.h:454 Kernel: Bad object handle -1 (ffffffff)
11:49:676 threadmain   W[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelSemaphore.cpp:469 sceKernelWaitSema: Trying to wait for invalid semaphore -1
11:49:710 idle0        W[HLE]: c:\buildagent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\core\hle\sceKernel.h:454 Kernel: Bad object handle -1 (ffffffff)
11:49:710 idle0        W[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelSemaphore.cpp:390 sceKernelSignalSema : Trying to signal invalid semaphore -1
11:49:725 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1932 285=sceKernelCreateThread(name=SysManager, entry=08a758d8, prio=6f, stacksize=4096)
11:49:725 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1975 sceKernelStartThread(thread=285, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
11:49:726 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:243 scePowerSetClockFrequency(333,333,166)
11:49:792 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceSas.cpp:89 sceSasInit(08bf2840, 512, 32, 0, 44100)
11:49:826 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1932 295=sceKernelCreateThread(name=Bink audio thread, entry=08ae92ec, prio=e, stacksize=32768)
11:49:827 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1975 sceKernelStartThread(thread=295, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
11:49:829 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1932 297=sceKernelCreateThread(name=bink, entry=08861414, prio=37, stacksize=65536)
11:49:829 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1975 sceKernelStartThread(thread=297, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
11:49:845 threadmain   I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:573 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
11:49:846 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1932 302=sceKernelCreateThread(name=ResourceManagerThread, entry=08b284f0, prio=13, stacksize=2048)
11:49:846 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1975 sceKernelStartThread(thread=302, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
11:49:873 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\scePspNpDrm_user.cpp:9 call sceNpDrmSetLicenseeKey(08b40770)
11:49:883 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1932 328=sceKernelCreateThread(name=overlayloader, entry=089727c4, prio=13, stacksize=1024)
11:49:883 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1975 sceKernelStartThread(thread=328, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
11:49:890 ResourceMana I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:573 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
11:50:084 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:243 scePowerSetClockFrequency(333,333,166)
11:50:236 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1932 332=sceKernelCreateThread(name=sfx bank loading thread, entry=0884c640, prio=12, stacksize=2048)
11:53:250 bink         I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2061 __KernelReturnFromThread: 1
11:53:257 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:573 Creating FBO for 00154000 : 480 x 272 x 3
11:53:266 Bink audio t I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2112 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
11:53:266 threadmain   W[HLE]: c:\buildagent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\core\hle\sceKernel.h:454 Kernel: Bad object handle 295 (00000127)
11:53:266 threadmain   E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2555 sceKernelWaitThreadEnd - bad thread 295
11:53:266 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1932 335=sceKernelCreateThread(name=Bink audio thread, entry=08ae92ec, prio=e, stacksize=32768)
11:53:266 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1975 sceKernelStartThread(thread=335, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
11:53:267 Bink audio t I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2112 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
11:53:267 threadmain   W[HLE]: c:\buildagent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\core\hle\sceKernel.h:454 Kernel: Bad object handle 335 (0000014f)
11:53:267 threadmain   E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2555 sceKernelWaitThreadEnd - bad thread 335
11:53:267 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1975 sceKernelStartThread(thread=332, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
11:53:268 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1932 340=sceKernelCreateThread(name=mix sound thread, entry=08a6d8e0, prio=12, stacksize=32768)
11:53:268 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1975 sceKernelStartThread(thread=340, argSize=28, argPtr=08d5afb0)
11:53:353 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1227 0=sceAtracSetHalfwayBufferAndGetID(08d63000, 00008000, 00040000)
11:53:353 mix sound th W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1118 This is an atrac3+ mono audio
11:53:354 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:719 sceAtracGetBufferInfoForReseting(0, 680548, 09fee648)
11:53:382 threadmain   I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:573 Creating FBO for 00110000 : 240 x 136 x 3
11:53:387 threadmain   I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:573 Creating FBO for 00132000 : 120 x 68 x 3
11:53:420 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(0, 680548, 32768, 0)
11:53:420 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1242 sceAtracSetLoopNum(0, -1)
11:53:504 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1205 Decimating FBO for 00154000 (480 x 272 x 3), age 6
11:53:534 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:573 Creating FBO for 00154000 : 480 x 272 x 3
11:53:585 threadmain   W[HLE]: FileSystems\MetaFileSystem.cpp:84 RealPath: inPath is all prefix and no path: "ms0:"
11:53:586 threadmain   W[HLE]: FileSystems\MetaFileSystem.cpp:84 RealPath: inPath is all prefix and no path: "ms0:"
11:53:591 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:222 sceKernelVolatileMemUnlock(0)
11:53:591 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1932 345=sceKernelCreateThread(name=memstick, entry=08a07b20, prio=14, stacksize=8192)
11:53:591 threadmain   I[HLE]: FileSystems\DirectoryFileSystem.cpp:165 Actually opening C:\Emulators\ppsspp\memstick\PSP\SAVEDATA\ULES01347L0\ICON0.PNG
11:53:593 threadmain   I[HLE]: FileSystems\DirectoryFileSystem.cpp:165 Actually opening C:\Emulators\ppsspp\memstick\PSP\SAVEDATA\ULES01347L0\PARAM.SFO
11:53:593 threadmain   I[HLE]: Dialog\PSPSaveDialog.cpp:58 sceUtilitySavedataInitStart(08bee468)
11:53:593 threadmain   I[HLE]: Dialog\PSPSaveDialog.cpp:59 Mode: 0
11:53:593 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1975 sceKernelStartThread(thread=345, argSize=1200, argPtr=08bef910)
11:53:604 memstick     I[HLE]: Dialog\SavedataParam.cpp:470 Loading file with size 4152 in ms0:/PSP/SAVEDATA/ULES01347L0/DATA.BIN
11:53:604 memstick     I[HLE]: FileSystems\DirectoryFileSystem.cpp:165 Actually opening C:\Emulators\ppsspp\memstick\PSP\SAVEDATA\ULES01347L0\DATA.BIN
11:53:605 memstick     I[HLE]: FileSystems\DirectoryFileSystem.cpp:165 Actually opening C:\Emulators\ppsspp\memstick\PSP\SAVEDATA\ULES01347L0\PARAM.SFO
11:53:605 memstick     I[HLE]: FileSystems\DirectoryFileSystem.cpp:165 Actually opening C:\Emulators\ppsspp\memstick\PSP\SAVEDATA\ULES01347L0\PARAM.SFO
11:53:607 memstick     I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2112 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
11:53:608 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:204 sceKernelVolatileMemTryLock(0, 09fff5a0, 167769508) - success
11:53:634 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1205 Decimating FBO for 00110000 (240 x 136 x 3), age 6
11:53:634 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1205 Decimating FBO for 00132000 (120 x 68 x 3), age 6
11:53:635 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1205 Decimating FBO for 00154000 (480 x 272 x 3), age 6
11:53:638 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:573 Creating FBO for 00110000 : 240 x 136 x 3
11:53:638 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:573 Creating FBO for 00132000 : 120 x 68 x 3
11:53:639 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:573 Creating FBO for 00154000 : 480 x 272 x 3
11:53:645 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(0)
11:53:889 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1227 0=sceAtracSetHalfwayBufferAndGetID(08d63000, 00008000, 00040000)
11:53:889 mix sound th W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1118 This is an atrac3+ mono audio
11:53:889 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:719 sceAtracGetBufferInfoForReseting(0, 826188, 09fee648)
11:53:903 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(0, 826188, 32768, 0)
11:53:903 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1242 sceAtracSetLoopNum(0, -1)
11:53:988 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1205 Decimating FBO for 00154000 (480 x 272 x 3), age 6
11:54:896 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:573 Creating FBO for 00154000 : 480 x 272 x 3
11:55:134 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1205 Decimating FBO for 00154000 (480 x 272 x 3), age 6
11:56:998 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(0)
11:58:414 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:573 Creating FBO for 00154000 : 480 x 272 x 3
11:59:000 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1205 Decimating FBO for 00154000 (480 x 272 x 3), age 6
12:02:354 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:573 Creating FBO for 00154000 : 480 x 272 x 3
12:02:862 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1205 Decimating FBO for 00154000 (480 x 272 x 3), age 6
12:04:225 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1227 0=sceAtracSetHalfwayBufferAndGetID(08d63000, 00008000, 00040000)
12:04:225 mix sound th W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1118 This is an atrac3+ mono audio
12:04:225 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:719 sceAtracGetBufferInfoForReseting(0, 27888, 09fee648)
12:04:263 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(0, 27888, 32768, 0)
12:04:263 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1242 sceAtracSetLoopNum(0, -1)
12:05:990 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(0)
12:06:090 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1227 0=sceAtracSetHalfwayBufferAndGetID(08d63000, 00008000, 00040000)
12:06:090 mix sound th W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1120 This is an atrac3+ stereo audio
12:06:091 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:719 sceAtracGetBufferInfoForReseting(0, 1870440, 09fee648)
12:06:123 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(0, 1870440, 32768, 0)
12:06:123 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1242 sceAtracSetLoopNum(0, -1)
12:15:289 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(0)
12:15:389 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1227 0=sceAtracSetHalfwayBufferAndGetID(08d63000, 00008000, 00040000)
12:15:389 mix sound th W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1118 This is an atrac3+ mono audio
12:15:390 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:719 sceAtracGetBufferInfoForReseting(0, 514836, 09fee648)
12:15:423 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(0, 514836, 32768, 0)
12:15:423 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1242 sceAtracSetLoopNum(0, -1)
12:18:092 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(0)
12:18:125 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1227 0=sceAtracSetHalfwayBufferAndGetID(08d63000, 00008000, 00040000)
12:18:125 mix sound th W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1120 This is an atrac3+ stereo audio
12:18:125 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:719 sceAtracGetBufferInfoForReseting(0, 0, 09fee648)
12:18:139 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(0, 0, 49152, 0)
12:18:139 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1242 sceAtracSetLoopNum(0, -1)
12:22:021 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(0)
12:22:050 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1227 0=sceAtracSetHalfwayBufferAndGetID(08d63000, 00008000, 00040000)
12:22:050 mix sound th W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1118 This is an atrac3+ mono audio
12:22:050 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:719 sceAtracGetBufferInfoForReseting(0, 1163088, 09fee648)
12:22:061 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(0, 1163088, 32768, 0)
12:22:061 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1242 sceAtracSetLoopNum(0, -1)
12:23:937 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(0)
12:23:971 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1227 0=sceAtracSetHalfwayBufferAndGetID(08d63000, 00008000, 00040000)
12:23:971 mix sound th W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1120 This is an atrac3+ stereo audio
12:23:972 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:719 sceAtracGetBufferInfoForReseting(0, 3042292, 09fee648)
12:23:993 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(0, 3042292, 32768, 0)
12:23:993 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1242 sceAtracSetLoopNum(0, -1)
12:25:030 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(0)
12:29:704 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:573 Creating FBO for 00154000 : 480 x 272 x 3
12:30:062 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1205 Decimating FBO for 00154000 (480 x 272 x 3), age 6
12:33:905 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:573 Creating FBO for 00154000 : 480 x 272 x 3
12:34:564 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1205 Decimating FBO for 00154000 (480 x 272 x 3), age 6
12:37:366 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:573 Creating FBO for 00154000 : 480 x 272 x 3
12:37:726 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1205 Decimating FBO for 00154000 (480 x 272 x 3), age 6
12:45:563 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:243 scePowerSetClockFrequency(333,333,166)
12:46:218 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1227 0=sceAtracSetHalfwayBufferAndGetID(08d63000, 00008000, 00040000)
12:46:219 mix sound th W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1120 This is an atrac3+ stereo audio
12:46:220 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:719 sceAtracGetBufferInfoForReseting(0, 4428292, 09fee648)
12:46:241 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(0, 4428292, 32768, 0)
12:46:241 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1242 sceAtracSetLoopNum(0, -1)
13:12:043 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(0)
13:12:143 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1227 0=sceAtracSetHalfwayBufferAndGetID(08d63000, 00008000, 00040000)
13:12:143 mix sound th W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1118 This is an atrac3+ mono audio
13:12:143 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:719 sceAtracGetBufferInfoForReseting(0, 723732, 09fee648)
13:12:153 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(0, 723732, 32768, 0)
13:12:153 mix sound th I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1242 sceAtracSetLoopNum(0, -1)
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08-19-2013, 09:46 AM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2013 03:02 PM by Maverick.)
Post: #23
RE: Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Just started the day with 0.8.1-1647-g61d2042 x64 Win7

Was in apartment, saving game worked fine. Then Mission also starts good. On my way to kennys guys where the cutscene comes introducing the police, a crash occured, just a normal one, and on a 2nd attempt with my created savegame the driver set my card back and i could only end ppsspp process with the task manager.

The Problem with 3x rendering resolution (rr) or 4x is only happening when those story-style cutscenes appear, on 3x or above rr he shows the 3d map instead of the cutscenes. I also noted in the beginning a brightness difference between x2 rr and above.

Heres the log containing both crash events. Had to put it elsewhere since its over the limit.

So for me its not playable due to continue crashing.

on the first two screens different brightness between 2x rr and maximize/fullscreen (greater than 2x rr)

Settings are all factory, only language changed.

Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s)

CPU - AMD Phenom X4 955 BE 3,2 (Stock)
GPU - ATi XFX 4870 1 GB (11.11a)
RAM - 8 GB DDR3-1333
O S - Win7x64
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08-19-2013, 10:39 AM
Post: #24
RE: Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Well this looks like a crash in sceAudio. i noticed this on other games before (even when closing my self-build Version of PPSSPP), so i don´t think this is exclusive to chinatown wars.

Did you try to turn off Anti-Aliasing? This brought all hud-elements back for me (in fullscreen of course).

And i found another small graphical issue compared to psp: The light-cones of the streetlights are only slighty visible on the psp, they need a little bit more transparency on PPSSPP.
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08-19-2013, 02:59 PM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2013 03:00 PM by Maverick.)
Post: #25
RE: Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
yeah AA Off just factory settings. yeah it looks weird like that with that light^^ like energy fields all over haha

CPU - AMD Phenom X4 955 BE 3,2 (Stock)
GPU - ATi XFX 4870 1 GB (11.11a)
RAM - 8 GB DDR3-1333
O S - Win7x64
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08-19-2013, 05:16 PM
Post: #26
RE: Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Have you tried to switch to non-buffered Rendering-mode? This works for me too.
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08-20-2013, 01:20 AM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2013 01:22 AM by Maverick.)
Post: #27
RE: Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Yeah i tried all modes and different settings for the "above 2x" rendering, all are too bright and no cutscenes/appartment menu. So you can play fullscreen properly or what ?

I also encountered those driver recovers again, then i tried daxter where my driver also recovered. Then i investigated and installed the recommended old driver. No recovers so far, but, the crash from the first mission remains. Exactly the same spot (from the 5th screenshot) when the cutscene comes where the police is explained. The cutscene runs to that point. I will do some more testing later and give exact screenshots and more detail. Hopefully those recovers are gone. I wonder if u can play fullscreen with proper function ?! Its like in the 2nd screenshot on my side i posted, too bright and no cutscene, just the render from the map if i dont switch back to 2x or skip the scene with start.

CPU - AMD Phenom X4 955 BE 3,2 (Stock)
GPU - ATi XFX 4870 1 GB (11.11a)
RAM - 8 GB DDR3-1333
O S - Win7x64
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08-20-2013, 06:33 AM
Post: #28
RE: Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
It´s working pretty flawless on my GTX 670 on fullscreen, but i have either to switch to non-buffered rendering or to disable AA.

This are probably AMD/ATI-related issues, which graphic driver do you have? As far as i know (because i owned a 4870 1 Gig myself Wink) there are only legacy-drivers available, are these the latest ones?
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08-20-2013, 06:56 AM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2013 06:57 AM by bonquacks.)
Post: #29
RE: Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
(08-20-2013 01:20 AM)Maverick Wrote:  I also encountered those driver recovers again, then i tried daxter where my driver also recovered. Then i investigated and installed the recommended old driver. No recovers so far, but, the crash from the first mission remains.

When you talk about a crash, is it one that brings down the whole emulator with it and produces a windows crash report?

If it does, it'd be really handy if you could get the details in that crash report. The faulting module would also be really helpful.

Also, a save file from your game would also be helpful for other users to help out in the debugging process.

If you're really inclined to get the bottom of this, you should read this great guide by solarmystic on how to compile PPSSPP on your own computer and then produce stack traces using MSVC 2010 for ppsspp crashes. This is the quickest way to get to the bottom of this problem.

Really useful too, when the buildbot is down, and you still want to update your ppsspp revisions.

Pentium D 820 @ 2.8 GHz stock, NVIDIA 7600 GT,1 GB RAM, Windows XP.
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08-20-2013, 10:25 AM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2013 10:34 AM by Maverick.)
Post: #30
RE: Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
Crash Report, yes. This time im using v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64 Win7. Seems like im rid of those recovers for now with that recommended driver (11.11a) from the big ati gfx thread. I can repdroduce the same crash though on the mentioned "police cutscene", same spot at crash (like the last screenshot from my post) but im able to skip it using start button :>

heres a crashlog from win7:

  Problemereignisname:    APPCRASH
  Anwendungsname:    PPSSPPWindows64.exe
  Anwendungszeitstempel:    5212a490
  Fehlermodulname:    PPSSPPWindows64.exe
  Fehlermodulzeitstempel:    5212a490
  Ausnahmecode:    c0000005
  Ausnahmeoffset:    0000000000156bb5
  Betriebsystemversion:    6.1.7601.
  Gebietsschema-ID:    1031
  Zusatzinformation 1:    2975
  Zusatzinformation 2:    2975d73945c6f8eb344afbd1a4582d6d
  Zusatzinformation 3:    de8e
  Zusatzinformation 4:    de8e0b4cb3ecec650a08965c0dfd8737

and the ppsspp log:
04:55:921 EmuThread.cpp:114 I[BOOT]: Done.
04:57:513 EmuScreen.cpp:62 I[BOOT]: Starting up hardware.
04:57:513 System.cpp:256 I[HLE]: PPSSPP v0.8.1-1689-gb186294
04:57:518 MemMap.cpp:93 I[MM]: Memory system initialized. RAM at 000000000D510000 (mirror at 0 @ 0000000088730000, uncached @ 00000000C8730000)
04:57:607 Loaders.cpp:149 I[LOAD]: Identifying file...
04:57:607 PSPLoaders.cpp:121 I[LOAD]: ULES01347 : Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
04:57:608 PSPLoaders.cpp:192 I[LOAD]: Loading disc0:/PSP_GAME/SYSDIR/EBOOT.BIN...
04:57:608 HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:164 I[HLE]: Kernel and user memory pools initialized
04:57:608 HLE\sceIo.cpp:345 I[HLE]: Starting up I/O...
04:57:608 FileUtil.cpp:214 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\memstick\
04:57:608 FileUtil.cpp:218 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path exists C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\memstick\
04:57:608 FileUtil.cpp:214 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\flash0\
04:57:608 FileUtil.cpp:218 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path exists C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\flash0\
04:57:610 FileUtil.cpp:214 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path cheats
04:57:610 FileUtil.cpp:218 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path exists cheats
04:57:610 FileUtil.cpp:214 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\memstick\PSP\PPSSPP_STATE
04:57:610 FileUtil.cpp:218 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path exists C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\memstick\PSP\PPSSPP_STATE
04:57:640 HLE\sceKernel.cpp:136 I[HLE]: Kernel initialized.
04:57:647 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:454 I[HLE]: Decrypting ~PSP file
04:57:696 C:\BuildAgent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\Core/ELF/ElfReader.h:58 I[LOAD]: ElfReader: 0000000012430040
04:57:696 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:154 E[HLE]: Position 08804040 does not align to grain. Grain will be off.
04:57:699 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:359 I[HLE]: -----------
04:57:699 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 I[HLE]: Block: 08800000 - 08804040 size 00004040 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
04:57:699 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 I[HLE]: Block: 08804040 - 08da3d40 size 0059fd00 taken=1 tag=ELF
04:57:699 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 I[HLE]: Block: 08da3d40 - 0a000000 size 0125c2c0 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
04:57:699 ELF\ElfReader.cpp:524 N[LOAD]: ELF loading completed successfully.
04:57:751 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:557 I[LOAD]: Module CTW: 08bd0190 08b34ed4 08b34edc
04:57:751 HLE\HLE.cpp:199 I[HLE]: Syscall (IoFileMgrForUser, 05572a5f) unknown
04:57:752 HLE\HLE.cpp:199 I[HLE]: Syscall (ThreadManForUser, 71ec4271) unknown
04:57:752 HLE\HLE.cpp:199 I[HLE]: Syscall (sceAudio, 20628e6f) unknown
04:57:752 HLE\HLE.cpp:199 I[HLE]: Syscall (sceAudio, 46ebb729) unknown
04:57:753 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:988 I[LOAD]: Module entry: 08804040
04:57:813 root         N[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:217 GPU Vendor : ATI Technologies Inc.
04:58:128 root         N[BOOT]: EmuScreen.cpp:104 Loading E:\Grand Theft Auto - Chinatown Wars (E).cso...
04:58:128 root         I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1932 276=sceKernelCreateThread(name=user_main, entry=08804154, prio=20, stacksize=262144)
04:58:128 root         I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1975 sceKernelStartThread(thread=276, argSize=33, argPtr=09fffe00)
04:58:129 root         I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2061 __KernelReturnFromThread: 0
04:58:129 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:359 -----------
04:58:129 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 Block: 08800000 - 08804040 size 00004040 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
04:58:129 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 Block: 08804040 - 08da3d40 size 0059fd00 taken=1 tag=ELF
04:58:129 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 Block: 08da3d40 - 08db4000 size 000102c0 taken=1 tag=UserSbrk
04:58:129 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 Block: 08db4000 - 09f80000 size 011cc000 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
04:58:129 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 Block: 09f80000 - 09fc0000 size 00040000 taken=1 tag=stack/user_main
04:58:129 user_main    I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 Block: 09fc0000 - 0a000000 size 00040000 taken=0 tag=stack/root
04:58:129 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1932 278=sceKernelCreateThread(name=stupidthread, entry=08932c78, prio=38, stacksize=2048)
04:58:129 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1975 sceKernelStartThread(thread=278, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
04:58:129 user_main    I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2112 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(276)
04:58:129 stupidthread W[HLE]: c:\buildagent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\core\hle\sceKernel.h:454 Kernel: Bad object handle 276 (00000114)
04:58:129 stupidthread E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2555 sceKernelWaitThreadEnd - bad thread 276
04:58:129 stupidthread I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1932 279=sceKernelCreateThread(name=threadmain, entry=08932930, prio=38, stacksize=65536)
04:58:129 stupidthread I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1975 sceKernelStartThread(thread=279, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
04:58:129 stupidthread I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2112 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
04:58:129 threadmain   E[HLE]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:1402 UNIMPL sceIoChangeAsyncPriority(-1, 64)
04:58:142 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:204 sceKernelVolatileMemTryLock(0, 09fff650, 167769684) - success
04:58:160 threadmain   W[HLE]: C:\BuildAgent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\Core/HLE/sceKernel.h:454 Kernel: Bad object handle -1 (ffffffff)
04:58:193 idle0        W[HLE]: C:\BuildAgent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\Core/HLE/sceKernel.h:454 Kernel: Bad object handle -1 (ffffffff)
04:58:210 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1932 285=sceKernelCreateThread(name=SysManager, entry=08a758d8, prio=6f, stacksize=4096)
04:58:210 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1975 sceKernelStartThread(thread=285, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
04:58:210 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:243 scePowerSetClockFrequency(333,333,166)
04:58:277 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceSas.cpp:89 sceSasInit(08bf2840, 512, 32, 0, 44100)
04:58:310 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1932 295=sceKernelCreateThread(name=Bink audio thread, entry=08ae92ec, prio=e, stacksize=32768)
04:58:310 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1975 sceKernelStartThread(thread=295, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
04:58:311 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1932 297=sceKernelCreateThread(name=bink, entry=08861414, prio=37, stacksize=65536)
04:58:311 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1975 sceKernelStartThread(thread=297, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
04:58:330 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1932 302=sceKernelCreateThread(name=ResourceManagerThread, entry=08b284f0, prio=13, stacksize=2048)
04:58:330 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1975 sceKernelStartThread(thread=302, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
04:58:330 threadmain   I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:573 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
04:58:452 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\scePspNpDrm_user.cpp:9 call sceNpDrmSetLicenseeKey(08b40770)
04:58:454 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1932 328=sceKernelCreateThread(name=overlayloader, entry=089727c4, prio=13, stacksize=1024)
04:58:454 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1975 sceKernelStartThread(thread=328, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
04:58:462 ResourceMana I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:573 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
04:58:683 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:243 scePowerSetClockFrequency(333,333,166)
04:59:020 threadmain   I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1932 332=sceKernelCreateThread(name=sfx bank loading thread, entry=0884c640, prio=12, stacksize=2048)
05:00:570 idle0        I[COMMON]: SaveState.cpp:232 Loading state from C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\memstick\PSP\PPSSPP_STATE\ULES01347_1.01_0.ppst
05:00:570 idle0        I[COMMON]: C:\BuildAgent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\common\ChunkFile.h:588 ChunkReader: Loading C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\memstick\PSP\PPSSPP_STATE\ULES01347_1.01_0.ppst
05:00:651 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1232 Destroying FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
05:00:651 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1232 Destroying FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
05:00:652 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:470 Loading font flash0:/font/jpn0.pgf (3322220 bytes)
05:00:652 idle0        I[HLE]: FileSystems\DirectoryFileSystem.cpp:165 Actually opening C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\flash0\font\jpn0.pgf
05:00:655 idle0        I[HLE]: Font\PGF.cpp:108 Reading 392 bytes of PGF header
05:00:666 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:484 Loaded font flash0:/font/jpn0.pgf
05:00:666 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:470 Loading font flash0:/font/ltn0.pgf (67660 bytes)
05:00:666 idle0        I[HLE]: FileSystems\DirectoryFileSystem.cpp:165 Actually opening C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\flash0\font\ltn0.pgf
05:00:666 idle0        I[HLE]: Font\PGF.cpp:108 Reading 392 bytes of PGF header
05:00:666 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:484 Loaded font flash0:/font/ltn0.pgf
05:00:667 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:470 Loading font flash0:/font/ltn1.pgf (63504 bytes)
05:00:667 idle0        I[HLE]: FileSystems\DirectoryFileSystem.cpp:165 Actually opening C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\flash0\font\ltn1.pgf
05:00:667 idle0        I[HLE]: Font\PGF.cpp:108 Reading 392 bytes of PGF header
05:00:667 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:484 Loaded font flash0:/font/ltn1.pgf
05:00:667 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:470 Loading font flash0:/font/ltn2.pgf (76692 bytes)
05:00:667 idle0        I[HLE]: FileSystems\DirectoryFileSystem.cpp:165 Actually opening C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\flash0\font\ltn2.pgf
05:00:667 idle0        I[HLE]: Font\PGF.cpp:108 Reading 392 bytes of PGF header
05:00:668 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:484 Loaded font flash0:/font/ltn2.pgf
05:00:668 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:470 Loading font flash0:/font/ltn3.pgf (71900 bytes)
05:00:668 idle0        I[HLE]: FileSystems\DirectoryFileSystem.cpp:165 Actually opening C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\flash0\font\ltn3.pgf
05:00:668 idle0        I[HLE]: Font\PGF.cpp:108 Reading 392 bytes of PGF header
05:00:668 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:484 Loaded font flash0:/font/ltn3.pgf
05:00:668 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:470 Loading font flash0:/font/ltn4.pgf (78920 bytes)
05:00:668 idle0        I[HLE]: FileSystems\DirectoryFileSystem.cpp:165 Actually opening C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\flash0\font\ltn4.pgf
05:00:669 idle0        I[HLE]: Font\PGF.cpp:108 Reading 392 bytes of PGF header
05:00:669 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:484 Loaded font flash0:/font/ltn4.pgf
05:00:669 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:470 Loading font flash0:/font/ltn5.pgf (76216 bytes)
05:00:669 idle0        I[HLE]: FileSystems\DirectoryFileSystem.cpp:165 Actually opening C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\flash0\font\ltn5.pgf
05:00:669 idle0        I[HLE]: Font\PGF.cpp:108 Reading 392 bytes of PGF header
05:00:670 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:484 Loaded font flash0:/font/ltn5.pgf
05:00:670 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:470 Loading font flash0:/font/ltn6.pgf (88716 bytes)
05:00:670 idle0        I[HLE]: FileSystems\DirectoryFileSystem.cpp:165 Actually opening C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\flash0\font\ltn6.pgf
05:00:670 idle0        I[HLE]: Font\PGF.cpp:108 Reading 392 bytes of PGF header
05:00:670 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:484 Loaded font flash0:/font/ltn6.pgf
05:00:670 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:470 Loading font flash0:/font/ltn7.pgf (84860 bytes)
05:00:670 idle0        I[HLE]: FileSystems\DirectoryFileSystem.cpp:165 Actually opening C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\flash0\font\ltn7.pgf
05:00:671 idle0        I[HLE]: Font\PGF.cpp:108 Reading 392 bytes of PGF header
05:00:671 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:484 Loaded font flash0:/font/ltn7.pgf
05:00:671 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:470 Loading font flash0:/font/ltn8.pgf (51432 bytes)
05:00:671 idle0        I[HLE]: FileSystems\DirectoryFileSystem.cpp:165 Actually opening C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\flash0\font\ltn8.pgf
05:00:671 idle0        I[HLE]: Font\PGF.cpp:108 Reading 392 bytes of PGF header
05:00:672 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:484 Loaded font flash0:/font/ltn8.pgf
05:00:672 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:470 Loading font flash0:/font/ltn9.pgf (50116 bytes)
05:00:672 idle0        I[HLE]: FileSystems\DirectoryFileSystem.cpp:165 Actually opening C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\flash0\font\ltn9.pgf
05:00:672 idle0        I[HLE]: Font\PGF.cpp:108 Reading 392 bytes of PGF header
05:00:672 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:484 Loaded font flash0:/font/ltn9.pgf
05:00:673 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:470 Loading font flash0:/font/ltn10.pgf (55788 bytes)
05:00:673 idle0        I[HLE]: FileSystems\DirectoryFileSystem.cpp:165 Actually opening C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\flash0\font\ltn10.pgf
05:00:673 idle0        I[HLE]: Font\PGF.cpp:108 Reading 392 bytes of PGF header
05:00:673 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:484 Loaded font flash0:/font/ltn10.pgf
05:00:673 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:470 Loading font flash0:/font/ltn11.pgf (54572 bytes)
05:00:673 idle0        I[HLE]: FileSystems\DirectoryFileSystem.cpp:165 Actually opening C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\flash0\font\ltn11.pgf
05:00:673 idle0        I[HLE]: Font\PGF.cpp:108 Reading 392 bytes of PGF header
05:00:674 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:484 Loaded font flash0:/font/ltn11.pgf
05:00:674 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:470 Loading font flash0:/font/ltn12.pgf (58352 bytes)
05:00:674 idle0        I[HLE]: FileSystems\DirectoryFileSystem.cpp:165 Actually opening C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\flash0\font\ltn12.pgf
05:00:674 idle0        I[HLE]: Font\PGF.cpp:108 Reading 392 bytes of PGF header
05:00:674 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:484 Loaded font flash0:/font/ltn12.pgf
05:00:675 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:470 Loading font flash0:/font/ltn13.pgf (57660 bytes)
05:00:675 idle0        I[HLE]: FileSystems\DirectoryFileSystem.cpp:165 Actually opening C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\flash0\font\ltn13.pgf
05:00:675 idle0        I[HLE]: Font\PGF.cpp:108 Reading 392 bytes of PGF header
05:00:675 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:484 Loaded font flash0:/font/ltn13.pgf
05:00:675 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:470 Loading font flash0:/font/ltn14.pgf (63388 bytes)
05:00:675 idle0        I[HLE]: FileSystems\DirectoryFileSystem.cpp:165 Actually opening C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\flash0\font\ltn14.pgf
05:00:675 idle0        I[HLE]: Font\PGF.cpp:108 Reading 392 bytes of PGF header
05:00:676 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:484 Loaded font flash0:/font/ltn14.pgf
05:00:676 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:470 Loading font flash0:/font/ltn15.pgf (62364 bytes)
05:00:676 idle0        I[HLE]: FileSystems\DirectoryFileSystem.cpp:165 Actually opening C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\flash0\font\ltn15.pgf
05:00:676 idle0        I[HLE]: Font\PGF.cpp:108 Reading 392 bytes of PGF header
05:00:676 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:484 Loaded font flash0:/font/ltn15.pgf
05:00:677 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:470 Loading font flash0:/font/kr0.pgf (883164 bytes)
05:00:677 idle0        I[HLE]: FileSystems\DirectoryFileSystem.cpp:165 Actually opening C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\flash0\font\kr0.pgf
05:00:677 idle0        I[HLE]: Font\PGF.cpp:108 Reading 392 bytes of PGF header
05:00:683 idle0        I[HLE]: HLE\sceFont.cpp:484 Loaded font flash0:/font/kr0.pgf
05:00:687 idle0        I[COMMON]: C:\BuildAgent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\common\ChunkFile.h:672 ChunkReader: Done loading C:\Emulatoren\PSP\ppsspp v0.8.1-1689-gb186294 x64\memstick\PSP\PPSSPP_STATE\ULES01347_1.01_0.ppst
05:00:692 threadmain   I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:573 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
05:01:030 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:573 Creating FBO for 00110000 : 240 x 136 x 3
05:01:053 idle0        I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:573 Creating FBO for 00132000 : 120 x 68 x 3
05:01:143 threadmain   I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:573 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3


I'll look into that stack traces thingy. Savedata contains 2 folders of that game, dont know why (ULES01347L0 & ULES01347LA), think its normal. Savestate is during the cutscene right before the crash appears.

Im wondering those recovers, pcsx2/dolphin dont give me that for example. Tekken 6 didnt gave me 1 of those also. I know its another emulator and things needs to be handled differently, but they use the same driver. Strange behaviour. Nvidia is rly what comes next into my machine i think :] but this old card is still working awesome with emulators.

CPU - AMD Phenom X4 955 BE 3,2 (Stock)
GPU - ATi XFX 4870 1 GB (11.11a)
RAM - 8 GB DDR3-1333
O S - Win7x64
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