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Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
06-27-2021, 05:18 PM
Post: #721
RE: Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Is there any way to fix the rate of fire and recoil in the 60fps V4 cheat? They are too fast and make the game very unpleasant at least for me
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02-02-2022, 03:13 AM
Post: #722
Information RE: Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
I am using the right analog stick cheat and was wondering if there was a cheat to move the controls in shooter type from the D-pad to the face buttons, with that it would be the perfect way to play this game
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02-06-2022, 04:37 PM
Post: #723
Lightbulb RE: Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Hi I have been using this code with the shooter controls and was wondering if there was a code that switches the shooter controls from the D-pad to the Face buttons Sad
(10-21-2016 09:12 PM)LunaMoo Wrote:  Yet another code for fancy controls:
_S ULUS-10509
_G Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
_C0 Right Analog Aim
_L 0xE052A964 0x00075084
_L 0x2000100C 0x340A0020
// ^change 20 on the end of the line above for deadzone anything from 01 to maybe up to 40 will work(definitely set to 01 when using with mouse control)
// also affects maximum camera speed
_L 0x20001020 0x3C0E3F80
// ^change 3F80 for camera speed multiplier, it's first 4 digit of floating point
// default 3F80 == 0x3F800000 == 1.0
_L 0x20075084 0x0E200400
_L 0x20001000 0x03A07821
_L 0x20001004 0x3C090880
_L 0x20001008 0x0120C021
_L 0x20001010 0x340B0080
_L 0x20001014 0x016A6021
_L 0x20001018 0x258C0001
_L 0x2000101C 0x016A5823
_L 0x20001024 0x448EF000
_L 0x20001028 0x91E8000A
_L 0x2000102C 0x010B682A
_L 0x20001030 0xA12D0FFC
_L 0x20001034 0x0188682A
_L 0x20001038 0xA12D0FFD
_L 0x2000103C 0x2508FF80
_L 0x20001040 0x0501000D
_L 0x20001044 0x00000000
_L 0x20001048 0x010A4020
_L 0x2000104C 0x25080001
_L 0x20001050 0x0008C82A
_L 0x20001054 0x57200001
_L 0x20001058 0x00004021
_L 0x2000105C 0x4488F800
_L 0x20001060 0x4680FFE0
_L 0x20001064 0x461EFFC2
_L 0x20001068 0x4600FFCD
_L 0x2000106C 0x4408F800
_L 0x20001070 0x1000000B
_L 0x20001074 0xAD280FF4
_L 0x20001078 0x010A4022
_L 0x2000107C 0x05010002
_L 0x20001080 0x00000000
_L 0x20001084 0x00004021
_L 0x20001088 0x4488F800
_L 0x2000108C 0x4680FFE0
_L 0x20001090 0x461EFFC2
_L 0x20001094 0x4600FFCD
_L 0x20001098 0x4408F800
_L 0x2000109C 0xAD280FF4
_L 0x200010A0 0x000840C0
_L 0x200010A4 0x00084022
_L 0x200010A8 0xAD280FEC
_L 0x200010AC 0x91E8000B
_L 0x200010B0 0x1309FFDE
_L 0x200010B4 0x2529FFFC
_L 0x200010B8 0x8F080FE8
_L 0x200010BC 0x00084022
_L 0x200010C0 0xAF080FE8
_L 0x200010C4 0x03E00008
_L 0x200010C8 0x8C43A964
_L 0x201984D4 0x3C1B0880
_L 0x201984D8 0x8F620FF4
_L 0x201984E8 0x8F620FF0
_L 0x201978A8 0x3C1B0880
_L 0x201978AC 0x83620FF8
_L 0x201978BC 0x83620FF9
_L 0x20197948 0x83620FFC
_L 0x20197EB8 0x83620FFD
_L 0x20197968 0x00000000
_L 0x20197F60 0x8F620FFC
_L 0x20197F34 0x00000000
_L 0x20197E3C 0x00000000
_L 0x20197EA8 0x8F620FFC
_L 0x20197938 0x10000158
_L 0x201979E8 0x8F620FF8
_L 0x201979C0 0x1000015E
_L 0x201A6978 0x3C040880
_L 0x201A697C 0x8C840FE8
_L 0x201A6860 0x3C020880
_L 0x201A6864 0x8C420FEC
_L 0x201A4064 0x3C020880
_L 0x201A4068 0x8C420FEC
_L 0x201A4150 0x3C040880
_L 0x201A4154 0x8C840FE8
_L 0x2018E500 0x28A2FFFA
_L 0x2018E50C 0x28C2FFFA
_L 0x2018E534 0x24A5FFFA
_L 0x2018E574 0x24C6FFFA
_L 0x2018E5EC 0x24A50006
_L 0x2018E728 0x24C60006
_C0 Right Analog Aim [Disable]
_L 0x20075084 0x8C43A964
_L 0x201984D4 0x4600000D
_L 0x201984D8 0x44020000
_L 0x201984E8 0x44020000
_L 0x201978A8 0x8C6200D8
_L 0x201978AC 0x02221024
_L 0x201978BC 0x02221024
_L 0x20197948 0x02221024
_L 0x20197EB8 0x02221024
_L 0x20197968 0x45030220
_L 0x20197F60 0x02221024
_L 0x20197F34 0x4500FEA4
_L 0x20197E3C 0x45030104
_L 0x20197EA8 0x02221024
_L 0x20197938 0x45010158
_L 0x201979E8 0x02221024
_L 0x201979C0 0x4501015E
_L 0x201A6978 0x00862021
_L 0x201A697C 0x7C042620
_L 0x201A6860 0x00E21023
_L 0x201A6864 0x7C021620
_L 0x201A4064 0x00E21023
_L 0x201A4068 0x7C021620
_L 0x201A4150 0x00862021
_L 0x201A4154 0x7C042620
_L 0x2018E500 0x28A2FFA1
_L 0x2018E50C 0x28C2FFA1
_L 0x2018E534 0x24A5FFD8
_L 0x2018E574 0x24C6FFD8
_L 0x2018E5EC 0x24A50028
_L 0x2018E728 0x24C60028
~Don't forget to set right analog in control mapping.
Edit: Here's an addon to above cheat, kind of experimental, might still modify it in the future as I didn't had chance to test it much yet:
_C0 RAA Curve addon
_L 0xE0170008 0x000010C4
_L 0x200010C4 0x25290004
_L 0x200010C8 0x000B70C0
_L 0x200010CC 0x448EF800
_L 0x200010D0 0x3C0F40AA
_L 0x200010D4 0x448FE800
_L 0x200010D8 0x4680FFE0
_L 0x200010DC 0x461DFFC3
_L 0x200010E0 0x8D390FEC
_L 0x200010E4 0x4499F000
_L 0x200010E8 0x4680F7A0
_L 0x200010EC 0x461FF743
_L 0x200010F0 0x4600EF05
_L 0x200010F4 0x461DE6C3
_L 0x200010F8 0x461CEF42
_L 0x200010FC 0x461CEF42
_L 0x20001100 0x461CEF42
_L 0x20001104 0x461BEF40
_L 0x20001108 0x4600EF4D
_L 0x2000110C 0xE53D0FEC
_L 0x20001110 0x1709FFF3
_L 0x20001114 0x25290004
_L 0x20001118 0x03E00008
_L 0x2000111C 0x8C43A964
_C0 RAA Curve addon [Disable]
_L 0x200010C4 0x03E00008
_L 0x200010C8 0x8C43A964
When activated if the original Right Analog Aim cheat was running, this will mod the linear aim speed to analog angle into curve that starts slowly and gains most speed on the highest angles, it only affects weapon aiming, not tpp camera. The difference might not be huge, but should be noticeable, I made it mostly to allow easier headshots since apparently they matter a lot in this game;p. Note that this is addon, as in completely optional and also does absolutely nothing by itself it will not even write anything to game memory if it doesn't detect the RAA cheat.
Another addon to the above:
_C0 RAA Better speed control addon
_L 0xE04607FE 0x0018E784
// All multipliers are stored as last 4 digits and are first 4 digit of floating point, examples:
// 3F80 == 1.0, 3F00 == 0.5, 4000 == 2.0, 3F90 == 1.125, 3F40 == 0.75, 3E00 == 0.125 etc.
// external camera
_L 0x20001134 0x3C023F80 // horizontal
_L 0x20001158 0x3C023F80 // vertical
// aim camera
_L 0x2000117C 0x3C033F80 // horizontal
_L 0x200011A4 0x3C023F80 // vertical
// scoped aim camera
_L 0x200011CC 0x3C033F80 // horizontal
_L 0x200011F4 0x3C023F80 // vertical
// :3
_L 0x2018E784 0x0A20044C
_L 0x2018E788 0x822507FE
_L 0x20001130 0x4485D800
_L 0x20001138 0x4482E000
_L 0x2000113C 0x4680DEE0
_L 0x20001140 0x461CDEC2
_L 0x20001144 0x4600DEE4
_L 0x20001148 0x4405D800
_L 0x2000114C 0x0A2639E3
_L 0x20001150 0xAE0502F0
_L 0x2018E794 0x0A200455
_L 0x2018E798 0x822607FF
_L 0x20001154 0x4486D800
_L 0x2000115C 0x4482E000
_L 0x20001160 0x4680DEE0
_L 0x20001164 0x461CDEC2
_L 0x20001168 0x4600DEE4
_L 0x2000116C 0x4406D800
_L 0x20001170 0x0A2639E7
_L 0x20001174 0xAE0602F4
_L 0x201A6868 0x0E20045E
_L 0x201A686C 0x00139880
_L 0x20001178 0x4482D800
_L 0x20001180 0x4483E000
_L 0x20001184 0x4680DEE0
_L 0x20001188 0x461CDEC2
_L 0x2000118C 0x4600DEE4
_L 0x20001190 0x4402D800
_L 0x20001194 0x0262182A
_L 0x20001198 0x03E00008
_L 0x2000119C 0xA622008A
_L 0x201A6980 0x0E200468
_L 0x201A6984 0x00139880
_L 0x200011A0 0x4484D800
_L 0x200011A8 0x4482E000
_L 0x200011AC 0x4680DEE0
_L 0x200011B0 0x461CDEC2
_L 0x200011B4 0x4600DEE4
_L 0x200011B8 0x4404D800
_L 0x200011BC 0x0264102A
_L 0x200011C0 0x03E00008
_L 0x200011C4 0xA6240088
_L 0x201A406C 0x0E200472
_L 0x201A4070 0x00094880
_L 0x200011C8 0x4482D800
_L 0x200011D0 0x4483E000
_L 0x200011D4 0x4680DEE0
_L 0x200011D8 0x461CDEC2
_L 0x200011DC 0x4600DEE4
_L 0x200011E0 0x4402D800
_L 0x200011E4 0x0122182A
_L 0x200011E8 0x03E00008
_L 0x200011EC 0xA642008A
_L 0x201A4158 0x0E20047C
_L 0x201A415C 0x00094880
_L 0x200011F0 0x4484D800
_L 0x200011F8 0x4482E000
_L 0x200011FC 0x4680DEE0
_L 0x20001200 0x461CDEC2
_L 0x20001204 0x4600DEE4
_L 0x20001208 0x4404D800
_L 0x2000120C 0x0124102A
_L 0x20001210 0x03E00008
_L 0x20001214 0xA6440088
_C0 RAA Better speed control addon [Disable]
_L 0x2018E784 0x822507FE
_L 0x2018E788 0xAE0502F0
_L 0x2018E794 0x822607FF
_L 0x2018E798 0xAE0602F4
_L 0x201A6868 0x0262182A
_L 0x201A686C 0xA622008A
_L 0x201A6980 0x0264102A
_L 0x201A6984 0xA6240088
_L 0x201A406C 0x0122182A
_L 0x201A4070 0xA642008A
_L 0x201A4158 0x0124102A
_L 0x201A415C 0xA6440088
which allows editing speed, separately for tpp cam, aim cam, and scoped aim cam, horizontal and vertical speed separately.

When I'll have more time I might also make cwc version of this, just need to figure out how to create somewhat decent RNG with mips;p. Edit: Done, my RNG function sucks and is very basic, but works well enough for what this needed.
_C0 Recruit discovery
_L 0xE03B18C4 0x007EF070
_L 0x207EF070 0x34020008
_L 0x207EF078 0x00000000
_L 0x20001200 0x3C1B0880
_L 0x20001204 0xAF7F11E8
_L 0x20001208 0x0E40E1AA
_L 0x2000120C 0x276411F0
_L 0x20001210 0x936811FC
_L 0x20001214 0x34099069
_L 0x20001218 0x01090018
_L 0x2000121C 0x00005012
_L 0x20001220 0xA36A11EC
_L 0x20001224 0x34090019
_L 0x20001228 0x0109001A
_L 0x2000122C 0x00005812
_L 0x20001230 0x8F7F11E8
_L 0x20001234 0x03E00008
_L 0x20001238 0xA36B11ED
_L 0x207EF0C8 0x0E200494
_L 0x20001250 0x3C1B0880
_L 0x20001254 0xAF65124C
_L 0x20001258 0xAF7F1248
_L 0x2000125C 0x0E200480
_L 0x20001260 0x00000000
_L 0x20001264 0x8F7F1248
_L 0x20001268 0x8F65124C
_L 0x2000126C 0x34090001
_L 0x20001270 0x00093080
_L 0x20001274 0x00A63821
_L 0x20001278 0x012B602A
_L 0x2000127C 0x25290001
_L 0x20001280 0x5580FFFB
_L 0x20001284 0xACE7FFFC
_L 0x20001288 0x03E00008
_L 0x2000128C 0x00001021
_L 0x207EF14C 0x0E2004C0
_L 0x20001300 0x3C1B0880
_L 0x20001304 0xAF6612FC
_L 0x20001308 0xAF7F12F8
_L 0x2000130C 0x936211ED
_L 0x20001310 0x00424021
_L 0x20001314 0x00481021
_L 0x20001318 0x24420002
_L 0x2000131C 0xAF6212F4
_L 0x20001320 0x0E200480
_L 0x20001324 0x00000000
_L 0x20001328 0x8F6212F4
_L 0x2000132C 0x2442FFFF
_L 0x20001330 0x8F6612FC
_L 0x20001334 0xA0CA0000
_L 0x20001338 0x24C60001
_L 0x2000133C 0x1C40FFF7
_L 0x20001340 0xAF6612FC
_L 0x20001344 0x8F7F12F8
_L 0x20001348 0x03E00008
_L 0x2000134C 0x00001021
_L 0x207EF168 0x0E2004C0
_L 0x207EF184 0x0E2004C0
_L 0x207EF1B8 0x0E2004C0
_L 0x207EF238 0x0E2004C0
_C0 Recruit discovery [Disable]
_L 0x207EF070 0x7C0218C4
_L 0x207EF078 0x0E40E1A6
_L 0x207EF0C8 0x0E40E1A8
_L 0x207EF14C 0x0E40E1A4
_L 0x207EF168 0x0E40E1A4
_L 0x207EF184 0x0E40E1A4
_L 0x207EF1B8 0x0E40E1A4
_L 0x207EF238 0x0E40E1A4
~ Note that networking/WLAN has to be enabled as well, I could patch the function checking it with just one extra line, but no reason since it's not bothersome;p.
And probably best if I mention it ~ the game code this cheat replaces exists only in that one recruit menu, so better not use [Disable] cheat at all, game will restore original function anyway after switching menus, or at least it should;p.

Recently finished the game and made one more hackish stuff for it:
_C0 Unlock Extra Uniforms
_L 0xE0140002 0x00049B98
_L 0x20049B98 0x0A2009C0
_L 0x20002700 0x10800010
_L 0x20002704 0x2E3B001F
_L 0x20002708 0x8C820004
_L 0x2000270C 0x1760000D
_L 0x20002710 0x341B002E
_L 0x20002714 0x1371000B
_L 0x20002718 0x341B002F
_L 0x2000271C 0x13710009
_L 0x20002720 0x341B0030
_L 0x20002724 0x13710007
_L 0x20002728 0x341B0033
_L 0x2000272C 0x13710005
_L 0x20002730 0x341B0034
_L 0x20002734 0x13710003
_L 0x20002738 0x00000000
_L 0x2000273C 0x34020003
_L 0x20002740 0xAC820004
_L 0x20002744 0x03E00008
_L 0x20002748 0x00000000
//Activate this code on mission selector, then enter mission prep -> uniform
//If you see new uniforms, use [Disable] cheat, return to base and save your game
_C0 Unlock Extra Uniforms [Disable]
_L 0x20049B98 0x10800002
This unlocks "passcode" uniforms that are not available otherwise when playing on ppsspp(nothing fancy, just some promo T-shirts), follow instructions included with the cheat as function I patched looks very generic and might be used for other stuff;p. Just in case I would recommend backing up your savedata before trying it.
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08-18-2022, 06:31 AM
Post: #724
RE: Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
is there a 25 fps cheat for mgs peace walker? (30fps works bad on my potato, but it manages to run it at smoothly 20)
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08-18-2022, 01:16 PM
Post: #725
RE: Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
(08-18-2022 06:31 AM)ya_sabaka Wrote:  is there a 25 fps cheat for mgs peace walker? (30fps works bad on my potato, but it manages to run it at smoothly 20)

I haven't really played anything on PPSSPP in roughly 1-2 months but there might be a setting where you can limit the fps to a custom amount just keep in mind i'm guessing so i could be wrong
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08-18-2022, 01:32 PM (This post was last modified: 08-20-2022 06:21 PM by ya_sabaka.)
Post: #726
RE: Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
(08-18-2022 01:16 PM)Drinkie Wrote:  
(08-18-2022 06:31 AM)ya_sabaka Wrote:  is there a 25 fps cheat for mgs peace walker? (30fps works bad on my potato, but it manages to run it at smoothly 20)

I haven't really played anything on PPSSPP in roughly 1-2 months but there might be a setting where you can limit the fps to a custom amount just keep in mind i'm guessing so i could be wrong

this game is locked on 20 fps, so the only way to increase fps is to use some cheats
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12-28-2022, 04:07 AM
Post: #727
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Title: Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
PPSSPP: v1.12.3
Region: USA
Format: ISO
OS: Windows 10
Compatability: Intro
Notes: It crashes no matter what graphic settings it's on. and I've played it upscaled.
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06-16-2024, 04:55 AM
Post: #728
RE: Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Current ppsspp version for android off google play seems to have messed up the 100% camo cheat. Here's what I'm useing:

_G Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker [US]
_C0 100% Camouflage Rate
_L 0x2017E924 0x240203E8
_C0 100% Camouflage Rate [Disable]
_L 0x2017E924 0x2402FC18

Anyone have one that's working? Or know what refresh interval (if this effects it at all) to use to get it to work?

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01-26-2025, 08:47 AM
Post: #729
RE: Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Has anyone had any luck figuring out how the “RAA Curve addon” and the “Better Speed Control addon” from Stuntwastaken work?

Apologies—I wasn’t able to reply to his specific post because the site keeps giving me an error. Sad

I’ve tried modifying multiple lines but only managed to get the external camera to slow down slightly. It would be amazing if someone could figure out how to make it work like the PS3 HD version of RAA.

For instance, modifying the “Right Analog Aim” line from 3F80 to another multiplier works great. However, when I change anything in the “Better Speed Control addon” (such as “external,” “aim,” or “scope”), the camera remains overly sensitive on my devices.

I’ve tested these settings on a MacBook, iPhone, and iPad using DualSense and DualShock 3 controllers, but I can’t seem to get the aiming to behave like it does on the PS3 HD version.

Let’s figure this out together—I’m desperate!
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