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Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD
11-24-2014, 10:20 AM
Post: #241
RE: Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD
(11-19-2014 11:59 AM)Alphyn Wrote:  Sure, I usually play with auto render size or x3, I wrote about x10 only to point out that it's not a matter of performance. I can run Final Fantasy Type Zero with FPS unlock cheat at 100% speed 60 fps x3 render with FFXAA no problem, whitout the cheat it only gives me 30 FPS like Monster Hunter.

Oh woe me, please forgive my stupidness, i just realized that i set the FPS counter to speed, not both. Yes i also get the 30 FPS, that means there is nothing wrong with your game, because the in-game speed is capped at 30 FPS max by the game itself (kinda like certain u**soft game, "cinematic" they say).

As for the "FPS Unlock" cheat, well i can't give you that, the reason i'm still lingering here is because i'm waiting for a cheat too, we just have to wait until one of the "cheatmasters" shed a ray of hope upon our cause.
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11-25-2014, 05:37 PM
Post: #242
RE: Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD
Could someone give me infinite carves?
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11-26-2014, 11:30 AM (This post was last modified: 11-26-2014 06:41 PM by vnctdj.)
Post: #243
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD cheats and errors
Hello guys,
These are some of the working cheats that you can use in Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD game

_S NPJB-40001
_G Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD

_C1 x99 Inventory Items Slot 1
_L 0x817AF800 0x00180004
_L 0x00000063 0x00000000    

_C1 Farm Points
_L 0x217AC8CC 0x0098967F

_L 0x817544C8 0x00800001
_L 0x000000FF 0x00000000

_C1 Expire invalid
_L 0x00E49B1B 0x00000096

_C1 Poison invalid
_L 0x00E49B26 0x00000096

_C1 blood(LIFE)
_L 0x00E49B56 0x00000096
_L 0x00E49B58 0x00000096
_L 0x00E49B16 0x00000096

_C1 power(STAMINA)
_L 0x00E49DF2 0x00000061
_L 0x00E49DF3 0x00000044
_L 0x00E4A49A 0x00000084
_L 0x00E4A49B 0x00000003

_C1 Auto Detect
_L 0x00E49B56 0x00000096
_L 0x00E49B58 0x00000096
_L 0x00E49B16 0x00000096

_C1 Cold/Heat invalid
_L 0x00E49DF2 0x00000061
_L 0x00E49DF3 0x00000044
_L 0x00E4A49A 0x00000084
_L 0x00E4A49B 0x00000003

_C0 All Material
_L 0x81752CF8 0x00340004
_L 0x00000001 0x00000001
_L 0x81752DC8 0x02640002
_L 0x1000003A 0x00000001
_L 0x81753758 0x00500002
_L 0x100002DD 0x00000001
_L 0x81752CFA 0x02E80004
_L 0x00000063 0x00000000

_C1 HP_Display 0/10
_L 0xD1457C90 0x00005FA0
_L 0x21563E0C 0x0A200400
_L 0xD033885C 0x00000310
_L 0x2000101C 0x00000000
_L 0xD033885C 0x00000340
_L 0x2000101C 0x10000267
_L 0xD033885C 0x00000380
_L 0x200010A0 0x10500007
_L 0xD033885C 0x00000320
_L 0x200010A0 0x00000000
_L 0xD033885C 0x00000011
_L 0x00000FFA 0x00000000
_L 0xD033885C 0x00000041
_L 0x00000FFA 0x00000002
_L 0xD033885C 0x00000081
_L 0x00000FFA 0x00000005
_L 0xD033885C 0x00000021
_L 0x00000FFA 0x0000000E

_C1 HP_Display 1/10
_L 0x20001000 0x3C020880
_L 0x20001004 0xAC551FFC
_L 0x20001008 0xAC541FF8
_L 0x2000100C 0xAC531FF4
_L 0x20001010 0xAC521FF0
_L 0x20001014 0xAC511FEC
_L 0x20001018 0xAC501FE8
_L 0x20001020 0x34100000
_L 0x20001024 0x34110000
_L 0x20001028 0x90540FFA
_L 0x2000102C 0x3C150880
_L 0x20001030 0x3C0208A6
_L 0x20001034 0x8FC49F18
_L 0x20001038 0x3405000E
_L 0x2000103C 0x0E239BFC
_L 0x20001040 0x3406000E
_L 0x20001044 0x3C0209DA
_L 0x20001048 0x34429860
_L 0x2000104C 0x00101880
_L 0x20001050 0x00431021

_C1 HP_Display 10/10
_L 0x2000205C 0x34250000
_L 0x20002060 0x64252F64
_L 0x20002064 0x34250A0D
_L 0x20002068 0x64252F64

_C1 HP_Display 2/10
_L 0x20001054 0x8C520000
_L 0x20001058 0x12400014
_L 0x20001060 0x0E200696
_L 0x20001064 0x92490062
_L 0x20001070 0x864A0246
_L 0x20001074 0x864B0288
_L 0x20001078 0x34060006
_L 0x2000107C 0x34070086
_L 0x20001080 0x00F13821
_L 0x20001084 0x00142821
_L 0x2000108C 0x0E200680
_L 0x20001090 0x36A82000
_L 0x20001094 0x2631000E
_L 0x2000109C 0x92A20FFC
_L 0x200010AC 0x2A020005
_L 0x200010B0 0x1440FFDF
_L 0x200010B4 0x26100001
_L 0x200010B8 0x0A200654
_L 0x200010C0 0x00142821
_L 0x200010C4 0x34060076

_C1 HP_Display 3/10
_L 0x200010C8 0x34070014
_L 0x200010CC 0x36A82009
_L 0x200010D0 0x0E200696
_L 0x200010D4 0x92490062
_L 0x200010E4 0x864A0246
_L 0x200010E8 0x864B0288
_L 0x200010EC 0x864C0BC2
_L 0x200010F0 0x864D0BC0
_L 0x200010F4 0x864E00D4
_L 0x20001100 0x0E200680
_L 0x20001110 0x00142821
_L 0x20001114 0x34060006
_L 0x20001118 0x340700DA
_L 0x2000111C 0x36A8202A
_L 0x20001120 0x8649023C
_L 0x20001124 0x864A0252
_L 0x20001128 0x864B025A
_L 0x2000112C 0x864C0258
_L 0x20001130 0x0E200680
_L 0x20001138 0x00142821

_C1 HP_Display 4/10
_L 0x2000113C 0x34060006
_L 0x20001140 0x340700F6
_L 0x20001144 0x36A82044
_L 0x20001148 0x8649024E
_L 0x2000114C 0x864A024C
_L 0x20001150 0x864B0C5C
_L 0x20001154 0x864C0C5E
_L 0x20001158 0x0E200680
_L 0x20001170 0x00142821
_L 0x20001174 0x34060050
_L 0x20001178 0x340700F6
_L 0x2000117C 0x36A8205E
_L 0x20001180 0x86490B32
_L 0x20001184 0x864A0B34
_L 0x2000118C 0x864B0B3A
_L 0x20001190 0x864C0B3C
_L 0x20001198 0x0E200680
_L 0x200011A0 0x00142821
_L 0x200011A4 0x34060088
_L 0x200011A8 0x340700F6

_C1 HP_Display 5/10
_L 0x200011AC 0x36A8205E
_L 0x200011B0 0x86490B42
_L 0x200011B4 0x864A0B44
_L 0x200011BC 0x864B0B4A
_L 0x200011C0 0x864C0B4C
_L 0x200011C8 0x0E200680
_L 0x200011D0 0x00142821
_L 0x200011D4 0x340600C0
_L 0x200011D8 0x340700F6
_L 0x200011DC 0x36A8205E
_L 0x200011E0 0x86490B52
_L 0x200011E4 0x864A0B54
_L 0x200011EC 0x864B0B5A
_L 0x200011F0 0x864C0B5C
_L 0x200011F8 0x0E200680
_L 0x20001200 0x00142821
_L 0x20001204 0x340600F8
_L 0x20001208 0x340700F6
_L 0x2000120C 0x36A8205E
_L 0x20001210 0x86490B62

_C1 HP_Display 6/10
_L 0x20001214 0x864A0B64
_L 0x2000121C 0x864B0B6A
_L 0x20001220 0x864C0B6C
_L 0x20001228 0x0E200680
_L 0x20001948 0x0A20042B
_L 0x20001950 0x3C0208B4
_L 0x20001954 0x9444885C
_L 0x20001958 0x3C020880
_L 0x2000195C 0x34450FF0
_L 0x20001960 0x38810110
_L 0x20001964 0x2407FFFF
_L 0x20001968 0x10200003
_L 0x2000196C 0x38810140
_L 0x20001970 0x14200012
_L 0x20001974 0x24070001
_L 0x20001978 0x90A6000E
_L 0x2000197C 0x20C60001
_L 0x20001980 0x28C10006
_L 0x20001984 0x1420000C
_L 0x2000198C 0x80A6000C

_C1 HP_Display 7/10
_L 0x20001990 0x00C73020
_L 0x20001994 0x04C10002
_L 0x2000199C 0x24060000
_L 0x200019A0 0x28C10005
_L 0x200019A4 0x14200002
_L 0x200019AC 0x24060005
_L 0x200019B0 0xA0A6000C
_L 0x200019B4 0x24060000
_L 0x200019B8 0xA0A6000E
_L 0x200019BC 0x3C020880
_L 0x200019C0 0x8C551FFC
_L 0x200019C4 0x8C541FF8
_L 0x200019C8 0x8C531FF4
_L 0x200019CC 0x8C521FF0
_L 0x200019D0 0x8C511FEC
_L 0x200019D4 0x8C501FE8
_L 0x200019D8 0x0A758E99
_L 0x20001A00 0x8FC49F18
_L 0x20001A08 0xA085012E
_L 0x20001A0C 0xA4860120

_C1 HP_Display 8/10
_L 0x20001A10 0xA4870122
_L 0x20001A14 0x01002821
_L 0x20001A18 0x01203021
_L 0x20001A1C 0x01403821
_L 0x20001A20 0x01604021
_L 0x20001A24 0x01804821
_L 0x20001A28 0x01A05021
_L 0x20001A2C 0x01C05821
_L 0x20001A30 0x0A23AA99
_L 0x20001A58 0x3C0108A3
_L 0x20001A5C 0x34219F4C
_L 0x20001A60 0x2522017E
_L 0x20001A64 0x00021080
_L 0x20001A68 0x00221021
_L 0x20001A6C 0x8C420000
_L 0x20001A70 0x00414821
_L 0x20001A74 0x03E00008
_L 0x20002000 0x253A7325
_L 0x20002004 0x64252F64
_L 0x20002008 0x20732500

_C1 HP_Display 9/10
_L 0x2000200C 0x3A504820
_L 0x20002010 0x252F6425
_L 0x20002014 0x54532064
_L 0x20002018 0x64253A41
_L 0x2000201C 0x2064252F
_L 0x20002020 0x3A7A6953
_L 0x20002024 0x25256425
_L 0x20002028 0xAFE60000
_L 0x2000202C 0x33253A92
_L 0x20002030 0x33252F64
_L 0x20002034 0xE70A0D64
_L 0x20002038 0x253ABA97
_L 0x2000203C 0x252F6433
_L 0x20002040 0x00006433
_L 0x20002044 0x3AA09CE7
_L 0x20002048 0x2F643325
_L 0x2000204C 0x0D643325
_L 0x20002050 0xB6B5E70A
_L 0x20002054 0x6433253A
_L 0x20002058 0x6433252F

_C0 Attack 32x
_L 0x200ad964 0x00000000
_L 0x200ad96c 0x00031940

_C0 Attack 16x
_L 0x200ad964 0x00000000
_L 0x200ad96c 0x00031900

_C0 Attack 8x
_L 0x200ad964 0x00000000
_L 0x200ad96c 0x000318C0

_C0 Attack 4x
_L 0x200ad964 0x00000000
_L 0x200ad96c 0x00031880

_C0 Attack 2x
_L 0x200ad964 0x00000000
_L 0x200ad96c 0x00031840

_C0 Attack Multiplier off
_L 0x200ad964 0x14400003
_L 0x200ad96c 0x240302EE

_C0 Autotracker
_L 0xE0025FA8 0x0185E610
_L 0xE0010025 0x10E4A496
_L 0x10E4A496 0x00000363

these are some of the basic working cheats, there are more cheats for this game but right now I'm only posting the basic cheats.

*Those of you who are having trouble saving the game(data corrupted error message) try doing the following things. These are occurring because certain games have safety mechanisms so that people cannot use cheats on them but thanks to certain people who found certain ways to bypass this issue Big Grin .
-enable the cheats when you are only on a quest.
-do not enable cheats during the start of the game(title screen,character loading screen etc).
-only enable cheats when you are in the village or when you are on a quest.
-disable the cheats when you finish the quest(objective cleared Wink ) because after
the quest cleared screen you will go to the save data screen and during this time if the cheats are not disabled you might get the data corrupted error message(THE DATA MIGHT ACTUALLY GET CORRUPTED EVEN THOUGH IT'S AN ERROR MESSAGE :o ).
-blood,power(YOU MIGHT KNOW THE ERROR CAUSING CHEATS) etc are some of the cheats which cause the data corruption so only enable these cheats when you are on a quest. Cheats that you can enable and use when you are in the village are the all items, maximum money (YOU MIGHT KNOW THAT)etc.

Send me an mail if you guys are having any doubts or trouble using these cheats, I'll TRY(Wink) to figure out the problem and find the solutions for them.
Anyways have fun using these cheats and try not to get overpowered using cheats because the game is less fun that way Undecided .

Big Grin Happy Hunting!! Cool

Edit by vnctdj : Please use the "code" tag when you post long lists like this one.
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11-26-2014, 06:39 PM
Post: #244
RE: Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD

♦ Intel Core i7-6700HQ | 16 GB RAM | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M | Debian Testing
♦ Intel Core i7-2630QM | 4 GB RAM | NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M | Debian Testing
♦ PSP-3004 | 6.60 PRO-C2
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12-11-2014, 04:32 PM (This post was last modified: 12-11-2014 08:33 PM by EmperorDada.)
Post: #245
Tongue RE: Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD
(02-04-2014 01:11 PM)LunaMoo Wrote:  On windows it would be easier to just put all of the addresses into CE cheat table as I did with name address earlier and use it as an editor not bother with changing the cw cheat each time to mod something, it's all about figuring out values for each item which is not really hard if you already have alot of items on end game or hacked save, it is time consuming to list them all through, so have fun figuring it out on your own if you need it.

I was scouring the internets for a while in search of a code like yours with the item values. Thankfully, you posted the CE table. It wasn't pleasant finding out all the item values, but it worked out in the end Tongue. So, here's the cheat with the item values I found (consumables, quest items, monster parts, event items, decorations, etc) :

_C0 Modify BOX1 SLOT1 Item
_L 0x21752CF4 0x00XX0YYY              
XX  = Amount  (hex value : 01 - 63)    
YYY = Item ID (hex value : 001 - 3D2)
****Credits for the cheat code go to LunaMoo****

A) Procedure Steps :

1) When you add the cheat to your .ini file, make sure it's turned off (_C0).
2) Make sure the first slot of the first box in your item storage is empty, so that you don't accidentally lose any item.
3) When you are ingame, open the Cheats menu from the PPSSPP pause screen.
4) Select Edit cheat file and edit the XX, YYY parts of the cheat accordingly. Save the file, click on Import from cheat.db in PPSSPP and finally, turn on the cheat.
5) Check your item storage and make sure the right item and amount has spawned.
6) Disable the cheat from the Cheats menu.

***If you want to add another item, repeat steps 2 to 6***

B) Item Values : (The item names are from Team Maverick's latest patch. Terms like Jwl, instead of Jewel are intentionally like that)

001 = Book of Combos 1    
002 = Book of Combos 2
003 = Book of Combos 3
004 = Book of Combos 4
005 = Book of Combos 5
006 = Organizer Guide
007 = Pack Rat Guide
008 = Potion
009 = Mega Potion
00A = Nutrients
00B = Mega Nutrients
00C = Antidote
00D = Herbal Medicine
00E = Immunizer
00F = Energy Drink
010 = Dash Juice
011 = Mega Dash Juice
012 = Demondrug
013 = Mega Demondrug
014 = Might Pill
015 = Armorskin
016 = Mega Armorskin
017 = Adamant Pill
018 = Cool Drink
019 = Hot Drink
01A = Cleanser
01B = Deodorant
01C = Psychoserum
01D = Max Potion
01E = Ancient Potion
01F = Lifecrystals
020 = Lifepowder
021 = Catalyst
022 = Tranquilizer
023 = Powercharm
024 = Powertalon
025 = Armorcharm
026 = Armortalon
027 = Raw Meat
028 = Poisoned Meat
029 = Tinged Meat
02A = Drugged Meat
02B = Rare Steak
02C = Well Done Steak
02D = Burnt Meat
02E = Chilled Meat
02F = Hot Meat
030 = Rare Fish
031 = Gourmet Fish
032 = Burnt Fish
033 = Yukumo Egg
034 = Boomerang
035 = Throwing Knife
036 = Poison Knife
037 = Sleep Knife
038 = Paralysis Knife
039 = Tranq Knife
03A = Bomb Casing
03B = Paintball
03C = Flash Bomb
03D = Sonic Bomb
03E = Dung
03F = Wyvern Dung
040 = Dung Bomb
041 = Smoke Bomb
042 = Poison Smoke Bmb
043 = Farcaster
044 = Tranq Bomb
045 = Spider Web
046 = Net
047 = Trap Tool
048 = Pitfall Trap
049 = Shock Trap
04A = Gunpowder
04B = Small Barrel
04C = Large Barrel
04D = Barrel Bomb S
04E = Barrel Bomb L
04F = Barrel Bomb L+
050 = Bounce Bomb
051 = Felvine Bomb
052 = JUMP Barrel Bomb
053 = Polytan Bomb
054 = Old Pickaxe
055 = Iron Pickaxe
056 = Mega Pickaxe
057 = Old Bug Net
058 = Bug Net
059 = Mega Bug Net
05A = BBQ Spit
05B = Whetstone
05C = Huskberry
05D = Bone Husk
05E = Normal S Lv1
05F = Normal S Lv2
060 = Normal S Lv3
061 = Pierce S Lv1
062 = Pierce S Lv2
063 = Pierce S Lv3
064 = Pellet S Lv1
065 = Pellet S Lv2
066 = Pellet S Lv3
067 = Crag S Lv1
068 = Crag S Lv2
069 = Crag S Lv3
06A = Clust S Lv1
06B = Clust S Lv2
06C = Clust S Lv3
06D = Flaming S
06E = Water S
06F = Thunder S
070 = Freeze S
071 = Dragon S
072 = Slicing S
073 = Poison S Lv1
074 = Poison S Lv2
075 = Para S Lv1
076 = Para S Lv2
077 = Sleep S Lv1
078 = Sleep S Lv2
079 = Exhaust S Lv1
07A = Exhaust S Lv2
07B = Recov S Lv1
07C = Recov S Lv2
07D = Demon S
07E = Armor S
07F = Tranq S
080 = Paint S
081 = No Coating
082 = Empty Phial
083 = Power Coating
084 = C.Range Coating
085 = Poison Coating
086 = Para Coating
087 = Sleep Coating
088 = Exhaust Coating
089 = Paint Coating
08A = Worm
08B = Mega Fishing Fly
08C = Goldenfish Bait
08D = Burst Bait
08E = Bountiful Bait
08F = Binoculars
090 = Garbage
091 = Field Horn
092 = Health Horn
093 = Antidote Horn
094 = Demon Horn
095 = Armor Horn
096 = Honey
097 = Herb
098 = Antidote Herb
099 = Fire Herb
09A = Snow Herb
09B = Ivy
09C = Sleep Herb
09D = Sap Plant
09E = Felvine
09F = Cactus Flower
0A0 = Hot Pepper
0A1 = Hypnotic Pollen
0A2 = Blue Mushroom
0A3 = Nitroshroom
0A4 = Parashroom
0A5 = Toadstool
0A6 = Exciteshroom
0A7 = Wearyshroom
0A8 = Dragon Toadstool
0A9 = Bindshroom
0AA = Pickaxe Mushroom
0AB = Paintberry
0AC = Might Seed
0AD = Adamant Seed
0AE = Nulberry
0AF = Dragonfell Berry
0B0 = Scatternut
0B1 = Needleberry
0B2 = Spikeberry
0B3 = Bomberry
0B4 = Red Seed
0B5 = Green Seed
0B6 = Bumblepumpkin
0B7 = Yukumo Wood
0B8 = Yukumo Wood+
0B9 = High Quality Ash
0BA = Whetfish
0BB = Sushifish
0BC = Sleepyfish
0BD = Pin Tuna
0BE = Popfish
0BF = Scatterfish
0C0 = Burst Arowana
0C1 = Bomb Arowana
0C2 = Small Goldenfish
0C3 = Wanchovy
0C4 = Ancient Fish
0C5 = Blue Cutthroat
0C6 = Humspun Conch
0C7 = Armored Beakfish
0C8 = Sharqskin
0C9 = Insect Husk
0CA = Hawkmoth Larva
0CB = Stinkhopper
0CC = Snakebee Larva
0CD = Godbug
0CE = Bitterbug
0CF = Flashbug
0D0 = Thunderbug
0D1 = Carpenterbug
0D2 = Killer Beetle
0D3 = Hercudrome
0D4 = Fulgurbug
0D5 = King Scarab
0D6 = Rare Scarab
0D7 = Blossom Cricket
0D8 = Butterfly Beetle
0D9 = Stone
0DA = Iron Ore
0DB = Earth Crystal
0DC = Machalite Ore
0DD = Pelagicite Ore
0DE = Bealite Ore
0DF = Isisium
0E0 = Lightcrystal
0E1 = Dragonite Ore
0E2 = Lava Nugget
0E3 = Firestone
0E4 = Carbalite Ore
0E5 = Bathycite Ore
0E6 = Fucium Ore
0E7 = Gracium
0E8 = Firecell Stone
0E9 = Ice Crystal
0EA = Rainbow Crystal
0EB = Mystery Bone
0EC = Unknown Skull
0ED = Bone
0EE = Monster Bone S
0EF = Monster Bone M
0F0 = Monster Bone L
0F1 = Monster Bone+
0F2 = Monster Keenbone
0F3 = Monster Hardbone
0F4 = Avian Finebone
0F5 = Jumbo Bone
0F6 = Stoutbone
0F7 = Dragonbone Relic
0F8 = Wyvern Fang
0F9 = Wyvern Claw
0FA = Bird Wyvern Gem
0FB = Wyvern Stone
0FC = ElderDragonBlood
0FD = Screamer
0FE = Poison Sac
0FF = Toxin Sac
100 = Paralysis Sac
101 = Omniplegia Sac
102 = Sleep Sac
103 = Coma Sac
104 = Flame Sac
105 = Inferno Sac
106 = Aqua Sac
107 = Torrent Sac
108 = Thunder Sac
109 = Frost Sac
10A = Freezer Sac
10B = Dash Extract
10C = Pale Extract
10D = Monster Fluid
10E = Monster Broth
10F = Gargwa Feather
110 = Kelbi Horn
111 = Warm Pelt
112 = High-Qualty Pelt
113 = Anteka Antlers
114 = Rhenoplos Shell
115 = Rheno Carapace
116 = Rhenoplos Scalp
117 = Slagtoth Hide
118 = Slagtoth Hide+
119 = Big Fin
11A = Quality Fin
11B = Sharpened Fang
11C = Velvety Hide
11D = Bnahabra Shell
11E = Bnaha Carapace
11F = Bnahabra Wing
120 = Bnahabra Spine
121 = Altaroth Jaw
122 = Altaroth Stomach
123 = Quality Sac
124 = Bullfango Pelt
125 = Bullfango Head
126 = Bulldrome Hide
127 = Bulldrome Hide+
128 = Bulldrome Tusk
129 = Jaggi Scale
12A = Jaggi Scale+
12B = Jaggi Hide
12C = Bird Wyvern Fang
12D = G.Jaggi Hide
12E = G.Jaggi Hide+
12F = G.Jaggi Claw
130 = G.Jaggi Claw+
131 = King's Frill
132 = G.Jaggi Head
133 = Wroggi Scale
134 = Wroggi Scale+
135 = Wroggi Hide
136 = Wroggi Fang
137 = G.Wroggi Hide
138 = G.Wroggi Hide+
139 = G.Wroggi Brace
13A = G.Wroggi Brace+
13B = King's Beak
13C = Baggi Scale
13D = Baggi Scale+
13E = Baggi Hide
13F = G.Baggi Hide
140 = G.Baggi Hide+
141 = G.Baggi Claw
142 = G.Baggi Claw+
143 = King's Crest
144 = Arzuros Pelt
145 = Arzuros Pelt+
146 = Arzuros Shell
147 = Arzuros Carapace
148 = Arzuros Brace
149 = Arzuros Brace+
14A = Lagombi Pelt
14B = Lagombi Pelt+
14C = Lagombi Ear
14D = Lagombi Ear+
14E = Lagombi Plastron
14F = Lagom Planstron+
150 = Lagombi Claw
151 = Lagombi Claw+
152 = Volvidon Shell
153 = Volvi Carapace
154 = Volvidon Claw
155 = Volvidon Claw+
156 = Volvi Rickrack
157 = Qurupeco Scale
158 = Qurupeco Scale+
159 = Qurupeco Feather
15A = Qurupeco Wing
15B = Vivid Feather
15C = Strange Beak
15D = Wonderful Beak
15E = Flintstone
15F = C.Peco Scale+
160 = C.Peco Wing
161 = Voltstone
162 = Hydro Hide
163 = Hydro Hide+
164 = Immature Sponge
165 = Spongy Hide
166 = Spongy Hide+
167 = R.Ludroth Scale
168 = R.Ludroth Scale+
169 = R.Ludroth Claw
16A = R.Ludroth Claw+
16B = R.Ludroth Crest
16C = R.Ludroth Crest+
16D = R.Ludroth Tail
16E = Plum Spongy Hide
16F = P.Ludroth Scale+
170 = P.Ludroth Claw+
171 = Barroth Shell
172 = Barroth Carapace
173 = Barroth Ridge
174 = Barroth Ridge+
175 = Barroth Claw
176 = Barroth Claw+
177 = Barroth Scalp
178 = Barroth Tail
179 = Fertile Mud
17A = J.Barr Carapace
17B = J.Barroth Ridge+
17C = J.Barroth Claw+
17D = J.Barroth Scalp
17E = J.Barroth Tail
17F = Frozen Glob
180 = Nibelsnarf Shell
181 = Nibel Carapace
182 = Nibelsnarf Hide
183 = Nibelsnarf Hide+
184 = Nibelsnarf Claw
185 = Nibelsnarf Claw+
186 = Nibelsnarf Scalp
187 = Vivid Fluid
188 = Brilliant Fluid
189 = Gigginox Hide
18A = Gigginox Hide+
18B = Uncanny Hide
18C = Uncanny Hide+
18D = Gigginox Claw
18E = Gigginox Claw+
18F = Fearsome Maw
190 = Venom Gland
191 = Grim Venom Gland
192 = B.Giggi Hide+
193 = B.Giggi Claw+
194 = Rathian Scale
195 = Rathian Scale+
196 = Rathian Shell
197 = Rathian Carapace
198 = Rathian Webbing
199 = Rathian Spike
19A = Rathian Spike+
19B = Rathian Plate
19C = Rathian Ruby
19D = G.Rathian Scale+
19E = G.Rath Carapace
19F = G.Rathian Spike+
1A0 = Rathalos Scale
1A1 = Rathalos Scale+
1A2 = Rathalos Shell
1A3 = Rath Carapace
1A4 = Rathalos Webbing
1A5 = Rathalos Tail
1A6 = Rathalos Plate
1A7 = Rathalos Ruby
1A8 = S.Rath Scale+
1A9 = S.Rath Carapace
1AA = S.Rathalos Tail
1AB = Rath Talon
1AC = Rath Marrow
1AD = Rath Medulla
1AE = Rath Gleem
1AF = Zinogre Shell
1B0 = Zinogre Carapace
1B1 = Zin Electrofur
1B2 = Zin Electrofur+
1B3 = Zinogre Horn
1B4 = Zinogre Horn+
1B5 = Zinogre Claw
1B6 = Zinogre Claw+
1B7 = Zinogre Tail
1B8 = Zinogre Shocker
1B9 = Zinogre Shocker+
1BA = Zinogre Plate
1BB = Zinogre Jasper
1BC = Nargacuga Scale
1BD = Nargacuga Scale+
1BE = Nargacuga Pelt
1BF = Nargacuga Pelt+
1C0 = Nargacuga Tail
1C1 = Narga Tailspike
1C2 = Nargacuga Razor
1C3 = Narga Razor+
1C4 = Nargacuga Fang
1C5 = Nargacuga Fang+
1C6 = Narga Marrow
1C7 = Narga Medulla
1C8 = G.Narga Scale+
1C9 = G.Narga Pelt+
1CA = G.Narga Razor+
1CB = G.Narga Fang+
1CC = Barioth Shell
1CD = Barioth Carapace
1CE = Barioth Pelt
1CF = Barioth Pelt+
1D0 = Barioth Claw
1D1 = Barioth Claw+
1D2 = Barioth Spike
1D3 = Barioth Tail
1D4 = Amber Tusks
1D5 = Amber Tusks+
1D6 = S.Bari Carapace
1D7 = S.Barioth Pelt+
1D8 = S.Barioth Claw+
1D9 = S.Barioth Tail
1DA = Indigo Tusks+
1DB = Rugged Pleura
1DC = Uragaan Scale
1DD = Uragaan Scale+
1DE = Uragaan Shell
1DF = Uragaan Carapace
1E0 = Uragaan Jaw
1E1 = Uragaan Scute
1E2 = Uragaan Marrow
1E3 = Uragaan Ruby
1E4 = S.Uragaan Scale+
1E5 = S.Urag Carapace
1E6 = S.Uragaan Maw
1E7 = S.Uragaan Scute
1E8 = Duramboros Shell
1E9 = Duram Carapace
1EA = Duram Mossplate
1EB = Hard Mossplate
1EC = Duramboros Hump
1ED = Duram Tailcase
1EE = Duram Tailcase+
1EF = Duramboros Horn
1F0 = Duramboros Horn+
1F1 = Duram Tailbone
1F2 = Duram Sacrum
1F3 = Tigrex Scale
1F4 = Tigrex Scale+
1F5 = Tigrex Shell
1F6 = Tigrex Carapace
1F7 = Tigrex Tail
1F8 = Tigrex Claw
1F9 = Tigrex Claw+
1FA = Tigrex Fang
1FB = Tigrex Fang+
1FC = Tigrex Scalp
1FD = Tigrex Jaw
1FE = B.Tigrex Scale+
1FF = B.Tigrex Shell+
200 = B.Tigrex Claw+
201 = B.Tigrex Fang+
202 = Diablos Shell
203 = Diablos Carapace
204 = Diablos Ridge
205 = Diablos Ridge+
206 = Diablos Tailcase
207 = Diablos Fang
208 = Twisted Horn
209 = Majestic Horn
20A = Diablos Marrow
20B = Diablos Medulla
20C = B.Diab Carapace
20D = B.Diablos Ridge+
20E = Blackcurl Horn
20F = Uroktor Scale
210 = Uroktor Scale+
211 = Agnaktor Scale
212 = Agnaktor Shell
213 = Agnak Carapace
214 = Agnaktor Hide
215 = Agnaktor Hide+
216 = Agnaktor Claw
217 = Agnaktor Claw+
218 = Agnaktor Fin
219 = Agnaktor Fin+
21A = Agnaktor Beak
21B = Agnaktor Tail
21C = Scalding Pleura
21D = Scalding Pleura+
21E = G.Agnak Carapace
21F = G.Agnak Hide+
220 = G.Agnak Claw+
221 = G.Agnak Fin+
222 = G.Agnak Beak
223 = G.Agnak Tail
224 = Dewy Pleura+
225 = Mohran Shell
226 = Mohran Carapace
227 = Mohran Scale
228 = Mohran Scale+
229 = Mohran Brace
22A = Mohran Brace+
22B = Sturdy Fang
22C = Sturdy Fang+
22D = Earth Dragongem
22E = Deviljho Scale
22F = Deviljho Hide
230 = Deviljho Fang
231 = Deviljho Talon
232 = Deviljho Scalp
233 = Deviljho Tail
234 = Deviljho Saliva
235 = Deviljho Gem
236 = Akantor Scale
237 = Akantor Shell
238 = Akantor Tail
239 = Akantor Claw
23A = Akantor Fang
23B = Akantor Spike
23C = Akantor Jewel
23D = Ukanlos Shell
23E = Ukanlos Scale
23F = Ukanlos Tail
240 = Ukanlos Claw
241 = Ukanlos Jaw
242 = Ukanlos Fin
243 = Ukanlos Jewel
244 = Alatreon Scute
245 = Alatreon Plate
246 = Alatreon Talon
247 = Alatreon Webbing
248 = Alatreon Tail
249 = Brkn Skypiercer
24A = Skypiercer
24B = Azure Dragongem
24C = Amatsu Shell
24D = Amatsu Patagium
24E = Amatsu Horn
24F = Amatsu Claw
250 = Amatsu Tail
251 = Amatsu Pleura
252 = Tempest Sac
253 = Divine Dragongem
254 = Rustshard
255 = Ancient Shard
256 = Rusted Fragment
257 = Large Fragment
258 = Slender Fragment
259 = Long Fragment
25A = Steel Egg
25B = Silver Egg
25C = Golden Egg
25D = Commendation
25E = Commendation+
25F = Pawprint Stamp
260 = Yukumo Ticket
261 = Drink Ticket
262 = Hot Spring Tckt
263 = Comrade Ticket
264 = VE Ticket
265 = VE Deluxe Ticket
266 = VE Bronze Ticket
267 = VE Silver Ticket
268 = VE Golden Ticket
269 = Sword Codex
26A = Bowgun Codex
26B = Longsword Codex
26C = Armanent Invite
26D = Champion Proof
26E = Lily Proof
26F = Lrg Ancient Fang
270 = Swordmaster Book
271 = Detective Proof
272 = Negima! Contract
273 = Magazine Ticket
274 = Treasure J Tckt
275 = Pirate J Ticket
276 = Legend J Ticket
277 = Pirate J Dubloon
278 = Incomplete Planstron
279 = Famitsu S Ticket
27A = Famitsu G Ticket
27B = Famitsu P Ticket
27C = Famitsu Coin
27D = Dengeki Ticket
27E = Dengeki Ticket+
27F = Big Boss Title
280 = Confidential Box
281 = UNIQLO Ticket
282 = Black Gem Ticket
283 = W.Crow Feather
284 = Wyvrnhide Ticket
285 = Mafumofu Ticket
286 = Felyne Diary
287 = Monhan Club Form
288 = Lynian Info
289 = Neopteron Info
28A = Piscine Wyvern Info
28B = Herbivore Info
28C = Bird Wyvern Info 1
28D = Bird Wyvern Info 2
28E = Fanged Beast Info
28F = Brute Wyvern Info 1
290 = Brute Wyvern Info 2
291 = Duramboros Info
292 = Deviljho Info
293 = Leviathan Info 1
294 = Leviathan Info 2
295 = Nibelsnarf Info
296 = Flying Wyvern Info 1
297 = Flying Wyvern Info 2
298 = Akantor Info
299 = Ukanlos Info
29A = Zinogre Info
29B = Jhen Mohran Info
29C = Amatsu Info
29D = Alatreon Info
29E = Map
29F = First-aid Medicine
2A0 = Ration
2A1 = Portable Spit
2A2 = Mini Whetstone
2A3 = Paw Pass Ticket
2A4 = EZ Shock Trap
2A5 = EZ Flash Bomb
2A6 = EZ Sonic Bomb
2A7 = EZ Max Potion
2A8 = EZ Pitfall Trap
2A9 = EZ Barrel Bomb L
2AA = Anti-dragon Bomb
2AB = Ballista Ammo
2AC = Ballista Binder
2AD = Elastic Binder
2AE = Royal Honey
2AF = Unique Mushroom
2B0 = Choice Mushroom
2B1 = Ripened Mushroom
2B2 = Great Shroom
2B3 = Super Sprout
2B4 = Aurora Plant
2B5 = Volcano Pepper
2B6 = Goldenfish
2B7 = Silverfish
2B8 = Brocade Fish
2B9 = Ryl Brocade Fish
2BA = Royal Rhino
2BB = Divine Rhino
2BC = Silver Cricket
2BD = Gold Cricket
2BE = Auristone Piece
2BF = Auristone Chunk
2C0 = Balmstone Piece
2C1 = Balmstone Chunk
2C2 = Crystal Bone
2C3 = Golden Bone
2C4 = Bloodstone
2C5 = Deep Bloodstone
2C6 = Coal
2C7 = Volatile Coal
2C8 = Cannon Ammo
2C9 = Wyvern Egg
2CA = Herbivore Egg
2CB = Gargwa Egg
2CC = Gold Gargwa Egg
2CD = Sootstone Ore
2CE = Powderstone
2CF = Gargwa Guano
2D0 = White Liver
2D1 = Slagtoth Skin Oil
2D2 = Popo Tongue
2D3 = Secret Stash
2D4 = Round Acorn
2D5 = Fine Stomach
2D6 = Luminous Stomach
2D7 = Giggi Essence
2D8 = Monster Guts
2D9 = Wyvern Tear
2DA = Lrg Wyvern Tear
2DB = Beast Tear
2DC = Lrg Beast Tear
2DD = Wood Scraps
2DE = Wood Scraps+
2DF = Pumpkin Scraps
2E0 = Ore Scraps
2E1 = Ore Scraps+
2E2 = Bone Scraps
2E3 = Bone Scraps+
2E4 = Pelt Scraps
2E5 = Pelt Scraps+
2E6 = Rheno Scraps
2E7 = Rheno Scraps+
2E8 = Slagtoth Scraps
2E9 = Slagtoth Scraps+
2EA = Neoptron Scraps
2EB = Neoptron Scraps+
2EC = Beetle Scraps
2ED = Beetle Scraps+
2EE = Bulldrme Scraps
2EF = Bulldrme Scraps+
2F0 = G.Jaggi Scraps
2F1 = G.Jaggi Scraps+
2F2 = G.Wroggi Scraps
2F3 = G.Wroggi Scraps+
2F4 = G.Baggi Scraps
2F5 = G.Baggi Scraps+
2F6 = Arzuros Scraps
2F7 = Arzuros Scraps+
2F8 = Lagombi Scraps
2F9 = Lagombi Scraps+
2FA = Volvidon Scraps
2FB = Volvidon Scraps+
2FC = Qurupeco Scraps
2FD = Qurupeco Scraps+
2FE = Ludroth Scraps
2FF = Ludroth Scraps+
300 = Barroth Scraps
301 = Barroth Scraps+
302 = Nibel Scraps
303 = Nibel Scraps+
304 = Gigginox Scraps
305 = Gigginox Scraps+
306 = Rathian Scraps
307 = Rathian Scraps+
308 = Rathalos Scraps
309 = Rathalos Scraps+
30A = Zinogre Scraps
30B = Zinogre Scraps+
30C = Narga Scraps
30D = Narga Scraps+
30E = Barioth Scraps
30F = Barioth Scraps+
310 = Uragaan Scraps
311 = Uragaan Scraps+
312 = Duram Scraps
313 = Duram Scraps+
314 = Tigrex Scraps
315 = Tigrex Scraps+
316 = Diablos Scraps
317 = Diablos Scraps+
318 = Agnaktor Scraps
319 = Agnaktor Scraps+
31A = Mohran Scraps
31B = Mohran Scraps+
31C = Deviljho Scraps
31D = Akantor Scraps
31E = Ukanlos Scraps
31F = Alatreon Scraps
320 = Amatsu Scraps
321 = Courage Scraps
322 = Courage Scraps+
323 = Armor Stone
324 = Armor Sphere
325 = Armor Sphere+
326 = Hrd Armor Sphere
327 = Hvy Armor Sphere
328 = Mystery Charm
329 = Shining Charm
32A = Timeworn Charm
32B = Aquaglow Jewel
32C = Sunspire Jewel
32D = Bloodrun Jewel
32E = Lazurite Jewel
32F = Steadfast Jwl 1
330 = Vigilance Jwl 1
331 = Paralysis Jwl 1
332 = Paralysis Jwl 2
333 = Pep Jewel 1
334 = Pep Jewel 2
335 = Antidote Jewel 1
336 = Antidote Jewel 2
337 = Def Lock Jewel 1
338 = Alarm Jewel 1
339 = Tracker Jewel 1
33A = Trekker Jewel 1
33B = Sterile Jewel 1
33C = Aseptic Jewel 1
33D = Footing Jewel 1
33E = Tectonic Jewel 1
33F = Heat Res Jewel 1
340 = Cold Res Jewel 1
341 = Earplug Jewel 1
342 = Earplug Jewel 3
343 = Wind Res Jewel 1
344 = Wind Res Jewel 2
345 = Attack Jewel 1
346 = Attack Jewel 2
347 = Attack Jewel 3
348 = Expert Jewel 1
349 = Expert Jewel 2
34A = Expert Jewel 3
34B = Disabler Jewel 1
34C = Disabler Jewel 2
34D = Element Jewel 1
34E = Element Jewel 3
34F = Blaze Jewel 1
350 = Blaze Jewel 2
351 = Stream Jewel 1
352 = Stream Jewel 2
353 = Bolt Jewel 1
354 = Bolt Jewel 2
355 = Frost Jewel 1
356 = Frost Jewel 2
357 = Dragon Jewel 1
358 = Dragon Jewel 2
359 = Tenderizer Jwl 1
35A = Tenderizer Jwl 3
35B = Destroyer Jwl 1
35C = Destroyer Jwl 3
35D = Capacity Jewel 1
35E = Capacity Jewel 3
35F = Charger Jewel 1
360 = Charger Jewel 3
361 = Throttle Jewel 1
362 = Throttle Jewel 2
363 = KO Jewel 1
364 = KO Jewel 2
365 = Drain Jewel 1
366 = Drain Jewel 2
367 = Potential Jwl 1
368 = Potential Jwl 2
369 = Fortitude Jwl 1
36A = Fortitude Jwl 2
36B = Bombardier Jwl 1
36C = Sonorous Jewel 1
36D = Artillery Jwl 1
36E = Defense Jewel 1
36F = Defense Jewel 2
370 = Resistor Jewel 1
371 = Resistor Jewel 3
372 = Fire Res Jewel 1
373 = Nul-Fire Jewel 1
374 = Water Res Jwl 1
375 = Nul-Water Jwl 1
376 = ThunderRes Jwl 1
377 = Nul-Thundr Jwl 1
378 = Ice Res Jewel 1
379 = Nul-Ice Jewel 1
37A = Dragon Res Jwl 1
37B = Nul-Dragon Jwl 1
37C = Protection Jwl 1
37D = Asylum Jewel 1
37E = Vitality Jewel 1
37F = Recovery Jewel 1
380 = Recovery Jewel 2
381 = Medicine Jewel 1
382 = Medicine Jewel 2
383 = Evasion Jewel 1
384 = Evasion Jewel 2
385 = Jumping Jewel 1
386 = Jumping Jewel 3
387 = Sheathe Jewel 1
388 = Sheathe Jewel 2
389 = TrapMaster Jwl 1
38A = Gobbler Jewel 1
38B = Gobbler Jewel 3
38C = Sprinter Jewel 1
38D = Sprinter Jewel 3
38E = Physique Jewel 1
38F = Physique Jewel 2
390 = Refresh Jewel 1
391 = Refresh Jewel 2
392 = Hungerless Jwl 1
393 = Metabolism Jwl 1
394 = Fate Jewel 1
395 = Fate Jewel 3
396 = Capture Jewel 1
397 = Capture Jewel 3
398 = Carver Jewel 1
399 = Carver Jewel 3
39A = Transportr Jwl 1
39B = Gathering Jwl 1
39C = Spree Jewel 1
39D = Blessing Jewel 1
39E = Friendship Jwl 1
39F = Friendship Jwl 2
3A0 = Psychic Jewel 1
3A1 = Professor Jwl 1
3A2 = Factory Jewel 1
3A3 = Enduring Jewel 1
3A4 = Perception Jwl 1
3A5 = Dungmaster Jwl 1
3A6 = Ranger Jewel 1
3A7 = Ninja Jewel 1
3A8 = Handicraft Jwl 1
3A9 = Handicraft Jwl 3
3AA = Fencer Jewel 1
3AB = Fencer Jewel 3
3AC = Razor Jewel 1
3AD = Razor Jewel 3
3AE = Draw Jewel 1
3AF = Draw Jewel 2
3B0 = Gambit Jewel 1
3B1 = Gambit Jewel 3
3B2 = Ironwall Jewel 1
3B3 = Ironwall Jewel 2
3B4 = Shield Jewel 1
3B5 = Shield Jewel 2
3B6 = Grinder Jewel 1
3B7 = Forceshot Jwl 1
3B8 = Forceshot Jwl 3
3B9 = Pierce Jewel 1
3BA = Pierce Jewel 3
3BB = Pellet Jewel 1
3BC = Pellet Jewel 3
3BD = ShotPlus Jewel 1
3BE = ShotPlus Jewel 2
3BF = PiercePlus Jwl 1
3C0 = PelletPlus Jwl 1
3C1 = CragPlus Jewel 1
3C2 = CrustPlus Jwl 1
3C3 = Slice Plus Jwl 1
3C4 = Salvo Jewel 1
3C5 = Salvo Jewel 3
3C6 = Quickload Jwl 1
3C7 = Quickload Jwl 2
3C8 = Absorber Jewel 1
3C9 = Absorber Jewel 3
3CA = Sniper Jewel 1
3CB = Paracoat Jwl 1
3CC = Paracoat Jwl 2
3CD = Sleepcoat Jwl 1
3CE = Poisoncoat Jwl 1
3CF = Powercoat Jwl 1
3D0 = Powercoat Jwl 2
3D1 = Rangecoat Jwl 1
3D2 = Draincoat Jwl 1

If there's any typos, missing items (which I don't think so Cool, since when I tried changing the YYY value to 3D3, the emulator just crashed) or a mistake in the steps, just let me know. Also, I have attached to this post a .txt file, in case anyone wants that.

Again, thanks a TON for the cheat code and the cheat table LunaMoo. You are the best Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

Attached File(s)
.txt  Item Modifier MHP3rd HD.txt (Size: 21.37 KB / Downloads: 12622)
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12-22-2014, 01:53 AM (This post was last modified: 12-26-2014 08:17 AM by stealth989.)
Post: #246
RE: Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD
can some one please convert this cheat for me from MH3P

_C0 Unlimited bomb trick
_L 0x11532C40 0x00000000

_C0 Unlimited trap mechanism
_L 0x01532C20 0x00000000

and MAX items on Item page 1 Only!

and Drink Felyne Kickboxing!

Please Thanks 8-D
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01-08-2015, 06:01 AM
Post: #247
RE: Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD
I cannot stress this out enough is there a freaking All item cheat?
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01-11-2015, 10:51 AM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2015 09:38 AM by Reika25.)
Post: #248
RE: Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD
Hi I am new (well technically old time browsing in the forums) but I got here an all Item Cheat for Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD but you might need to LunaMoo's unlock General Store cheat to grab the 2 books ( you gotta have to search the forums its there uwu )

These are :
収納上手・技の書 Organizer Guide
収納上手・力の書 Pack Rat Guide

_C0 Really like All Materials (new)
_L 0x81752CF4 0x03D20002
_L 0x10000001 0x00000001
_C0 99 Storage Items (new)
_L 0x81752CF6 0x03D20004
_L 0x00000063 0x00000000

*Just a real quick reminder this will make your game rather boring it even includes gem/decorations in the box a lot of scraps and account items ....

I also got other cheats that I haven't seen here in the forums I am only missing Max HP/Invincible Felyne Comrade and No Charge weapon for Bow, GS etc Tongue

I currently have :
Felyne Drink Skills that appear on your stats (LunaMoo's Felyne Drink Skill is better imho)
High Affinity weapons cheat
All Melee weapons are Sleep attribute types
All Melee weapons are Dragon attribute types
All weapons have Defense
All Weapon have 3 slot for decoration
Infinite bullets for Bowguns and Gunlance
Felyne has Special Mark
*Secret Felyne skills fill 6 slots*

I will share them slowly soon :3

Love what LunaMoo shared :3 I found some of my own cheats using LunaMoo's tutorial and stuff

(infinite traps/bombs found thanks to nico141)
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01-13-2015, 03:24 PM (This post was last modified: 01-13-2015 04:51 PM by nico141.)
Post: #249
RE: Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD
_C0 Unlimited Bomb Trick
_L 0x019B890C 0x00000000

_C0 Unlimited Traps Trick
_L 0x019B88EC 0x00000000
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01-14-2015, 03:50 AM
Post: #250
RE: Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD
hello everyone ! just noticed that the give all materials code don't give all type of armor sphere.. Can someone make another code or fix this one ?
anyway thanks to the founder of the cheats you're awesome !
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01-14-2015, 09:30 AM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2015 09:35 AM by Reika25.)
Post: #251
RE: Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD
(01-14-2015 03:50 AM)leolio Wrote:  hello everyone ! just noticed that the give all materials code don't give all type of armor sphere.. Can someone make another code or fix this one ?
anyway thanks to the founder of the cheats you're awesome !

Well is your storage space maxed at 10/10 coz in the cheats I shared you need those 2 books to max your storage space to 10, because at the beginning of the game characters have 8/8 Storage you will find all the Armor Sphere in the item box 9/10 including the charms (unappraised ) and gems/decoration .

The Books you need are :
Organizer Guide
Pack Rat Guide
These books will max out your storage space 10/10
(Redid a new game to test if the code is not working it works you just need max storage space)

Also there are only 1 Armor stone and 4 Armor Sphere types ingame
武具石 Armor Stone
武具玉 Armor Sphere
上武具玉 Armor Sphere+
堅武具玉 Hrd Armor Sphere
重武具玉 Hvy Armor Sphere

_C0 Really like All Materials (new)
_L 0x81752CF4 0x03D20002
_L 0x10000001 0x00000001
_C0 99 Storage Items (new)
_L 0x81752CF6 0x03D20004
_L 0x00000063 0x00000000

Well if you can't find the General store unlock code here they are: (Credit to Lunamoo)
_C0 General Store Unlock All ON
_L 0x80002800 0x03D20001
_L 0x10000001 0x00000001
_L 0x200027FC 0x0000FFFF
_L 0x20002FA4 0x0000FFFF
_L 0x219961E0 0x08802800
_L 0x219961E4 0x08802800
_L 0x219961E8 0x08802800
_L 0x219961EC 0x08802800
_L 0x219961F0 0x08802800
_L 0x219961F4 0x08802800
_L 0x219961F8 0x08802800
_L 0x219961FC 0x08802800
_L 0x21996204 0x08802800
_L 0x21996208 0x08802800
_L 0x2199620C 0x08802800
_L 0x21996210 0x08802800
_L 0x21996214 0x08802800
_L 0x21996220 0x08802800
_L 0x21996228 0x08802800
_L 0x2199622C 0x08802800
_L 0x21996230 0x08802800
_L 0x21996234 0x08802800
_L 0x21996238 0x08802800
_L 0x2199623C 0x08802800
_L 0x21996240 0x08802800
_L 0x21996244 0x08802800
_C0 General Store Unlock All OFF
_L 0x219961E0 0x0A1966F0
_L 0x219961E4 0x0A19666C
_L 0x219961E8 0x0A1965E0
_L 0x219961EC 0x0A19654C
_L 0x219961F0 0x0A1964A8
_L 0x219961F4 0x0A196400
_L 0x219961F8 0x0A196354
_L 0x219961FC 0x0A1962A4
_L 0x21996204 0x0A196864
_L 0x21996208 0x0A19681C
_L 0x2199620C 0x0A1967E4
_L 0x21996210 0x0A1967A8
_L 0x21996214 0x0A196774
_L 0x21996220 0x0A1962A4
_L 0x21996228 0x0A196D24
_L 0x2199622C 0x0A196CA0
_L 0x21996230 0x0A196C14
_L 0x21996234 0x0A196B80
_L 0x21996238 0x0A196ADC
_L 0x2199623C 0x0A196A34
_L 0x21996240 0x0A196988
_L 0x21996244 0x0A1968D8

Also Attached a Screenshot for you to see :3

(01-13-2015 03:24 PM)nico141 Wrote:  _C0 Unlimited Bomb Trick
_L 0x019B890C 0x00000000

_C0 Unlimited Traps Trick
_L 0x019B88EC 0x00000000
Thank you :3 much kind to share

Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s)
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01-14-2015, 01:03 PM
Post: #252
RE: Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD
is it possible to edit your felyne fur color,fight style and other stats using cheats?
i'd like to edit my comrade into a black fur one but there is nothing about it Confused
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01-15-2015, 02:37 AM
Post: #253
RE: Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD
(01-14-2015 09:30 AM)Reika25 Wrote:  
(01-14-2015 03:50 AM)leolio Wrote:  hello everyone ! just noticed that the give all materials code don't give all type of armor sphere.. Can someone make another code or fix this one ?
anyway thanks to the founder of the cheats you're awesome !

Well is your storage space maxed at 10/10 coz in the cheats I shared you need those 2 books to max your storage space to 10, because at the beginning of the game characters have 8/8 Storage you will find all the Armor Sphere in the item box 9/10 including the charms (unappraised ) and gems/decoration .

The Books you need are :
Organizer Guide
Pack Rat Guide
These books will max out your storage space 10/10
(Redid a new game to test if the code is not working it works you just need max storage space)

Also there are only 1 Armor stone and 4 Armor Sphere types ingame
武具石 Armor Stone
武具玉 Armor Sphere
上武具玉 Armor Sphere+
堅武具玉 Hrd Armor Sphere
重武具玉 Hvy Armor Sphere

_C0 Really like All Materials (new)
_L 0x81752CF4 0x03D20002
_L 0x10000001 0x00000001
_C0 99 Storage Items (new)
_L 0x81752CF6 0x03D20004
_L 0x00000063 0x00000000

Well if you can't find the General store unlock code here they are: (Credit to Lunamoo)
_C0 General Store Unlock All ON
_L 0x80002800 0x03D20001
_L 0x10000001 0x00000001
_L 0x200027FC 0x0000FFFF
_L 0x20002FA4 0x0000FFFF
_L 0x219961E0 0x08802800
_L 0x219961E4 0x08802800
_L 0x219961E8 0x08802800
_L 0x219961EC 0x08802800
_L 0x219961F0 0x08802800
_L 0x219961F4 0x08802800
_L 0x219961F8 0x08802800
_L 0x219961FC 0x08802800
_L 0x21996204 0x08802800
_L 0x21996208 0x08802800
_L 0x2199620C 0x08802800
_L 0x21996210 0x08802800
_L 0x21996214 0x08802800
_L 0x21996220 0x08802800
_L 0x21996228 0x08802800
_L 0x2199622C 0x08802800
_L 0x21996230 0x08802800
_L 0x21996234 0x08802800
_L 0x21996238 0x08802800
_L 0x2199623C 0x08802800
_L 0x21996240 0x08802800
_L 0x21996244 0x08802800
_C0 General Store Unlock All OFF
_L 0x219961E0 0x0A1966F0
_L 0x219961E4 0x0A19666C
_L 0x219961E8 0x0A1965E0
_L 0x219961EC 0x0A19654C
_L 0x219961F0 0x0A1964A8
_L 0x219961F4 0x0A196400
_L 0x219961F8 0x0A196354
_L 0x219961FC 0x0A1962A4
_L 0x21996204 0x0A196864
_L 0x21996208 0x0A19681C
_L 0x2199620C 0x0A1967E4
_L 0x21996210 0x0A1967A8
_L 0x21996214 0x0A196774
_L 0x21996220 0x0A1962A4
_L 0x21996228 0x0A196D24
_L 0x2199622C 0x0A196CA0
_L 0x21996230 0x0A196C14
_L 0x21996234 0x0A196B80
_L 0x21996238 0x0A196ADC
_L 0x2199623C 0x0A196A34
_L 0x21996240 0x0A196988
_L 0x21996244 0x0A1968D8

Also Attached a Screenshot for you to see :3

(01-13-2015 03:24 PM)nico141 Wrote:  _C0 Unlimited Bomb Trick
_L 0x019B890C 0x00000000

_C0 Unlimited Traps Trick
_L 0x019B88EC 0x00000000
Thank you :3 much kind to share

Thank you soooooo much man that's perfectly working ! Big Grin
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01-15-2015, 08:45 AM (This post was last modified: 01-15-2015 08:49 AM by Reika25.)
Post: #254
RE: Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD
(01-14-2015 01:03 PM)NikosDEAD Wrote:  is it possible to edit your felyne fur color,fight style and other stats using cheats?
i'd like to edit my comrade into a black fur one but there is nothing about it Confused

Yes you can edit Felyne Fur Color and Fight style and some other stats not all if you check Lunamoo's post in this thread there is a CE cheat table Lunamoo made, it includes Felyne Fur color and other Felyne stuff but you cannot change the attack damage and defense of your Felyne.

I think its here what you are looking for

also make sure you got Cheat Engine (CE) and follow Lunamoo's tutorial how to use CE with PPSSPP

Checked my Cheat database and yeah I have that code to change Felyne Color but only on Slot 1 I was gonna share it some other day but here it is
_C0 Felyne Lineage Grape Slot 1
_L 0x017Acf9B 0x03
_C0 Felyne Lineage Muscot Green Slot 1
_L 0x017Acf9B 0x04
_C0 Felyne Lineage Orange Slot 1
_L 0x017Acf9B 0x05
_C0 Felyne Lineage Moody Red Slot 1
_L 0x017Acf9B 0x09
_C0 Felyne Lineage Secret Black Slot 1
_L 0x017Acf9B 0x0A
_C0 Felyne Lineage Red Tiger Slot 1
_L 0x017Acf9B 0x11
_C0 Felyne Lineage White Slot 1
_L 0x017Acf9B 0x12
_C0 Felyne Lineage Black Grey Slot 1
_L 0x017Acf9B 0x13
_C0 Felyne Lineage Deep Blue Slot 1
_L 0x017Acf9B 0x14
_C0 Felyne Lineage Jet Black Slot 1
_L 0x017Acf9B 0x17
_C0 Felyne Lineage Pink Slot 1
_L 0x017Acf9B 0x18
_C0 Felyne Lineage Blue Slot 1
_L 0x017Acf9B 0x19
_C0 Felyne Lineage Peppermint Slot 1
_L 0x017Acf9B 0x1A
_C0 Felyne Lineage Gold Slot 1
_L 0x017Acf9B 0x1B
_C0 Felyne Lineage Black+White Slot 1
_L 0x017Acf9B 0x1C
_C0 Felyne Lineage Blue Spots Slot 1
_L 0x017Acf9B 0x1E
_C0 Felyne Lineage Red Spots Slot 1
_L 0x017Acf9B 0x1F
_C0 Felyne Lineage Purple Slot 1
_L 0x017Acf9B 0x20
_C0 Felyne Lineage Deep Sea Slot 1
_L 0x017Acf9B 0x21
Just Pick one okay among the colors you want
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01-15-2015, 04:47 PM
Post: #255
RE: Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD
oh and i heard about a japanese hack, not sure if this is working with ppsspp but it's called the picccolo hack or something like that, is that a code or not ?
just wanna know Tongue
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