Just a bunch of codes I made some time ago and forgot about:
_S NPJH-50459
_G 7th Dragon 2020
_C0 Infinite Support
_L 0xE002FFFF 0x0007B8A0
_L 0x2007B8A0 0x00000000
_L 0x2007BBB0 0x00000000
_C0 Infinite Support [Disable]
_L 0x2007B8A0 0x24A5FFFF
_L 0x2007BBB0 0x2484FFFF
_C0 Infinite Mana and Exhaust
_L 0xE0032023 0x000DF24C
_L 0x200DF24C 0x00000000
_L 0x200E4228 0x00002021
_L 0x200E4230 0xA6050048
_C0 Infinite Mana and Exhaust [Disable]
_L 0x200DF24C 0x00822023
_L 0x200E4228 0x0085202A
_L 0x200E4230 0x00000000
_C0 God Mode
_L 0xE0012023 0x000E3988
_L 0x200E3988 0x00000000
_C0 God Mode [Disable]
_L 0x200E3988 0x00852023
_C0 Infinite Items
_L 0xE0012023 0x00157CB8
_L 0x20157CB8 0x00000000
_C0 Infinite Items [Disable]
_L 0x20157CB8 0x00882023
_C0 Exp Multiplier(edit first)
_L 0xE00504C8 0x0010853C
_L 0x2010853C 0x0E200800
_L 0x20002000 0x8E0504C8
_L 0x20002004 0x00052xxx
//change xxx to 840 = 2x, 880 = 4x, 8C0 = 8x, 900 = 16x, 940 = 32x
_L 0x20002008 0x03E00008
_L 0x2000200C 0xAE0504C8
_C0 Exp Multiplier [Disable]
_L 0x2010853C 0x8E0504C8
_C0 Damage Multiplier(edit first)
_L 0xE00400D4 0x000EC69C
_L 0x200EC69C 0x0E200804
_L 0x20002010 0x8E2600D4
_L 0x20002014 0x03E00008
_L 0x20002018 0x00063xxx
//040 = 2x, 080 = 4x, 0C0 = 8x, 100 = 16x, 140 = 32x
_C0 Damage Multiplier [Disable]
_L 0x200EC69C 0x8E2600D4
_C0 SP Multiplier(edit first)
_L 0xE005004C 0x0010854C
_L 0x2010854C 0x0E200807
_L 0x2000201C 0x00073xxx
//change xxx to 840 = 2x, 880 = 4x, 8C0 = 8x, 900 = 16x, 940 = 32x
_L 0x20002020 0xAE0704D4
_L 0x20002024 0x03E00008
_L 0x20002028 0x8CC4004C
_C0 SP Multiplier [Disable]
_L 0x2010854C 0x8CC4004C
english patch or not shouldn't matter.