Frankly I don't like games where you move, jump and press 1 attack button with practically 0 story that could improve the experience, got enough of that bs during nes era, so this is mostly for the action RPG part of this collection aka "Symphony of the Night" when playing as Alucard.
Tested all of those cheats althrough most only from around 200.0 to 200.6 % also cheats for platforming games(including SotN playing as other 2 chars) are very lazy and potentialy buggy, especially those which does not have [Disable] codes.
That being said I added lots of checks to keep those cheats as safe as possible including for game which is played to avoid horrible things that would happen otherwise when activating cheat in wrong game.
_S ULES-00841
_G Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles
_C0 ~ Symphony of the Night:
_C0 Gold
_L 0xE0010001 0x0010000C
_L 0x109CF68C 0x0007A120
_C0 Switch sub-weapon with X+Triangle
//you can edit 0x1E on the end of 7th line to lower/higher if you want to increase/decrease speed of cycling
//this number is basically number of frames so with 0x1E it changes every 0.5s
_L 0xE0160001 0x0010000C
_L 0xE015F350 0x00906B40
_L 0x20906B40 0x0E2003B9
_L 0x20000EE0 0x00000000
_L 0x20000EE4 0x3C1B0880
_L 0x20000EE8 0x8F780EE0
_L 0x20000EEC 0x3419001E
_L 0x20000EF0 0x27180001
_L 0x20000EF4 0xAF780EE0
_L 0x20000EF8 0x1719000B
_L 0x20000EFC 0x00000000
_L 0x20000F00 0xAF600EE0
_L 0x20000F04 0x3C04091D
_L 0x20000F08 0x9498F698
_L 0x20000F0C 0x34195000
_L 0x20000F10 0x14B90005
_L 0x20000F14 0x27180001
_L 0x20000F18 0x341B000A
_L 0x20000F1C 0x531B0001
_L 0x20000F20 0x34180001
_L 0x20000F24 0xA498F698
_L 0x20000F28 0x03E00008
_L 0x20000F2C 0x8C42F350
_C0 Switch sub-weapon with X+Triangle [Disable]
_L 0xE0010001 0x0010000C
_L 0x20906B40 0x8C42F350
_C0 Dracula mode
//When disabling/enabling parts of this code you can change 0x13 in the line below
//to match number of activated lines(in hex ie ), it's not required through
_L 0xE0130001 0x0010000C
//God Mode /+3
_L 0xE0021823 0x00902764
_L 0x20902760 0x00000000
_L 0x20902764 0x8C43F640
//Hearth regen /+8
_L 0xE00703E8 0x008E6CE8
_L 0x208E6CE4 0x8C41F644
_L 0x208E6CE8 0x8C51F648
_L 0x208E6CEC 0x0031882A
_L 0x208E6CF0 0x12200005
_L 0x208E6CF4 0x24210001
_L 0x208E6CF8 0xAC41F644
_L 0x208E6CFC 0x00000000
//MP regen /+3
_L 0xE0020028 0x008E6650
_L 0x208E6650 0x00000000
_L 0x208E6664 0x00000000
//All Stats effects equal 2560 /+2 /too OP hence disabled
//_L 0xE0010254 0x008EB53C
//_L 0x208EB53C 0x34050A00
//High drop rate /+3 /lower 2000 at the end if you have trouble getting worse drops
_L 0xE002F680 0x009030F0
_L 0x209030F0 0x34032000
_L 0x2090316C 0x34022000
//100% Crit rate /+2
_L 0xE0010100 0x00901E50
_L 0x20901E50 0x2A010001
_C0 Dracula mode [Disable]
_L 0xE00E0001 0x0010000C
//God mode
_L 0x20902760 0x8C42F63C
_L 0x20902764 0x00431823
//Hearts regen
_L 0x208E6CE4 0x8C42F644
_L 0x208E6CE8 0x284103E8
_L 0x208E6CEC 0x14200005
_L 0x208E6CF0 0x00000000
_L 0x208E6CF4 0x00008821
_L 0x208E6CF8 0x2412003B
_L 0x208E6CFC 0x10000014
//MP regen
_L 0x208E6650 0x16800028
_L 0x208E6664 0x14A00006
//All Stats effects equal 8192
//_L 0x208EB53C 0x8D050254
//High drop rate
_L 0x209030F0 0x8C43F680
_L 0x2090316C 0x8C42F680
//100% Crit rate
_L 0x20901E50 0x2A010100
_C0 Time Freeze never ends
//(ugh made this purely for medusa spam room, hard to open secret room otherwise)
_L 0xE0020001 0x0010000C
_L 0xE0010001 0x00922848
_L 0x20922848 0x00801821
_C0 Time Freeze never ends [Disable]
_L 0xE0010001 0x0010000C
_L 0x20922848 0x24830001
_C0 Familiar Exp multiplier(edit first)
_L 0xE0030001 0x0010000C
_L 0xE0020000 0x009019B0
_L 0x209019B0 0x00131840
_L 0x209019B8 0x00118xxx
// change xxx in the end to: 840 - x2, 880 - x4, 8C0 - x8, 900 - x16 etc.
_C0 Familiar Exp multiplier [Disable]
_L 0xE0020001 0x0010000C
_L 0x209019B0 0x00000000
_L 0x209019B8 0x00131840
_C0 Exp multiplier(edit first)
_L 0xE0020001 0x0010000C
_L 0xE0010000 0x00901898
_L 0x20901898 0x00108xxx
// change xxx in the end to: 040 - x2, 080 - x4, 0C0 - x8, 100 - x16 etc.
_C0 Exp multiplier [Disable]
_L 0xE0010001 0x0010000C
_L 0x20901898 0x00000000
_C0 Unlock Enemy List on view
//kind of pointless, but I missed one and it bugged me;p
_L 0xE00B0001 0x0010000C
_L 0xE00A48C0 0x00A68B88
_L 0x20A68B88 0x0A200400
_L 0x20001000 0x00602821
_L 0x20001004 0x24A50011
_L 0x20001008 0x340400FF
_L 0x2000100C 0xA06448C0
_L 0x20001010 0x14A3FFFE
_L 0x20001014 0x24630001
_L 0x20001018 0x34040007
_L 0x2000101C 0x0A49A2E6
_L 0x2000101C 0xA06448C0
_C0 Unlock Enemy List on view [Disable]
_L 0xE0010001 0x0010000C
_L 0x20A68B88 0x906548C0
//lazy to do much for non RPG modes of this so just basic cheat
_C0 Maria mode basic invincibility
_L 0xE0050001 0x0010000C
_L 0xE0041823 0x009007C0
_L 0x209007C0 0x00401821
_L 0x20AB5EBC 0x34020000
_L 0x20AB5EE4 0x00000000
_L 0x20AB5EE8 0x8C43F648
_C0 Maria mode basic invincibility [Disable]
_L 0xE0040001 0x0010000C
_L 0x209007C0 0x00431823
_L 0x20AB5EBC 0x0062102A
_L 0x20AB5EE4 0x8C42F644
_L 0x20AB5EE8 0x00431823
_C0 Richter mode basic invincibility
_L 0xE0040001 0x0010000C
_L 0xE0031823 0x00900680
_L 0x20900680 0x00401821
_L 0x20ABEA04 0x00000000
_L 0x20ABEA08 0x8C43F648
_C0 Richter mode basic invincibility [Disable]
_L 0xE0030001 0x0010000C
_L 0x20900680 0x00431823
_L 0x20ABEA04 0x8C42F644
_L 0x20ABEA08 0x00431823
_C0 ~ X Chronicles:
//again lazy
_C0 God mode
_L 0xE00B1024 0x0010000C
_L 0xE00A0005 0x00054F58
_L 0x20054F50 0x3C010886
_L 0x20054F54 0x24218534
_L 0x20054F58 0x103F0005
_L 0x20054F5C 0x00000000
_L 0x20054F60 0x00000000
_L 0x20054F90 0x3C010886
_L 0x20054F94 0x242185DC
_L 0x20054F98 0x103F0005
_L 0x20054F9C 0x00000000
_L 0x20054FA0 0x00000000
_C0 God mode [Disable]
_L 0xE00A1024 0x0010000C
_L 0x20054F50 0x04630003
_L 0x20054F54 0x2861005D
_L 0x20054F58 0x10000005
_L 0x20054F5C 0x00001821
_L 0x20054F60 0x14200003
_L 0x20054F90 0x04630003
_L 0x20054F94 0x28610064
_L 0x20054F98 0x10000005
_L 0x20054F9C 0x00001821
_L 0x20054FA0 0x14200003
_C0 Lazy sub weapon swap
_L 0xE0031024 0x0010000C
_L 0x003F9A2C 0x0000000x
_L 0x602F3624 0x0000000x
_L 0x00000001 0x00000405
//change x to 1-7 last one = key (same for Maria)
_C0 Unlock stuff(original games, sounds)
//use in-game, save, restart/leave to title
_L 0xE0061024 0x0010000C
_L 0x8037412C 0x00040001
_L 0x00000001 0x00000000
_L 0x4037415C 0x000D0001
_L 0x01010101 0x00000000
_L 0x803741B9 0x00330001
_L 0x00000001 0x00000000
_C0 ~Rondo of Blood:
//I'm not planning to even rush this one, so if Maria is playable ~ those cheats will likely bug her, you have been warned:]
_C0 Very lazy HP/Hearts freeze(read note)
//this isn't even a proper god mode like for other games, you can still die
//and you have to deactivate it after every stage
_L 0xE0020918 0x0010000C
_L 0x004F7294 0x00000099
_L 0x004F7298 0x0000005C
_C0 Very lazy sub weapon swap(as above)
_L 0xE0010918 0x0010000C
_L 0x004F7293 0x0000000x
//change x to from 2 to 8, key is 7
Most cheats have their own notes so just read those where necessary, many cheats are doing more than one thing sometimes not mentioned like god mode + infinite hearts. I just wanted to make my list shorter, Dracula Mode for SotN can be easily cut on parts or enabled/disabled just different portions of it.
Don't feel like reposting this, so will just ~
link ~ resizing patches for original games I made earlier.
Also be sure to use
latest ppsspp version or at least any newer starting from v1.2.2-688-g2bd0567 since a lot of the safety checks I added to those cheats can randomly fail at older ppsspp versions(in which case they would simply not work at all).