if you want the combined and patched iso you canget it at
Edit by vnctdj : You must be joking, right ?
(03-20-2014 10:12 AM)Buko Pandan Wrote: _S NPJH-50443
_G Final Fantasy 0 Disc 1
_S NPJH-50444
_G Final Fantasy 0 Disc 2
WARNING: Before Complaining Why The Codes Below Don't Work In Your End,Please Read The Notes I Included In Some Of The Codes Very Carefully Because The Game Is Very Cheat Sensitive,One Wrong Application Of Cheats In Some Portion Of The Game And You Might End Up Getting A Bunch Of Save Error Messages,So Be Very Careful When Using These Codes,On Another Topic,These Codes Work 100%,Why Would I Post The Codes If They Don't Work? LOLZ!
_C0 Infinite Gil
_L 0x2042064C 0x000F423F
Note: Save Your Game and Turn Off this cheat after it takes effect,because the game will produce an error after purchasing your items and save your game while the code is on.
_C0 All Characters AP 999
_L 0x80426D7C 0x000D00E0
_L 0x100003E7 0x00000000
_C0 Always Forced Kill Sight (normal attacks turns to critical hit attacks all the time)
_L 0x20000C30 0x24140008
_L 0x20000C34 0x92D20B66
_L 0x20000C38 0x52920001
_L 0x20000C3C 0x24100001
_L 0x20000C40 0x0A234BFF
_L 0x20000C44 0x8EB407AC
_L 0x200D2FF4 0x0A20030C
_C0 Unlock Complete History at the Library
_L 0x20153038 0x24040004
_L 0x20153058 0x24040008
_L 0x20153078 0x24040010
_L 0x20153098 0x24040020
_L 0x201530B8 0x24040040
_L 0x20153464 0x24040080
_L 0x20153484 0x24040100
_L 0x201534A4 0x24040200
_L 0x20155DBC 0x00000000
_L 0x20156014 0x00000000
_L 0x2015756C 0x00000000
Note: After viewing the complete history at the library,you can save your game and view the complete history content on the title screen's history section as well, even if the code is turned off the history list is still complete
_C0 Unlock All Class Zero Costumes
_L 0x200DF0C0 0x908100F2
_L 0x200DF0C4 0x34210006
_L 0x200DF0C8 0xA08100F2
_L 0x200DF0CC 0x24110001
_C0 All Magic *
_L 0x200DFFDC 0x2401FFFF
_L 0x200DFFE0 0xACA1012C
_L 0x200DFFE8 0x24020001
_C0 All Abilities *
_L 0x20001020 0x2407FFFF
_L 0x20001024 0xAC87018C
_L 0x20001028 0x0A2A52DE
_L 0x2000102C 0x02C02025
_L 0x20294B70 0x0A200408
_L 0x20294B74 0x00000000
_C0 All Wargod *
_L 0x200DF78C 0x948100EA
_L 0x200DF790 0x34210002
_L 0x200DF794 0xA48100EA
_L 0x200DF798 0x24020001
Notes for Cheats with a * mark - After loading the game with these codes enabled, save the game and turn off the cheats again after stopping the emulation before resuming your game, otherwise the game will produce an error when saving your progress.
_C0 No Random Encounters in World Map
_L 0x20210C28 0x1000001A
_L 0xD04048B4 0x00000001
_L 0x20210C28 0x00000000
_C0 Break Damage Limit
_L 0x200D2490 0x10000003
_C0 Magic MP Cost Zero (Fire Away all the magic you want!)
_L 0x200B1BF0 0x00000000
_C0 Auto Status Modifier
_L 0x200BB4B0 0x0E20044C
_L 0x20001134 0x03E00008
_L 0x20001130 0x3C05000y
_L 0x20001138 0x34A5zzzz
y (Replace the y in the 3RD line's rightmost value with any of the following values below)
1 - Auto Quick
2 - Auto Regen
4 - Auto Invisible ( I think?)
8 - Auto Guard ( I Think Again...It's in Kanji,don't know what it does)
F - All
zzzz (Replace the 4 z's in the 4th line of the code with any of the following values below)
0001 - Auto Burn Up
0020 - Auto Infinity
0080 - Auto Haste
0100 - Auto Aura
0200 - Auto Protect
0800 - Auto Magic (Enhancing Maybe?)
1000 - Auto MP Cost Zero
2000 - Auto Reraise
4000 - Auto Trance
7BA1 - All
More Codes To Follow Once Confirmed Working.