Do you think the PS4 and XB1 can be prejudiced for be based in a PC hardware?
10-31-2014, 08:23 PM
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Do you think the PS4 and XB1 can be prejudiced for be based in a PC hardware?
Well, I think the fact of them be based in a PC hardware may be prejudicial, because if they find a way to hack it, a PC with a similar hardware could emulate it, and may affect the console sale. Just a thought, correct if I'm wrong. Of course there're somethings different compared to PC, but is based in same.
A positive side is that this kind of hardware is more known, so is easier to make games and port between consoles (PS4 and XB1) and PC. What do you think? Phones: Poco F3 8GB/256GB (Snapdragon 870 5G) and Redmi Note 6 Pro 4/64GB (Snapdragon 636) PC: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 / 16GB RAM DDR4 3600MHz / NVIDIA GTX 1660 Ti 6GB / Windows 10 Pro |
10-31-2014, 11:28 PM
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RE: Do you think the PS4 and XB1 can be prejudiced for be based in a PC hardware?
(10-31-2014 08:23 PM)GuilhermeGS2 Wrote: Well, I think the fact of them be based in a PC hardware may be prejudicial, because if they find a way to hack it, a PC with a similar hardware could emulate it, and may affect the console sale. Just a thought, correct if I'm wrong. Of course there're somethings different compared to PC, but is based in same. your question instantly reminds me of this video which is 2 years old and as i watch it and realize how company i loved so much which made games with which i grow up is now flipping middle finger in front of players face same as xbox was trying to do with forcing users to connect to internet one time per 24h or it will be blocked in some kind of way or restrict selling ur old games you did already buy and want to sell or even give to a friend every gamer want to support game and company which made it but non of us should support BS and thats why my answer to your question is i dont think i hope so Try AntiMicro graphical program used to map keyboard keys and mouse controls to a gamepad/controller. or |
11-03-2014, 09:58 AM
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RE: Do you think the PS4 and XB1 can be prejudiced for be based in a PC hardware?
I think I don’t want to have a lot of consoles just to play the “exclusives” of each platform. Honestly, I hope these consoles to get hacked or I hope Sony / Microsoft / Nintendo fails in sells and decide to make a streaming service server in a near future!
I am a hallucinated gamer… but I just think is insane I have to spent lots and lots of money in consoles. I have to spent money in games. Not in consoles! I was an Xperia Play gamer until my dog ate my beloved phone! Now I’m an Xperia ZL/ZQ gamer! Quad-Core 1.5 GHZ 2GB RAM It works better, but i miss the gamepad!! T_T' |
11-03-2014, 02:45 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-03-2014 02:50 PM by Made in China.)
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RE: Do you think the PS4 and XB1 can be prejudiced for be based in a PC hardware?
Once, if you wanted to play a game, you could either:
1. Play it on the PC, and bet that your specs were compatible with it. Notice I said compatible - the drivers were shit, and even if you did have the recommended specs it still might've not worked. 2. Play it on the console, where it is sure to perform as advertised (as there isn't much variation, hardware side) Nowadays, we have the internet. We have patches and community support. You could even get PC games at higher quality in the same time as the consoles, which was not the case for previous generations. Therefore, the case for consoles, hardware wise, is nullified. Regarding the input, that is also something that's not an issue anymore. Once the PC was primarily a keyboard/mouse setup, maybe with the occasional joystick. Nowadays we have so many controllers, and the console controllers are compatible with the PC - that it's actually a detriment to play on the consoles. The only time that isn't true is when you're utilizing gimmick controllers - the Wii (which has been ported), WiiU (not ported, as far as I know), and portable-wise - the Vita. There really is no reason for consoles to exist anymore. They're closed-source PCs, where industry has moved towards more open-source solution. The only ones who want to keep consoles alive are the manufacturers, because their stake in that market is too high. That is also furthering the case for console exclusives, which more and more people are refusing to buy - at least while they're on the rival\original console. That case was made by Fable III, Ninja Gaiden, Metal Gear Rising, Fez, Brutal Legend, which all had good or even better sales after the rerelease(s) - and the list goes on. You only have to look as far as Xbox Live subscription and PSN Gold to see how Microsoft and Sony are milking the consumers for money. They're actually charging people for connecting to servers, some of them they do not even own, while Valve does it for free. Heck, even GameSpot did it for free, in the golden age of Quake and Unreal Tournament. How much balls does it take to lie to the consumer about it being a major expense, when it was offered for free by many other companies? For one, I don't care about consoles anymore. If it's on the PC - great. If it isn't, I'll play it when it's ported or when an emulators come out down the road - because I'm willing to wait it out if it means that practice will die out. The only exception I've made is buying a PS3, 7 years after it was released, so I could play Persona 5 when it comes out. I still do not plan on buying any current gen consoles. |
11-03-2014, 03:32 PM
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RE: Do you think the PS4 and XB1 can be prejudiced for be based in a PC hardware?
You're right, but I still prefer to play on consoles because I think it more comfortable.
Phones: Poco F3 8GB/256GB (Snapdragon 870 5G) and Redmi Note 6 Pro 4/64GB (Snapdragon 636) PC: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 / 16GB RAM DDR4 3600MHz / NVIDIA GTX 1660 Ti 6GB / Windows 10 Pro |
11-06-2014, 12:11 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-06-2014 12:16 AM by Squall.)
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RE: Do you think the PS4 and XB1 can be prejudiced for be based in a PC hardware?
In my opinion, one should spend money with the game, not with hardware. The important thing is the game, the hardware is only a recipient to run the game.
I think the modern consoles are not comfortable anymore, because their advantages disappeared. They require the installation of the games and they do not start as quickly as the older ones. They have new problems, such as the annoying updates. Consoles are cheaper than an equivalent PC, but after two years an equivalent PC is cheaper than a console plus a non-gaming PC. Furthermore, PC games are cheaper. Consoles do not support mods, cheats and backup of saves. Consoles are not backward-compatible or the compatibility is limited. PC has more options of controllers, because we can use gamepad, keyboard or mouse. Many games are better with mouse. On PC, we can play multiplayer games in a local network for free after decades. That is not possible with the modern consoles. Buying a console will not allow one to play the exclusive games of the other consoles. Consoles have better exclusives, but the number of good non-exclusive games has increased so much that we will not regret the lack of the exclusive game. The list of reasons for I buy a PS3 is each day smaller. Valkyrie Chronicles will be released on PC. |
11-06-2014, 07:15 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-06-2014 07:15 AM by Haseeb.)
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RE: Do you think the PS4 and XB1 can be prejudiced for be based in a PC hardware?
Console is always a better , efficient and convenient platform for "GAMING" , no question about it!
PC can definitely do a lot more tasks than console but when it comes to gaming , console wins. The Signature! |
11-06-2014, 05:48 PM
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RE: Do you think the PS4 and XB1 can be prejudiced for be based in a PC hardware?
The PC advantages are really very attractive, but I didn't have a good experience with PC gaming, after I bought my first PS2, I don't feel good playing games on PC, maybe because my PC is a shi*. But I'm afraid to buy a expensive PC or upgrade mine, and need to keep upgrading to run new games, so I prefer to invest in consoles, because even some games being bit worse than on PC, I will be sure to have a good experience.
Comparing these last PS3 games to PC, the difference isn't that great, some games are almost the same after 8 years, like NFS Rivals. If you look at some PS2 games, you will see many differences between PC and PS2 version. NFS MW, for example, on PS2 I see blurry graphics, and too less details than PC, and the PS2 had only 5 years when the games was released. Of course, in 2000, the technology was very limited, and the games has revolutionized too fast, but nowadays, the consoles come better prepared, more and more closer to PC. It's my opinion. ![]() Phones: Poco F3 8GB/256GB (Snapdragon 870 5G) and Redmi Note 6 Pro 4/64GB (Snapdragon 636) PC: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 / 16GB RAM DDR4 3600MHz / NVIDIA GTX 1660 Ti 6GB / Windows 10 Pro |
11-06-2014, 07:25 PM
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RE: Do you think the PS4 and XB1 can be prejudiced for be based in a PC hardware?
Actually, being closer to PC is what makes consoles less likely to succeed.
If you'll look at consoles until the last generation, they were all specialized hardware - look at Sony, for example. The PlayStation had the RISC MIPS chipset, which allowed it to run 3D games in 1994 - just look at Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon. They were amazing for their time, even compared to games on the PC which needed high end computers, such as Half Life and Unreal. The PS2 had the Emotion Engine, a 7 core behemoth which allowed it to run games in great quality, such as God of War, and it's still very hard to emulate. Still, it was being outdated, and games that were ported from the PC to the PS2 had to be nerfed because it lacked the memory (such as Deus Ex). The PS3 had the Cell core, which is also what old Macs are using. This marked the serious decline, as some developers were very familiar with that chipset, and almost every game released on PS3 was basically "High" setting on PC, not Ultra. What I'm getting to is this - hardware can't keep up after 5-7 years. That's a full console cycle. Heck, Moore's Law states that after 2 years, something twice as better will be available - and that is made more apparent if we're comparing hardware that is of similar type to another one - in our case the x86 CPUs, which are shared by the XBone, the PS4, and the PC. That is because cross developing becomes less problematic and more optimizations can be made globally rather than per-system. Also, since those optimizations are known to every developer from the get-go, we can expect to see less exclusive quality titles coming out in late console life. It may even drag down cross platform games because the PC version will not utilize its full potential. Anyway, that's just my analysis. @Haseeb, PC games require more tinkering as a whole - be it because it's a crappy port or just because you need to fiddle with the options screen for game settings, so I can understand the convenient part. However, I don't understand the efficient part. I mean, I can do everything I want on my PS3, including installing Linux and just messing around. Actually, that was around since the PS2 and XBox, making them (the XBox especially) a weird PC. So, how are consoles more efficient? |
11-07-2014, 12:25 AM
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RE: Do you think the PS4 and XB1 can be prejudiced for be based in a PC hardware?
Let's say that a console lives for 8 years.
During the first two years, an equivalent PC is way expensive and the game must be played on Ultra. After two years, then buyable PC that can play games of the generation will appear. During the last two years, the console version will be like the PC version on the Lowest settings. PS4 has the new AMD accelerated processing units (APU) which is very efficient for graphics, because it has shared memory. It is superior to the PC architecture. New important technologies are being developed for PC. They will make PC as efficient as consoles. In 2017, NVidia will release Pascal architecture and it will include the NVLink technology. It will make shared memory possible. Mantle will make PC games more efficient too, because it will reduce the OS overhead. |
11-07-2014, 01:34 AM
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RE: Do you think the PS4 and XB1 can be prejudiced for be based in a PC hardware?
It's really bad. For who doesn't want to wait some years and save some money, the better is buy a console in its release, but who is patient and want to save even more money, wait some years and buy a PC gamer like or better than a console. I'm happy with my PS3, even buying it after 8 years of its release, I don't care if the graphics are "low quality", at least are better than on my PS2, and what really matter is the fun.
![]() Phones: Poco F3 8GB/256GB (Snapdragon 870 5G) and Redmi Note 6 Pro 4/64GB (Snapdragon 636) PC: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 / 16GB RAM DDR4 3600MHz / NVIDIA GTX 1660 Ti 6GB / Windows 10 Pro |
11-07-2014, 07:07 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-07-2014 07:10 AM by Haseeb.)
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RE: Do you think the PS4 and XB1 can be prejudiced for be based in a PC hardware?
Some guys care about Console exclusives , I'm one of those guys.
Second , I consider console a more comfortable platform for gaming , I definitely own a Desktop and Laptop. I was a PC gamer for a long time , I finally ended up getting a PS2 2010 and Xbox 360 in 2011 since PC didn't had a LOT of games that were console only and I wanted to play those games badly! The Signature! |
11-07-2014, 09:46 AM
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RE: Do you think the PS4 and XB1 can be prejudiced for be based in a PC hardware?
(11-06-2014 05:48 PM)GuilhermeGS2 Wrote: The PC advantages are really very attractive, but I didn't have a good experience with PC gaming, after I bought my first PS2, I don't feel good playing games on PC, maybe because my PC is a shi*. But I'm afraid to buy a expensive PC or upgrade mine, and need to keep upgrading to run new games, so I prefer to invest in consoles, because even some games being bit worse than on PC, I will be sure to have a good experience. I got a PC gamer in 2008, and it works just fine until today!! Every game I want to play is playable (maybe not in the ultra-high, but still playable and pretty). It just has 4GB of RAM, 512 MB of video (Gforce something) and a Quad-Core! Noting exceptional, but It runs with no problem games like Tomb Raider, Crysis, CoD ghosts, Battlefield 3. Not in the ultra high, but the normal or high resolution fells amazing already. Besides that, It’s plugged on a TV, and I play it on a gamepad, so, you don’t notice the difference from a Xbox 360, for example. (11-07-2014 07:07 AM)Haseeb Wrote: Some guys care about Console exclusives , I'm one of those guys. Me too! That’s why I always buy a Nintendo Console: Mario and Zelda. But, believe me bro… if I could emulate a Wii U, for example, I would never buy the console!! I was an Xperia Play gamer until my dog ate my beloved phone! Now I’m an Xperia ZL/ZQ gamer! Quad-Core 1.5 GHZ 2GB RAM It works better, but i miss the gamepad!! T_T' |
11-07-2014, 02:53 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-07-2014 02:53 PM by Haseeb.)
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RE: Do you think the PS4 and XB1 can be prejudiced for be based in a PC hardware?
(11-07-2014 09:46 AM)heiwasan Wrote:(11-06-2014 05:48 PM)GuilhermeGS2 Wrote: The PC advantages are really very attractive, but I didn't have a good experience with PC gaming, after I bought my first PS2, I don't feel good playing games on PC, maybe because my PC is a shi*. But I'm afraid to buy a expensive PC or upgrade mine, and need to keep upgrading to run new games, so I prefer to invest in consoles, because even some games being bit worse than on PC, I will be sure to have a good experience. I agree , but damn PC can't emulate any complex console perfectly , there always will be bugs , glitches and problems! And PC also requires high CPU for emulation . Why would I buy an Xbox 360 or PS2 if I could play games on my tablet with a gamepad in my bed *_* This sure would have been a lot better than big elephant consoles lol. But I WISH if that someday becomes possible , portable + multi-platform gaming is always the best! The Signature! |
11-07-2014, 06:47 PM
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RE: Do you think the PS4 and XB1 can be prejudiced for be based in a PC hardware?
I'm thinking in upgrade my PC, nothing awesome, I don't care much for graphics, since it can run some good games smooth, but I also don't want bad graphics
![]() I don't want a "monster PC", i wanna a PC for casual playing and a cheap upgrade, i still prefer my PS3. What do you guys think? And sorry for off-topic and my bad english. ![]() Phones: Poco F3 8GB/256GB (Snapdragon 870 5G) and Redmi Note 6 Pro 4/64GB (Snapdragon 636) PC: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 / 16GB RAM DDR4 3600MHz / NVIDIA GTX 1660 Ti 6GB / Windows 10 Pro |
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