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Toukiden Kiwami
08-31-2014, 06:18 PM (This post was last modified: 07-24-2015 06:22 PM by LunaMoo.)
Post: #1
Toukiden Kiwami
Warning: Some people have problems since they don't understand how to update their game, you HAVE to update your iso(using isotool on real psp), extracting update to GAME folder will NOT update the game and even through new changelog will popup after you run it, it'll still be outdated and those cheats will not work. In case of problems using iso tool(will not work on emulators thanks to extra encryption) google for some tutorials or something.

Game version 1.06 & 1.07:
//Important! Those cheats are only for v1.06/1.07 of the game, do NOT try activating them on other versions!
_S NPJH-50878
_G Toukiden Kiwami v1.06/1.07
_C0 60 fps
_L 0xE02B0000 0x101448FC
_L 0x201448FC 0x00000000
_L 0x20004000 0x3C043F80
_L 0x203778D8 0x3C043F80
_L 0x20174168 0x0A200FC0
_L 0x20003F00 0x3C160880
_L 0x20003F04 0x8EDB3EFC
_L 0x20003F08 0x13600003
_L 0x20003F10 0x2484FFFF
_L 0x20003F14 0x277BFFFE
_L 0x20003F18 0xAE040020
_L 0x20003F1C 0x277B0001
_L 0x20003F20 0x0A25D077
_L 0x20003F24 0xAEDB3EFC
_L 0x201741AC 0x0A200FCA
_L 0x20003F28 0x3C160880
_L 0x20003F2C 0x8EDB3EFC
_L 0x20003F30 0x13600003
_L 0x20003F38 0x24840001
_L 0x20003F3C 0x277BFFFE
_L 0x20003F40 0xAE040028
_L 0x20003F44 0x277B0001
_L 0x20003F48 0x0A25D06D
_L 0x20003F4C 0xAEDB3EFC
_L 0x201C18BC 0x0A200FD4
_L 0x20003F50 0x3C0F0880
_L 0x20003F54 0x8DFB3EFC
_L 0x20003F58 0x13600003
_L 0x20003F60 0x24A5FFFF
_L 0x20003F64 0x277BFFFE
_L 0x20003F68 0x277B0001
_L 0x20003F6C 0x0A270631
_L 0x20003F70 0xADFB3EFC
_L 0x20174114 0x0A200FDD
_L 0x20003F74 0x3C160880
_L 0x20003F78 0x8EDB3EFC
_L 0x20003F7C 0x13600003
_L 0x20003F84 0x2484FFFF
_L 0x20003F88 0x277BFFFE
_L 0x20003F8C 0x277B0001
_L 0x20003F90 0x0A25D046
_L 0x20003F94 0xAEDB3EFC
_L 0x202F0CC0 0x3C053F00
_L 0x202F0C88 0x3C053F00
_C0 60 fps [Disable]
_L 0x201448FC 0x16220005
_L 0x20004000 0x3C044000
_L 0x203778D8 0x3C044000
_L 0x20174168 0x1000001C
_L 0x201741AC 0x24840001
_L 0x201C18BC 0x24A5FFFF
_L 0x20174114 0x2484FFFF
_L 0x202F0CC0 0x3C053F80
_L 0x202F0C88 0x3C053F80
_C0 Pocket Money
_L 0x205B155C 0x004C4B40
_C0 Free vendors
_L 0xE0010000 0x10194C78
_L 0x20194C78 0x00000000
_C0 Free vendors [Disable]
_L 0x20194C78 0x00E53823
_C0 Instant Exorcism
_L 0xE0011000 0x10331F9A
_L 0x20331F98 0x1000000E
_C0 Instant Exorcism [Disable]
_L 0x20331F98 0x10A0000E
_C0 Invincibility
_L 0xE0030000 0x1033453C
_L 0x2033453C 0x24160000
_L 0x20334B70 0xE66D0084
_L 0x2004973C 0xE60D008C
_C0 Invincibility [Disable]
_L 0x2033453C 0x44166000
_L 0x20334B70 0xE66C0084
_L 0x2004973C 0xE614008C
_C0 Quick Charge
_L 0xE00508C0 0x10398F3C
_L 0x20398F3C 0x0A2008C0
_L 0x20002300 0x3C1B41B0
_L 0x20002304 0x449BB800
_L 0x20002308 0x46176300
_L 0x2000230C 0x0A2E63D0
_C0 Quick Charge [Disable]
_L 0x20398F3C 0x46146300
_C0 Max Weapon and Unity Gauges
_L 0xE003003C 0x100441C0
_L 0x200441C0 0x4614003C
_L 0x20398034 0xC60C0098
_L 0x20398040 0xE60C009C
_C0 Max Weapon and Unity Gauges [Disable]
_L 0x200441C0 0x4600A03C
_L 0x20398034 0xC60C009C
_L 0x20398040 0x00000000
//apparently setting those max also confuses some npc's AI(ie. Horou), so I divided those gauge codes and changed them into multipliers:
_C0 Unity Gauge Multiplier
_L 0xE0070831 0x1004424C
_L 0x2004424C 0x0A200831
_L 0x200020C0 0x41200000
_L 0x200020C4 0x3C080880
_L 0x200020C8 0xC51920C0
_L 0x200020CC 0x4619A502
_L 0x200020D0 0x46146B80
_L 0x200020D4 0x0A211094
//change 0x41200000 to whatever multiplier value you want in float converted to hex. 0x41200000 is x10, 0x40000000 is x2 etc.
_C0 Unity Gauge Multiplier [Disable]
_L 0x2004424C 0x46146B80
_C0 Weapon Gauge Multiplier
_L 0xE007082A 0x1033C854
_L 0x2033C854 0x0A20082A
_L 0x200020A4 0x41200000
_L 0x200020A8 0x3C120880
_L 0x200020AC 0xC65720A4
_L 0x200020B0 0x4617A502
_L 0x200020B4 0x3C1208CD
_L 0x200020B8 0x0A2CF216
//change 0x41200000 to whatever multiplier value you want in float converted to hex. 0x41200000 is x10, 0x40000000 is x2 etc.
_C0 Weapon Gauge Multiplier [Disable]
_L 0x2033C854 0x3C1208CD
_C0 Infinite Stamina
_L 0xE0010000 0x10049848
_L 0x20049848 0x00000000
_C0 Infinite Stamina [Disable]
_L 0x20049848 0xE60C0094
_C0 Infinite Skills
_L 0xE0010080 0x103BC7FE
_L 0x203BC7FC 0x00802021
_C0 Infinite Skills [Disable]
_L 0x203BC7FC 0x00912021
_C0 Disable skills CD(not recommended with npc's)
_L 0xE0010000 0x103BC00C
_L 0x203BC00C 0x34070000
_C0 Disable skills CD [Disable]
_L 0x203BC00C 0x34070001
_C0 Craft without materials
_L 0xE0060000 0x10241A40
_L 0x20241A60 0x24040000
_L 0x2028F18C 0x54000008
_L 0x2028F24C 0x54000008
_L 0x20298294 0x24020001
_L 0x202982C4 0x24020001
_L 0x202982F4 0x24020001
_C0 Craft without materials[Disable]
_L 0x20241A60 0x00402025
_L 0x2028F18C 0x56640008
_L 0x2028F24C 0x56640008
_L 0x20298294 0x10400003
_L 0x202982C4 0x10400003
_L 0x202982F4 0x10400002
_C0 Lvlup gear without exp
_L 0xE00200FF 0x10298254
_L 0x20298220 0x341300FF
_L 0x2029822C 0x1400003F
_C0 Lvlup gear without exp[Disable]
_L 0x20298220 0x8054000A
_L 0x2029822C 0x1080008E
//those should be safer for npc's than completely disabling CD
_C0 Everlasting ground effects
_L 0xE00601CC 0x1000FCD0
_L 0x2000FCD0 0x0A2001CC
_L 0x20000730 0x3C0443FA
_L 0x20000734 0xAE640000
_L 0x20000738 0x0E238437
_L 0x2000073C 0x02602021
_L 0x20000740 0x0A203F36
_C0 Everlasting ground effects [Disable]
_L 0x2000FCD0 0x0E238437
_C0 Everlasting buffs from PB*
_L 0xE00601D4 0x103BDE40
_L 0x203BDE40 0x0A2001D4
_L 0x20000750 0x3C0443FA
_L 0x20000754 0xAEC40000
_L 0x20000758 0x0E238437
_L 0x2000075C 0x02C02021
_L 0x20000760 0x0A2EF792
//PB - part breaking
_C0 Everlasting buffs from PB [Disable]
_L 0x203BDE40 0x0E238437
_C0 Everlasting buffs*
_L 0xE0120000 0x1004A418
_L 0x2004A414 0x0A20021B
_L 0x2004A418 0x00000000
_L 0x2000086C 0x4480D800
_L 0x20000870 0x4614D83C
_L 0x20000878 0x45010002
_L 0x2000087C 0x46147500
_L 0x20000880 0x46007506
_L 0x20000884 0x0A212907
_L 0x20000888 0x44806800
_L 0x203BDDD8 0x0A200210
_L 0x20000840 0x26520001
_L 0x20000844 0x3C044334
_L 0x20000848 0x4484B800
_L 0x2000084C 0x4617603E
_L 0x20000854 0x45010003
_L 0x2000085C 0x46006300
_L 0x20000860 0xE68C0000
_L 0x20000864 0x0A2EF777
//*This affects all skills which lasts above specified value,
//it's done like that to avoid freezing non buff skills which also have a skill duration, althrough very short
//It's very similar to Limit max skill CD cheat, last 4 numbers of this line _L 0x20000844 0x3C044334 stores the value which is used in comparism
//120.0 was default value for my X heal while testing, but I left it as 180.0 just in case.
//read notes under the other cheat if you will need to change it.
_C0 Everlasting buffs [Disable]
_L 0x2004A414 0x44806800
_L 0x2004A418 0x46147500
_L 0x203BDDD8 0x26520001
_C0 Skill CD (edit first)
_L 0xE01901EB 0x103BDF9C
_L 0x203BDF9C 0x0A2001EB
_L 0x200007AC 0x10A0001D
_L 0x200007B0 0x4600603E
_L 0x200007B8 0x4501000F
_L 0x200007C0 0x2416000s
_L 0x200007C4 0x12C0000C
_L 0x200007CC 0x3C04xxxx
_L 0x200007D0 0x4484C000
_L 0x200007D4 0x46006300
_L 0x200007D8 0x46180602
_L 0x200007DC 0x46186301
_L 0x200007E0 0x460C003C
_L 0x200007E8 0x45010002
_L 0x200007F0 0x46000306
_L 0x200007F4 0xE6AC0000
_L 0x200007F8 0x2416000z
_L 0x200007FC 0x12C00009
_L 0x20000804 0x3C04yyyy
_L 0x20000808 0x4484B800
_L 0x2000080C 0x4617603E
_L 0x20000814 0x45010003
_L 0x2000081C 0x44846000
_L 0x20000820 0xE6AC0000
_L 0x20000824 0x0A2EF7E8
_L 0x20000828 0x26520001
//#1 multiplier for skill cooldown speed
//change s to 1 to enable or 0 to disable
//then change xxxx to choosen multiplier:
//4000 = 2.0
//4040 = 3.0
//you can use frations as well
//3F00 = 0.5 etc. use any float to hex converter to  get your own values, use 4 first digits of hex,
//#2 limit max cooldown
//change z to 1 to enable or 0 to disable
//then change yyyy to
//4334 which = 180.0 default for green
//4461 which = 900.0 default for purple and yellow
//default for red skill would be around 460C which ~ 9000.0, but since this cheat limits max CD, it has no sense to use it
//use float to hex converter to get your own values, use 4 first digits of hex,
//if you unsure what I mean, try converting example values from above and it should be clear.
_C0 Skill CD [Disable]
_L 0x203BDF9C 0x26520001
_C0 Upgrade lvl 9
_L 0xE0020009 0x101988A8
_L 0x20198AE4 0x24040009
_L 0x201990D0 0x24040009
_C0 Upgrade lvl 9 [Disable]
_L 0x20198AE4 0x00D12021
_L 0x201990D0 0x00D12021
_C0 All weapons to lvl 9
_L 0x805B3F5A 0x03200010
_L 0x00000009 0x00000000
_C0 All armors to lvl 9
_L 0x805B88C7 0x0320000A
_L 0x00000009 0x00000000
_C0 Unlock all mitamas lvl 12
_L 0x405BB3C0 0x013F0004
_L 0x00014B40 0x00000000
_L 0x405BB3C4 0x013F0004
_L 0x00000B0B 0x00000000
_L 0x805BB3CB 0x013F0008
_L 0x10000B0B 0x00000000
//uncomment 2 following lines if you want automatically set 3 last skills
//_L 0x405BB3C7 0x013E0004
//_L 0x0A090800 0x00000000
//note: unlocking mitamas cannot be reverted properly and will be keept in the game save, so do NOT save if you just want to check what you're missing:P.
_C0 Unlock all crafting
_L 0xE0020001 0x1028F4A0
_L 0x2028F4C0 0x34110001
_L 0x2028F56C 0x34110001
_C0 Unlock all crafting [Disable]
_L 0x2028F4C0 0x34110000
_L 0x2028F56C 0x34110000
_C0 Free Mitama Weapons
_L 0xE0180000 0x10287098
_L 0x2028705C 0x34140000
_L 0x20287098 0x34140000
_L 0x202870B4 0x24050000
_L 0x202872F0 0x24020001
_L 0x20194C78 0x00000000
_L 0x2019F604 0x00000000
_L 0x2019F61C 0x00000000
_L 0x2019F630 0x00000000
_L 0x2019F690 0x10000014
_L 0x2019F708 0x00000000
_L 0x2019F724 0x00000000
_L 0x2019F73C 0x00000000
_L 0x20286EF0 0x24020002
_L 0x2019F568 0x10000001
_L 0x2019F56C 0x00000000
_L 0x2019F580 0x00000000
_L 0x2019F5A8 0x00000000
_L 0x202865C8 0x0A200434
_L 0x202865CC 0x00000000
_L 0x200010D0 0x2408FFFF
_L 0x200010D4 0x55040003
_L 0x200010D8 0x26100001
_L 0x200010DC 0x0A2A1974
_L 0x200010E4 0x0A2A19B4
//note: Have to unlock menu in Shikimi vendor through normal progress for now, but once that's done, those weapons should be totally free to craft and not affect equipped mitamas/sets(or at least I hope so since the code is already awfully long because I decided to make it nicer;|).
_C0 Free Mitama Weapons [Disable]
_L 0x2028705C 0x34140001
_L 0x20287098 0x34140001
_L 0x202870B4 0x00A62821
_L 0x202872F0 0x10400003
_L 0x20194C78 0x00E53823
_L 0x2019F604 0xA4970002
_L 0x2019F61C 0xA4570004
_L 0x2019F630 0xA4570006
_L 0x2019F690 0x16420014
_L 0x2019F708 0x0E26538E
_L 0x2019F724 0x0E26538E
_L 0x2019F73C 0x0E26538E
_L 0x20286EF0 0x10400006
_L 0x2019F568 0xA0800004
_L 0x2019F56C 0xAC800000
_L 0x2019F580 0xA0E60008
_L 0x2019F5A8 0xA0850005
_L 0x202865C8 0x56E40041
_L 0x202865CC 0x26100001
_C0 DMG modifier(edit first)
_L 0xE011040E 0x10332C44
_L 0x20332C44 0x0A20040E
_L 0x20001038 0x460D6300
_L 0x2000103C 0x3C1B08B8
_L 0x20001040 0x277BE124
_L 0x20001044 0x24110001
_L 0x20001048 0x24120000
_L 0x2000104C 0x12200005
_L 0x20001054 0x151B0003
_L 0x20001058 0x3C114120
_L 0x2000105C 0x4491A800
_L 0x20001060 0x46156302
_L 0x20001064 0x12400005
_L 0x2000106C 0x111B0003
_L 0x20001070 0x3C11yyyy
_L 0x20001074 0x4491A800
_L 0x20001078 0x46156302
_L 0x2000107C 0x0A2CCB12
//change s to 0/1 to disable/enable dmg dealt by player multiplier / if set to 1, remember to set xxxx as well
//change z to 0/1 to disable/enable dmg dealt by demons multiplier / if set to 1, remember to set yyyy as well
//change xxxx/yyyy to your own multiplier, examples:
//4030 == 2.75,
//4080 == 4.00,
//4120 == 10.00
//42c8 == 100.00 etc.
//Make note that you can also use fraction values to decrease dmg for yourself or demons:
//3F00 == 0.5,
//3E80 == 0.25,
//3DCD ~~ 0.1 etc.
//use any float to hex calc to get your desired values, do not made up values out of your head, since those are not integer, and by writing a non value number you'll change the opcode
_C0 DMG modifier [Disable]
_L 0x20332C44 0x460D6300
_C0 Instant Friends
_L 0xE00104B0 0x10191E5C
_L 0x20191E5C 0x241004B0
_C0 Instant Friends [Disable]
_L 0x20191E5C 0x00C08025
//just talk once with every npc with this cheat on;p
_C0 Sidequests are boring
_L 0xE0020000 0x1019E738
_L 0x2019E738 0x24040000
_L 0x2019E830 0x24040000
_C0 Sidequests are boring [Disable]
_L 0x2019E738 0x0044202B
_L 0x2019E830 0x0044202B
//basically an auto-complete without doing anything.
_C0 Mitama Quick upgrade
_L 0xE0010000 0x1019F9E4
_L 0x2019F9E4 0xAE240000
_C0 Mitama Quick upgrade [Disable]
_L 0x2019F9E4 0x16640017
_C0 Stop timer
_L 0xE0020000 0x10174158
_L 0x20174158 0x00000000
_L 0x20003F10 0x00000000
_C0 Stop timer [Disable]
_L 0x20174158 0x24840001
_L 0x20003F10 0x2484FFFF
_C0 All Achievements
_L 0x4060B340 0x00030001
_L 0xFFFFFFFF 0x00000000
_L 0x1060B34C 0x0000FFFF
//Warning: All Achievements cannot be disabled, it simply writes the value.

//note about those: only name can be seen instantly in game, model changes(sex/face etc.) requires save and reload
//all of those require your edits before using;]
_C0 Change Sex
_L 0x005B153D 0x0000000x
//set x as
//0 - female,
//1 - male.
_C0 Change Face
_L 0x005B153F 0x000000xx
//set xx from 0x00 to 0x13
//20 in total, you can start a new game to check which you want, the number is = model_number-1 //convert to hex
_C0 Change Voice
_L 0x005B1546 0x000000xx
//set xx from 0x00 to 0x13 for male voices and from 0x14 to 0x27 for female voices(I guess you can mix those lol)
_C0 Change Skin Color
_L 0x205B1542 0xBBGGRR05
//pretty basic RGB values
//for example put under BBGGRR to get: Red == 0000FF, Green == 00FF00, Blue == FF0000
//if you mess it up, here are default values:
//for male: B6BFD7, for female: C6D0E7
_C0 Change Name(6 letter limitation)
_L 0x105B1530 0x0000xxyy
_L 0x105B1532 0x0000xxyy
_L 0x105B1534 0x0000xxyy
_L 0x105B1536 0x0000xxyy
_L 0x105B1538 0x0000xxyy
_L 0x105B153A 0x0000xxyy
//Where xx is letter code, and yy = 82 for english letter, 81 for some special sign,
//A-Z have codes from 0x60 to 0x79
//a-z -||-  0x81 to 0x9A
//0-9 -||-  0x4F to 0x58
//0x9A = star or 0x99 = empty star would be an example of special signs
//if you want kanji and other stuff, just look it up in the net or experiment
//to remove letter put 00 for both xx and yy

//updated also some japanese codes posted here and upgraded them to my standard(+anti-ppsspp-freeze cheat, +disable cheat for all asm cheats)
_C0 Ultimate available without weapon guage
_L 0xE0020001 0x10398048
_L 0x20398044 0x13E00006
_L 0x20398048 0x34020001
_C0 Ultimate available without weapon guage [Disable]
_L 0x20398044 0x45010006
_L 0x20398048 0x00000000
_C0 infinite range Exorcism
_L 0xE0040002 0x1034A1A4
_L 0x2034A1A4 0x16A00002
_L 0x2034A1A8 0xDF040001
_L 0x2034A1AC 0xDF040024
_L 0x2034A1B0 0xF204A020
_C0 infinite range Exorcism [Disable]
_L 0x2034A1A4 0xDBA40000
_L 0x2034A1A8 0x64048000
_L 0x2034A1AC 0x64048101
_L 0x2034A1B0 0x64048202
_C0 Crafting do not spend resources
_L 0xE0022407 0x1028F352
_L 0x2028F370 0x24070000
_L 0x2028F3DC 0x24070000
_C0 Crafting do not spend resources [Disable]
_L 0x2028F370 0x90870000
_L 0x2028F3DC 0x90870000
_C0 Side-Quests do not spend resources
_L 0xE0012412 0x1027B216
_L 0x2027B234 0x24120000
_C0 Side-Quests do not spend resources [Disable]
_L 0x2027B234 0x90920000
_C0 24 Mitama skills
_L 0x80611C00 0x00180001
_L 0x00000001 0x00000000
_L 0x20611BE2 0x0000003F
_L 0x20611BE4 0x001C004E
_L 0x20611BE8 0x003D003C
_L 0x20611BEC 0x04050067
_L 0x20611BF0 0x00A10404
_L 0x20611BF4 0x00590052
//and more cheats from japan, those were updated with few changes from demo:
_C0 All gestures
_L 0x105B1B14 0x0000F7FF
_C0 Keep zoom
_L 0xE0013F0C 0x100DD710
_L 0x200DD710 0x3C043F0C
_C0 Keep zoom [Disable]
_L 0x200DD710 0x3C043F80
_C0 Camera control in the village
_L 0xE0020000 0x102E2FB8
_L 0x202E2FB8 0x00000000
_L 0x202E3104 0x00000000
_C0 Camera control in the village [Disable]
_L 0x202E2FB8 0x1480001B
_L 0x202E3104 0x14800020
_C0 Multi-hit
_L 0xE0011000 0x103450A6
_L 0x203450A4 0x10000010
_C0 Multi-hit [Disable]
_L 0x203450A4 0x12600010
_C0 Force enemy life gauge
_L 0xE0020000 0x101CF810
_L 0x201CF830 0x00000000
_L 0x201CF93C 0x00000000
_C0 Force enemy life gauge [Disable]
_L 0x201CF830 0x508001B1
_L 0x201CF93C 0x4500004B
_C0 Infinite ammo
_L 0xE0040004 0x1001AE50
_L 0x2001AE50 0x8C810004
_L 0x2001AE88 0xACA10004
_L 0x2001AE98 0x00000000
_L 0x2001AE9C 0x00000000
_C0 Infinite ammo[Disable]
_L 0x2001AE50 0x11000013
_L 0x2001AE88 0x2505FFFF
_L 0x2001AE98 0xACE60004
_L 0x2001AE9C 0xAC850048
_C0 Disable collision
_L 0xE00253BF 0x1034E2AA
_L 0x2034E2A8 0x53BF0012
_L 0x2034E2E8 0x10000017
_C0 Disable collision [Disable]
_L 0x2034E2A8 0x50800012
_L 0x2034E2E8 0x45010017

Archive with codes for versions from 1.02 to 1.07:

.7z  TK CWC Archive.7z (Size: 11.3 KB / Downloads: 20277)
It doesn't have any codes for 1.00 and 1.01, since updates were released very quickly after game was released, from what I read about it had serious game breaking bugs anyway.
I recommend updating the game to latest version since 1.03 added tons of new content, and pretty much all updates had some bugs fixed.

From version 1.05 added a 60fps code:3, still kind of a WIP, but might never be completely finished as the game was not designed for it at all, especially on the 2D animations and some less important stuff, gameplay side however should work fine:3, if character will be too fast after activating, return to cheat menu and leave it as a workaround since sometimes ppsspp clears jit before cw cheat is activated and game doesn't see the full change;].

Update: Changed unlock all lvl 12 mitama cheat to include "Momiji" from last dlc(as with other dlc's, if you don't own the files for it, it will not be unlocked anywayTongue). Also added info that 1.06 cheats are also usable in 1.07 version(which as far as I know didn't changed much since it's rebalance from PS4 version + 1.02 update for multiplayer).

Update episode 102214011:
- improved 60fps hack slightly by adding correcting speed of hopefully all previously missing 3D animation like water, clouds, new changes can't be fully switched on/off in game as it requires area change to reset variables or to be safe maybe even restart emulation with new code and load game from normal save;p, I guess that means only 2D animations are double speed in this patch now(cursors, fire, menus and possibly some effects), I'm certain it's doable by repeating every frame twice, but as of now I'm not into looking it, it's not bothersome at all,
- changed stop timer cheat slightly to work with 60 fps hack(previously it would prematurely end the mission by overclocking the timer:] as I never tested those two together before).
Both of those changes apply to 1.07 version codes, through they should also work on 1.06 as like mentioned earlier as those versions are mostly tweaks and share at least most of the code, I just didn't had it anymore to test.
Small fix: Free mitama weapons was causing crash with fast memory activated, never have it on so never noticed;p, anyway now that's fixed at least for 1.06/1.07 versions. - Custom PPSSPP Shaders! - simple CE scripts to help creating CWCheats, - CWCheat workarounds.
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09-01-2014, 10:32 AM
Post: #2
RE: Toukiden Kiwami
Thank you for adding codes for this game, I will update this thread Smile

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09-02-2014, 06:40 PM (This post was last modified: 09-02-2014 07:24 PM by Avalister.)
Post: #3
RE: Toukiden Kiwami
Thanks a lot Luna!! Any chance for HP code?

Btw the money and free vendors don´t work, at least for me
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09-02-2014, 08:00 PM (This post was last modified: 09-02-2014 08:21 PM by LunaMoo.)
Post: #4
RE: Toukiden Kiwami
You're welcome:3.
Added invincibility code, but for codes that doesn't work I cannot do anything, you might have different game version or maybe playing on psp which might actually differ from ppsspp, that still is possible in some games since emulation is not perfect.
I started fresh game with a completely different character to test my cheats and they all worked fine.

Edit: In fact if you use release version it might also be the causeTongue, I use pretty much latest git builds from buildbot and they improved alot of memory management stuff, so addresses could potentially differ. You might try updating ppsspp if you're on older build, just to check that theory. Nvm, I checked myself and those cheats did worked on official release as well. - Custom PPSSPP Shaders! - simple CE scripts to help creating CWCheats, - CWCheat workarounds.
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09-02-2014, 08:22 PM
Post: #5
RE: Toukiden Kiwami
(08-31-2014 06:18 PM)LunaMoo Wrote:  Just a few cheats I made yesteday while testing new things:
//Important! Those cheats are only for v1.01 of the game, do NOT try activating them on other versions!
_S NPJH-50878
_G Toukiden Kiwami v1.01
_C0 Pocket Money
_L 0x205AA7DC 0x004C4B40
_C0 Free vendors
_L 0x201924CC 0x00000000
_C0 Free vendors [Disable]
_L 0x201924CC 0x00E53823
_C0 Instant Exorcism
_L 0x2032C2A4 0x1000000E
_C0 Instant Exorcism [Disable]
_L 0x2032C2A4 0x10A0000E
_C0 Max Weapon&Unity Gauges
_L 0x20043F2C 0x4614003C
_L 0x20391E50 0xC60C0098
_L 0x20391E5C 0xE60C009C
_C0 Max Weapon&Unity Gauges [Disable]
_L 0x20043F2C 0x4600A03C
_L 0x20391E50 0xC60C009C
_L 0x20391E5C 0x00000000
_C0 Invincibility
_L 0x2032EE70 0xE66D0084
_L 0x200494E0 0xE60D008C
_C0 Invincibility [Disable]
_L 0x2032EE70 0xE66C0084
_L 0x200494E0 0xE614008C
_C0 Infinite Stamina
_L 0x200495EC 0x00000000
_C0 Infinite Stamina [Disable]
_L 0x200495EC 0xE60C0094
_C0 Infinite Skills
_L 0x203B61D4 0x00802021
_C0 Infinite Skills [Disable]
_L 0x203B61D4 0x00912021
_C0 Disable skills CD(not recommended with npc's)
_L 0x203B59E0 0x34070000
_C0 Disable skills CD [Disable]
_L 0x203B59E0 0x34070001
_C0 Craft without materials
_L 0x2028AA7C 0x54000008
_L 0x2028AB3C 0x54000008
_C0 Craft without materials[Disable]
_L 0x2028AA7C 0x56640008
_L 0x2028AB3C 0x56640008
_C0 Lvlup gear without exp
_L 0x20293828 0x341300FF
_L 0x20293834 0x1400003F
_C0 Lvlup gear without exp[Disable]
_L 0x20293828 0x8054000A
_L 0x20293834 0x10800066

//those should be safer for npc's than completely disabling CD
_C0 Shorten skill CD
_L 0x200DF1FC 0x0E200400
_L 0x20001000 0x3C04xxxx
_L 0x20001004 0x03E00008
_L 0x20001008 0x44840000
//Change "xxxx" to set value to decrease each "tick", some examples
//3F80 = 1.0 (twice as long CD)
//4000 = 2.0 (default value)
//4080 = 4.0 (half of the CD)
//4100 = 8.0 (1/4 of the CD)
//41F0 = 30.0 (15 times shorter CD)
//etc. use some float to hex converter to get values, use 4 first digits of hex.
_C0 Shorten skill CD [Disable]
_L 0x200DF1FC 0x0E201000
_C0 Limit max skill CD
_L 0x200DF204 0x0A200404
_L 0x200DF208 0x00000000
_L 0x20001010 0xC60C0000
_L 0x20001014 0x3C04xxxx
_L 0x20001018 0x4484B800
_L 0x2000101C 0x4617603E
_L 0x20001024 0x45010002
_L 0x2000102C 0x44846000
_L 0x20001030 0x46006301
_L 0x20001034 0x0A237C83
//change xxxx to set max CD, for example
//4461 = 900.0
//44FA = 2000.0
//469C = 19968.0
//use float to hex converter to get hex values, use 4 first digits of hex.
_C0 Limit max skill CD [Disable]
_L 0x200DF204 0xC60C0000
_L 0x200DF208 0x46006301

_C0 Unlock all mitamas
_L 0x805B4645 0x013B0010
_L 0x0000000B 0x00000000
//note: unlocking mitamas cannot be reverted properly and will be keept in the game save, so do NOT save if you just want to check what you're missing:P.
_C0 Unlock all crafting
_L 0x2028ADB0 0x34110001
_L 0x2028AE5C 0x34110001
_C0 Unlock all crafting [Disable]
_L 0x2028ADB0 0x34110000
_L 0x2028AE5C 0x34110000

I might not be adding any other nor updating this for a while, I pretty much only use infinite skills myself and the game is soo much fun that I might not even log in here for a while.;o The game already had a day 1 update, so hopefully they'll not be releasing another update too soon:3.

Edit: yeah I said no more updates;p, but blah, making cheats is almost as addicting as the game itself &_&... so a bunch more to completely break the game by unlocking stuff easily.

And some non cheat codes for basic character customization of elements not available after starting game:
//note about those: only name can be seen instantly in game, model changes(sex/face etc.) requires save and reload
//those are for game v1.01 just like the cheats above:3
_C0 Change Sex
_L 0x005AA7BD 0x0000000x
//set x as
//0 - female,
//1 - male.
_C0 Change Face
_L 0x005AA7BF 0x000000xx
//set xx from 0x00 to 0x13
//20 in total, you can start a new game to check which you want, the number is = model_number-1 //convert to hex
_C0 Change Voice
_L 0x005AA7C6 0x000000xx
//set xx from 0x00 to 0x13 for male voices and from 0x14 to 0x27 for female voices(I guess you can mix those lol)
_C0 Change Skin Color
_L 0x205AA7C2 0xBBGGRR05
//pretty basic RGB values
//for example put under BBGGRR to get: Red == 0000FF, Green == 00FF00, Blue == FF0000
//if you mess it up, here are default values:
//for male: B6BFD7, for female: C6D0E7
_C0 Change Name(6 letter limitation)
_L 0x105AA7B0 0x0000xxyy
_L 0x105AA7B2 0x0000xxyy
_L 0x105AA7B4 0x0000xxyy
_L 0x105AA7B6 0x0000xxyy
_L 0x105AA7B8 0x0000xxyy
_L 0x105AA7BA 0x0000xxyy
//Where xx is letter code, and yy = 82 for english letter, 81 for some special sign,
//A-Z have codes from 0x60 to 0x79
//a-z -||-  0x81 to 0x9A
//0-9 -||-  0x4F to 0x58
//0x9A = star or 0x99 = empty star would be an example of special signs
//if you want kanji and other stuff, just look it up in the net or experiment
//to remove letter put 00 for both xx and yy

Thank you luna Like always great job the Cheat for change sex and other THings goes great with this Game cause english Patch cant Create character cause Translator Do something wrong and Destroy it So kinda solution that cheat ^^ + rep like always

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09-02-2014, 08:48 PM
Post: #6
RE: Toukiden Kiwami
Thanks again!! I am using latest git of PPSSPP too but I don´t see my money change, could you send me in private your version 1.01 folder?
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09-03-2014, 10:52 AM (This post was last modified: 09-06-2014 01:06 AM by LunaMoo.)
Post: #7
RE: Toukiden Kiwami
There was a new game update, so updated my cheats to latest version.;3 ~ Have fun.
Edit: Added 3 new cheats for 1.02 only ~ dmg multiplier, instant friends and sidequests are boring;p.
And another Edit: Added 3 small cheats: for time stop, for quick lvling mitamas at Shikimi's vendor and unlocking achievements. - Custom PPSSPP Shaders! - simple CE scripts to help creating CWCheats, - CWCheat workarounds.
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09-10-2014, 03:59 AM
Post: #8
RE: Toukiden Kiwami
How to use this code???
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09-12-2014, 03:35 PM
Post: #9
RE: Toukiden Kiwami
@kuramamode11 same as any other cw cheat, on psp you have to use plugin for cw cheats, on ppsspp, we have it built-in, you can read this thread how to use it.

Make note cheats will work only for specific game versions, ie. 1.02 version cheats will not work at all, or possibly even glitch/crash the game until you properly update the game(if you only copy the update files to game folder it does print update changelog in-game, but it's actually still v1.0;p, that was actually Avalister's problem here earlier, so make sure to update the iso on psp).


On a side note, I updated a few cheats yesterday, just got distracted and forgot to write about it. Made some new ones as well, for example gauges multipliers, since setting them on max all the time proved to be bad for some npc's which get stuck in animations just like with keeping skills activated. Also added some "edit first" to cheats which require edits, since it might be easy to not see the comments with that lenghty codeblock. - Custom PPSSPP Shaders! - simple CE scripts to help creating CWCheats, - CWCheat workarounds.
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09-14-2014, 06:01 AM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2014 06:08 AM by kuramamode11.)
Post: #10
RE: Toukiden Kiwami
How do i know if its 1.02v ??

I tried the both version of your cheat code , but none of them work for me ,, is it my toukiden kiwami.iso is the problem?? Sorry for my bad englisg

I tried the both version of your cheat code , but none of them work for me ,, is it my toukiden kiwami.iso is the problem?? Sorry for my bad englisg
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09-14-2014, 06:45 AM
Post: #11
RE: Toukiden Kiwami
It's not really an automatic process. If you did updated your game to current latest version, it's as can be seen on site 1.02 released nearly 2 weeks ago, if you didn't, then it's not and likely none of those cheats will work, as simple as that. - Custom PPSSPP Shaders! - simple CE scripts to help creating CWCheats, - CWCheat workarounds.
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09-14-2014, 09:15 AM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2014 09:42 AM by kuramamode11.)
Post: #12
RE: Toukiden Kiwami
How to update it.?

Sir were can i download an update version ???
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09-16-2014, 04:15 PM (This post was last modified: 09-16-2014 04:15 PM by LunaMoo.)
Post: #13
RE: Toukiden Kiwami
Made Free Mitama Weapons cheat(you still have to unlock the menu itself through progress in-game, not even sure when it's unlocked, since I did it in original toukiden;p) and added anti freeze codes for all asm cheats since ppsspp doesn't handle such amount of asm cheats too well(and causes random freezes that can last up to few seconds;]).

@kuramamode11 seriously, there's only one place hosting game updates, same where you bought your copy of the game ~ psn.
You can use PSN PKG Decryptor & Extractor by leecherman to download updates on pc, but you still have to use iso tool on actual psp to update the iso or at least to get eboot.bin out of pboot.pbp. You will not be able to update it with ppsspp nor any other non-psp app since the pboot.pbp is additionally encrypted and holds the actual updated elf file. - Custom PPSSPP Shaders! - simple CE scripts to help creating CWCheats, - CWCheat workarounds.
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09-18-2014, 06:37 AM (This post was last modified: 09-18-2014 06:45 AM by p8013.)
Post: #14
RE: Toukiden Kiwami
I love your code. I am so confused about the limit max skill CD code. When I put a huge number such as ffff in it, it gives me almost infinite skill time with out cd time, but the monster start acting weird. They either move very slow and eventually stop, or they keep release their skill till they hit wall and stop. I don't know what number should I put in, because 4461 mean 900 what? 900 seconds? also when I put 469c, it doesn't seems effect the CD that much. That's why I tried ffff and find out it effect both cd and skill time. this code also effect the negative effect time on character, when I get poison, I keep having it even it does not damage my health. Thank you so much for the code, I would love too see the code for infinite skill time and positive effect on the character.
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09-18-2014, 12:31 PM
Post: #15
RE: Toukiden Kiwami
Thanks for testing.

For starters FFFF isn't actually "really high value" since we're not dealing with unsigned integer, it's actually a floating point as mentioned in notes for the cheat and FFFF ends up as incorrect value(NaN) which breaks the code causing unexpected stuff. To get proper values you have to convert float to hex for example using this online converter and take first 4 numbers after 0x for the value. For example if you want 800.0 it would be 0x44480000 as hex and our value for the cheat would be 4448.
There are lots of similar online converters, or even as apps for android, just search for "float converter", "float to hex" or even some more advanced calculator, anything will work, most of that should be free since the conversion isn't exactly complicated.

This cheat as the name points only limits cooldown. It works by comparing value which is set to CD with value we set, it will actually not do anything if the value from the cheat is higher than value set by the game, basically it can make all skills to restore as fast as green one or even faster, but will not do the opposite.

Not really sure why breaking it causes weirdness while setting proper values doesn't, but since it does, apparently the function was used for more stuff than I could notice while making it. This game was totally designed for psv and it really shows it with how everything is packed up on psp:].

Anyway gonna check that cheat in a bit and either hook it in a different place or add some extra checks, I'll see what I can do about skill duration time as well. - Custom PPSSPP Shaders! - simple CE scripts to help creating CWCheats, - CWCheat workarounds.
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