30:04:451 EmuThread.cpp:122 I[BOOT]: Done.
30:10:215 EmuScreen.cpp:63 I[BOOT]: Starting up hardware.
30:10:215 System.cpp:64 I[HLE]: PPSSPP v0.8.1-1173-ge03acc4
30:10:216 MemMap.cpp:93 I[MM]: Memory system initialized. RAM at 000000000AEA0000 (mirror at 0 @ 0000000087FF0000, uncached @ 00000000C7FF0000)
30:10:225 Loaders.cpp:136 I[LOAD]: Identifying file...
30:10:225 PSPLoaders.cpp:121 I[LOAD]: ULES01045 : CRISIS CORE -FINAL FANTASY VII-
30:10:225 PSPLoaders.cpp:192 I[LOAD]: Loading disc0:/PSP_GAME/SYSDIR/EBOOT.BIN...
30:10:225 HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:164 I[HLE]: Kernel and user memory pools initialized
30:10:225 HLE\sceIo.cpp:298 I[HLE]: Starting up I/O...
30:10:225 FileUtil.cpp:214 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path D:\ppsspp-v0.8.1-1090-g217e648-windows-amd64\ppsspp-v0.8.1-1173-ge03acc4-windows-amd64\ppss
30:10:225 FileUtil.cpp:218 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path exists D:\ppsspp-v0.8.1-1090-g217e648-windows-amd64\ppsspp-v0.8.1-1173-ge03acc4-windows-amd
30:10:225 FileUtil.cpp:214 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path D:\ppsspp-v0.8.1-1090-g217e648-windows-amd64\ppsspp-v0.8.1-1173-ge03acc4-windows-amd64\ppss
30:10:226 FileUtil.cpp:218 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path exists D:\ppsspp-v0.8.1-1090-g217e648-windows-amd64\ppsspp-v0.8.1-1173-ge03acc4-windows-amd
30:10:226 GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:205 N[HLE]: GPU Vendor : NVIDIA Corporation
30:10:226 FileUtil.cpp:214 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path cheats
30:10:226 FileUtil.cpp:218 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path exists cheats
30:10:227 FileUtil.cpp:214 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path D:\ppsspp-v0.8.1-1090-g217e648-windows-amd64\ppsspp-v0.8.1-1173-ge03acc4-windows-amd64\ppss
30:10:227 FileUtil.cpp:218 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path exists D:\ppsspp-v0.8.1-1090-g217e648-windows-amd64\ppsspp-v0.8.1-1173-ge03acc4-windows-amd
30:10:248 HLE\sceKernel.cpp:135 I[HLE]: Kernel initialized.
30:10:251 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:454 I[HLE]: Decrypting ~PSP file
30:10:270 C:\BuildAgent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\Core/ELF/ElfReader.h:58 I[LOAD]: ElfReader: 000000000F4F6040
30:10:271 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:359 I[HLE]: -----------
30:10:271 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 I[HLE]: Block: 08800000 - 08804000 size 00004000 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
30:10:271 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 I[HLE]: Block: 08804000 - 08a4f500 size 0024b500 taken=1 tag=ELF
30:10:271 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 I[HLE]: Block: 08a4f500 - 0a000000 size 015b0b00 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
30:10:271 ELF\ElfReader.cpp:516 N[LOAD]: ELF loading completed successfully.
30:10:292 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:557 I[LOAD]: Module CCFF7FRFR: 00000000 089a2270 089a2288
30:10:292 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:730 I[HLE]: Exporting ent 0 named CCFF7FRFR, 2 funcs, 4 vars, resident 089a2610
30:10:292 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:985 I[LOAD]: Module entry: 08987aec
30:10:473 root N[BOOT]: EmuScreen.cpp:105 Loading D:\ppsspp-v0.8.1-1090-g217e648-windows-amd64\jeux pal fr psp\crisis core final fantasy 7 pal
fr psp.iso...
30:10:473 root I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1943 276=sceKernelCreateThread(name=user_main, entry=08987c30, prio=20, stacksize=131072)
30:10:473 root I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1986 sceKernelStartThread(thread=276, argSize=33, argPtr=09fffe00)
30:10:473 root I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2072 __KernelReturnFromThread: 0
30:10:473 user_main I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:359 -----------
30:10:473 user_main I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 Block: 08800000 - 08804000 size 00004000 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
30:10:473 user_main I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 Block: 08804000 - 08a4f500 size 0024b500 taken=1 tag=ELF
30:10:473 user_main I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 Block: 08a4f500 - 09f6f500 size 01520000 taken=1 tag=FPL
30:10:473 user_main I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 Block: 09f6f500 - 09f98000 size 00028b00 taken=1 tag=UserSbrk
30:10:473 user_main I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 Block: 09f98000 - 09fdfc00 size 00047c00 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
30:10:473 user_main I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 Block: 09fdfc00 - 09fffc00 size 00020000 taken=1 tag=stack/user_main
30:10:473 user_main I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:363 Block: 09fffc00 - 0a000000 size 00000400 taken=0 tag=stack/root
30:10:475 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1943 284=sceKernelCreateThread(name=SQEX FILE READING THREAD, entry=0880429c, prio=18, stacksiz
30:10:475 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1986 sceKernelStartThread(thread=284, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
30:10:475 user_main W[HLE]: FileSystems\MetaFileSystem.cpp:83 RealPath: inPath is all prefix and no path: "umd1:"
30:10:475 user_main W[HLE]: FileSystems\MetaFileSystem.cpp:83 RealPath: inPath is all prefix and no path: "umd1:"
30:10:476 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:204 sceKernelVolatileMemTryLock(0, 09fff5c0, 167769540) - success
30:10:579 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceSas.cpp:89 sceSasInit(08a21ac0, 1024, 32, 0, 44100)
30:10:582 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1943 290=sceKernelCreateThread(name=AUDIO MIXER THREAD, entry=0898e1b0, prio=10, stacksize=3276
30:10:582 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1986 sceKernelStartThread(thread=290, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
30:10:583 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1943 292=sceKernelCreateThread(name=SQEX PAD UPDATING THREAD, entry=08805974, prio=10, stacksiz
30:10:583 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1986 sceKernelStartThread(thread=292, argSize=4, argPtr=09fff650)
30:10:612 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:347 sceMpegInit()
30:10:612 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:425 09f5e720=sceMpegCreate(09f6e72c, 09f5e6f0, 65536, 09f6e730, 512, 0, 0)
30:11:162 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 222=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
30:11:162 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:243 scePowerSetClockFrequency(190,190,95)
30:11:174 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
30:11:185 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
30:25:006 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
30:25:006 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
30:25:012 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
30:25:014 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
30:26:274 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1943 297=sceKernelCreateThread(name=SQEXTEC Movie Streaming, entry=0885f058, prio=6f, stacksize
30:26:274 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1943 298=sceKernelCreateThread(name=SQEXTEC Movie Decode, entry=0885d708, prio=6f, stacksize=10
30:26:274 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1943 299=sceKernelCreateThread(name=SQEXTEC Movie AudioOutput, entry=0885d814, prio=10, stacksi
30:26:274 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1986 sceKernelStartThread(thread=297, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
30:26:275 SQEXTEC Movi W[HLE]: FileSystems\MetaFileSystem.cpp:83 RealPath: inPath is all prefix and no path: "umd0:"
30:26:275 SQEXTEC Movi W[HLE]: FileSystems\MetaFileSystem.cpp:83 RealPath: inPath is all prefix and no path: "umd0:"
30:26:277 SQEXTEC Movi I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:292 Stream offset: 2048, Stream size: 0x15EB000
30:26:277 SQEXTEC Movi I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:293 First timestamp: 90000, Last timestamp: 10252152
30:26:277 SQEXTEC Movi W[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:1190 UNIMPL sceMpegFlushAllStream(09f6e72c)
30:26:277 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:534 sceMpegRegistStream(09f6e72c, 0, 0)
30:26:277 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:534 sceMpegRegistStream(09f6e72c, 1, 0)
30:26:277 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1986 sceKernelStartThread(thread=298, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
30:26:277 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1986 sceKernelStartThread(thread=299, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
30:26:277 SQEXTEC Movi I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:292 Stream offset: 2048, Stream size: 0x15EB000
30:26:277 SQEXTEC Movi I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:293 First timestamp: 90000, Last timestamp: 10252152
30:26:288 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
30:26:288 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
30:26:307 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
30:26:320 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
30:27:765 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 190=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
30:27:766 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:222 sceKernelVolatileMemUnlock(0)
30:27:766 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2123 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
30:27:766 SQEXTEC Movi E[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:826 UNIMPL sceMpegAvcDecodeFlush(09f6e72c)
30:27:766 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2123 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
30:27:766 SQEXTEC Movi W[HLE]: c:\buildagent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\core\hle\sceKernel.h:454 Kernel: Bad object handle -1 (ffffffff)
30:27:766 SQEXTEC Movi E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2566 sceKernelWaitThreadEnd - bad thread -1
30:27:766 SQEXTEC Movi E[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:826 UNIMPL sceMpegAvcDecodeFlush(09f6e72c)
30:27:766 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2123 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
30:27:769 user_main I[HLE]: Dialog\PSPSaveDialog.cpp:58 sceUtilitySavedataInitStart(08a280f0)
30:27:769 user_main I[HLE]: Dialog\PSPSaveDialog.cpp:59 Mode: 4
30:28:763 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:204 sceKernelVolatileMemTryLock(0, 09fff5b0, 167769524) - success
30:28:763 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 190=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
30:28:763 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:243 scePowerSetClockFrequency(333,333,166)
30:29:341 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1943 302=sceKernelCreateThread(name=SQEXTEC Movie Streaming, entry=0885f058, prio=6f, stacksize
30:29:341 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1943 303=sceKernelCreateThread(name=SQEXTEC Movie Decode, entry=0885d708, prio=6f, stacksize=10
30:29:341 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1943 304=sceKernelCreateThread(name=SQEXTEC Movie AudioOutput, entry=0885d814, prio=10, stacksi
30:29:341 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1986 sceKernelStartThread(thread=302, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
30:29:341 SQEXTEC Movi W[HLE]: FileSystems\MetaFileSystem.cpp:83 RealPath: inPath is all prefix and no path: "umd0:"
30:29:341 SQEXTEC Movi W[HLE]: FileSystems\MetaFileSystem.cpp:83 RealPath: inPath is all prefix and no path: "umd0:"
30:29:344 SQEXTEC Movi I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:292 Stream offset: 2048, Stream size: 0x15EB000
30:29:344 SQEXTEC Movi I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:293 First timestamp: 90000, Last timestamp: 10252152
30:29:344 SQEXTEC Movi W[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:1190 UNIMPL sceMpegFlushAllStream(09f6e72c)
30:29:344 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:534 sceMpegRegistStream(09f6e72c, 0, 0)
30:29:344 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:534 sceMpegRegistStream(09f6e72c, 1, 0)
30:29:344 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1986 sceKernelStartThread(thread=303, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
30:29:344 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1986 sceKernelStartThread(thread=304, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
30:29:344 SQEXTEC Movi I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:292 Stream offset: 2048, Stream size: 0x15EB000
30:29:344 SQEXTEC Movi I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:293 First timestamp: 90000, Last timestamp: 10252152
30:29:356 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
30:29:356 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
30:29:360 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
30:29:362 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
30:31:452 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 333=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
30:31:452 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2123 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
30:31:453 SQEXTEC Movi E[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:826 UNIMPL sceMpegAvcDecodeFlush(09f6e72c)
30:31:453 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2123 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
30:31:453 SQEXTEC Movi W[HLE]: c:\buildagent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\core\hle\sceKernel.h:454 Kernel: Bad object handle -1 (ffffffff)
30:31:453 SQEXTEC Movi E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2566 sceKernelWaitThreadEnd - bad thread -1
30:31:453 SQEXTEC Movi E[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:826 UNIMPL sceMpegAvcDecodeFlush(09f6e72c)
30:31:453 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2123 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
30:31:634 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1943 306=sceKernelCreateThread(name=SQEXTEC Movie Streaming, entry=0885f058, prio=6f, stacksize
30:31:634 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1943 307=sceKernelCreateThread(name=SQEXTEC Movie Decode, entry=0885d708, prio=6f, stacksize=10
30:31:634 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1943 308=sceKernelCreateThread(name=SQEXTEC Movie AudioOutput, entry=0885d814, prio=10, stacksi
30:31:634 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1986 sceKernelStartThread(thread=306, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
30:31:635 SQEXTEC Movi W[HLE]: FileSystems\MetaFileSystem.cpp:83 RealPath: inPath is all prefix and no path: "umd0:"
30:31:635 SQEXTEC Movi W[HLE]: FileSystems\MetaFileSystem.cpp:83 RealPath: inPath is all prefix and no path: "umd0:"
30:31:635 SQEXTEC Movi I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:292 Stream offset: 2048, Stream size: 0x28CB800
30:31:635 SQEXTEC Movi I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:293 First timestamp: 90000, Last timestamp: 18780672
30:31:635 SQEXTEC Movi W[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:1190 UNIMPL sceMpegFlushAllStream(09f6e72c)
30:31:635 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:534 sceMpegRegistStream(09f6e72c, 0, 0)
30:31:635 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:534 sceMpegRegistStream(09f6e72c, 1, 0)
30:31:635 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1986 sceKernelStartThread(thread=307, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
30:31:635 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1986 sceKernelStartThread(thread=308, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
30:31:635 SQEXTEC Movi I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:292 Stream offset: 2048, Stream size: 0x28CB800
30:31:635 SQEXTEC Movi I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:293 First timestamp: 90000, Last timestamp: 18780672
30:31:642 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
30:31:642 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
30:31:647 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
30:31:649 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
30:52:933 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 0=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09461ec0, 000f7c64)
30:52:933 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1120 This is an atrac3+ stereo audio
30:52:933 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1242 sceAtracSetLoopNum(0, -1)
30:53:293 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2123 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
30:53:293 SQEXTEC Movi E[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:826 UNIMPL sceMpegAvcDecodeFlush(09f6e72c)
30:53:293 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2123 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
30:53:293 SQEXTEC Movi W[HLE]: c:\buildagent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\core\hle\sceKernel.h:454 Kernel: Bad object handle -1 (ffffffff)
30:53:293 SQEXTEC Movi E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2566 sceKernelWaitThreadEnd - bad thread -1
30:53:293 SQEXTEC Movi E[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:826 UNIMPL sceMpegAvcDecodeFlush(09f6e72c)
30:53:293 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2123 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
30:56:731 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09c652c0, 0000190c)
30:56:731 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
30:56:875 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
30:56:880 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
30:57:003 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09c62240, 0000298c)
30:57:003 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
30:57:228 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
30:57:234 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
30:57:304 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09c5a9c0, 0000730c)
30:57:304 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
30:57:955 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
30:57:956 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
30:58:052 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09c50940, 00009e8c)
30:58:052 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
30:58:985 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
30:58:985 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
30:59:035 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09c4e0c0, 0000208c)
30:59:035 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
30:59:216 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
30:59:222 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
30:59:492 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09c49040, 00004f0c)
30:59:492 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
31:00:012 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
31:00:019 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
31:00:179 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09c46fc0, 00001d8c)
31:00:179 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
31:00:374 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
31:00:379 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
31:00:749 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09c41f40, 00004ccc)
31:00:749 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
31:01:186 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
31:01:196 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
31:02:124 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09c3e6c0, 0000328c)
31:02:124 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
31:02:359 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
31:02:366 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
31:02:454 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09c3ae40, 0000310c)
31:02:454 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
31:02:674 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
31:02:681 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
31:03:012 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09c385c0, 000025cc)
31:03:012 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
31:03:180 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
31:03:182 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
31:03:671 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 333=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
31:18:544 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(096d76f0, 0000940c)
31:18:544 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
31:18:552 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 04156000 : 480 x 272 x 3
31:19:936 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
31:19:944 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
31:20:309 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(096f43c0, 0000a00c)
31:20:309 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
31:22:866 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
31:22:875 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
31:23:677 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 333=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
31:24:495 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09d830c0, 00001c0c)
31:24:495 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
31:24:666 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
31:24:673 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
31:24:733 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09d45240, 0000628c)
31:24:733 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
31:25:353 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
31:25:359 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
31:25:561 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09d401c0, 0000484c)
31:25:561 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
31:26:004 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
31:26:009 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
31:26:876 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09d81040, 000019cc)
31:26:876 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
31:27:048 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
31:27:052 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
31:28:707 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 333=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
31:28:909 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(0)
31:28:925 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 0=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(093e4f00, 0015a1d4)
31:28:925 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1120 This is an atrac3+ stereo audio
31:28:925 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1242 sceAtracSetLoopNum(0, -1)
31:28:931 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(0, 220500, 0, 0)
31:28:931 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1242 sceAtracSetLoopNum(0, -1)
31:35:001 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 333=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
31:40:986 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(098b6b20, 0000fb8c)
31:40:986 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
31:43:935 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
31:43:951 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
31:58:041 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 333=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
31:58:158 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(0)
31:58:209 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1943 310=sceKernelCreateThread(name=SQEXTEC Movie Streaming, entry=0885f058, prio=6f, stacksize
31:58:209 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1943 311=sceKernelCreateThread(name=SQEXTEC Movie Decode, entry=0885d708, prio=6f, stacksize=10
31:58:209 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1943 312=sceKernelCreateThread(name=SQEXTEC Movie AudioOutput, entry=0885d814, prio=10, stacksi
31:58:209 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1986 sceKernelStartThread(thread=310, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
31:58:209 SQEXTEC Movi W[HLE]: FileSystems\MetaFileSystem.cpp:83 RealPath: inPath is all prefix and no path: "umd0:"
31:58:209 SQEXTEC Movi W[HLE]: FileSystems\MetaFileSystem.cpp:83 RealPath: inPath is all prefix and no path: "umd0:"
31:58:214 SQEXTEC Movi I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:292 Stream offset: 2048, Stream size: 0x443800
31:58:214 SQEXTEC Movi I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:293 First timestamp: 90000, Last timestamp: 5083989
31:58:215 SQEXTEC Movi W[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:1190 UNIMPL sceMpegFlushAllStream(09f6e72c)
31:58:215 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:534 sceMpegRegistStream(09f6e72c, 0, 0)
31:58:215 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:534 sceMpegRegistStream(09f6e72c, 1, 0)
31:58:215 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1986 sceKernelStartThread(thread=311, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
31:58:215 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1986 sceKernelStartThread(thread=312, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
31:58:215 SQEXTEC Movi I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:292 Stream offset: 2048, Stream size: 0x443800
31:58:215 SQEXTEC Movi I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:293 First timestamp: 90000, Last timestamp: 5083989
31:58:232 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
31:58:232 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
31:58:232 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 04156000 : 480 x 272 x 3
31:58:250 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
31:58:268 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
32:03:934 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2123 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
32:03:934 SQEXTEC Movi E[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:826 UNIMPL sceMpegAvcDecodeFlush(09f6e72c)
32:03:934 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2123 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
32:03:934 SQEXTEC Movi W[HLE]: c:\buildagent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\core\hle\sceKernel.h:454 Kernel: Bad object handle -1 (ffffffff)
32:03:934 SQEXTEC Movi E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2566 sceKernelWaitThreadEnd - bad thread -1
32:03:934 SQEXTEC Movi E[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:826 UNIMPL sceMpegAvcDecodeFlush(09f6e72c)
32:03:934 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2123 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
32:03:937 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1943 314=sceKernelCreateThread(name=SQEXTEC Movie Streaming, entry=0885f058, prio=6f, stacksize
32:03:937 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1943 315=sceKernelCreateThread(name=SQEXTEC Movie Decode, entry=0885d708, prio=6f, stacksize=10
32:03:937 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1943 316=sceKernelCreateThread(name=SQEXTEC Movie AudioOutput, entry=0885d814, prio=10, stacksi
32:03:937 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1986 sceKernelStartThread(thread=314, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
32:03:937 SQEXTEC Movi W[HLE]: FileSystems\MetaFileSystem.cpp:83 RealPath: inPath is all prefix and no path: "umd0:"
32:03:937 SQEXTEC Movi W[HLE]: FileSystems\MetaFileSystem.cpp:83 RealPath: inPath is all prefix and no path: "umd0:"
32:03:939 SQEXTEC Movi I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:292 Stream offset: 2048, Stream size: 0xF32000
32:03:939 SQEXTEC Movi I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:293 First timestamp: 90000, Last timestamp: 10141041
32:03:939 SQEXTEC Movi W[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:1190 UNIMPL sceMpegFlushAllStream(09f6e72c)
32:03:939 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:534 sceMpegRegistStream(09f6e72c, 0, 0)
32:03:939 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:534 sceMpegRegistStream(09f6e72c, 1, 0)
32:03:939 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1986 sceKernelStartThread(thread=315, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
32:03:939 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1986 sceKernelStartThread(thread=316, argSize=0, argPtr=00000000)
32:03:939 SQEXTEC Movi I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:292 Stream offset: 2048, Stream size: 0xF32000
32:03:939 SQEXTEC Movi I[ME]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:293 First timestamp: 90000, Last timestamp: 10141041
32:03:957 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
32:03:957 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
32:03:973 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
32:03:976 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
32:15:325 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
32:15:325 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
32:15:340 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
32:15:341 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
32:15:371 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
32:15:444 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
32:16:397 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2123 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
32:16:397 SQEXTEC Movi E[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:826 UNIMPL sceMpegAvcDecodeFlush(09f6e72c)
32:16:397 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2123 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
32:16:397 SQEXTEC Movi W[HLE]: c:\buildagent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\core\hle\sceKernel.h:454 Kernel: Bad object handle -1 (ffffffff)
32:16:397 SQEXTEC Movi E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2566 sceKernelWaitThreadEnd - bad thread -1
32:16:397 SQEXTEC Movi E[HLE]: HLE\sceMpeg.cpp:826 UNIMPL sceMpegAvcDecodeFlush(09f6e72c)
32:16:397 SQEXTEC Movi I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:2123 sceKernelExitDeleteThread(0)
32:16:404 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 333=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
32:20:202 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 333=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
32:20:374 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 04154000 : 128 x 128 x 2
32:20:375 user_main W[HLE]: GLES\DisplayListInterpreter.cpp:822 Unsupported alphatest mask: f0
32:20:396 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 0=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09319000, 000b612c)
32:20:396 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1120 This is an atrac3+ stereo audio
32:20:397 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1242 sceAtracSetLoopNum(0, -1)
32:20:571 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(094f8800, 00024d0c)
32:20:571 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
32:33:176 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
32:33:176 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
32:33:176 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 04154000 : 127 x 127 x 2
32:33:228 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
32:33:230 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 04154000 : 128 x 128 x 2
32:33:234 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
32:34:902 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
32:34:933 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
32:34:933 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09ca8e80, 000058cc)
32:34:933 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
32:36:929 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
32:36:952 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
32:37:377 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09ca0e00, 00007fcc)
32:37:377 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
32:39:758 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 3=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09cb9f80, 0000eb0c)
32:39:758 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
32:39:761 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
32:39:779 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
32:46:431 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(3, 0, 0, 0)
32:46:445 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(3)
32:46:602 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09caef00, 0000ab4c)
32:46:602 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
32:49:348 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
32:49:370 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
33:06:464 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 333=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
33:10:131 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09bf1400, 00001d8c)
33:10:131 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
33:10:600 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
33:10:613 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
33:11:166 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09bc8040, 0000484c)
33:11:166 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
33:12:300 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
33:12:313 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
33:12:500 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09bc3fc0, 00003d0c)
33:12:500 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
33:14:099 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
33:14:112 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
33:15:664 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09bf1580, 0000118c)
33:15:664 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
33:15:864 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
33:15:886 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
33:15:912 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09bcc880, 00000e8c)
33:15:912 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
33:16:105 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
33:16:117 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
33:16:723 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09bcd900, 0000220c)
33:16:723 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
33:17:100 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
33:17:100 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
33:20:998 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09bc8880, 00004a8c)
33:20:998 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
33:22:419 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
33:22:439 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
33:23:196 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09be7b80, 000091cc)
33:23:196 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
33:25:633 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
33:25:654 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
33:26:760 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09be1280, 0000244c)
33:26:760 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
33:27:502 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
33:27:521 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
33:28:317 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09bf0600, 0000208c)
33:28:317 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
33:28:971 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
33:29:011 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
33:29:011 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09bef580, 00000d0c)
33:29:011 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
33:29:274 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
33:29:292 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
33:32:193 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09bc6100, 00009e8c)
33:32:193 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
33:35:028 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
33:35:028 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
33:35:210 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09bee700, 00003d0c)
33:35:210 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
33:35:933 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
33:35:956 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
33:36:058 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09bc8100, 00007fcc)
33:36:058 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
33:37:596 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 333=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
33:37:596 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 333=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
33:37:596 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:243 scePowerSetClockFrequency(190,190,95)
33:38:234 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 190=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
33:38:234 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:243 scePowerSetClockFrequency(333,333,166)
33:38:234 user_main E[HLE]: HLE\sceIo.cpp:1654 UNIMPL 0=sceIoIoctl id: 00000004, cmd 01f100a6, indataPtr 09fff5f0, inlen 00000010, outdataPtr 00000
000, outLen 00000000
33:38:553 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
33:38:569 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
33:38:751 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09bdba00, 0000574c)
33:38:751 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
33:40:175 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
33:40:192 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
33:40:279 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09bd0180, 0000b74c)
33:40:279 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
33:43:007 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 3=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09be3b00, 00003f4c)
33:43:007 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
33:43:019 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
33:43:030 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
33:43:732 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09bf15c0, 0000154c)
33:43:732 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
33:43:748 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(3, 0, 0, 0)
33:43:763 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(3)
33:44:062 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
33:44:078 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
33:44:663 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1201 2=sceAtracSetDataAndGetID(09bebd40, 000055cc)
33:44:663 user_main W[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:1107 This is an atrac3 stereo audio
33:46:421 AUDIO MIXER I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:941 sceAtracResetPlayPosition(2, 0, 0, 0)
33:46:441 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\sceAtrac.cpp:935 sceAtracReleaseAtracID(2)
33:58:285 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 333=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
33:58:285 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:243 scePowerSetClockFrequency(190,190,95)
34:00:323 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 190=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
34:00:323 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:243 scePowerSetClockFrequency(333,333,166)
34:05:944 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 333=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
34:05:944 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:243 scePowerSetClockFrequency(190,190,95)
34:08:912 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 190=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
34:08:912 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:243 scePowerSetClockFrequency(333,333,166)
34:15:300 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
34:15:300 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 04154000 : 127 x 127 x 2
34:15:300 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
34:15:318 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
34:15:322 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
34:15:953 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 333=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
34:15:953 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:243 scePowerSetClockFrequency(190,190,95)
34:21:285 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 190=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
34:21:285 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:243 scePowerSetClockFrequency(333,333,166)
34:21:752 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 333=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
34:21:752 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:243 scePowerSetClockFrequency(190,190,95)
34:25:219 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 190=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
34:25:219 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:243 scePowerSetClockFrequency(333,333,166)
34:27:784 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
34:27:784 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
34:27:789 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
34:27:820 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
13:02:752 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
13:02:752 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
13:02:756 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
13:02:788 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
13:07:885 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 333=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
13:07:885 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:243 scePowerSetClockFrequency(190,190,95)
13:10:886 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 190=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
13:10:886 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:243 scePowerSetClockFrequency(333,333,166)
13:35:745 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
13:35:745 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:1185 Destroying FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
13:35:762 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00088000 : 480 x 272 x 3
13:35:766 user_main I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:549 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 3
13:36:730 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 333=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
13:36:730 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:243 scePowerSetClockFrequency(190,190,95)
13:39:297 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:288 190=scePowerGetPllClockFrequencyInt()
13:39:297 user_main I[HLE]: HLE\scePower.cpp:243 scePowerSetClockFrequency(333,333,166)