PPSSPP Feature Request Page
05-06-2013, 05:52 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-23-2014 06:10 PM by TheDax.)
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This is the PPSSPP Feature request page .You can also join in and post your feature requests.BUT DO NOT ASK FOR GAME BUG FIXES HERE,POST THEM IN THEIR RESPECTIVE THREADS!Well,Here goes:-
Users Dashboard: Notes (This is not a part of any request) : 1.Numberings have been sorted according to the Date posted (Ascending) (Not making any discrimination) 2.Requests marked with ???blah??? are counted as ambiguous or questionable in terms of possibility (here, "blah" is meant to be the feature request) 3.Requests might be modified by me in order to make them more understandable 4.Invalid requests will be omitted 5.Requests which have been implemented already will be omitted 6.Duplicates will be merged with the first requester 4#Add support for configuring hotkeys [req. by Done!,xemnas(twice),Squall,Niyawa,cyclonmaster,xZabuzax,vsub_] 7#???Add an option for making the fingers on analog not press the other buttons by accident??? [req. by Vincentmrl] 8#Add an option to switch onscreen analog stick with directional buttons (Might be useful to semi-touch users in order to play properly) [req. by Vincentmrl] 9#Add an option to associate *.iso,*.cso,*.prx,*.pbp,*.elf with PPSSPP as for launching games directly [req. by FinalBlast, xsacha: already done for Blackberry] 11#Add an option to enlarge the texture scaling instead of 512x512 [req. by Gundark] 13#Add an option to make the fake PSP go to sleep mode (useful for secret training activation in FF Type-0) [req. by Flare] 14#Add texture dumping and custom texture loading support (like Dolphin) [req. by Afinda,Nezarn,FanBoy,arg274] 15#Add Xperia Play touchpad support [req. by KeeseToast] 18#???Make the analog stick move freely??? [req. by sowonforever09] 20#???Add support for running GAME seplugins??? [req. by nightmesh(twice),xemnas] 21#Add support for rotating/flipping the screen clockwise/anti-clockwise (like JPCSP) [req. by hsy0726,r_prieto5,cruiseon09] 25#Add an option to set a timer for PPSSPP to autosave the state file after the mentioned interval (PPST should be overwritten using the same slot) [req. by ppssppftw and modified by arg274,AngelOFXD] 26#Add an option to skip playing PSMFs [req. by cyclonmaster,Stas Qaza] 27#Add support for cloud saving in an online server (useful for using PPSSPP across multiple platforms) [req. by cyclonmaster] 29#???Add an option to swap Analog and D-Pad??? [req. by NoExisteLink] 35#Add quicksave confirmation dialog with "Do Not Show this Again" checkbox [req. by xemnas,Niyawa and modified by arg274] 36#Add support for stereoscopic 3D [req. by jadentheman] 38#Add support for Game-Specific(Per-Game) settings [req. by Nezarn,StriderVM,Marcelo_20XX,vsub_(twice),Virtualchronos,killerhaha100,bomberman46,the_randomizer(twice),Sophery,Zytrupi] 39#Add support for software/DX rendering [req. by Nezarn,jadentheman,chronoso,mashiro,jccultima123] 41#Add an option to delete the log file [req. by xemnas] 45#Add an option to save state before exiting the emu and loading it after starting the Game [req. by wrkingclass_hero] 50#Add support for 6x,7x,8x texture filtering (insanely insane) [req. by NotaBot] 51#Add an option to force tessellation [req. by wrkingclass_hero] 52#Add an option to disable OnScreen notifications for taking ScreenShots [req. by Zeether] 53#Add an option for degrading graphics on low-end(portable) devices [req. by NoExisteLink] 54#Add ScreenShot support for Android/iOS/Symbian [req. by NoExisteLink] 59#Add an onscreen toggler for cheats [req. by Snake Eyes] 61#Add support for editing PIC1.PNG [req. by Fanboy] 63#Add an option to save a state with a small thumbnail working like a preview of the saved state [req. by vsub_(twice),xZabuzax,FanBoy,laclongquan,globe94] 64#Add an option to change the aspect ratio (4:3 for PSP?yuck!) [req. by cruiseon09] 65#Add an option to preview the ongoing game in the ESC menu instead of ICON0.PNG [req. by vsub_] 66#Make the ESC menu behave like the back key (pressing it twice should get back to the game no matter where the user is) [req. by vsub_] 71#Add support for writing a temp PPST before overwriting the real one [req. by karry299] 72#Add an option to adjust FPS/VPS/UI counter font size [req. by BaalZebub,xragnarok] 73#Add built-in support for converting ISO>CSO,CSO>ISO [req. by Aerotactics,globe94] 74#Add built-in support for gameplay video recording [req. by peronmls,BaalZebub,AngelOFXD] 75#???Add support for cheat searching??? [req. by Snake Eyes] 77#Add an option for counting VPS/FPS in the title bar of the window [req. by BaalZebub] 78#Add TAS interface [req. by BaalZebub,peronmls] 79#Add Wiimote/PS3 controller support (like psx4all) [req. by Adhenovan,Sophery] 80#Add support for ambient occulsion [req. by azzuryo] 82#Add support for playing multiplayer on the same network (Ad-Hoc) [req. by BaalZebub,DarkHaze,AngelOFXD,wyll001,globe94] 83#Add an option to hide all the SaveData images from gallery (Android) [req. by cyclonmaster] 84#Add an mapping option to swap Xperia Play touchpad with D-Pad controls and D-Pad with Analog Stick controls (after Xperia Play touchpad gets supported) [req. by PHANTOM] 85#Add support for keymapping the 'Hard Button' [req. by azzuryo(twice)] 86#Add an option ton set the PPSSPP user memory on a fixed position on RAM (like PCSX2) [req. by vsub_,VIRGIN KLM] 87#???Add support for GamePad (Android)??? [req. by cap10sav3ah0] 88#???Add an option to support/cancle/ignore infinite loop requests??? [req. by cap10sav3ah0] 89#???Support for OBD2 App torque??? [req. by Jokertog2211] 90#Add a built-in feature for exporting savedata for unrooted or non-jailbroken devices [req. by m16king] 91#Add support for auto configuring the emu on the basis of the device's performance [req. by AngelOFXD] 92#Add a Deadzone/Sensitivity option for USB controllers [req. by MBJ 01] 93#Add better support for MALI/PowerVR GPUs [req. by Chriss(twice),daniel88] 94#Add support for syncing SaveDatas with Cloud-Based sites such as DropBox [req. by Burna91(twice),Sophery] 95#Add support for binding multiple buttons to one control [req. by jccultima123,shinra358] 96#???Add support for fully optimized BR across all games??? [req. by jccultima123] 97#Add an option to control/filter bufers [req. by jccultima123] 98#Move the 'Reload Cheats' button to the 'Pause Menu' [req. by VIRGIN KLM] 99#Hotkey 'Reload Cheats' option [req. by VIRGIN KLM] 101#Add support fullscreen bilinear filtering [req. by shinra358] 102#???Add an option for scanlining??? [req. by shinra358] 103#Add support for joker commands in CWCheat [req. by akimikage] 104#Allow Mouse Hovering to be binded with the Left Analog Stick/D-Pad [req. by Ritori(twice),Squall,warweeny] 105#Disable the ScreenShot notification traces [req. by vsub_] 106#Add a in-game clock [req. by barai] 107#Add support for passing the PNGs inside disc0:/PSP_GAME/USRDIR(ICON0,PIC0,PIC1) through 'Texture Scaling' [req. by VIRGIN KLM] 108#Add an option to make the Analog Stick postion forcefully stay at MAX position (recommended for MH series,but not for Angry Birds) [req. by Vincentmrl] 110#Add support for onscreen Combo Buttons [req. by Vincentmrl] 112#Add an option to adjust the sensitivity level of the Tilt sensor [req. by Sophery] 113#Add an option to adjust the button sizes of the UI [req. by Sophery] 115#Remove the Exit Option from the Main UI [req. by Sophery] 116#Add support for renaming the game (PARAM.SFO) using PPSSPP [req. by jdlebreton] 117#Add an option to adjust the ICON0.PNG sizing on the UI in grid view [req. by jdlebreton] 118#Add an extra on-screen button for changing the rendering mode on touch devices [req. by za8heartnet] 119#Add support for scrolling SaveDatas using LTRIGGER/RTRIGGER (page-by-page system) [req. by laclongquan] 120#Improve support for consecutive button presses using KB [req. by Razorback] 121#Add an option to zoom in and out (like PCSX2) [req. by yondy] 122#Provide a usage guide along with the EMU in the stable build [req. by globe94] 123#Add an option to change the button shape of L/R Trigger [req. by globe94] 124#Add support for disabling the speed limit in the UI [req. by Sorentas] Implemented User Requests: 2#Add support for 4xSSAA,8xSSAA,FXAA,MSAA,SMAA,HQ4X filtering [req. by Done!,xemnas(twice),jadentheman(thrice),wrkingclass_hero,NotaBot,FanBoy] This feature has been added (shaders) 3#Add an option to force linear filter on CGs/FMVs only [req. by Done!,jadentheman,Devina] This feature has been added 5#Add transparent borders to the controls [req. by Vincentmrl,droidforwwver,tronatula] This feature has been added 16#Add support for key mapping on Android [req. by onthebridge,janvib11,joekenton] This feature has been added 17#Add support for enabling/disabling auto-minimize skipping [req. by Danyal Zia] This feature has been added 19#Add built-in support for mapping buttons to the right analog stick [req. by nightmesh] This feature has been added 22#Add a -/+10 preset for FPS limit [req. by theFan] This feature has been added 24#Add an opton to disable D-Pad diagonals [req. by ppssppftw,valkyrieonline] This feature has been added 30#Add an option to use RAS as D-Pad [req. by Devina(thrice),Jamesborg] This feature has been added 31#Add multithreading support [req. by Niyawa,xemnas] This feature has been added (experimental) 32#Add an UI option to run PPSSPP in fullscreen from startup [req. by arg274,xemnas] This feature has been added 33#Alternate between Fullscreen using Alt+Enter [req. by xemnas] This feature has been added 34#Add support for multi-savestate slots [req. by xemnas] This feature has been added 37#Add support of FFMPEG to symbian(QT) [req. by ut_vebs] This feature has been added 40#Add built-in support for sound adjustment [req. by Ritori(twice),Skcyte] This feature has been added 42#Add controls scaling support [req. by wrkingclass_hero,magearden] This feature has been added 46#Add an option to use the same hotkey as a pause/resume button [req. by Squall] This feature has been added 47#Add a hotkey assigning to save a state in the next slot (should cycle through 1-5 and overwrite if needed) [req. by Squall,vsub_] This feature has been added 49#Add option to disable specific speed modes making it easier to cycle through them using F3 [req. by Loemnk,xZabuzax(thrice)] This feature has been added 55#Add Atrac3plus support for iOS [req. by Burna91,Tamagotchi] This feature has been added 57#Add an option to display the errors inside the emu window (PC) [req. by vsub_] This feature has been added,needs improvement 67#Add support to capture snaps as *.png [req. by andoru] This feature has been added 81#Make a separate .ini file for the [ControlMapping] portion of ppsspp.ini [req. by Special, vnctdj] This feature has been added 10#Add option to toggle between DInput and XInput with a hotkey [req. by FinalBlast] Not required 12#Make the back menu/key mappable to another key (especially the right click on PCs) [req. by arg274,xZabuzax(penta),Ratak,shinra358] This feature has been added 69#Add an option to revert key-mapping to default in the UI [req. by theonyxphoenix] This feature has been added 56#Add an option to revert PPSSPP to it's factory settings rather than deleting ppsspp.ini [req. by Scootaloo] This feature has been added 1#Add an option for configuring the resolution internally which independs on the display size [req. by Done!,Combone,NotaBot,masterotaku,jccultima123,papotio] This feature has been added 70#Add support for launching ppsspp with arguments using an *.ink shortcut [req. by BubblegumBalloon] This feature has been added 6#Add haptic feedback (not recommended) [req. by Vincentmrl,ppssppftw,droidforwwver,wrkingclass_hero,Sophery] This feature has been added 58#Add an option to auto-pause the emu when it is not active [req. by vsub_] This feature has been added 60#Add support for post-processing shader effects [req. by Fanboy] This feature has been added 76#Add support for editing the layout in the pre-game initiation menu of New UI [req. by vsub_,xZabuzax] Not Required 28#Add support for custom save location [req. by cyclonmaster] This feature has been added 23#Add a control layout editor for Android [req. by ppssppftw,hsark,droidforwwver,Burna91] This feature has been added 41_2#Add an option to set the logging level This feature has been added 43#Add support for positioning the controls [req. by wrkingclass_hero] Duplicate 44#Add Portrait Mode support [req. by wrkingclass_hero,nani3262,Sophery,globe94] This feature has been added 62#Add an option to adjust brightness [req. by vsub_] This feature has been added (shaders) 100#Add a GUI for mapping controls [req. by shinra358] Not Required 102#???Add an option for scanlining??? [req. by shinra358] This feature has been added 109#Add an option to hide controls individually [req. by Vincentmrl,Sophery,globe94,P_Gamer] This feature has been added 111#Add an Golden UI in the Gold Edition of PPSSPP [req. by xragnarok] This feature has been added My Requests: 1#Add multiple ZIM loading support as PPSSPP GUI themes 3#Add scene export (wavefront *.OBJ) support 4#Add encrypted DATA.PSP(~PSP Header) loading support in PBP 5#Add PARAM.SFO parental control reading support 7#Add ICON1,PIC1,PIC0,SND0 Reading support In-Progress 10#Add PPSSPP Gameboot Video as optional feature 11#Add RCO loadability to display the waves in XGEN D3 INSTALLER 17#add dual analog stick option in on-screen controller 18#add a quick option 4 hiding control to avoid partially blocked videos in the later psmf builds 21#Add support for using the PSP as PPSSPPs controller without any 3rd party software 25#Add a right-click context menu in F11 mode(like JPCSP) 31#Add an option for triple analog stick in the OnScreen Controls(The usual one+HD Remake one+Analog Stick instead of D-PAD buttons)(REALLY FREAKISH!!!) 32#Add an option to use tilt sensor for L/RTRIGGER instead of analog stick X axis(Useful in LocoRoco) 34#Add a savedata manager in the GUI [also req. by Irlander] In-Game Dialog Boxes : 35#Add sounds when a button is pressed in ingame MsgBoxes or SaveData Dialog boxes 37#Add an option to use the PGF fonts of flash0 in ingame MsgBoxes an SaveData Dialogs 39#Add a hexagon before the title of ingame savedata dialog(Load/Save/Delete) 41#Add a smooth transition while scrolling through SAVEDATAS in ingame SaveData Dialog Box 43#Add a Mute Button in OnScreen Controls 44#Add an option use a fixed Date/Time value instead of the default system time 47#Add an option to save the log in RTF maintaining the font,font colour and black background 48#Add AEMU Support [req. by The_Reaper_Cool,Coldbird,Tokoshoran,ulti-killer,Irlander,BaalZebub,cap10saveah0,DarkHaze,AngelOFXD,wyll001,globe94] (ColdBird???wtf!he is the real one!) 54#Add option to dump AT3/AT3+ 55#Add option to dump PSMF 57#Add DAX loadability support Implemented arg274 requests: 6#Add Built-In screenshot support This feature has been added 8#Add MP3 playback support for BGMs in Laughing Jackal Games,EDGE etc. This feature has been added 13#Add fake AD HOC/Infastructure support that will return the error-"A connection error has occurred.The WLAN switch is not turned on." without making the PPSSPP crash This feature has been added 14#Add definite Frame Skipping Support This feature has been added 15#Assign the game reset option to an unused keyboard button This feature has been added 16#add a recent games cleaning option in the gui rather than cleaning from ppsspp.ini This feature has been added https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp/issues/2372 19#add memory dump feature This feature has been added 26#Add an option to run in F11 mode from startup This feature has been added 27#Add an option to disable AT3/AT3+ decoding This feature has been added 28#Add an option to choose how the turbo mode will behave(toggler/permanent switch) This feature has been added 29#Add an option for a golden sky in ui_atlas.zim of PPSSPP Gold This feature has been added 36#Add an option to type using the keyboard instead of using the ppge_atlas.zim typing interface This feature has been added 38#Add a feature to show the SaveData dialog titles This feature has been added 40#Add an option to set a solid colour(Default-Grey in MsgBox and Black in savedata dialog box) for ingame MsgBoxes instead of transparency (like a real PSP and JPCSP) Partially done 42#Add font shadows into ingame MsgBoxes This feature has been added 45#Add an option to change the Max. numbers of recent items via GUI This feature has been added 46#Add 4x and 5x texture filtering option to the GUI This feature has been added 50#Add easy CWCHEAT support This feature has been added. 51#Add a home button to the controller for easily exiting the game and returning to the GUI without using the mouse.[especially helpful in fullscreen mode] This feature has been added 53#Add an option to choose the number of frames to keep via GUI rather than using ppsspp.ini This feature has been added 56#Add an option to run in F11 mode from startup via GUI rather than using ppsspp.ini This feature has been added 9#Add external language pack loading support for the GUI to reduce the PPSSPP executable size(yeah,I know that its very hard as the GUI uses bruteforce) This feature has been added 49#Add Dual Support for .ini and cheat.db in CWCHEATS This feature has been added 2#Add font changing support in the GUI This feature has been added 48#Add support for loading multiple PPSSPPControls.DAT as presets This feature has been added 52#Add support for enabling/disabling CWCHEATS while ingame using a menu without editing the .ini (will be useful for touch-based devices) This feature has been added 12#Add region choosing support Not Required 30#Add an option for the touch devices to use to transport the L/RTIGGER to VOL+/- instead of blocking the screen partially [also req. by AiRsTriKeITA,Bad Company] This feature has been added 22#Add an option for setting a default ISO folder instead of remembering the last path [also req. by Sophery] This feature has been added 23#Add an option for setting a default PBP separate from the default ISO folder This feature has been added 20#Add support for reading homebrew games/app inside RAR/ZIP archives This feature has been added 24#Add a check for updates option [also req. by AskaLangly] This feature has been added 33#Add an option to save the decrypted EBOOT.BIN in "/tmp/" This feature has been added 102#???Add an option for scanlining??? [req. by shinra358] This feature was added when postprocessing shaders were added Contact:::: I don't exist anymore, no use calling a dead person |
05-06-2013, 06:55 AM
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RE: ULTIMATE Feature Request Page
Nice, but to make this a reality we must all purchase the Gold edition of PPSSPP
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05-06-2013, 08:36 AM
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RE: ULTIMATE Feature Request Page
i dont have an android :c
Contact:::: I don't exist anymore, no use calling a dead person |
05-06-2013, 08:43 AM
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RE: ULTIMATE Feature Request Page
So are you playing the PC or iOS build of this emu?
05-06-2013, 10:36 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-06-2013 10:38 AM by stodag.)
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RE: ULTIMATE Feature Request Page
so it may not be a reality after all lol... hope so i dononated ....
edit donated.. ALL in good time eh |
05-06-2013, 10:52 AM
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RE: ULTIMATE Feature Request Page
(05-06-2013 06:55 AM)Terminator Wrote: Nice, but to make this a reality we must all purchase the Gold edition of PPSSPP The Gold and Free version, will be the same. Just the gold will have more updates. Phones: Poco F3 8GB/256GB (Snapdragon 870 5G) and Redmi Note 6 Pro 4/64GB (Snapdragon 636) PC: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 / 16GB RAM DDR4 3600MHz / NVIDIA GTX 1660 Ti 6GB / Windows 10 Pro |
05-06-2013, 12:42 PM
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RE: ULTIMATE Feature Request Page
(05-06-2013 08:43 AM)Terminator Wrote: So are you playing the PC or iOS build of this emu? PC .i also wanted 2 play it on my s60 but the hardware of it is awful! Contact:::: I don't exist anymore, no use calling a dead person |
05-06-2013, 03:38 PM
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RE: ULTIMATE Feature Request Page
everything is possible if u believe in the capability of ppsspp.
Contact:::: I don't exist anymore, no use calling a dead person |
05-06-2013, 04:57 PM
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RE: ULTIMATE Feature Request Page | |||
05-07-2013, 07:53 AM
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RE: ULTIMATE Feature Request Page
maybe i should share them on github.that will make henrik notice.
Contact:::: I don't exist anymore, no use calling a dead person |
05-07-2013, 07:58 AM
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RE: ULTIMATE Feature Request Page
I read the forums too, well, not everything as it's moving a bit too fast now, but a bit
![]() A lot of these things will happen but maybe not exactly in that order. |
05-07-2013, 09:32 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-07-2016 12:04 AM by Donel.)
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RE: ULTIMATE Feature Request Page
- MSAA support
05-07-2013, 11:31 AM
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RE: ULTIMATE Feature Request Page
@GuilehermeGS2, so you're saying the gold edition will get more updates? But eventually these will be implemented into the standard version? If so, how many weeks later will we see updated configured into the free version in comparison to the paid version (Gold)
05-07-2013, 12:40 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-07-2013 12:46 PM by arg274.)
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RE: ULTIMATE Feature Request Page
is there any difference in the EmuCr build? Contact:::: I don't exist anymore, no use calling a dead person |
05-07-2013, 06:32 PM
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RE: ULTIMATE Feature Request Page
#Add a transparent borders controller interface (the blue covers many things)(I can do this in 10 seconds if henrik gives me the controller images)
#Add vibration to controllers #Add an option to make the finger on analog not press other buttons for error (as option so that people can still slide their fingers to play and rage about buttons getting pressed for error while using analog) #Add an option to switch analog position with arrow keys (useful for semi multitouch users to play correctly) |
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