Phantasy Star Portable 2 - ULUS10529
10-15-2015, 10:52 PM
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RE: Phantasy Star Portable 2 - ULUS10529
i've found the weapon codes that i wanted
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03-14-2016, 10:22 PM
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RE: Phantasy Star Portable 2 - ULUS10529
Hey, thanks for all the cheats in here, all work great.
![]() I use the 16x exp multiplier, but it just affect my character, not the NPC. Do you have exp multiplier for NPC too? i don't want to leave Emilia and the others with 50 lvl in difference. ![]() ![]() |
05-11-2016, 09:42 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-14-2016 05:21 PM by MNOPYZ.)
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RE: Phantasy Star Portable 2 - ULUS10529
(08-25-2013 02:26 AM)FinalBlast Wrote: _C1 Exp Multiplier x1000 (07-11-2014 01:08 AM)NatsuD19 Wrote: I hope this is works for you... I tried to deduce an Exp Multiplier x0 code from these, but I have no experience at this ![]() Sorry to burden you, but could you give an Exp Multiplier x0 code? I need it so that my brother can catch up in leveling, for a better Co-Op experience. Also, any codes out there that would allow me to revert my level to 1? (07-05-2015 03:46 PM)iKlNG Wrote: Here is a code for Phantasy Star Portable 2 that work on the latest build All missions unlocked... Would this unlock all missions for Multiplayer mode, removing the need to unlock them by playing Story mode? Or does it not work that way? Thank you very much to all of you. ![]() EDIT: Just as expected, that code does exactly what it says. Thanks @iKlNG ! |
06-05-2016, 07:16 PM
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RE: Phantasy Star Portable 2 - ULUS10529
Just tried editing the 9999 upgrade code and failed miserably. What you have here STAYS activated regardless of whenever it's turned on. I just needed 1 or two OP weapons to assist in farming. Now I'm stuck with 50+ weapons that deal more damage. My opinion, game breaking, do not use
06-06-2016, 11:04 PM
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RE: Phantasy Star Portable 2 - ULUS10529
hi, could somebody please make me a code for EXP multiplier x3 please? i am getting back into the game and starting over and seeing as im not going to be able to playonline i want a quick but non game breaking way to level up. thank you!
07-23-2016, 02:47 AM
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RE: Phantasy Star Portable 2 - ULUS10529
I can't continue my story mode to the next chapter. What should i do?? ???
08-14-2016, 06:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-14-2016 06:44 PM by cakuyan.)
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RE: Phantasy Star Portable 2 - ULUS10529
hi this code works for the EU version, can someone translate it to US?
_C0 Maximum Stats _L 0x60A2F3B4 0x270F270F _L 0x00020001 0x0000069C _L 0x60A2F3B4 0x270F270F _L 0x00020001 0x000006A0 _L 0x60A2F3B4 0x270F270F _L 0x00020001 0x000006A4 _L 0x60A2F3B4 0x270F270F _L 0x00020001 0x000006A8 with it you can set your stats however high you want, up to 65535/2. (Integer value) nice one if u want to hit hard and hard to be hit without using infinite hp/free upgrade/ instant 9999 after upgrade cheats. danko |
06-06-2017, 10:42 AM
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RE: Phantasy Star Portable 2 - ULUS10529
Hey all
I thought id share this what i found on Internet: _S ULUS-10529 _G Phantasy Star Portable 2 _C0 Max Meseta In Storage _L 0x20A15DB0 0x7FFFFFFF _L 0x20F23C30 0x7FFFFFFF _C0 Level 20 _L 0x209FCB90 0x00006978 _C0 Level 40 _L 0x209FCB90 0x00030D40 _C0 Level 60 _L 0x209FCB90 0x0009EB10 _C0 Level 80 _L 0x209FCB90 0x002191C0 _C0 Level 100 _L 0x209FCB90 0x005B8D80 _C0 Level 120 _L 0x209FCB90 0x00D59F80 _C0 Level 140 _L 0x209FCB90 0x018CBA80 _C0 Level 160 _L 0x209FCB90 0x029F6300 _C0 Level 180 _L 0x209FCB90 0x041CDB40 _C0 Max Extend All Types _L 0x109FCC06 0x0000FFFF _L 0x109fcbf8 0x0000FFFF _L 0x109fcbea 0x0000FFFF _L 0x109fcbdc 0x0000FFFF _C0 Infinite Extend All Types _L 0x109FCC08 0x00000000 _L 0x109fcbfa 0x00000000 _L 0x109fcbec 0x00000000 _L 0x109fcbde 0x00000000 _C0 Inventory Slot 2 Percentage Modifier _L 0x009FCED1 0x0000003C _L 0x016534BD 0x0000003C _C0 Inventory Slot 2 Element Modifier _L 0x009FCED0 0x00000001 _L 0x016534BC 0x00000001 _C0 Storage Slot 1 _L 0x20A10F90 0x00000000 _C0 Storage Slot 2 _L 0x20A10FA4 0x00000000 _C0 Storage Slot 3 _L 0x20A10FB8 0x00000000 _C0 Storage Slot 4 _L 0x20A10Fcc 0x00000000 _C0 Storage Slot 5 _L 0x20A10Fe0 0x00000000 _C0 Storage Slot 6 _L 0x20A10Ff4 0x00000000 _C0 Storage Slot 7 _L 0x20A11008 0x00000000 _C0 Storage Slot 8 _L 0x20A1101c 0x00000000 _C0 Storage Slot 9 _L 0x20A11030 0x00000000 _C0 Storage Slot 10 _L 0x20A11044 0x00000000 _C0 Storage Slot 11 _L 0x20A11058 0x00000000 _C0 Storage Slot 12 _L 0x20A1106c 0x00000000 _C0 Storage Slot 13 _L 0x20A11080 0x00000000 _C0 Storage Slot 14 _L 0x20A11094 0x00000000 _C0 Storage Slot 15 _L 0x20A110a8 0x00000000 _C0 Storage Slot 100 _L 0x20A1174c 0x00000000 _C0 Storage Slot 1000 _L 0x20A15d9c 0x00000000 How To Use Max Meseta in SHARED STORAGE - Enter game, go to your room, activate code, look at your storage. You WILL have over 2 billion meseta in there and you can withdraw from it. Turn code off. Level Up Go into any mission, activate code, kill an enemy, turn code off. Inventory Slot 2 Percentage Modifier Go to your room deposit all your items until you have only 1 item on (in my case i was wearing the power ranger costume as my only item). This code will modify the 2nd item in your inventory so if you have several items of clothes it wont work. Withdraw the desired weapon to modify from your storage, activate the code, then walk out of your room. Check your inventory to make sure your item was mofidied. By default i set it to 60% which is the max you can legally attain. Walk back into your room and deposit the item and pick up the next one you want to modify you can keep doing this rinse and repeat until all your items are 60%. Turn code off when you are satisfied. The Digits you edit for this code are the last two - 3C- that will determine the percentage. It's already at max you can only edit down from that if you dont want perfect element for some reason. Inventory Slot 2 Element Modifier Ok this one works almost identical to the Percentage modifier for Slot 2 in your character's inventory. The difference is the last two digits of the code - 01 - is the number you change for the specific element desired. By default this is set to FIRE. Here is a list of the digits-element 01 = Fire 02 = Ice 03 = Lightning 04 = Ground 05 = Light 06 = Dark MAX Extend Points Load your character, activate code, go to your room, confirm code by checking your character's STATS you'll see he'll have max Extend Points for the selected Type. This code pretty much requires you to change rooms after activating it (just like the item element modifier codes posted above). You'll have 65535 Extend Points to play with enjoy. Infinite Extend Points This code is ONLY limited by your MAX EXTEND CAPACITY. Otherwise you can activate it and use it right away without needing to switch rooms or anything. So I highly recommend you get yourself a few job levels or use the max extend point code to increase the capacity and then use this code to take your weapons to max. Storage Slot 1 Modifier WARNING - THIS CODE WILL OVERWRITE YOUR ITEM IF YOU HAVE ANY IN THERE. For best results EMPTY out your storage of all items. You don't need to have any items in there, when you are ready activate the code. You'll notice i posted it's value as AABBCCDD, this is because the code addresses certain qualities about the item i have not checked all of them, that's for you all to do, and post on here for everyone else to know. To Make A Sword use the following value 0x00000101 = Sword 0x00010101 = Gigush 0x00020101 = Breaker Most items have the same item digits they had in phantasy star portable 1 so its easy. [Credit to Netspeed for the following Legend] 0xAABBCCDD Check to see the correct items Manufacturer Legend ===== AA = Manufacturer GRM AA = 00 Yohmei AA = 01 Tenora Works AA = 02 Kubara AA = 03 BB = Item Digit - Basically the item digit. If you guys want the item digits say so i still have the digits from the first game. CC = This is the type of weapon/armor. Weapons 01 - Swords 02 - Knuckles 03 - Spears 04 - Double Sabers 05 - Axes 06 - Twin Sabers 07 - Twin Daggers 08 - Twin Claws 09 - Sabers 0A - Daggers 0B - Claws 0C - Whips 0D - Slicers 0E - Rifles 0F - Shotguns 10 - Longbows 11 - Grenades 12 - Laser Cannons 13 - Twin Handguns 14 - Handguns 15 - Crossbows 16 - Cards 17 - Machineguns 18 - Rods 19 - Wands 1A - TECH-Mag 1B - R-Mag DD = Item Type = Like Akaiyou said, 01 for weapons etc. NOTE - After you are done having our fun modifying and creating items from scratch. Withdraw the item and exit room. It should all be in perfect working order. Have fun, I leave it to you guys to figure out what each 'Item Digit' grants. ---------- infinite hp alt code x1 0x10a4b314 0x00000c8 infinite hp alt code x2 0x115969b0 0x000000c8 ---------- _C0 Complete Creature Log _L 0x80A160D8 0x00DA0001 _L 0x100003E8 0x00000000 _C0 Complete Costume Collection _L 0x40A16064 0x001B0001 _L 0xFFFFFFFF 0x00000000 Storage Slot1 Item Mod 0x20A10F90 0xyyzzaaxx Storage Slot1 Item Quantity 0x10A10F94 0x00000xxx - only for items that have quantity like Monomate Storage Slot1 Item Element mod 0x10A10FA0 0x0000yyxx Use This Only for photon Arts disc lvl 0x00A10FA0 0x000000yy - Change yy to 01-1D and 1D is the max lvl Storage Slot2 Item Mod 0x20A10FA4 0x00xxxxxx Storage Slot2 Item Quantity 0x00A10FA8 0x00000xxx Storage Slot2 Item Element mod 0x10A10FB0 0x0000yyxx Storage Slot3 Item Mod 0x20A10FB8 0xyyzzaaxx Storage Slot3 Item Quantity 0x20A10FBC 0x00000xxx Storage Slot3 Item Element mod 0x20A10FC8 0x0000yyxx Element mod Digits xx _____________________________ 01= Fire - burn 02= Ice - freeze 03= Thunder - shock 04= Earth - Confuse 05= Holy - sleep 06= Dark - poison yy= 00 - 3C the percentage of the element Storage Item Mod yyzzaaxx Digits _____________________________ Swords ------------------------------ 00000101 = Sword Knuckles ----------------------------- 00000201 = Knuckles Spears --------------------------- 00000301 = Spear 03100301 = Bulltet Lancer 03160301 = Toop Nasur Double Sabers --------------------------- Axes --------------------------- Twin Sabers --------------------------- 00000601 = Twin Saber Twin Daggers --------------------------- 00000701 = Twin Dagger Twin Claws ---------------------------- Sabers --------------------------- 00000901 = Saber 03230901 = Exam Daggers --------------------------- 00000A01 = Dagger Claws --------------------------- 03110B01 = Shark Puppet Whips --------------------------- Slicers --------------------------- Rifles --------------------------- 00000E01 = Rifle 03140E01 = Maverick Rifle Shotguns -------------------------- Longbows --------------------------- 00001001 = Longbows Grenades --------------------------- Laser Cannons --------------------------- Twin Handguns --------------------------- 00001301 = Twin Handgun Handguns ---------------------------- 00001401 = Handgun 01001401 = Pistatore Crossbows ----------------------------- Cards ----------------------------- 03091601 = Dream Master Machineguns ------------------------------ 00001701 = Machinegun 030F1701 = Puyo Pop Fever Gun R-Mag ------------------------------ 00001B01 = Duke Rods ------------------------------- 00001801 = Rod 03131801 = Clarita Vistas I Wands -------------------------------- 00001901 = Wand TECH-Mag --------------------------------- 00001A01 = Pit Shields -------------------------------- 00001C01 = Shield Armors -------------------------------- 00010102 = Brand Weave 00050102 = Green Green Weave 01010102 = Hek-senba Parts --------------------------------- 00000208 = Perpa/Power 00000308 = Perpa/Guard 00050308 = Perpa/Legs 00120308 = Confuse Resist 000E0408 = Whitill Wing C Clothes ---------------------------------- 000F0609 = Mikunas Set 00220609 = Rosentreim Items --------------------------------- 00000103 = Monomate 00010103 = Dimate 00020103 = Trimate 00030103 = Star Atomizer 00060103 = Sol Atomizer 00090103 = Scape Doll 000A0103 = Shiftaride 000B0103 = Debanride 00050403 = Heart Key Spellstone 000A0403 = Phonton Drop 000F0403 = PA Fragment Phonton Arts ----------------------------------- 00000304 = Dus Daggas 00000204 = Bogga Danga 00030404 = Cyclone Dance 00010504 = Anga Redda 00030604 = Blade Destruction 00060604 = Rising Crush 00060704 = Hishou Jinren-zan 00000804 = Bubuu Resen-ga 00020904 = Infinite Storm 00060904 = Rising Strike 00060A04 = Shunbu Shouren-zan 00010B04 = Shousen Totsuzan-ga 00040C04 = Vissi Grudda 00000105 = Power shoot 00000605 = Power Bullets 00030705 = Save Shot 00040A05 = Meseta Fury 00020106 = Damfoie 00040106 = Shifta 00000306 = Zonde 00000506 = Resta MS Device ----------------------------------- 0019010E = MS Device GH460 NOTE is easier to just empty your storage first then put in 4 items and remenber them, so if you put Exam first then that will be your slot1. The item slot will not change even if you store in more stuff unless you take out your Exam on slot1 and store in new item. So if you take out the Exam on slot1 and put in a new item to mod, that item will go to slot1 of the storage and not slot5 etc.. Enjoy ---------- _C0 Inf PP _L 0x201F9E88 0x24027FFF _C0 Item use inf _L 0x2028357c 0x00000000 _L 0x20285a80 0x00000000 _C0 Exp Multiplier _L 0x2001DEC8 0x00059xxx _C0 Job Exp Multiplier _L 0x2001EC48 0x00058xxx _C0 No Extend Code Needed _L 0x200B4D78 0x1000FFF3 _C0 Weapon Drop _L 0x20296FA0 0x24020008 _L 0x20296C3C 0x00000000 _L 0x20296c78 0x10000080 _C0 Photon Disc Drop _L 0x20296FA0 0x24020005 _L 0x20296C3C 0x00000000 _L 0x20296c78 0x10000010 _C0 Normal Drop _L 0x20296FA0 0x00601021 _L 0x20296C3C 0x14600014 _L 0x20296c78 0x10400080 _L 0x20296E84 0x88430019 _L 0x20296E88 0x98430016 _C0 Mirage Blast Gauge _L 0x2001E6A4 0x24022710 _L 0x2020C48C 0x24022710 _L 0x20222FC8 0x24042710 _C0 Attribute 60% Drops _L 0x20296654 0x10000009 _L 0x2029666C 0x00000000 _C0 Prayer type (Hold L) _L 0xD0000000 0x10000100 _L 0x20251178 0x240500xx _L 0xD0000000 0x30000100 _L 0x20251178 0x02602821 _C0 Prayer effect % _L 0x4051F06C 0x00070001 _L 0xyyyyyyyy 0x00000000 _C0 Prayer Multiple Times _L 0x200B6200 0x00000000 _L 0x200B6208 0xAC4005EC _C0 Rare Area _L 0x2024E510 0x24020000 xx: Effect 01:HP 02: Attack 03: Defense 04: rare drop rate 05: PP consumption reduction yyyyyyyy: 3fc00000: +50% 40000000: +100% 40400000: +200% 40800000: +300% 40c00000: +500% 41300000: +1000% 461C4000: +10000% All equip drops become 60% with the attribute code. To use the prayer type code, hold the L button while Sayo gives you the blessing (the one with ellipses appearing). Note that when you use the effect code it doesn't matter how much you give her you'll get the % that you put in the code. If you use the rare drop increase, as far as I have seen anything above 200% seems to prevent normal items from dropping and you'll get only mesetas and equips. 500% and above seems to restrict drops to equips only. Finally, the rare area code activates the rare area teleporter at the end of open missions. Be warned though I haven't tested if turning off the rare area code returns everything to normal. Have fun guys EDIT: x1 multiplier for exp = 800 x1 multiplier for job exp = 000 _C0 Inf PP _L 0x201F9E88 0x24027FFF _C0 Item use inf _L 0x2028357c 0x00000000 _L 0x20285a80 0x00000000 _C0 Exp Multiplier _L 0x2001DEC8 0x00059xxx _C0 Job Exp Multiplier _L 0x2001EC48 0x00058xxx exp 840 = x2 880 = x4 8C0 = x8 900 = x16 940 = x32 980 = x64 9c0 = x128 Job Exp 040 = x2 080 = x4 0C0 = x8 100 = x16 140 = x32 180 = x64 1C0 = x128 ---------- Twin sabers Skills _C0 Storage Slot 1 Splendor Crush _L 0x20A10F90 0x00000604 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Assault Crush _L 0x20A10F90 0x00010604 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Cross Hurricane _L 0x20A10F90 0x00020604 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Blade Destruction _L 0x20A10F90 0x00030604 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Rising Crush _L 0x20A10F90 0x00060604 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D Sabers Skills _C0 Storage Slot 1 Gravity Strike _L 0x20A10F90 0x00000904 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Spinning Strike _L 0x20A10F90 0x00010904 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Infinite Storm _L 0x20A10F90 0x00020904 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Rising Strike _L 0x20A10F90 0x00060904 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D Twin handguns Bullets _C0 Storage Slot 1 Power Bullets _L 0x20A10F90 0x00000605 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Hit Bullets _L 0x20A10F90 0x00010605 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Long-Range Bullet _L 0x20A10F90 0x00020605 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Save Bullets _L 0x20A10F90 0x00030605 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Elemental Bullets _L 0x20A10F90 0x00040605 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D Handguns Bullets _C0 Storage Slot 1 Power Shot _L 0x20A10F90 0x00000705 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Hit Shot _L 0x20A10F90 0x00010705 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Long-Range Shot _L 0x20A10F90 0x00020705 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Save Shot _L 0x20A10F90 0x00030705 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Elemental Shot _L 0x20A10F90 0x00040705 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D Twin Claws Skills _C0 Storage Slot 1 Bukuu Rensen-ga _L 0x20A10F90 0x00000804 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Renzan Seidan-ga _L 0x20A10F90 0x00010804 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Chueiji Tosshin _L 0x20A10F90 0x00020804 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Sougacho Sekka _L 0x20A10F90 0x00030804 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Rensan Senshou-ga _L 0x20A10F90 0x00060804 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D Twin Daggers Skills _C0 Storage Slot 1 Moubu Seiren-zan _L 0x20A10F90 0x00000704 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Renga Chujin-shou _L 0x20A10F90 0x00010704 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Soujin Ranbu-sho _L 0x20A10F90 0x00020704 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Renkai Buyou-zan _L 0x20A10F90 0x00040704 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Hishou Jinren-zan _L 0x20A10F90 0x00060704 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D Double Saber Skills _C0 Storage Slot 1 Spiral Dance _L 0x20A10F90 0x00000404 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Absolute Dance _L 0x20A10F90 0x00010404 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Tornado Dance _L 0x20A10F90 0x00020404 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Cyclone Dance _L 0x20A10F90 0x00030404 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Gravity Dance _L 0x20A10F90 0x00040404 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D Rifles Bullets _C0 Storage Slot 1 Power Shoot _L 0x20A10F90 0x00000105 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Hit Shoot _L 0x20A10F90 0x00010105 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Long-Range Shoot _L 0x20A10F90 0x00020105 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Save Shoot _L 0x20A10F90 0x00030105 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Buster Shoot _L 0x20A10F90 0x00040105 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D And some more armors and etc codes _C0 Storage Slot 3 Rabol Yiel _L 0x20A10FB8 0x021E0102 _L 0x20A10FC8 0x00003C05 _C0 Storage Slot 3 Feril / Power _L 0x20A10FB8 0x00040208 _C0 Storage Slot 3 Feril / Guard _L 0x20A10FB8 0x00040308 _C0 Storage Slot 3 Crimson Wing _L 0x20A10FB8 0x00200408 _C0 Storage Slot 3 Darkness Wing _L 0x20A10FB8 0x000F0408 _C0 Storage Slot 3 Whitill Wing _L 0x20A10FB8 0x00660408 _C0 Storage Slot 3 Brightness Circle _L 0x20A10FB8 0x00690408 _C0 Storage Slot 3 Photon Field _L 0x20A10FB8 0x00240408 _C0 Storage Slot 3 Celebrity Aura _L 0x20A10FB8 0x001F0408 _C0 Storage Slot 3 Darkness Spell _L 0x20A10FB8 0x00130408 _C0 Storage Slot 3 Whiting Spell _L 0x20A10FB8 0x00140408 _C0 Storage Slot 3 Inferno Roar _L 0x20A10FB8 0x00560408 _C0 Storage Slot 3 Ice-Blade Gust _L 0x20A10FB8 0x00590408 _C0 Storage Slot 3 Storm Flash _L 0x20A10FB8 0x005C0408 _C0 Storage Slot 3 Landslide Impact _L 0x20A10FB8 0x005F0408 _C0 Storage Slot 3 Diabolic Embrace _L 0x20A10FB8 0x00650408 ---------- _C0 Storage Slot 1 Resta _L 0x20A10F90 0x00000506 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Giresta _L 0x20A10F90 0x00010506 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Grants _L 0x20A10F90 0x00020506 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Storage Slot 1 Damgrants _L 0x20A10F90 0x00030506 _L 0x10A10FA0 0x0000001D _C0 Instant LVL 200 [after 1 kill] _L 0x209FCB90 0x05F5E100 _C0 Infinite HP _L 0x015952B0 0x000000CA _C0 Slot 2 Element Mod Fire _L 0x009FCED0 0x00000001 _L 0x016534BC 0x00000001 _C0 Slot 2 Element Mod Ice _L 0x009FCED0 0x00000002 _L 0x016534BC 0x00000002 _C0 Slot 2 Element Mod Lightning _L 0x009FCED0 0x00000003 _L 0x016534BC 0x00000003 _C0 Slot 2 Element Mod Ground _L 0x009FCED0 0x00000004 _L 0x016534BC 0x00000004 _C0 Slot 2 Element Mod Light _L 0x009FCED0 0x00000005 _L 0x016534BC 0x00000005 _C0 Slot 2 Element Mod Dark _L 0x009FCED0 0x00000006 _L 0x016534BC 0x00000006 _C0 Speed _L 0x20002000 0x3C01???? _L 0x20002004 0x0A2BD232 _L 0x20002008 0x4481A000 _L 0x2021CDD4 0x0E200800 Ported to USA by lee4 Digits 3F80 x 1 (Default) 4000 x 2 4040 x 3 4080 x 4 ♦ Languages Spoken: English, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian. ♦ I only use Windows versions of PPSSPP. ♦ Intel Core i7-4790k 4.00GHz| 16GB RAM | GTX 970 Nvidia | Windows 10 ♦ Graphics Designer ♦ If I don't reply to you in a thread, send me a PM! |
09-19-2017, 07:27 PM
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RE: Phantasy Star Portable 2 - ULUS10529
I love how long it took me to realize I could still play this game, this was an old favorite for me and when I noticed it wasn't available for Vita, I sat in despair for like 2 days. Then 5 years later, I finally realize there is a PSP emulator that plays it.
09-23-2017, 10:48 PM
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RE: Phantasy Star Portable 2 - ULUS10529
I wonder if there is an infinite nanoblast frenzy cheat. Because that would be nice.
01-24-2018, 07:56 PM
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RE: Phantasy Star Portable 2 - ULUS10529
Hi does anyone have a TempAR.db file they can upload for me? with all these cheats.
02-09-2018, 12:39 PM
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RE: Phantasy Star Portable 2 - ULUS10529
Hello Yea sure I will upload the cheats right here
![]() Code: _S ULUS-10529 ♦ Languages Spoken: English, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian. ♦ I only use Windows versions of PPSSPP. ♦ Intel Core i7-4790k 4.00GHz| 16GB RAM | GTX 970 Nvidia | Windows 10 ♦ Graphics Designer ♦ If I don't reply to you in a thread, send me a PM! |
08-26-2018, 08:40 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-11-2020 10:05 AM by Losdark.)
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RE: Phantasy Star Portable 2 - ULUS10529
Any chance someone would be able to convert this from TempAR to CWcheat:
_C0 Black Nano Mod _M 0x091FCB28 0x10032600 _M 0x091FCB2C 0x11032600 _M 0x091FCB30 0x12032600 _M 0x091FCB34 0x13032600 _M 0x091FCB38 0x14032600 _M 0x091FCB3C 0x15032600 been waiting for a code for this literally forever, and since the online aspect of this game has to be long dead by now, i'd say the risk of people getting trolled and butthurt is minimum. I'm genuinely surprised that Nanoblast modifying codes are so hard to find. Thanks to anybody that can/is willing to help. EDIT: i've actually converted this now: _C0 Black Nano Mod _L 0x209FCB28 0x10032600 _L 0x209FCB2C 0x11032600 _L 0x209FCB30 0x12032600 _L 0x209FCB34 0x13032600 _L 0x209FCB38 0x14032600 _L 0x209FCB3C 0x15032600 HOWEVER this just makes your normal humanoid form look like the black nano, so you still have to use weapons as your moveset is unchanged. I'm still looking for the code that actually makes your Nanoblast itself the black/frenzy version, so if anyone has it or has any clue how to make it, please let me know. |
07-13-2020, 01:02 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-13-2020 01:04 PM by bigclittled.)
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RE: Phantasy Star Portable 2 - ULUS10529
Don't know who still needs this, but please enjoy some Axes.
_C1 Change drop _L 0x20296FA0 0x24020008 _L 0x20296C3C 0x00000000 _L 0x20296C78 0x10000080 _C0 Matahonoc _L 0x20296E84 0x3C030306 _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Aksuc _L 0x20296E84 0x3C030302 _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Ank Bico _L 0x20296E84 0x3C030300 _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Okanoc _L 0x20296E84 0x3C030307 _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Ank Deddac _L 0x20296E84 0x3C030303 _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Roasted Rare _L 0x20296E84 0x3C030308 _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Ank Zagzac _L 0x20296E84 0x3C030304 _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Roasted Well Done _L 0x20296E84 0x3C03030A _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Ank Butic _L 0x20296E84 0x3C030305 _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Roasted Medium _L 0x20296E84 0x3C030309 _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 True Hash _L 0x20296E84 0x3C030316 _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Ank Tomho _L 0x20296E84 0x3C030206 _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Survival Slasher _L 0x20296E84 0x3C030312 _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Ank Barde _L 0x20296E84 0x3C030207 _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Bill De Horn Axe _L 0x20296E84 0x3C03030C _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Ank Pikor _L 0x20296E84 0x3C030208 _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Lollipop _L 0x20296E84 0x3C03030B _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Ank Dedda _L 0x20296E84 0x3C030209 _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Twilight Rune _L 0x20296E84 0x3C030313 _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Ank Zagza _L 0x20296E84 0x3C03020A _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Bill De Axe _L 0x20296E84 0x3C030301 _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Laia Axe _L 0x20296E84 0x3C030314 _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Ank Buti _L 0x20296E84 0x3C03020B _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Nova Crusher _L 0x20296E84 0x3C03030F _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Ill Gill Testament _L 0x20296E84 0x3C03030E _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Ank Las Dauras _L 0x20296E84 0x3C03020C _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Svaltia Tomahawk _L 0x20296E84 0x3C030311 _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Gaia Crusher _L 0x20296E84 0x3C030315 _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Morat Machinas _L 0x20296E84 0x3C03030D _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 _C0 Meteor Crusher _L 0x20296E84 0x3C030310 _L 0x20296E88 0x24630501 Note: I'm missing Ikazuchi, Ank Giaz, Ank Kakka, Matohonoh, Haderno, Bragnoh, and Okanoh. Can't seem to find any of them. If you could add those last axes, that would be awesome. |
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