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Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD
04-22-2014, 01:13 AM (This post was last modified: 04-04-2018 01:53 PM by LunaMoo.)
Post: #98
RE: Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD
@x004438 statistics are all simple values, easy to make cheats for:

_C0 Time Played
_L 0x21754544 0xSSSSSSSS
where SSSSSSSS = seconds

//Quests Cleared:
_C0 Village
_L 0x117A82D0 0x0000QQQQ
_C0 Low Rank
_L 0x117A82D2 0x0000QQQQ
_C0 High Rank
_L 0x117A82D4 0x0000QQQQ
_C0 Training
_L 0x117A82D6 0x0000QQQQ
_C0 Hot Spring
_L 0x117A82D8 0x0000QQQQ
where QQQQ = number of quests cleared

//Weapons used:
_C0 GS
_L 0x117A86C0 0x0000WWWW
_C0 S&S
_L 0x117A86C2 0x0000WWWW
_C0 Hammer
_L 0x117A86C4 0x0000WWWW
_C0 Lance
_L 0x117A86C6 0x0000WWWW
_C0 HB
_L 0x117A86C8 0x0000WWWW
_C0 LB
_L 0x117A86CC 0x0000WWWW
_C0 LS
_L 0x117A86CE 0x0000WWWW
_C0 SA
_L 0x117A86D0 0x0000WWWW
_C0 GL
_L 0x117A86D2 0x0000WWWW
_C0 Bow
_L 0x117A86D4 0x0000WWWW
_C0 DB
_L 0x117A86D6 0x0000WWWW
_C0 HH
_L 0x117A86D8 0x0000WWWW
where WWWW = number of times edit: didn't noticed earlier, but basically those times used weapon codes are only for quests, I completely forgot about training having other statistic for this :3.

//Monsters hunted, captured and their max/min sizes:
_C0 Rathian
_L 0x117545AE 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x11754644 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x117546DA 0x0000MINS
_L 0x11754770 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Rathalos
_L 0x117545B0 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x11754646 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x117546DC 0x0000MINS
_L 0x11754772 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Qurupeco
_L 0x117545B2 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x11754648 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x117546DE 0x0000MINS
_L 0x11754774 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Gigginox
_L 0x117545B4 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x1175464A 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x117546E0 0x0000MINS
_L 0x11754776 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Barioth
_L 0x117545B6 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x1175464C 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x117546E2 0x0000MINS
_L 0x11754778 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Diablos
_L 0x117545B8 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x1175464E 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x117546E4 0x0000MINS
_L 0x1175477A 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Deviljho
_L 0x117545BA 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x11754650 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x117546E6 0x0000MINS
_L 0x1175477C 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Barroth
_L 0x117545BC 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x11754652 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x117546E8 0x0000MINS
_L 0x1175477E 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Uragaan
_L 0x117545BE 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x11754654 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x117546EA 0x0000MINS
_L 0x11754780 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Great Jaggi
_L 0x117545C4 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x1175465A 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x117546F0 0x0000MINS
_L 0x11754786 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Great Baggi
_L 0x117545C8 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x1175465E 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x117546F4 0x0000MINS
_L 0x1175478A 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Gold Rathian
_L 0x117545CA 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x11754660 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x117546F6 0x0000MINS
_L 0x1175478C 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Royal Ludroth
_L 0x117545CC 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x11754662 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x117546F8 0x0000MINS
_L 0x1175478E 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Silver Rathalos
_L 0x117545D0 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x11754666 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x117546FC 0x0000MINS
_L 0x11754792 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Agnaktor
_L 0x117545D2 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x11754668 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x117546FE 0x0000MINS
_L 0x11754794 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Black Diablos
_L 0x117545D4 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x1175466A 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x11754700 0x0000MINS
_L 0x11754796 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Black Tigrex
_L 0x117545DA 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x11754670 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x11754706 0x0000MINS
_L 0x1175479C 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Alatreon
_L 0x1175479E 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Jhen Mohran
_L 0x117547A0 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Green Nargacuga
_L 0x117545EC 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x11754682 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x11754718 0x0000MINS
_L 0x117547AE 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Zinogre
_L 0x117545FC 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x11754692 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x11754728 0x0000MINS
_L 0x117547BE 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Amatsu Magatsuchi
_L 0x117547C0 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Arzuros
_L 0x11754600 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x11754696 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x1175472C 0x0000MINS
_L 0x117547C2 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Lagombi
_L 0x11754602 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x11754698 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x1175472E 0x0000MINS
_L 0x117547C4 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Volvidon
_L 0x11754604 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x1175469A 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x11754730 0x0000MINS
_L 0x117547C6 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Great Wroggi
_L 0x11754606 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x1175469C 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x11754732 0x0000MINS
_L 0x117547C8 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Duramboros
_L 0x11754608 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x1175469E 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x11754734 0x0000MINS
_L 0x117547CA 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Nibelsnarf
_L 0x1175460A 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x117546A0 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x11754736 0x0000MINS
_L 0x117547CC 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Crimson Qurupeco
_L 0x11754612 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x117546A8 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x1175473E 0x0000MINS
_L 0x117547D4 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Baleful Gigginox
_L 0x11754614 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x117546AA 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x11754740 0x0000MINS
_L 0x117547D6 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Sand Barioth
_L 0x11754616 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x117546AC 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x11754742 0x0000MINS
_L 0x117547D8 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Jade Barioth
_L 0x11754618 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x117546AE 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x11754744 0x0000MINS
_L 0x117547DA 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Steel Uragaan
_L 0x1175461A 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x117546B0 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x11754746 0x0000MINS
_L 0x117547DC 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Purple Ludroth
_L 0x1175461C 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x117546B2 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x11754748 0x0000MINS
_L 0x117547DE 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Glacial Agnaktor
_L 0x1175461E 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x117546B4 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x1175474A 0x0000MINS
_L 0x117547E0 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Tigrex
_L 0x11754620 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x117546B6 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x1175474C 0x0000MINS
_L 0x117547E2 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Nargacuga
_L 0x11754622 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x117546B8 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x1175474E 0x0000MINS
_L 0x117547E4 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Akantor
_L 0x117547E6 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Ukanlos
_L 0x117547E8 0x0000HHHH

_C0 Bulldrome
_L 0x11754628 0x0000CCCC
_L 0x117546BE 0x0000MAXS
_L 0x11754754 0x0000MINS
_L 0x117547EA 0x0000HHHH
HHHH = number of times hunted
CCCC = number of times captured
MAXS = maximum size in %
MINS = minimum size in %
Few monsters can only be hunted, that's why they have only 1 line of code, you can also remove lines you don't want to change for any other monster.

Oh and ofc all values for the cheats are in hex;p.

It's much quicker to use CE for such stuff than cw cheats at least on windows, so here's my cheat table:

.7z  MHp3rdHD Statistics.7z (Size: 9.33 KB / Downloads: 2671)
Edit: updated it with some extra options which I was lazy to do by cw cheats, including group quest stats and awards(yea I know there was a cheat to add all awards already, but mine allow to edit any set we want properly explaining how it's stored and as an extra allows changing last award icon and description, I mean people might actually cheat to restore their lost stuff not just to unlock allTongue).

Stuff that still cannot be edited: - card background(depends on quests cleared:C, so no way of changing it without adding/removing cleared status from quests unless I accidently manage to find a function which does run that check and break it;p) and friends cards data, since that's bothersome even through CE and adding imaginary friends would be pretty sad to begin with ;o.

Another Edit:
_C0 G.Card Background
_L 0x017A833B 0x0000000x
//where x:
//0 Skin of Bamboo(Tea),
//1 Wood painted in red,
//2 Aoashira(blue),
//3 Jinohga(light blue),
//4 Amatsumagatsuchi(white)
Not really a statistic change;p, it's also just temporary code ~ doesn't save or anything, but I still like a choice of what I see when I open GC and since other codes are concentrated on GC, I'll dump it here.

Edit: ages later ~ added Win 10 workaround to the cheat table - all windows have a bug with mapped memory which will cause "???" and potentially crash from freezing(win7) or from simple change in value(win10) - activating that before other scripts should solve this problem. - Custom PPSSPP Shaders! - simple CE scripts to help creating CWCheats, - CWCheat workarounds.
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