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Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD
08-12-2020, 10:24 AM
Post: #412
RE: Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD
(02-04-2014 01:11 PM)LunaMoo Wrote:  Ported on request:
~ And now edited to include decorations since my cheat table does allow editing them as well and CE is windows only ~

_C0 Dragon Charm skill1 +30/skill2 +32 (3slots)
_L 0x2174FE14 0xFBC66501
_L 0x1174FE18 0x0000XXXX

or for completely custom charm:
_C0 Custom charm in first slot(top left)
_L 0x2174FE14 0xYYYY6501
_L 0x2174FE18 0x0AAAXXXX
_L 0x2174FE1C 0x0CCC0BBB

(you could use this cheat to add any item ~ by replacing 65 with different item type ID and setting different ID for YYYY, but I'll certainly not be the person to list all equipment ID's and likely nobody done it either;p, it's a boring labor, you could just experiment with random values using my cheat table below or use a cheat to add all items to shops which I posted somewhere in this thread)

(convert the results of equations to hex with for example windows calculator in programmer mode or any other converter/calculator)
value to set for  XXXX = 1st_skill_ID + 2nd_skill_ID * 128 + 16384 * number_of_slots
value to set for  YYYY = (1st_skill_lvl+30)*16+1024*(2nd_skill_lvl+30)+Talisman rarity-1

AAA/BBB/CCC = decor ID's which you'll find below skill ID's, for no decors just set AAA as 000's and you can remove last line of code completely. Optionally you can also then replace first "2" in second line with "1" for the cheat to not replace decor in that slot at all as in dragon charm cheat.

List of skill ID's:
Skill Value   ,Japanese Skill Name   ,English Skill Name Translation
0   ,?   ,No Skill
1   ,胴系統複製   ,Torso Up
2   ,毒   ,Poison
3   ,麻痺   ,Paralysis
4   ,睡眠   ,Sleep
5   ,気絶   ,Stun
6   ,耐泥耐雪   ,Mud/Snow
7   ,気配   ,Sense
8   ,体力   ,Health
9   ,回復速度   ,Rec Speed
10   ,斬れ味   ,Sharpness
11   ,匠   ,Artisan
12   ,剣術   ,Fencing
13   ,達人   ,Expert
14   ,研ぎ師   ,Sharpener
15   ,ガード性能   ,Guard
16   ,ガード強化   ,Guard Up
17   ,自動防御   ,Auto-Guard
18   ,装填速度   ,Reload Spd
19   ,反動   ,Recoil
20   ,通常弾強化   ,NormalS Up
21   ,貫通弾強化   ,PierceS Up
22   ,散弾強化   ,PelletS Up
23   ,通常弾追加   ,NormalSAdd
24   ,貫通弾追加   ,PierceSAdd
25   ,散弾追加   ,PelletSAdd
26   ,榴弾追加   ,Crag S Add
27   ,拡散弾追加   ,ClustS Add
28   ,特殊攻撃   ,Status
29   ,属性攻撃   ,Elemental
30   ,爆弾強化   ,BombStrUp
31   ,腹減り   ,Hunger
32   ,食いしん坊   ,Gluttony
33   ,攻撃   ,Attack
34   ,防御   ,Defense
35   ,加護   ,Protection
36   ,聴覚保護   ,HearProtct
37   ,盗み無効   ,Anti-Theft
38   ,広域   ,Wide Area
39   ,運搬   ,Backpackng
40   ,火耐性   ,Fire Res
41   ,水耐性   ,Water Res
42   ,雷耐性   ,ThunderRes
43   ,氷耐性   ,Ice Res
44   ,龍耐性   ,Dragon Res
45   ,耐暑   ,Heat Res
46   ,耐寒   ,Cold Res
47   ,風圧   ,WindPress
48   ,採取   ,Gathering
49   ,高速収集   ,HiSpdGathr
50   ,気まぐれ   ,Whim
51   ,運気   ,Fate
52   ,千里眼   ,Psychic
53   ,回復量   ,Rec Level
54   ,調合成功率   ,Combo Rate
55   ,調合数   ,Combo Plus (Shot Mix)
56   ,回避性能   ,Evasion
57   ,底力   ,Potential
58   ,効果持続   ,LastingPwr
59   ,スタミナ   ,Stamina
60   ,装填数   ,Loading
61   ,精密射撃   ,Precision
62   ,食事   ,Eating
63   ,剥ぎ取り   ,Carving
64   ,耐震   ,Tremor Res (Quake Res)
65   ,回避距離   ,Evade Dist
66   ,抜刀会心   ,Crit Draw
67   ,高速設置   ,SpeedSetup
68   ,体術   ,Constitutn
69   ,捕獲   ,Tranquilzr (Rewards)
70   ,観察眼   ,Perception
71   ,溜め短縮   ,FastCharge
72   ,抜刀減気   ,PunishDraw
73   ,属性耐性   ,Blight Res
74   ,逆境   ,Survivor (Adversity)
75   ,速射   ,Rapid Fire
76   ,こやし   ,Dungmaster
77   ,抗菌   ,Antiseptic
78   ,毒瓶追加   ,PoisonCAdd
79   ,麻痺瓶追加   ,ParalyCAdd
80   ,睡眠瓶追加   ,SleepCAdd
81   ,強撃瓶追加   ,PowerCAdd
82   ,接撃瓶追加   ,ClsRngCAdd
83   ,笛   ,Horn
84   ,砲術   ,Gunnery
85   ,本気   ,Determination (Awaken)
86   ,狩人   ,Huntsman
87   ,対防御DOWN   ,Anti Defense DOWN (Fortitude)
88   ,火属性攻撃   ,Fire Attack
89   ,水属性攻撃   ,Water Attack
90   ,雷属性攻撃   ,Thunder Attack
91   ,氷属性攻撃   ,Ice Attack
92   ,龍属性攻撃   ,Dragon Attack
93   ,斬裂弾追加   ,Cutter S Up
94   ,減気瓶追加   ,FatigueCAdd
95   ,痛撃   ,Severe Blow (Debilitate)
96   ,重撃   ,Heavy Blow (Slam)
97   ,KO   ,KO
98   ,減気攻撃   ,Fatigue Attack
99   ,納刀   ,Sheathe
100   ,気力回復   ,Willpower Recovery
credit for listing above to viciousShadow, and here're some extra skill ID's from me ~ LunaMoo;3.
101 - No Skill
102 - Negate Poison
103 - Double Poison
104 - Negate Paralysis
105 - Double Paralysis
106 - Negate Sleep
107 - Double Sleep
108 - Halve Stun
109 - Negate Stun
110 - Double Stun
111 - Negate Mud/Snow
112 - Sneak
113 - Taunt
114 - Health +20
115 - Health +50
116 - Health -10
117 - Health -30
118 - Recovery Speed +1
119 - Recovery Speed +2
120 - Recovery Speed -1
121 - Recovery Speed -2
122 - Razor Sharp
123 - Blunt Edge
124 - Sharpness +1
125 - Mind's Eye
126 - Critical Eye +1
127 - Critical Eye +2

Decoration ID's:
(credits to viciousShadow for listing those)
32F=   Steadfast Jewel [1]   Stun +1    Paralysis -1
330=   Vigilance Jewel [1]   Stun +2
331=   Paralysys Jewel [1]   Paralysis +1   Poison -1
332=   Paralysys Jewel [2]   Paralysis +3   Poison -1
333=   Pep Jewel [1]   Sleep +1    Mud/Snow -1
334=   Pep Jewel [2]   Sleep +3    Mud/Snow -1
335=   Antidote Jewel [1]  Poison +1    Stun -1
336=   Antidote Jewel [2]   Poison +3   Stun -1
337=   Fortitude Jewel [1]   Fortitude +2
338=   Alarm Jewel [1]   Anti-Thief +2
339=   Teflon Jewel [1]   Mud/Snow +1   Sleep -1
33A=   Lubricant Jewel [1]   Mud/Snow +2
33B=   Retrovrl Jewel [1]   Antiseptic +1   Sense -1
33C=   Antiviral Jewel [1]   Antiseptic +2
33D=   Anchor Jewel [1]   Quake Res +1   Sleep -1
33E=   Tectonic Jewel [1]   Quake Res +2
33F=   Cooling Jewel [1]   Heat Res +2
340=   Warming Jewel [1]   Cold Res +2
341=   Earplug Jewel [1]   Hear Protect +1   Protection -1
342=   Earplug Jewel [3]   Hear Protect +4   Protection -2
343=   Windpress Jewel [1]   WindPress +1   Fate -1
344=   Windpress Jewel [2]   WindPress +3   Fate -1
345=   Attack Jewel [1]   Attack +1   Defense -1
346=   Attack Jewel [2]   Attack +3   Defense -1
347=   Attack Jewel [3]   Attack +5   Defense -1
348=   Expert Jewel [1]   Expert +1   Dragon Res -1
349=   Expert Jewel [2]   Expert +3   Dragon Res -1
34A=   Expert Jewel [3]   Expert +5   Dragon Res -1
34B=   Special Atk Jewel [1]   Status +1   Elemental -1
34C=  Special Atk Jewel [2]   Status +3   Elemental -1
34D=   Element Jewel [1]   Elemental +1   Status -1
34E=   Element Jewel [2]   Elemental +3   Status -1
34F=   Fire Atk Jewel [1]   Fire Atk +1   Water Atk -1
350=   Fire Atk Jewel [2]   Fire Atk +3   Water Atk -1
351=   Water Atk Jewel [1]   Water Atk +1   Thunder Atk -1
352=   Water Atk Jewel [2]   Water Atk +3   Thunder Atk -1
353=   Thunder Atk Jewel [1]   Thunder Atk +1   Ice Atk -1
354=   Thunder Atk Jewel [2]   Thunder Atk +3   Ice Atk -1
355=   Ice Atk Jewel [1]   Ice Atk +1   Fire Atk -1
356=   Ice Atk Jewel [2]   Ice Atk +3   Fire Atk -1
357=   Dragon Atk Jewel [1]   Dragon Atk +1   Status -1
358=   Dragon Atk Jewel [2]   Dragon Atk +3   Status -1
359=   Debilitate Jewel [1]   Debilitate +1   Health -1
35A=   Debilitate Jewel [3]   Debilitate +4   Health -2
35B=   Slam Jewel [1]   Slam +1   Expert -1
35C=   Slam Jewel [3]   Slam +4   Expert -2
35D=   Ammo Box Jewel [1]   Loading +1   Reload Speed -1
35E=   Ammo Box Jewel [3]   Loading +4   Reload Speed -2
35F=   Fast Charge Jewel [1]   Fast Charge +1   Constitution -1
360=   Fast Charge Jewel [3]   Fast Charge +4   Constitution -2
361=   Unlock Jewel [1]   Awaken +1   Sense -1
362=   Unlock Jewel [2]   Awaken +3   Sense -1
363=   Ko Jewel [1]   KO +1   Fast Charge -1
364=   Ko Jewel [2]   KO +3   Fast Charge -1
365=   Fatigue Atk Jewel [1]   Fatigue Atk +1   Stamina -1
366=   Fatigue Atk Jewel [2]   Fatigue Atk +3   Stamina -1
367=   Potential Jewel [1]   Potencial +1    Protection -1
368=   Potential Jewel [2]   Potencial +3    Protection -1
369=   Adversity Jewel [1]   Adversity +1   Rec Level -1
36A=   Adversity Jewel [2]   Adversity +3   Rec Level -1
36B=   Bombadier Jewel [1]   Bomb Str Up +2
36C=   Fife Jewel [1]   Horn +2
36D=   Howitzer Jewel [1]   Gunnery +2
36E=   Defense Jewel [1]   Defense +1   Attack -1
36F=   Defense Jewel [2]   Defense +3   Attack -1
370=   Blight Jewel [1]   Blight Res +1   Health -1
371=   Blight Jewel [3]   Blight Res +4   Health -2
372=   Inferno Jewel [1]   Fire Res +1   Water Res -1
373=   Crimson Jewel [1]   Fire Res +2
374=   Stream Jewel [1]   Water Res +1   Thunder Res -1
375=   Torrent Jewel [1]   Water Res +2
376=   Thunder Jewel [1]   Thunder Res +1   Ice Res -1
377=   Lightning Jewel [1]   ,Thunder Res +2
378=   Freeze Jewel [1]   Ice Res +1   Fire Res -1
379=   Glacier Jewel [1]   Ice Res +2
37A=   Slayer Jewel [1]   Dragon Res +1   Poison -1
37B=   Extinction Jewel [1]   Dragon Res +2
37C=   Protection Jewel [1]   Protection +1
37D=  Divine Prtct Jewel [1]   Protection +2
37E=  Health Jewel [1]   Health +2
37F=   Feel Good Jewel [1]   Rec Speed +1   Eating -1
380=   Feel Good Jewel [2]   Rec Speed +3   Eating -1
381=   Cure Jewel [1]   Rec Level +1   Rec Speed -1
382=   Cure Jewel [2]   Rec Level +3   Rec Speed -1
383=   Evade Jewel [1]   Evasion +1    Health -1
384=   Evade Jewel [2]   Evasion +3   Health -1
385=   Jump Jewel [1]   Evade Dist +1   Health -1
386=   Jump Jewel [3]   Evade Dist +4   Health -2
387=   Sheathe Jewel [1]   Sheathe +1   Sharpener -1
388=   Sheathe Jewel [2]   Sheathe +3   Sharpener -1
389=   Trap Master Jewel [1]   Speed Setup +2
38A=   Fast Eater Jewel [1]   Eating +1   Rec Level -1
38B=   Fast Eater Jewel [3]   Eating +4   Rec Level -2
38C=   Marathon Jewel [1]   Stamina +1   Hunger -1
38D=   Marathon Jewel [3]   Stamina +4   Hunger -2
38E=   Constitution Jewel [1]   Constitution +1   Stamina -1
38F=   Constitution Jewel [2]   Constitution +3   Stamina -1
390=   Will Recovery Jewel [1]   Will Recovery +1   Evasion -1
391=   Will Recovery Jewel [2]   Will Recovery +3   Evasion -1
392=   Picky Eater [1]   Hunger +2
393=   Fatso Jewel [1]   Gluttony +2
394=   Fate Jewel [1]   Fate +1   Whim -1
395=   Fate Jewel [3]   Fate +4   Whim -2
396=   Rewards Jewel [1]   Rewards +1   Fate -1
397=   Rewards Jewel [3]   Rewards +4   Fate -2
398=   Hide Cutter [1]   Carving +1   Fate -1
399=   Hide Cutter [3]   Carving +4   Fate -2
39A=   Backpacking Jewel [1]   Backpacking +2
39B=   Gathering Jewel [1]   Gathering +2
39C=   Grab n´ Dash Jewel [1]   Hi Spd Gathr +2
39D=   Good Luck [1]   Whim +2
39E=   Friendship Jewel [1]   Wide Area +1   Sense -1
39F=   Friendship Jewel [2]   Wide Area +3   Sense -1
3A0=   Psychic Jewel [1]   Psychic +2
3A1=   Professor Jewel [1]   Combo Rate +2
3A2=   Armory Jewel [1]   Shot Mix +2
3A3=   Staying Power [1]   Lasting Power +2
3A4=   Perception Jewel [1]   Perception +2
3A5=   Dungmaster Jewel [1]   Dungmaster +2
3A6=   Huntsman [1]   Huntsman +2
3A7=   Ninja Jewel [1]   Sense +2
3A8=   Artisan Jewel [1]   Artisan +1   Sharpness -1
3A9=   Artisan Jewel [3]   Artisan +4   Sharpness -2
3AA=  Fencing [1]   Fencing +1   Artisan -1
3AB=  Fencing [3]   Fencing +4   Artisan -2
3AC=  Razor Jewel [1]   Sharpness +1   Artisan -1
3AD=  Razor Jewel [3]   Sharpness +4   Artisan -2
3AE=   Critic Draw Jewel [1]   Critic Draw +1   Expert -1
3AF=   Critic Draw Jewel [2]   Critic Draw +3   Expert -1
3B0=   Punish Draw Jewel [1]   Punish Draw +1   Sharpness -1
3B1=   Punish Draw Jewel [3]   Punish Draw +4   Sharpness -2
3B2=   Iron Wall Jewel [1]   Guard +1   Constitution -1
3B3=   Iron Wall Jewel [2]   Guard +3   Constitution -1
3B4=   Hard Wall Jewel [1]   Guard Up +1   Stamina -1
3B5=   Hard Wall Jewel [2]   Guard Up +3   Stamina -1
3B6=   Grinder Jewel [1]   Sharpener +2
3B7=   Strong Shot Jewel [1]   Normal S Up +1   Recoil -1
3B8=   Strong Shot Jewel [3]   Normal S Up +4   Recoil -2
3B9=   Pierce Jewel [1]   Pierce S Up +1   Recoil -1
3BA=   Pierce Jewel [3]   Pierce S Up +4   Recoil -2
3BB=  Pellet Jewel [1]   Pellet S Up +1   Recoil -1
3BC=   Pellet Jewel [3]   Pellet S Up +4   ,Recoil -2
3BD=   Shoot Bonus Jewel [1]   Normal S Add +1    Reload Speed -1
3BE=   Shoot Bonus Jewel [2]   Normal S Add +3   Reload Speed -1
3BF=   Pierce Bonus Jewel [1]   Pierce S Add +2
3C0=   Pellet Bonus Jewel [1]   Pellet S Add +2
3C1=   Bomb Bouns Jewel [1]   Crag S Add +2
3C2=   Scttr Bonus Jewel [1]   Clust S Add +1   Reload Speed -1
3C3=   Cutter Bonus Jewel [1]   Clust S Add +2
3C4=   Rapid Fire Jewel [1]   Rapid Fire +1   Reload Speed -1
3C5=   Rapid Fire Jewel [3]   Rapid Fire +4   Reload Speed -2
3C6=   High Speed Jewel [1]   Reload Speed +1   Recoil -1
3C7=   High Speed Jewel [2]   Reload Speed +3   Recoil -1
3C8=   Recoil Jewel [1]   Recoil +1   Reload Speed -1
3C9=   Recoil Jewel [3]   Recoil +4   Reload Speed -2
3CA=   Sniper Jewel [1]   Precision +2
3CB=   Para Coat Jewel [1]   Para C Add +1   Attack -1
3CC=   Para Coat Jewel [2]   Para C Add +3   Attack -1
3CD=   Sleep Coat Jewel [1]   Sleep C Add +2
3CE=   Poison Coat Jewel [1]   Poison C Add +2
3CF=   Power Coat Jewel [1]   Power C Add +1   Expert -1
3D0=   Power Coat Jewel [2]   Power C Add +3   Expert -1
3D1=   ClsRng Coat Jewel [1]   Razor C Add +2
3D2=   Fatigue Coat Jewel [1]   Fatigue C Add +2

If you have trouble understanding or were terrible from math and don't understand how to solve simple equations respecting correct math order ~ here's an example.

Cheat table for Cheat Engine included below allows to do edit items easier and faster at least for windows users.

Consumables/materials are stored differently, so I'll just post it here as well. If you just want to edit amount of items(like materials) in the first slot to minimize cheating or something, you could make this code:
_C0 1st item amount mod
_L 0x11752CF6 0x0000XXXX
change XXXX to amount in hex
or you could just give yourself anything you want
_C0 1st item mod
_L 0x21752CF4 0xXXXXYYYY
XXXX = amount,
YYYY = item ID.

Next item is directly after the first in 0x21752CF8, then the third one is under 0x21752CFC etc.

On windows it would be easier to just put all of the addresses into CE cheat table as I did with name address earlier and use it as an editor not bother with changing the cw cheat each time to mod something, it's all about figuring out values for each item which is not really hard if you already have alot of items on end game or hacked save, it is time consuming to list them all through, so have fun figuring it out on your own if you need it.

Much later edit: I must had been tired while posting this since I forgot to reverse bytes in the last code and swapped amount with item id xD /corrected now.
Also it seems equipment editing is a bit more confusing, so here is tested cheat table for Cheat Engine for editing items and equipment, couldn't find item ID's list anywhere so just experiment or edit items you already have, you can also just use shop unlock cheats if you only want to add some equipment/items easily.
And another edit: thanks to Shauneh for telling that slots in charms aren't hardcoded cheat table below has them included now and lists all skills for those charms correctly.
One more: added decors to cw cheat since my cheat table does allow them + some smaller edits.

Hi LunaMoo! I saw your post earlier about charm hacks
_C0 Dragon Charm skill1 +30/skill2 +32 (3slots)
_L 0x2174FE14 0xFBC66501
_L 0x1174FE18 0x0000XXX (This one)
Ehem ehem, so I've tried using this code and it worked! this is a godsend hack for me since im not that good at math lol. then I did all the necessary staff to get me godlike skills and this happened. I've tried using it online (amultios) to play with some random hunters, then I noticed that one of my talisman skills disappeared!! I placed Status +30 and Attack +32 (My specific skills should be sharpness +1, Status Atk +2, Atk Up L, Exploiter, Speed sharpening) but since the other skill on the talis disappeared out of nowhere, I don't have Atk up L anymore. what could be the problem? Pls help me master
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