(10-05-2016 07:16 AM)LunaMoo Wrote: Just dropping something I forgot I made earlier:
_S ULJM-05093
_G Initial D: Street Stage
_C0 60 fps
_L 0xE0100008 0x000079B8
_L 0x200079B8 0x34020001
_L 0x2008BEC4 0x3C033F80
_L 0x2008C104 0x3C033F80
_L 0x2010BFE8 0x3C043F00
_L 0x20109114 0x3C0242F0
_L 0x20108C8C 0x3C0242F0
_L 0x2010CFDC 0x3C044080
_L 0x2010D49C 0x3C1B3F00
_L 0x2010D4A4 0x449BB800
_L 0x2010D4AC 0x46171082
_L 0x2010D4D0 0x46171082
_L 0x201090EC 0x3C0242F0
_L 0x201086F0 0x3C0240C0
_L 0x20108718 0x3C023F00
_L 0x2010872C 0x3C02BF00
_L 0x201086FC 0x3C02BF00
_C0 60 fps [Disable]
_L 0x200079B8 0x8E220008
_L 0x2008BEC4 0x3C034000
_L 0x2008C104 0x3C034000
_L 0x2010BFE8 0x3C043F80
_L 0x20109114 0x3C024270
_L 0x20108C8C 0x3C024270
_L 0x2010CFDC 0x3C044000
_L 0x2010D49C 0x3C0208CB
_L 0x2010D4A4 0x3C0208CB
_L 0x2010D4AC 0x3C0208CB
_L 0x2010D4D0 0x3C0208CB
_L 0x201090EC 0x3C024270
_L 0x201086F0 0x3C024040
_L 0x20108718 0x3C023F80
_L 0x2010872C 0x3C02BF80
_L 0x201086FC 0x3C02BF80
Note: might not be 100% accurate, this game was not designed with 60fps in mind.
Note for newbs ~ this will not magically make the game run faster on slow device, quite the opposite will make the game more demanding.
And another thing which I just finished:
_C0 Analog acceleration/break
_L 0xE0147E64 0x00022AFC
_L 0x20022AFC 0x0E200400
_L 0x20001000 0x244F7E6A
_L 0x20001004 0x3C090880
_L 0x20001008 0x0120C021
_L 0x2000100C 0x91E80000
_L 0x20001010 0x2508FF7F
_L 0x20001014 0x0100502A
_L 0x20001018 0x55400003
_L 0x2000101C 0x34080000
_L 0x20001020 0x01084021
_L 0x20001024 0x25080003
_L 0x20001028 0xA1280FFF
_L 0x2000102C 0x91E80001
_L 0x20001030 0x1309FFF7
_L 0x20001034 0x2529FFFF
_L 0x20001038 0x03E00008
_L 0x2000103C 0x8C457E64
_L 0x2010A77C 0x3C030880
_L 0x2010A780 0x90700FFF
_L 0x2010A78C 0x90720FFE
_C0 Analog acceleration/break [Disable]
_L 0x20022AFC 0x8C457E64
_L 0x2010A77C 0x00831823
_L 0x2010A780 0x01038021
_L 0x2010A78C 0x00C29021
Set your right analog to triggers like this:
and control acceleration with Right trigger, break with left trigger like in most other racing games controlled by full size gamepad.
Frankly in this game it's kind of pointless, that was just the only racing game I had and wanted to test how it would work;p.

Your pedals code is cool, I map it to Logitec wheel and it useful, I can press gas pedal half way for some turn. Could you make a steering wheel to real analog, because the game use digital D-pad for wheel even I use the analog x-axis it still plays like D-pad and a big dead zone occur. Thank you.