Hi, I'm new to PPSSPP and I want to play DanganRonpa, but the problem is I can't find framebufferstomem. I know I have to change it to:
FrameBufferstoMem = True
But I can't find that at all. I tried looking all over to no avail. What it says in my notes are:
FirstRun = False
RunCount = 5
Enable Logging = True
AutoRun = True
Browse = False
IgnoreBadMemAccess = True
CurrentDirectory =
ShowDebuggerOnLoad = False
CheckForNewVersion = True
Language = en_US
ForceLagSync = False
NumWorkerThreads = 4
EnableAutoLoad = False
EnableCheats = False
ScreenshotsAsPNG = False
StateSlot = 0
RewindFlipFrequency = 0
GridView1 = True
GridView2 = True
GridView3 = False
ReportingHost = default
AutoSaveSymbolMap = False
TopMost = False
WindowX = 195
WindowY = 82
WindowWidth = 976
WindowHeight = 603
PauseOnLostFocus = False
DumpDecryptedEboots = False
Jit = True
SeparateCPUThread = False
AtomicAudioLocks = False
SeparateIOThread = True
FastMemoryAccess = True
FuncReplacements = True
CPUSpeed = 0
ShowFPSCounter = 0
RenderingMode = 2
SoftwareRendering = False
HardwareTransform = True
SoftwareSkinning = True
TextureFiltering = 1
InternalResolution = 0
FrameSkip = 0
AutoFrameSkip = False
FrameRate = 0
FrameSkipUnthrottle = False
ForceMaxEmulatedFPS = 60
AnisotropyLevel = 4
VertexCache = True
TextureBackoffCache = False
TextureSecondaryCache = False
FullScreen = False
PartialStretch = False
StretchToDisplay = False
SmallDisplay = False
ImmersiveMode = False
TrueColor = True
MipMap = True
TexScalingLevel = 1
TexScalingType = 0
TexDeposterize = False
VSyncInterval = False
DisableStencilTest = False
AlwaysDepthWrite = False
TimerHack = False
AlphaMaskHack = False
SplineBezierQuality = 2
PostShader = Off
MemBlockTransferGPU = True
Enable = True
VolumeBGM = 7
VolumeSFX = 7
AudioLatency = 1
SoundSpeedHack = False
HapticFeedback = True
ShowTouchCross = True
ShowTouchCircle = True
ShowTouchSquare = True
ShowTouchTriangle = True
ShowTouchStart = True
ShowTouchSelect = True
ShowTouchLTrigger = True
ShowTouchRTrigger = True
ShowAnalogStick = True
ShowTouchDpad = True
ShowTouchUnthrottle = True
ShowTouchPause = True
IgnoreWindowsKey = False
ShowTouchControls = False
DisableDpadDiagonals = False
TouchButtonStyle = 1
TouchButtonOpacity = 65
ActionButtonSpacing2 = 1.000000
ActionButtonCenterX = -1.000000
ActionButtonCenterY = -1.000000
ActionButtonScale = 1.150000
DPadX = -1.000000
DPadY = -1.000000
DPadScale = 1.150000
DPadSpacing = 1.000000
StartKeyX = -1.000000
StartKeyY = -1.000000
StartKeyScale = 1.150000
SelectKeyX = -1.000000
SelectKeyY = -1.000000
SelectKeyScale = 1.150000
UnthrottleKeyX = -1.000000
UnthrottleKeyY = -1.000000
UnthrottleKeyScale = 1.150000
LKeyX = -1.000000
LKeyY = -1.000000
LKeyScale = 1.150000
RKeyX = -1.000000
RKeyY = -1.000000
RKeyScale = 1.150000
AnalogStickX = -1.000000
AnalogStickY = -1.000000
AnalogStickScale = 1.150000
EnableWlan = False
PSPModel = 1
PSPFirmwareVersion = 150
NickName = PPSSPP
proAdhocServer = localhost
MacAddress = c5:63:3a:10:33:ca
Language = 1
TimeFormat = 1
DateFormat = 1
TimeZone = 0
DayLightSavings = False
ButtonPreference = 1
LockParentalLevel = 0
WlanAdhocChannel = 0
BypassOSKWithKeyboard = False
WlanPowerSave = False
EncryptSave = True
DisasmWindowX = 203
DisasmWindowY = 51
DisasmWindowW = 781
DisasmWindowH = 713
GEWindowX = 203
GEWindowY = 75
GEWindowW = 776
GEWindowH = 699
ConsoleWindowX = -1
ConsoleWindowY = -1
FontWidth = 8
FontHeight = 12
DisplayStatusBar = True
ShowBottomTabTitles = True
ShowDeveloperMenu = False
SkipDeadbeefFilling = False
FuncHashMap = False
PrescaleUV = False
DisableAlphaTest = False
UpgradeMessage =
UpgradeVersion =
DismissedVersion =
MaxRecent = 30
Please help.
Edit by vnctdj : Please use the "code" tag when you post long lists like this one.