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[Discussion] 60FPS patches for PSP games that run at 30FPS
04-03-2017, 11:34 AM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2017 12:22 PM by Kabuto_Kun.)
Post: #701
RE: [Discussion] 60FPS patches for PSP games that run at 30FPS
New wave Wink

Tony Hawk's Underground 2: Remix [USA], ULUS10014.ini
_S ULUS-10014
_G Tony Hawk's Underground 2: Remix [USA]
_C0 60 FPS
_L 0xE0021080 0x0005F642
_L 0x2005F640 0x10000017
_L 0x2000C190 0x00000000
_C0 30 FPS [Default]
_L 0xE0021000 0x0005F642
_L 0x2005F640 0x10800017//Vblank
_L 0x2000C190 0x1480FFEE//CtrlBuff
Tony Hawk's Underground 2: Remix [EUR-ENG/FR/GER], ULES00033.ini / ULES00034.ini / ULES00035.ini
_S ULES-00033 / ULES-00034 / ULES-00035
_G Tony Hawk's Underground 2: Remix [EUR-ENG/FR/GER]
_C0 60 FPS
_L 0xE0021080 0x0005F61A
_L 0x2005F618 0x10000017
_L 0x2000C190 0x00000000
_C0 30 FPS [Default]
_L 0xE0021000 0x0005F61A
_L 0x2005F618 0x10800017//Vblank
_L 0x2000C190 0x1480FFEE//CtrlBuff
*Cheat Status: Actual gameplay runs good, but can cause cutscenes issues(?).

Tony Hawk's Project 8 [USA-UMDv1.0], ULUS10197.ini
_S ULUS-10197
_G Tony Hawk's Project 8 [USA-UMDv1.0]
_C0 60 FPS
_L 0xE0021080 0x00097156
_L 0x20097154 0x10000017
_L 0x20011C28 0x00000000
_C0 30 FPS [Default]
_L 0xE0021000 0x00097156
_L 0x20097154 0x10800017//Vblank
_L 0x20011C28 0x1480FFEE//CtrlBuff
Tony Hawk's Project 8 [EUR-ENG/Multi5], ULES00625.ini / ULES00626.ini
_S ULES-00625 / ULES-00626
_G Tony Hawk's Project 8 [EUR-ENG/Multi5]
_C0 60 FPS
_L 0xE0021080 0x00096E16
_L 0x20096E14 0x10000017
_L 0x20011C28 0x00000000
_C0 30 FPS [Default]
_L 0xE0021000 0x00096E16
_L 0x20096E14 0x10800017//Vblank
_L 0x20011C28 0x1480FFEE//CtrlBuff
*Cheat Status: Actual gameplay runs good, but can cause cutscenes issues(?).

WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2010 featuring ECW [USA], ULUS10452.ini
_S ULUS-10452
_G WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2010 featuring ECW [USA]
_C0 60FPS v1
_L 0xE001001E 0x00279B0C
_L 0x20279B0C 0x2402003C
_C0 30FPS v1 [Default]
_L 0xE001003C 0x00279B0C
_L 0x20279B0C 0x2402001E
WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2010 featuring ECW [EUR], ULES01339.ini
_S ULES-01339
_G WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2010 featuring ECW [EUR]
_C0 60FPS v1
_L 0xE001001E 0x00279B44
_L 0x20279B44 0x2402003C
_C0 30FPS v1 [Default]
_L 0xE001003C 0x00279B44
_L 0x20279B44 0x2402001E

WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2011 [USA], ULUS10543.ini
_S ULUS-10543
_G WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2011 [USA]
_C0 60FPS v1
_L 0xE001001E 0x001FE8C0
_L 0x201FE8C0 0x2402003C
_C0 30FPS v1 [Default]
_L 0xE001003C 0x001FE8C0
_L 0x201FE8C0 0x2402001E
WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2011 [EUR], ULES01472.ini
_S ULES-01472
_G WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2011 [EUR]
_C0 60FPS v1
_L 0xE001001E 0x001FE8F8
_L 0x201FE8F8 0x2402003C
_C0 30FPS v1 [Default]
_L 0xE001003C 0x001FE8F8
_L 0x201FE8F8 0x2402001E
*Cheat Status: No issues??
- The cheat must be enabled before starting the game or it won't work.
- There are custom versions of these WWE games around the internet (WWE 12,13,14, etc), these cheats should work with them too as long as those custom versions use as a base one of the game releases/regions with a 60FPS cheat available above.

The next games are native 60FPS, but because they need relatively powerful hardware to be playable, I'll post 30 FPS cheats for them.

Midnight Club L.A. Remix [USA/EUR], ULUS10383.ini / ULES01144.ini
_S ULUS-10383 / ULES-01144
_G Midnight Club L.A. Remix [USA/EUR]
_C0 60 FPS [Default]
_L 0xE005003C 0x10003800
_L 0x10003800 0x0000003C
_L 0x50003450 0x00000018
_L 0x00003804 0x00000000
_L 0x202ACFEC 0x0E2AB395
_L 0x202ACFF4 0x8F84A258
_C0 30 FPS
_L 0xE009001E 0x10003800
_L 0x10003800 0x0000001E
_L 0x20003804 0x0E2AB395
_L 0x20003808 0x00000000
_L 0x2000380C 0x0E2F232A
_L 0x20003810 0x00000000
_L 0x20003814 0x0A2AB3FE
_L 0x20003818 0x8F84A258
_L 0x202ACFEC 0x0A200E01
_L 0x202ACFF4 0x00000000

Star Wars - The Force Unleashed [USA], ULUS10345.ini
_S ULUS-10345
_G Star Wars - The Force Unleashed [USA]
_C0 60FPS [Fixed]
_L 0xE0050002 0x00440664
_L 0x20440664 0x00000000//value
_L 0x202B8A14 0x00000000
_L 0x203BB714 0x00000000
_L 0x202B9018 0x00000000
_L 0x203BC09C 0x00000000
_C0 30FPS [Fixed]
_L 0xE0050000 0x00440664
_L 0x20440664 0x00000002//value
_L 0x202B8A14 0x00000000
_L 0x203BB714 0x00000000
_L 0x202B9018 0x00000000
_L 0x203BC09C 0x00000000
_C0 30/60FPS [Default]
_L 0xE0040000 0x002B8A14
_L 0x202B8A14 0xAC930664//30
_L 0x203BB714 0xAC860664//30
_L 0x202B9018 0xAC800664//60
_L 0x203BC09C 0xAC800664//60
Star Wars - The Force Unleashed [EUR-Multi3], ULES00981.ini
_S ULES-00981
_G Star Wars - The Force Unleashed [EUR-Multi3]
_C0 60FPS [Fixed]
_L 0xE0050002 0x004408B4
_L 0x204408B4 0x00000000//value
_L 0x202B8B2C 0x00000000
_L 0x203BB968 0x00000000
_L 0x202B9130 0x00000000
_L 0x203BC2F0 0x00000000
_C0 30FPS [Fixed]
_L 0xE0050000 0x004408B4
_L 0x204408B4 0x00000002//value
_L 0x202B8B2C 0x00000000
_L 0x203BB968 0x00000000
_L 0x202B9130 0x00000000
_L 0x203BC2F0 0x00000000
_C0 30/60FPS [Default]
_L 0xE0040000 0x002B8B2C
_L 0x202B8B2C 0xAC9308B4//30
_L 0x203BB968 0xAC8608B4//30
_L 0x202B9130 0xAC8008B4//60
_L 0x203BC2F0 0xAC8008B4//60
Star Wars - The Force Unleashed [EUR-Multi2], ULES00982.ini
_S ULES-00982
_G Star Wars - The Force Unleashed [EUR-Multi2]
_C0 60FPS [Fixed]
_L 0xE0050002 0x00440A84
_L 0x20440A84 0x00000000//value
_L 0x202B8B2C 0x00000000
_L 0x203BB964 0x00000000
_L 0x202B9130 0x00000000
_L 0x203BC2EC 0x00000000
_C0 30FPS [Fixed]
_L 0xE0050000 0x00440A84
_L 0x20440A84 0x00000002//value
_L 0x202B8B2C 0x00000000
_L 0x203BB964 0x00000000
_L 0x202B9130 0x00000000
_L 0x203BC2EC 0x00000000
_C0 30/60FPS [Default]
_L 0xE0040000 0x002B8B2C
_L 0x202B8B2C 0xAC930A84//30
_L 0x203BB964 0xAC860A84//30
_L 0x202B9130 0xAC800A84//60
_L 0x203BC2EC 0xAC800A84//60

Resistance: Retribution [USA/EUR], UCUS98668.ini / UCES01184.ini
_S UCUS-98668 / UCES-01184
_G Resistance: Retribution [USA/EUR]
_C0 60FPS v2 [No Vsync]
_L 0xE0030001 0x10003600
_L 0xE0020003 0x0047F150
_L 0x2047F158 0x34020001
_L 0x20003600 0x00000001
_C0 60FPS v2 [Default]
_L 0xE0030002 0x10003600
_L 0xE0020003 0x0047F150
_L 0x2047F158 0x0E31EDB7
_L 0x20003600 0x00000002
_C0 30FPS v2
_L 0xE00A0003 0x10003600
_L 0xE0090003 0x0047F150
_L 0x2047F158 0x0E200D81//Jal
_L 0x20003600 0x00000003
_L 0x20003604 0x03E0D821
_L 0x20003608 0x0E3674AD//Vb
_L 0x2000360C 0x00000000
_L 0x20003610 0x0E3674AD//Vb
_L 0x20003614 0x00000000
_L 0x20003618 0x03600008
_L 0x2000361C 0x34020001
Resistance: Retribution Demo [USA], NPUG22850.ini
_S NPUG-22850
_G Resistance: Retribution Demo [USA]
_C0 60FPS v2 [No Vsync]
_L 0xE0030001 0x10003600
_L 0xE0020003 0x0046FDD4
_L 0x2046FDDC 0x34020001
_L 0x20003600 0x00000001
_C0 60FPS v2 [Default]
_L 0xE0030002 0x10003600
_L 0xE0020003 0x0046FDD4
_L 0x2046FDDC 0x0E31B0CF
_L 0x20003600 0x00000002
_C0 30FPS v2
_L 0xE00A0003 0x10003600
_L 0xE0090003 0x0046FDD4
_L 0x2046FDDC 0x0E200D81//Jal
_L 0x20003600 0x00000003
_L 0x20003604 0x03E0D821
_L 0x20003608 0x0E36335B//Vb
_L 0x2000360C 0x00000000
_L 0x20003610 0x0E36335B//Vb
_L 0x20003614 0x00000000
_L 0x20003618 0x03600008
_L 0x2000361C 0x34020001
Cheat updated to v2 on: Jun. 7, 2017
*Cheat Status:
- The game already runs at 60FPS by default, but it uses an internal Vsync that makes the game run at a fixed 30FPS when it can't keep a stable/solid 60FPS. You can use the 60FPS [No Vsync] cheat to disable it, which can make the game run better if you are running the game on a real PSP/PSVita/PSTV; it doesn't make any difference for PPSSPP.
- The 30FPS cheat can be used on PPSSPP (not for real PSP/Vita) to allow low powered devices (Android generally) to run the game at a stable 30FPS, so it's easier to achieve fullspeed. You MUST set a high PSP CPU speed for it to work as it should, so go to PPSSPP Settings>System and set it to a fixed value of 666Mhz at least.
- The same cheats can be used with the USA and EUR releases of the final game (both game BINs have the same MD5 checksum). Maybe the same cheats work for the JAP release but I didn't test it.

Driver 76 also has a 30FPS cheat that can be found here. : 60FPS master list, Mar. 2017 ; Reddit /u/Kabuto_Kun : Unlock FPS in PSP games ("easy method") : Permanently patch a PSP game with CW cheats.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: [Discussion] 60FPS patches for PSP games that run at 30FPS - Kabuto_Kun - 04-03-2017 11:34 AM
Crash Of The Titans CW ULUS10304 - Mateus - 12-13-2021, 10:59 PM
IRON MEN ULUS10347 - Mateus - 12-18-2021, 12:18 AM

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