The v0.7-258-g85e9479 seems to break this game, it won't boot this time, together with Macross Ultimate Frontier, Macross Triangle Frontier, Gundam Battle Universe, Macross Ace Frontier and Battle Robot Damashii.
55:45:542 EmuThread.cpp:76 I[BOOT]: Starting up hardware.
55:45:542 System.cpp:51 I[HLE]: PPSSPP v0.7-258-g85e9479
55:45:543 MemArena.cpp:370 I[MM]: Found valid memory base at 08400000 after 30 tries.
55:45:543 MemMap.cpp:82 I[MM]: Memory system initialized. RAM at 08420000 (mirror at 0 @ 10400000, uncached @ 10400000)
55:45:564 Loaders.cpp:89 I[LOAD]: Identifying file...
55:45:600 FileSystems\ISOFileSystem.cpp:152 I[FileSys]: Looks like a valid ISO!
55:45:608 PSPLoaders.cpp:80 I[LOAD]: ULJS00281 : ガンダムアサルトサヴァイブ
55:45:621 PSPLoaders.cpp:136 I[LOAD]: Loading disc0:/PSP_GAME/SYSDIR/EBOOT.BIN...
55:45:622 HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:158 I[HLE]: Kernel and user memory pools initialized
55:45:622 HLE\sceIo.cpp:241 I[HLE]: Starting up I/O...
55:45:622 FileUtil.cpp:200 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path E:\jpcsp-windows-x86\ppsspp-v0.7-258-g85e9479-windows-x86\ppsspp\memstick\
55:45:622 FileUtil.cpp:204 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path exists E:\jpcsp-windows-x86\ppsspp-v0.7-258-g85e9479-windows-x86\ppsspp\memstick\
55:45:622 FileUtil.cpp:200 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path E:\jpcsp-windows-x86\ppsspp-v0.7-258-g85e9479-windows-x86\ppsspp\flash0\
55:45:622 FileUtil.cpp:204 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path exists E:\jpcsp-windows-x86\ppsspp-v0.7-258-g85e9479-windows-x86\ppsspp\flash0\
55:45:632 FileUtil.cpp:200 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path E:\jpcsp-windows-x86\ppsspp-v0.7-258-g85e9479-windows-x86\ppsspp\memstick\PSP\PPSSPP_STATE
55:45:632 FileUtil.cpp:204 I[COMMON]: CreateFullPath: path exists E:\jpcsp-windows-x86\ppsspp-v0.7-258-g85e9479-windows-x86\ppsspp\memstick\PSP\PPSSPP_STATE
55:45:655 HLE\sceKernel.cpp:121 I[HLE]: Kernel initialized.
55:45:772 c:\buildagent\work\acf56f986e98e7c9\core\hle\../ELF/ElfReader.h:42 I[LOAD]: ElfReader: 0DC30020
55:45:789 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:310 I[HLE]: -----------
55:45:789 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 I[HLE]: Block: 08800000 - 08804000 size 00004000 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
55:45:789 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 I[HLE]: Block: 08804000 - 09ec5800 size 016c1800 taken=1 tag=ELF
55:45:789 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 I[HLE]: Block: 09ec5800 - 0a000000 size 0013a800 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
55:45:793 ELF\ElfReader.cpp:363 N[LOAD]: ELF loading completed successfully.
55:45:898 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:396 I[LOAD]: Module gundam: 08bcb680 08ad3634 08ad364c
55:45:898 HLE\HLE.cpp:187 I[HLE]: Syscall (sceNetAdhoc, 4d2ce199) unknown
55:45:898 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:493 I[HLE]: Exporting ent 0 named gundam, 2 funcs, 4 vars, resident 08ad3a40
55:45:898 HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:719 I[LOAD]: Module entry: 08804114
55:45:899 root I[BOOT]: EmuThread.cpp:101 Done.
55:46:303 root I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1504 276 = sceKernelCreateThread(name="user_main", entry=08804228, prio=20, stacksize=262144)
55:46:303 root I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1540 sceKernelStartThread(thread=276, argSize=33, argPtr= 09fffd00 )
55:46:303 root I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelThread.cpp:1630 __KernelReturnFromThread : root
55:46:303 user_main I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:310 -----------
55:46:303 user_main I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 Block: 08800000 - 08804000 size 00004000 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
55:46:303 user_main I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 Block: 08804000 - 09ec5800 size 016c1800 taken=1 tag=ELF
55:46:303 user_main I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 Block: 09ec5800 - 09ed6000 size 00010800 taken=1 tag=UserSbrk
55:46:303 user_main I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 Block: 09ed6000 - 09fbfc00 size 000e9c00 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
55:46:303 user_main I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 Block: 09fbfc00 - 09fffc00 size 00040000 taken=1 tag=stack/user_main
55:46:303 user_main I[HLE]: Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 Block: 09fffc00 - 0a000000 size 00000400 taken=0 tag=stack/root
55:46:304 user_main E[HLE]: HLE\sceKernelModule.cpp:915 HACKIMPL sceKernelGetModuleIdByAddress(08804114)
56:03:236 idle0 I[HLE]: GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:386 Creating FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 1
56:09:247 idle0 I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:430 KO 272: Thread "idle0": pc= 08000000 sp= 083ffe00 RUN (wt=0 wid=0 wv= 00000000 )
56:09:247 idle0 I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:430 KO 273: Thread "idle1": pc= 08000000 sp= 083fee00 READY (wt=0 wid=0 wv= 00000000 )
56:09:247 idle0 I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:430 KO 274: Module "gundam": name=gundam gp=08bcb680 entry=08804114
56:09:247 idle0 I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:430 KO 275: Thread "root": pc= 08000014 sp= 09fffd00 DORMANT (wt=0 wid=0 wv= 00000000 )
56:09:247 idle0 I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:430 KO 276: Thread "user_main": pc= 08a95adc sp= 09fff590 READY (wt=0 wid=0 wv= 00000000 )
56:09:248 idle0 I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:430 KO 277: MemoryPart "UserSbrk": MemPart: 09ec6000 - 09ed6800 size: 00010800
56:09:248 idle0 I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:430 KO 278: CallBack "ExitGame": thread=276, argument= 00000000
56:09:248 idle0 I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:430 KO 279: CallBack "mscm_func": thread=276, argument= 00000000
56:09:248 idle0 I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:430 KO 280: Mutex "gu_start_mtx": -
56:09:248 idle0 I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:430 KO 281: EventFlag "SceGuSignal": init=00000001 cur=00000001 numwait=0
56:09:248 idle0 I[HLE]: HLE\sceKernel.cpp:132 Shutting down kernel - 10 kernel objects alive
56:09:248 GLES\Framebuffer.cpp:581 I[HLE]: Destroying FBO for 00000000 : 480 x 272 x 1
56:09:249 HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:174 I[HLE]: Shutting down user memory pool:
56:09:249 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:310 I[HLE]: -----------
56:09:249 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 I[HLE]: Block: 08800000 - 0a000000 size 01800000 taken=0 tag=(untitled)
56:09:249 HLE\sceKernelMemory.cpp:177 I[HLE]: Shutting down "kernel" memory pool:
56:09:249 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:310 I[HLE]: -----------
56:09:249 Util\BlockAllocator.cpp:314 I[HLE]: Block: 08000000 - 08400000 size 00400000 taken=0 tag=threadrethack
56:09:258 MemMap.cpp:101 I[MM]: Memory system shut down.