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[AdHoc] Compatibility List [STOPPED]
09-20-2014, 06:57 PM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2014 06:57 PM by Zinx777.)
Post: #616
RE: [AdHoc] Compatibility List
Valkyria chronicles 2 dont work on the latest adman build(0.9.9-45).
I get black screen after matching with another player.
if someone else wanna try with me PM me.
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09-24-2014, 01:30 PM
Post: #617
RE: [AdHoc] Compatibility List
Need help on setting up Mortal Kombat: Unchained. It says here that is works but i cant seem to connect to my frien. Tried it with PC over LAN still no luck. I can see that my phone is connecting on the AdHocServer( cmd window) but i cant find myself in-game. Any help on how u managed to connect.
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09-26-2014, 01:53 PM (This post was last modified: 09-28-2014 01:54 PM by BlackTrigger.)
Post: #618
RE: [AdHoc] Compatibility List
Hi guys I tried to play with my friend with Soul Calibur but it does not work... we can't see each other in the lobby but I can see him that he joined in the server, we were using hamachi, obviously we setted up everything before such as the mac and the ip address also we uncheked the fast memory option...but is not working can anyone help me please? tomorrow we are gonna try dissidia 012 too so I hope that someone could give me some tips...but I really wanted to play soul calibur, I actually played Monster hunter FU and P3rd and that worked with the alternative speed option on 3 I have to do something like that for soul calibur too?(or dissidia)
thanks for your attention Smile and sorry for my english, is awful xD

EDIT: ok I tried AdamN's 0.9.9 build but still not working, now the problem is that when one of us sends the battle request and the other one accept it, one of us goes to the character selection menu and the other one stays stucked in the lobby without any buttons reacting...
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09-28-2014, 04:04 PM
Post: #619
RE: [AdHoc] Compatibility List
(07-21-2014 11:40 PM)AdamN Wrote:  I've tried to make soul calibur to work without making other games to be broken, but failed to do so Sad
everytime soul calibur work properly dbz tag team gets broken (and vice versa)

Here is the new build: multiplayer in some games that use AdhocMatching might work or became broken (sometimes work sometimes doesn't)
Win32 :
Win64 :
My adhoc branch have been deleted, i'll wait for 0.9.9 before creating the adhoc branch again

PS: make sure you don't stay too long in lobby (ie. seeing other players) and hurry up to start the game, otherwise an interrupt (probably VBlank) might get mixedup with the callback and getting Invalid address.

This is the best i can do until someone fix that "callback vs interrupt" issue Sad after it's fixed most adhoc games will automatically have a working multiplayer

PPS: it seems recent official commits are using new font for the FPS/VPS thing, so you'll need to download the whole package at first before using my Exe otherwise it will show gibberish
Where can i find the build that have dbz tag team working?
it also have more games working.
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09-28-2014, 04:33 PM
Post: #620
RE: [AdHoc] Compatibility List
The last build dont work for dbz tag team to play online?
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10-03-2014, 03:59 PM
Post: #621
RE: [AdHoc] Compatibility List
I know MGS PWs multiplayer(versus and coop) works through LAN, but has anyone tryed with hamachi or coldbirds server? I wanna play versus online with more than 1 player so does anyone have some suggestions?
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10-05-2014, 12:36 AM
Post: #622
RE: [AdHoc] Compatibility List
Anyone know why this happens?

[Image: fbf32fea2e.png]
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10-05-2014, 08:53 PM
Post: #623
RE: [AdHoc] Compatibility List
any news about tag force 1 or 2 or 3 ?
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10-06-2014, 11:58 AM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2014 11:58 AM by AdamN.)
Post: #624
RE: [AdHoc] Compatibility List
(10-05-2014 12:36 AM)GamerzHell9137 Wrote:  Anyone know why this happens?

[Image: fbf32fea2e.png]

It's getting time out when trying to connect to adhoc server (socket error 10060),

while socket error 10057 = socket not connected (because it's not connected to adhoc server),

either you put the wrong IP address in adhoc server IP settings or the adhoc server is blocked by firewall

For more windows socket error info you can check MS site

PPSSPP Multiplayer Guide:
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10-09-2014, 10:15 PM
Post: #625
RE: [AdHoc] Compatibility List
Can anyone tell me how to make lord of arcana work?
Me and my friend tried playing it but we cant see each other in the room.
We tried using tungle and evolve but with no success.
We launch the game go to the online guild but there we can see the room list but they are all always empty even with me or him being in one + the adhoc server sees that we are connected the the server.
Any hints?
Tried using ppsspp v0.9.9.1
- ulus10479 and
- ules01507

and yes we have wlan enabled, same host ip address, different mac addresses, cheats disabled, and fast memory disabled
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10-10-2014, 04:17 PM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2014 05:08 PM by GamerzHell9137.)
Post: #626
RE: [AdHoc] Compatibility List
Any reason why MH3rd HD doesn't work with normal speed?
Ping btw me and friend is 200 and she's from America.

EDIT: We tried with slow speed and normal speed and we can't get into the game.
Lobby works fine but we can't play the game.
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10-11-2014, 10:00 AM (This post was last modified: 10-11-2014 10:00 AM by Archimedes.)
Post: #627
RE: [AdHoc] Compatibility List
Hey guys! How is Ad-Hock coming along? Has it made any progress since it's first iteration? Are more games playable now?
Please let me know!
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10-18-2014, 08:01 PM (This post was last modified: 10-18-2014 08:06 PM by paulaz2.)
Post: #628
RE: [AdHoc] Compatibility List
am nt sure naruto impact is wrking

but u can get a latest build wit pro adhoc sever in it all u need to do is just to connect for it go to adhoc mode=>ppsspp made with pro adhoc server=>then jst click on the link which is mediafireWink

we might need another procedures that will work with all games:/am i right?
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10-19-2014, 12:28 AM
Post: #629
RE: [AdHoc] Compatibility List
For Yu-gi-oh 5ds tag force 6 menu works on windows version ppsspp v0.9.9.1
and on android the menu doesnt work and thats about it

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10-22-2014, 04:09 PM
Post: #630
RE: [AdHoc] Compatibility List
dragon ball tag team 2 did nt wrk wit d latest built wit proadhoc server on android
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