Using Mouse axis movement as Analog Stick
Basically can we have this feature to control arrow/leftstick/rightstick via mouse gestures?
I know you can do it in PCSX2 with Lilypad plugin, so I think there should be a way to implement in here too?
I already tried Autohotkey script such as the one below.
The results were so-so with hover-mode, however stick-mode was frustrating,
I tried adjusting and concluded I best ask here if it can be done, I could use my gamepad,
however I find a lot of games are better with mouse for camera control, especially first person shooters.
; MouseSendZones
; Author: Pulover [Rodolfo U. Batista]
; [email protected]
; HoverMode: The script sends user-defined keys when the mouse is
; over an area of the screen by creating a rectangle at
; the center to be the Dead Zone and 8 other rectangles
; around it, each one will send and hold the configured
; keys when the mouse hovers over it.
; StickMode: When the mouse is moved in one direction the script
; sends the corresponding keys and releases them when
; it stops moving. This is more specific for using a
; joystick to control mouse movements.
; ########## Configurations: ##########
; Select Hotkey to active HoverMode:
Hover = F1
; Select Hotkey to active StickMode:
Stick = F2
; Select Hotkey show Zones Guidelcines:
ShowZones = CapsLock
; Select optional Hotkey reset mouse to Center:
Center = MButton
; Set Horizontal & Vertical Dead Zone Ranges in pixels:
DeadZoneRangeX := 200
DeadZoneRangeY := 150
KeySet =
( ; Set the keys that will be sent for each of the eight zones of the screen:
Up = up
Down = down
Left = left
Right = right
UpLeft = up & left
UpRight = up & right
DownLeft = down & left
DownRight = down & right
; ########## End of configurations! ##########
; Parse KeySet and assign variables to the keys:
Loop, Parse, KeySet, `n
Loop, Parse, A_LoopField, =, %A_Space%
If Mod(A_Index, 2)
Key := A_LoopField
%Key% := A_LoopField
StringSplit, %Key%, A_LoopField, &, %A_Space%
#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode, Input
SetKeyDelay, -1
SetMouseDelay, -1
SetBatchLines, -1
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
; Get coordinates for the center of the screen to create a Dead Zone:
DeadZoneX := A_ScreenWidth / 2
DeadZoneY := A_ScreenHeight / 2
; Activate Hotkeys:
Hotkey, %Hover%, Hover, On
Hotkey, %Stick%, Stick, On
Hotkey, %ShowZones%, ShowZones, On
Try Hotkey, %Center%, CenterMouse, On
; Create a rectangle to show Dead Zone:
A := DeadZoneRangeX*2, B := DeadZoneRangeY*2, C := A-2, D := B-2
Gui, -Caption +ToolWindow +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, Color, Red
Gui, +LastFound
WinSet, Region, 0-0 %A%-0 %A%-%B% 0-%B% 0-0 2-2 %C%-2 %C%-%D% 2-%D% 2-2
GoSub, ShowZones
Display := !Display
SetTimer, RemoveTip, -1500
StickMode := False
SetTimer, WatchMouse, % (HoverMode := !HoverMode) ? 0 : "Off"
Loop, % %hKeys%0
Send, % (hKeys = "DeadZone") ? "" : "{" %hKeys%%A_Index% " up}"
TrayTip,, % (HoverMode) ? "HoverMode On" : "HoverMode Off"
HoverMode := False
SetTimer, WatchMouse, % (StickMode := !StickMode) ? 0 : "Off"
Loop, % %hKeys%0
Send, % (hKeys = "DeadZone") ? "" : "{" %hKeys%%A_Index% " up}"
TrayTip,, % (StickMode) ? "StickMode On" : "StickMode Off"
If (Display := !Display)
Gui, Show, % "NA x" DeadZoneX - DeadZoneRangeX "y" DeadZoneY - DeadZoneRangeY "w" DeadZoneRangeX * 2 "h" DeadZoneRangeY * 2
Tooltip, Dead Zone, % DeadZoneX-25, % DeadZoneY-25, 1
Tooltip, % Up, % DeadZoneX-25, % 0, 2
Tooltip, % Down, % DeadZoneX-25, % A_ScreenHeight, 3
Tooltip, % Left, % 0, % DeadZoneY-25, 4
Tooltip, % Right, % A_ScreenWidth, % DeadZoneY-25, 5
Tooltip, % UpLeft, % 0, % 0, 6
Tooltip, % UpRight, % A_ScreenWidth, % 0, 7
Tooltip, % DownLeft, % 0, % A_ScreenHeight, 8
Tooltip, % DownRight, % A_ScreenWidth, % A_ScreenHeight, 9
GoSub, RemoveTip
Gui, Cancel
Click, %DeadZoneX%, %DeadZoneY%, 0
MouseGetPos, pX, pY
If StickMode
If ((pX = 0) || (pX = A_ScreenWidth-1))
|| ((pY = 0) || (pY = A_ScreenHeight-1))
GoSub, CenterMouse
Sleep, 150
MouseGetPos, cX, cY
zKeys := MoveZone(pX, pY, cX, cY)
zKeys := GetZone(pX, pY, DeadZoneX, DeadZoneY, DeadZoneRangeX, DeadZoneRangeY)
If (hKeys <> zKeys)
Loop, % %hKeys%0
Send, % (hKeys = "DeadZone") ? "" : "{" %hKeys%%A_Index% " up}"
Loop, % %zKeys%0
Send, % (zKeys = "DeadZone") ? "" : "{" %zKeys%%A_Index% " down}"
hKeys := zKeys
GetZone(X, Y, DX, DY, RX, RY)
If (Y < (DY - RY))
Zone .= "Up"
If (Y > (DY + RY))
Zone .= "Down"
If (X < (DX - RX))
Zone .= "Left"
If (X > (DX + RX))
Zone .= "Right"
return Zone = "" ? "DeadZone" : Zone
MoveZone(pX, pY, cX, cY)
If (cY < pY)
Zone .= "Up"
If (cY > pY)
Zone .= "Down"
If (cX < pX)
Zone .= "Left"
If (cX > pX)
Zone .= "Right"
return Zone = "" ? "DeadZone" : Zone
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