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UWP Storage Solution
10-19-2021, 05:20 AM
Post: #1
UWP Storage Solution
I have very good experience in UWP but with C#
I believe Henrik already done very good job with the PPSSPP UWP version as it's already tested on Windows Phone with build 15254 and provided very good performance.

The only missing thing is files/folders history and I understand it's related to the UWP restrictions but there is some solutions to avoid these restrictions.

I will post the solution as individual functions and I wish I can apply to the project directly but my experience is very limited in C++.

The functions are written in C++ (with my basic knowledge) and tested.

.zip  UWP (Size: 2.56 KB / Downloads: 233)

Below is explanation for the functions in the attached file.

First as we all know in UWP you cannot deal with any file using direct path if the file out of the App Local Folders.

Action: Call picker dialog
You have to ask the user to pick folder/file each time

Microsoft did something called FutureAccessList: used to store folders and files to get them back after the user action.
using this feature you will be able to ask the user for picking only once then retrieve the folder back from the future list.


Another solution is (Add option) to copy the games/game+content to App Local folder (PSP->GAMES)
I also attached my test, but I faced random crashes when the folder contains many files due to my limited understanding to use async tasks in C++.
I believe you can make much better.

If any thing is not clear in the files please let me know I can explain it deeply.

Thanks for Henrik and every contributor worked on this amazing project.
I wish the functions that I shared will help.
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