[General] FirstRun = False RunCount = 53 Enable Logging = True AutoRun = True Browse = False IgnoreBadMemAccess = True CurrentDirectory = ShowDebuggerOnLoad = False CheckForNewVersion = True Language = en_US NumWorkerThreads = 2 EnableAutoLoad = False EnableCheats = False ScreenshotsAsPNG = False StateSlot = 0 RewindFlipFrequency = 0 GridView1 = True GridView2 = True GridView3 = False ReportingHost = default AutoSaveSymbolMap = False TopMost = False WindowX = 168 WindowY = 70 WindowWidth = 975 WindowHeight = 602 PauseOnLostFocus = False DumpDecryptedEboots = False [CPU] Jit = True SeparateCPUThread = False AtomicAudioLocks = False SeparateIOThread = True FastMemoryAccess = True CPUSpeed = 0 [Graphics] ShowFPSCounter = 1 RenderingMode = 0 SoftwareRendering = False HardwareTransform = False SoftwareSkinning = False TextureFiltering = 1 InternalResolution = 0 FrameSkip = 0 AutoFrameSkip = False FrameRate = 0 FrameSkipUnthrottle = False ForceMaxEmulatedFPS = 60 AnisotropyLevel = 4 VertexCache = False TextureBackoffCache = False TextureSecondaryCache = False FullScreen = False PartialStretch = False StretchToDisplay = False SmallDisplay = False ImmersiveMode = False TrueColor = True MipMap = True TexScalingLevel = 1 TexScalingType = 0 TexDeposterize = False VSyncInterval = False DisableStencilTest = False AlwaysDepthWrite = False TimerHack = False AlphaMaskHack = False LowQualitySplineBezier = False PostShader = Off [Sound] Enable = True VolumeBGM = 7 VolumeSFX = 7 LowLatency = False [Control] HapticFeedback = True ShowTouchCross = True ShowTouchCircle = True ShowTouchSquare = True ShowTouchTriangle = True ShowTouchStart = True ShowTouchSelect = True ShowTouchLTrigger = True ShowTouchRTrigger = True ShowAnalogStick = True ShowTouchDpad = True ShowTouchUnthrottle = True ShowTouchPause = False IgnoreWindowsKey = False ShowTouchControls = False DisableDpadDiagonals = False TouchButtonStyle = 1 TouchButtonOpacity = 65 ActionButtonSpacing2 = 1.000000 ActionButtonCenterX = 0.874870 ActionButtonCenterY = 0.779412 ActionButtonScale = 1.150000 DPadX = 0.149114 DPadY = 0.470588 DPadScale = 1.150000 DPadSpacing = 1.000000 StartKeyX = 0.637122 StartKeyY = 0.873162 StartKeyScale = 1.150000 SelectKeyX = 0.499479 SelectKeyY = 0.873162 SelectKeyScale = 1.150000 UnthrottleKeyX = 0.361835 UnthrottleKeyY = 0.873162 UnthrottleKeyScale = 1.150000 LKeyX = 0.083420 LKeyY = 0.084559 LKeyScale = 1.150000 RKeyX = 0.928050 RKeyY = 0.084559 RKeyScale = 1.150000 AnalogStickX = 0.149114 AnalogStickY = 0.830882 AnalogStickScale = 1.150000 [Network] EnableWlan = False [SystemParam] PSPModel = 1 PSPFirmwareVersion = 150 NickName = PPSSPP proAdhocServer = localhost MacAddress = 01:02:03:04:05:06 Language = 1 TimeFormat = 1 DateFormat = 1 TimeZone = 0 DayLightSavings = False ButtonPreference = 1 LockParentalLevel = 0 WlanAdhocChannel = 0 BypassOSKWithKeyboard = False WlanPowerSave = False EncryptSave = True [Debugger] DisasmWindowX = 203 DisasmWindowY = 56 DisasmWindowW = 781 DisasmWindowH = 708 GEWindowX = 203 GEWindowY = 80 GEWindowW = 776 GEWindowH = 694 ConsoleWindowX = -1 ConsoleWindowY = -1 FontWidth = 8 FontHeight = 12 DisplayStatusBar = True ShowBottomTabTitles = True ShowDeveloperMenu = False SkipDeadbeefFilling = False FuncHashMap = False [SpeedHacks] PrescaleUV = False DisableAlphaTest = False [JIT] [Upgrade] UpgradeMessage = UpgradeVersion = 0.9.8 DismissedVersion = [Recent] MaxRecent = 30 FileName0 = D:/Share/PSP/Class of Heroes.iso FileName1 = D:/Share/PSP/Persona 3 Portable.iso FileName2 = D:/Share/PSP/Class of Heroes 2.iso FileName3 = D:/Share/PSP/Monster Kingdom - Jewel Summoner.iso FileName4 = D:/Share/PSP/Phantom Brave - The Hermuda Triangle.iso FileName5 = D:/Share/PSP/Disgaea 2 - Dark Hero Days.iso [PinnedPaths]