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Ppsspp darkstalkers on android
03-20-2019, 08:55 PM (This post was last modified: 03-22-2019 04:05 PM by Dukatti.)
Post: #9
RE: Ppsspp darkstalkers on android
Rekrul, I am sorry, you are making more trouble then good.
Because you are placing people in stress and multiply hate. An instead they could make another awesome things, or enhance existing in their genius way.

And an instead if you love your ideas more - learn "modern programing" and let your ideas come true. Or at least leave a message/guide/workaround to_build/to_use older ppsspp version for Darksstalkers especially for players who will want it, and who will seek. To show your love [care] for a whole ppsspp project. [if you will want to]

[right now it seems more like you enjoy your state of "I know nothing about modern programing" and you like to hate others because you blindly believe that under f*cking pressure "hands" are working better.

[and when you prefer [Unknown] messages over LunaMoo - it might be because of some amount of information that [Unknown] already knows and can create an effect while LunaMoo and many others will learn after time. When I am typing this message I hope it will be you who will learn]

In the existing world there is already too much people with damaged brains from alcohol, smoking and drugs in a state that impossible to fix.

Henrik, [Unknown], LunaMoo, onelight and other major contributors can post whatever they like to. It's their site and their amazing ppsspp program. If it helps to make their amazing magic better - then let here be everything they want to. [because everything they do is safe for a planet and for humanity, and even more - they hardly helping educating people around.]

There is no need to place everything occurring in a head in the forum message. An instead - write\type structured notes [similar to diary. Boosted with the force of class\structure\names\functions\modules object-oriented programming concept\philosophy ]. Then, after time, if you did like your ideas - rewrite. And finally share it [post a message] with the most effective words that you can produce. [For a what? What effect have you tried to achieve? What a world line you've tried to move in? What have you already tried? What else can be applied? Are tries of achieving this effect worth a time? A life? A seconds, dying one after another before a death end?]

Then, learn to_use\to_live_with:
1. Love
2. Gratitude
3. Joy/Gladness
4. Passion
5. Foretaste
6. Hope
7. Satisfaction

With avoiding of:
1. Bore
[on a random occur within thoughts -> ask & answer - do I love what I am doing? What kind of excitement I am missing? How to bring excitement, how to fix this?]

2. Disappointment
[-> Do I want to be sad? Or do I have another way to try?]

3. Anxiety
[-> Is there any thing with the help of what I can make everything better? Do I want to make things causing anxiety better? Or have I already made everything in a wonderful away?]

4. Blame
[-> if you see how to be a better person - be by yourself. Share to make a world better]

5. Anger\to_be_out_of_temper
[-> use it's energy to make wonderful, really helping things faster to eliminate future possibilities of this kind of danger]

6. Revengefulness
[instead of making ugly monster of yourself stronger
save a beauty of a_soul/a_man/a_mind/a_character and use energy of bitter/drama to make more wonderful things that will revert/fix things and will gather everyone in peace]

7. Hate
[an instead make pleasure/satisfaction/be_happy of first 7 positive emotions]

8. Resentment
[instead of dying from feeling it, grow with feeling of first 7 emotions]

9. Guilt
[again, instead of dying from it - fix things. Fix or Born\Develop\Make new. ]

10. Depression
[instead of finding terrible things in the world - focus on to finding amazing and lovely]

11. Fear
[instead of shutting your eyes or escaping - apply a fix, or a temporal fix, or have a way to become stronger, or become stronger then objects of fear]

And then free yourself of words "no", "no-", "not", "don't", "didn't", "but".
If you know what you want - you will find a way to say with another better definitive words. Because it's always like "I don't want to do this!" - an instead - "I want to do *another_name_of_thing* first, then *new_name_of_thing* second, and so on… because of… "

Then free of "need", "owe",
[everyone's happiness, wishes and overall peace is more important]

Then - "truth" and "lie"
[because every fact in the world can be written as positive, as negative and as ignored just to the tastes or the purposes of a watcher. An instead if there is a version that you like more and you see that whole world will become better from it - spread it].
Remember what you want, and at the same time what a world you would like to see for a country, for a society, for a planet, for a whole universe.

Then - free of jokes, of making_dumb_fun_of_yourself_and_of_others.
[Because jokes are built from hate. "*Create_a_clever*. I am clever. *Create_a_dumb*. He is dumb. A reason? *text_of_joke*". Or "*Create_a_dumb*.Old version of myself was dumb. *Create_a_clever*. Now I am clever. A reason? *text_of_joke_2*"]
[same is for creating funny_looking_pictures. Because they are forcing people's minds to laugh about how foolish creatures look. And how clever in comparison they are.]
An instead if a notification of ugliness came to your head - revert it and save to a clear knowledge of better attitude, better man in theory, enhanced world, and whole world rules as well.

And the last one - is from "The life of Guskou Budori" about of living with hands spread wide, with friends all over the planet, with care and every one's hard effort for a peaceful world for others.

It seems like I'm taking away jokes, holy anger and all the heroes.
[But it''s not.] These words are freeing from hate. A person joy and laugh when he see\hear\feel cute things or his beloved ones. When he see finally results on which he was aimed to. When he see new things, learn new things, make what other people will call a magic, or how much he enhanced\changed world, or how much people are grateful. He defends, grows and find a place for what he loves [instead of killing other's]

(03-20-2019 05:18 AM)Rekrul Wrote:  … Do you expect me to start pulling code changes out of thin air? Exactly how much time should I devote to learning C++ from absolute scratch and understanding the source code so that I can begin fixing problems that others have been working on for years in order to prove that I care? …
For an example here you are damaging with the hate and create a fool from a person. Please know - there is a difference between "How to start learning C++?" and "Do you expect me … out of thin air?" . It's always about what you want. Do you want to stay with your current work? Or do you want to work on psp emulation, VM programing, or ppsspp emulator? If you want to stay with your existing work, then how can you help with emulation of your favorite game? How much fast you want to force things? Is a world with forced ppsspp progress better?

As for self-learning [with google, books, articles, etc. information forms] remember to name, to define, to make conclusions with yours definition of every thing [(!) with related predefined purposes]. For an example to become free of repeating "Flash in the dark clouds", humanity named combination of similar words\facts in one title "Lighting Bolt". After naming of that they proceed with classification for 1) usage 2) treating 3) prediction 4) invent_yours_new_purpose_here. With these definitions try your best to lessen words [keep effective words only] as much as possible.

*named_essence_of_a_subject* + *adjectives_differences_of_a_subject_in_a_parent_group*

Lighting bolt:
- an electrostatic discharge
in the nature
between clouds and ground [mostly]

Electrostatic discharge:
- flow [sudden]
of electricity
between two objects [electrically charged]
caused by:
1) Contact
2) Short [electrical]
3) Breakdown [dielectric]

- Matter with electric charge properties
with it's set of physical phenomena associated with the:
1. Presence
2. Motion

And as for Darkstalkers - a game is very much acceptable with ps1, dreamcast, ps2, mame emulators. While using an old Street Fighter engine a game has unique visuals for both of characters and stages designs. IMHO it might be better to force people to seek and learn to use different emulators for different games. [at least to a time of writing this post]. Because with this players would have greater chance to also find Red Earth [War-Zard] which feels a lot like a chapter/spin-off in a Darkstalkers series.
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Ppsspp darkstalkers on android - viprit - 03-11-2019, 07:13 AM
RE: Ppsspp darkstalkers on android - Dukatti - 03-20-2019 08:55 PM

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